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> Travel, part of AO's Multiverse
Asher Omega
post May 16 2008, 7:29 AM
Post #1

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

I've decided to post a sample of writing, since its not finished I'd rate it as PG (movie rating system). its one of my early starts. and I am terribly sorry that the story cuts off abruptly, I got writer's block as to where to take the story after that. and it would be considered a wall of text.


Everyday we see things that we're accustomed to, people, streets, ideas, and ourselves. No one really takes a step away from it all to see new things, giving the excuses, its too expensive, maybe later, or I've already done that. Some people find that this steady life style very comforting. Let’s take a venture away from all that to a place where our common everyday things are uncommon or even rare, sometimes even illegal.

Serenias Ventros was never liked by her neighbors, not even by some of her relatives. She half expected her brothers and sisters to turn her in sooner or later. Her views, ideals, her very sense of self were almost illegal in the government's eye. So as soon as she turned of age, she took a course that would allow the government to turn a blind eye to her, and allow her to leave her life behind. She took a job as an explorer. This would allow her to act normal while the government would keep its distance from her. Her family would no longer be able to coerce her to follow the doctrines and moral rules set by their religion. The only downside to this was being stuck with all the other religious nuts that thought of coercing the places they were going to explore. But his kind far outweighed the fanatics in the exploration business. it took an open mind and an interesting mind set to explore new places. The fanatics would try to convert people, but most of the time they'd come back shocked and scarred, others come back full of triumph. but most return and hand in a notice of retirement.

her first assignment was strange because she was practically forced to get a level 2 security pass for this. Most explorers never got past a level 6. Her first assignment got a clearance for something most templar officials would kill for. So she took as a sign that this was going to kill her or severely scar her forever. Serenias was waiting outside the door of the Explorer's Association Cabinet representative. "Come in Ms. Serenias Ventros? I believe we will have the meeting soon. But first I'd like to get to know you." she knew immediately what the cabinet rep. was talking about. There were three types of explorers, the religious fanatics, which any and all were equally accepted, the Male explorers, which unlike her had different opinions from that of the government. The last one were the true aberrancies. She fell into this last category. 'Getting to know her better' only meant two things to this last group, how can we disqualify them, or what we can do to persuay them to do this so the others don't have to. But for her, this also had a third meaning, one she really wish isn't what the representative is thinking. as she entered, she found the room rather coldly lit by the neotroic lights. "Take a seat at that end if you please." the Rep was pointing at a chair opposite of his. This gave Serenias a small comfort. as she sat down, the rep. pulled out a small folder. "Well Ms. Serenias, it has come to my attention that your first job was one that the government and a few scientific communities would rather have a much more "able" explorer handle, but I felt that it should be given to you. Do you want to know why?" She didn't have the slightest clue. "Because Ms. Serenias, it is my firm belief that this assignment is not for anyone that the government should push, but rather for the small and meek." *oh no, not another sermon* Serenias thought. "I'm sick and tired of sending out the evangelists on exploration missions that return them broken and battered in more ways than one, and even the most senior of explorers I offered turn down this assignment." *wait, did he just say evangelists?* Serenias was starting to feel as if the cabinet rep. was an explorer himself. "Now Ms. Serenias, can ask why you took a job as an explorer?" the rep was waiting for her response. "Well, I thought it might allow me some freedom." the rep shook his head at this. "Well Ms. Serenias, if you wanted freedom, you should have chosen something along the lines of factory worker, but instead you chose a job that literally separates you from the rest of society, and given your current standing with us, including our own society has labeled you an out cast." *”our own society”? This is getting stranger by the minute* "Ms. Serenias, it looks like you have a question." "Yes Mr... Uh Mr..." "Oh dearly sorry, Gercent Durumas, call me Mr Durumas." "Well Mr. Durumas, the way you talk and act, it seems as though you aren't a politician at all. it seems like you're an explorer. Ooops, so sorry, I'm dearly sorry for that statement." "It's alright, and I can fully sympathize with you. Yes I consider myself an explorer; in all actuality I was one before the government offered me this desk job. Now, what’s the real reason for becoming an explorer?" "Well I felt that everyone around me was going to turn me into the government sooner or later, even my parents were starting to get worried. And if I did avoid the government the templars would start hounding everyone around me until I would be turned into the government." Serenias suddenly felt scared, she just told a government official that she had either done something illegal or is still doing something illegal. "No worries, lass, I'm different than most people. What ever you did is now gone." and with that last sentence he took the folder pulled out several sheets of paper and ripped those in two. "Now the only thing left here is a folder containing your basic background, your medical history, and some minor and a few major achievements." she sat there looking at this G man giving her a hand up. Her history all of it was now rent in twain.

Serenias sat there dumbstruck. One government official just made every note of her existence with the exception of a few achievements and medical history void. “Uh, Mr. Durumas is that standard procedure?” his only response was a curt nod. “Now Ms. Ventros, you’ve probably heard several stories of what happens to explorers. About half of them are bunk. Most made up to scare people away from joining. Others are completely true. Have you heard the one story about an explorer coming back twenty years older from when he left?” “Yes, but that shouldn’t be possible.” “Well I hate to break it to you, but that story is completely true. Time dilation is a problem that we’ve encountered but thankfully we found out what causes it. So we now have a system set up where you call in to be brought back.” “Mr. Durumas, is the story about a man coming back saying he came back without his soul true?” “That one is complete and utter BS. Souls as the Templars explain can’t be examined, quantified, or observed. That story is actually a twisted one of an actual account of one explorer returning and there wasn’t anything left of him mentally. So one of the unwritten rules about explorers is keep your head cool and calculating at all times. But that was a sad day when that explorer came back.” “if you don’t mind me asking, who was it?”

Mr. Durumas’ eyes clouded over, like remembering a very fond memory. “He was one of the early Explorers. He was the poster child for this branch of the government. Young, dashing, pretty and with a damn good head on his shoulders. His name was Janus Arkseus. It was a dark day when he returned.” The stillness of the air kept both Serenias and Mr. Durumas silent for a long time. “Ahem. Anyway that’s all classified from public knowledge now” “Wait a minute! If that was classified then why tell me?” “Actually I only told you what I tell all the new recruits. The rest of the story is still classified until you get your Level 2 Clearance. Most successful recruits only get to be Level 7 at most. Now first things first, what do you know about Explorers Ms. Serenias?” “They travel to places that can’t be found on any map, are practically branded traitors by normal society, half of the new people drop out on their first mission, and uh…” “That should be enough. Well you know all the basic stuff. Now let me tell you the stuff that isn’t common knowledge and isn’t printed on the government pamphlets. The recruits that drop out are the evangelists. They can’t handle the fact that the places they travel to have radical and sometimes dangerous ideals that in our society they’d be tried for state crimes. Now, the places you’ll be traveling will be on a map, just not a normal one. You’re going to be going to places we’ve termed ‘Alternates’. And the branded by traitors part sounds much like a personal opinion, Ms. Serenias.” “Sorry but everyone that came from where I lived considered anyone who didn’t pay respects to God and the Templars was practically a traitor. They consider anyone who tried becoming an Explorer up for disownment. And the way I lived I was just about to be turned over to the Rehab center at the Local Templar office.”

After a few more questions by Mr. Durumas, Serenias was let to finish unpacking at her new house. “Oh and one more thing Ms. Serenias, once you’re all settled in give my office a call. If I’m in, I’ll tell you when you can pick up your Level 2 clearance, if I’m not, leave a message. And I’ll be in charge of all your missions due to your clearance. It’ll be a pleasure working with someone who actual thinks for a change.” “Wait a minute; I thought you were just a representative?” “That Ms. Serenias will be come clear as to why I’m your boss. But first you’ve got to finish moving. Believe me.” He shooed her out the door and quietly closed it behind her. She quietly left to her new assigned home, near the facility that would now be her work place. She felt like she could finally get do stuff that would allow her to express her freedom. But first she had to unpack.

Serenias arrived to her new home. She stood at the front door, surprised at the size at the size of the house. It was a two story home. She didn’t even have enough to fill a small studio apartment. She looked at the key. It was the right house. She unlocked the front door and stepped inside. All of her stuff, 7 boxes, three suit cases, double bed, 14” tv, and dresser were in the entry way. A single person was sitting on the dresser reading a small booklet. “Hello Miss, since you weren’t here the rest of the guys left me to help you move your stuff to where you want it.” “And you are?” “Oh I’m sorry Miss; I’m Kenjins, one of the movers.” “Oh, well give me a moment to figure out which room is the master bed room.” “Up the stairs, Strait across, double door way, Can’t miss it.” “Uh if you knew where it was, why wait till I got here to move it?” “Simple ma’am, you might find that your house is a little daunting. So you might have wanted one of the smaller rooms.” “Well I might collect stuff and it sensible to put my bed in the master bedroom so.” “Say no more miss. Interesting read here. And call me Jin. Full name is rather hard to say.” He held up the red book. Rules and Regulations of the Explorer’s Association. “But we need to get stuff set up for a new Explorer. Her home.” And with that Serenias and Jin got to work of moving stuff to where she wanted. The house was partly furnished. But it was still mostly white walls and empty space when they got finished.
Serenias looked around at her new abode with satisfaction. “Well ma’am, need me for anything else?” “Nah, thanks for the help Jin. I do have a question, I thought the Explorers didn’t use outside companies for anything?” “They don’t. I’m part of the Explorer’s Association like you, just a different branch of it. Good Luck out there. We might see each other at the facility.” Jin left with out notice but he did leave the red book behind.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post May 16 2008, 7:53 AM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
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From: India

I liked it, but it is kind of abrupt, both at the beginning and at the end.

Also, is it going to continue as a chapter story? Or are you going to post a little more and then end it, as a short story?

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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Asher Omega
post May 16 2008, 8:03 AM
Post #3

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

as of yet, I have no clue as to where I want to go in the story. and starting point of the story is abrupt for a reason. one which is hinted at through out most of the written parts. as to if I'm going to up date this, I'm not sure yet.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post May 16 2008, 8:13 AM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
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From: India

Okay, I hope to read more soon!

And if you're interested, please check out my fan-fics, Winx Club - Season Four or Miele... I'd love comments on them!

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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Asher Omega
post May 25 2008, 9:35 PM
Post #5

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

Okay, I got some inspiration, sadly I haven't gotten to the part where I want to stop yet, but I'm doing a release just so it doesn't fall of the front page. and yes its another wall of text, its my style. and I'm going to post the Titles at the end because I feel like they're like spoilers.

She read the book through and through. It was the standard rule book that most government jobs give their employees but this one was filled with side notes, comments and some times even full addendums to the rules. The rules looked like a standard procedure for encountering an unknown culture, but others were down right odd. “Encounters with Sentient machines” she mused herself, “how could that occur?” The comment for that rule second was a simple, “be courteous, polite, and show respect.” While the “Encounters with locals” dealt mostly avoidance, the addendum was more along the lines of getting to know them to help with the Explorer to make it easier to finish the mission. Use of sign-language, customs, social structure and approaches to such unknowns were carefully laid out, along with various strategies and records of accounts. And all of the addendums were hand written. The notes pages of the rule book read more like a bibliography than anything else.

As Serenias read more through the rules she kept thinking to herself, *who wrote the comments? And why was this given to me instead of a brand new copy?* a sudden ring jarred her thoughts back to reality. It was the phone, “Yes?” “Ms. Ventros?” “Speaking, who is this?” “Ah good, this is Mr. Durumas, sorry for calling so late, but I’ve now got your Security pass and new rule book ready for you. You can either come and pick them up right now or come in early tomorrow and I’ll brief you on your way to your assignment.” She gave a moment to the thought either choice. “I’ll come in right now, if it’s possible.” “No problem, no problem. I’ll still be in my office by the time you get here. I found out I had more paperwork than I originally thought.” They said they’re good byes. Serenias headed out of her house, noticing the sky was nearing dusk.

Serenias noticed how dead the building was after hours. She felt like she was wandering through one of those abandoned buildings in her home town. She rushed through the empty hallways to avoid the memories of her past life. She slowed once she was near head offices of the Explorer’s Association. When Serenias rounded the corner to Mr. Durumas’ office she heard some very loud proclamations. “YOU’RE SENDING A NEW RECRUIT ON A LEVEL 2 MISSION? This is ludicrous Gercent! Send Rensan on this mission; send this new recruit on one of the research missions.” “Calm down Kreus, I know that this is a reckless move, but I can’t send anymore of the people you push for. Four Explorers died every time we sent them there, and both of your candidates died after retreating. And I can’t send Rensan because he’s already out in the field. On a level 3 mission I might remind you, one that you pushed for him.” The second voice let out a sigh. “I should have remembered that, but one more of my candidates could be the one, like the old saying three times a…” “You said that when you proposed your first candidate. I’m being pressured both by your branch and the Military for their candidates to be used; I went with the path of least resistance. I chose a new recruit because they don’t have any loyalties to anyone except themselves. I’m not taking another one of your proposed candidates, nor am I going to send in a squad like Gen. Vajra wants me to. And the Director agrees with me on this, it’s completely out of my hands Kreus.” Serenias stood there dumbstruck by what was going on.

A sudden noise from Mr. Durumas’ office brought Serenias back to reality. “Well it can’t be helped but I am going to send a complaint to both your director and mine. It hasn’t been pleasant Gercent.” Footsteps and clothes rustling meant this Kreus person was leaving, and Serenias had to move as to not arise suspicion about whether she heard the conversation or not. She started to move slowly back to the corner from where she came. She just made the corner when the ‘Kreus’ came from Mr. Durumas’ office. But the movement didn’t escape Kreus’ awareness. As Serenias rounded the corner as to make it look like she had just gotten there, she ran into the most intimidating figure she had ever seen. He towered over her, like the spires of the old castles. His build was lean musculature, like that of a long distance runner. His face was all sharp angles; hair was swept back, giving the overall appearance of a bird of prey.

“What have we here? A bit early for the cleaning crew to be here.” Serenias found her arm to be held quite strongly by this figure. She didn’t even notice his hand until it was way too late. Being close to him brought more chilling thought to Serenias’ mind. He smelled of incense. Not the cheap, relaxation incense, but the more expensive ceremonial incense that only the Templars used. “Gercent, it seems I’ve caught either a spy or a cleaning lady that just ‘happened’ to be here.” Kreus’ face looked back with distain at her. Mr. Durumas emerged from his office. He looked at me; I looked at him probably with a pleading look. “Kreus, its one of the cleaning ladies. I forgot to mention that I was working late and she probably was going to come in and take the trash. There’s no need for any of this to go any further. Please let her go, you’re scaring the poor lass.” Mr. Durumas was rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Gercent, I’m positive I saw this… this person,” he said it like it wasn’t descriptive enough, “acting peculiar around your office. And we were discussing some rather classified. I think she was…” Kreus was cut off by Mr. Durumas’ stare. “Kreus, I know it’s your duty to be suspect of everything. But this time, leave it to me. Its part of Our jurisdiction, not yours.” Kreus let go of Serenias’ arm, but she knew that it would leave bruising. “Fine then Gercent, but I’ll mention this on the same report about our talk earlier.” With that Kreus left Serenias and Mr. Durumas alone in the hall.

“I’m sorry you had to meet him so soon lass.” Mr. Durumas was leading her into his office. “Take a seat, and I insist on it. Every time I introduce him to a new recruit that doesn’t meet his office’s specifications he scares them witless.” Serenias was now seated in one of the side chairs holding a cup of tea. She didn’t notice until she had raised the cup to her lips. “It’s best if you relax for a bit before I give you your security pass and the rule book. In the mean time I’ll explain who you just met. His name is Kreus Dieso, Templar representative and Head of Internal Investigations. A really scary combination in my opinion, but it works out most of the time. He is one of the more successful Templar Explorers. After several successful missions the Director gave him a position for internal affairs. From there, it wasn’t long until he got where he is today. The Templar rep. position however came when the Templars pushed for someone to represent their interests. We had to assign someone, and Kreus stepped forward. After that day, it’s been an uphill battle between the military’s interests and the Templars’. Some days I wish it was like the old days, where the political battles were fought in the senates, not in the branch offices.” Serenias sat quietly; listening to Mr. Durumas’ grieves of what had happened over the years to the Explorer’s Association.

Jurisdiction Pt. 1

This post has been edited by Asher Omega: May 25 2008, 9:36 PM


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post May 26 2008, 1:13 PM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

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Posts: 3,850
Joined: September 7 2007

Well... first off this is very unusual, although that was probably what you were gunning for. In all honesty, all the unlikely names is a bit confusing, but it's nothing terrible. We have a female protagonist, one that likes to do what she chooses, and that's always good, although a little more background information wouldn't have hurt.

My big worry here, not like it will keep me from reading, is that we know very little about this world of yours. True, people are sent out on expeditions of various kinds to explore unknown areas, and religious ideas seem to be prevalent and in some cases overpowering in this world, but that's about it. We don't know much else, meaning customs/traditions, level of technology, or if there are any supernatural elements..

And as for trying to find inspiration or not, this seems the kind of thing that Indiana Jones could help. Either that, or The Serpent and the Rainbow, although if you're going for that, read the book and don't watch the movie. Seriously.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Jul 22 2008, 3:03 AM
Post #7

Butterflix Fairy

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Posts: 1,093
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From: The Depths

*picks up dusts off* okay I know I haven't updated it in a while but thats because I've been a bit busy with my life, I've written more, but I really haven't found time to post it. sadly I'm still doing some editing work on what I've written so far but I will show something that'll pop up in the next chapter. or at least a semblance of it.


and if I can get to it, Character sketches. hopefully even the next chapter (Pt. 2 and the actual next chapter). as for the inspirations all I can say is Star Gate is one of them.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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Asher Omega
post Aug 12 2008, 3:11 AM
Post #8

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

*Wall of Text warning*

Jurisdiction Pt 2

Serenias sat in contemplation of her current situation. "But that's all in the past now so on to the important stuff, your security pass and rule book." Serenias looked up to Mr. Durumas handing her three items, a navy blue book, a security badge, and an Explorer's license. She took them with a bit of hesitation. "Okay I can now explain, fully, what's going on. We, The Explorers Association, are an outgrowth of an older Government branch, The Relic Discovery and Research Office. As of today, that branch has been shut down, all records burned, and not a single person remembers what its true purpose was, with the exception of us, The Explorers Association." Serenias had heard the term Relic before, but she could not place it. "Remember that part I said about Alternates? Now I can tell you why we call it that. The object that's currently a major part of exploration is what we've decided to call Doppelganger's Door. I'm not going to describe it because, there's nothing to describe it." Serenias looked at the book, instantly recognizing it as the same book she had back at her new home, but this one was a more recent edition. Her security pass was a matte grey card thicker than her Explorer's License. "Don't loose the security pass lass, other wise some serious people are going to start investigation my department. Oh I also have something that"s non standard Explorer's equipment for you, and keep it between you and me." Mr. Durumas pulled from his desk a holstered .38 caliber hand gun. "I am giving you this, in hopes that it'll protect you like it did a friend of mine." Serenias sat there in silence at the "present" that her supervisor had given her, thinking of only one thought, *What had I gotten myself into?*

Serenias didn't remember much of her trip home other than holding her security pass and that handgun. Tomorrow was her first assignment, and it didn't look like she would survive.

The Gunman

Pt. 1

Serenias awoke the next day, got ready for her first assignment. She prepared most of her gear at home, avoiding the handgun. It didn't take her as long as she thought it would. She finally got to the hand gun, and then she noticed some odd things about it. It was rather worn around the grip, like it had been held for long periods of time. It also had two letters engraved on the back of the grip, "J A" Serenias read aloud. Somewhere in the back of her head the two letters sounded very familiar. The model of the gun was an old one. It looked like it was made near the turn of the century, but it couldn't have been. Most fire arms were only allowed to veterans and military personnel. Not even law enforcement could carry hand guns. She could bring herself to attach it to her gear. Serenias was jerked back to reality by the honking of a car horn. She put the gun hastily into her gear bag hopeful that she would never need it.

As she left her house, she saw that there was a car parked in her drive way. "Hey! I'm here for a Ms. Serenias Ventros?" the driver asked. "That would be me." "Good, get in. I'm here to take you to the Gate facility." "Gate facility? But I thought..." "It's not at the same place as the offices miss. See that mountain range northeast? That's where we're going. Name's... OH HEY!" Serenias finally noticed who her driver was. It was Jin from yesterday. "Jin! What are you doing? I thought you were part of the moving crew?" "Actually I am, but my actual job is part of Delivery and Transportation. I deliver and transport anything to anyone. And today I'm transporting you to your first assignment. Did you read that book that I left for ya?" Serenias pulled out the red rule book. "Yea, but I just got a new one, so what should I do with this one?" "First things first, get in the car and I'll tell you what to do with that one." Serenias got in the black car. Jin got the car started and on the way to the Gate facility. "Okay, you want to keep the book I gave you, but if you find a different way that works better for you, write in your new rule book. Everyone, if they survive long enough, finds ways to do their assignments with a little help. Some go solo; others like to work in teams." Serenias thought about it. "But if Explorers sometimes go in teams why don't I hear about those people?" "Rather simple, the ones that make teams are the ones that do the research assignments, the Loners are the ones trying to win fame and fortune. The ones that try to convert the locals in the Alternates usually don't live long enough to get famous." "But I heard..." "Propaganda from the Templars to make sure the sheep don't get any funny ideas. Fat lot it did them, they lost a lot of geniuses over stupid philosophical debates." Serenias sat in the car, thinking of what her current assignment would be like. "Hey Jin, have you ever been an Explorer?" Jin kept his eyes on the road, but Serenias felt that he was in deep thought. "I was, at one time, but I no longer feel the urge to. I'd rather meet the new people, give them a leg up. Oh question to you." "Hmm?" "Would you mind if I gave you a nick name?" Serenias giggled at that. "Sure." "I'm going to call you Nia. Saying your full name is a hassle. So Nia, why'd you want to become an Explorer?" She sat in the car seat, dreading to answer that question. She had to explain it to Mr. Durumas, but she left out several details. With Jin, he might pry to find out more. "Well you don't have to answer if you don't want to Nia. I may be curious, but if you feel really uncomfortable about it, don't answer." "Thanks, it's not something I like people to know about, the fewer the better." "Okay, can I ask what your hometown was like?" "I don't mind that one. It"s a farming community, so everyone knows everybody. Hard to keep a secret in that town. I"ll miss the land, but I won't miss the people." "Ah, religious townsfolk I take it. Kinda a black sheep myself from my home town. Don"t sweat your head about it." "So, what was your hometown like?" "Sadly I grew up in a small business town, so a lot of people kept to themselves." "Then how come you said you were a black sheep?" "Simplistic, I was an activist. And that's all I'm going to say on the matter."

The rest of the trip to the Gate facility was mostly small talk. Serenias learned that Jin was very knowledgeable about political topics and world news. She rarely had heard of other countries and their problems. "So you're saying that this Oedo place is where some of my favorite cartoons came from?" "Yes, albeit very heavily edited to conform to Templar censorship instigated laws." Jin answered very nonchalantly. "Mostly nowadays, anything coming from them is banned for indecency. But since the Explorers has become more international organization, I can get most of it unedited. So what was your favorite cartoon?" "I think it was called Space Warrior. It's been years since I watched it." :Ah! I know which one you're talking about, it's Space Wanderer. Its actual name is The Eyes of Chaos. Wow, to think that you'd actually watched that." "HEY! I was 7 when I watched it. Serph was a great character, just I didn't get why he was wandering." "Well the media company took out the first five episodes, rehashed the rest to make it. If you wouldn't mind I think I might be able to get the original series for you. It might help you understand it better." Serenias thought about it, thinking back to that time. "I might have to..." "Here we are! The gateway to the Gate Facility. I'm sorry about the drive and our conversation but past this point we have to be professional. Give me an answer after your assignment." It was odd. The checkpoint was actually at the foot of the mountain. And a few yards away was an entrance into the mountain. It didn't make any sense as to why the Gate facility was inside the mountain. "Security passes and Identification please?" Serenias nearly jumped at the sound of the guard. She pulled out her License and Security pass. The guard took it and waved the security pass over a small object with an indentation for the pass. "Checks out. Here you go Ms. Ventros." The other guard waved Jin through. "Little bit stressed? You'll get used to it." The car drove strait into the mountain entrance.

After finding the designated parking place in the entrance, Jin led Serenias through corridors, elevators, and shafts to where she was supposed to go. Serenias noticed that most of the guards were from Special Forces of the Military. Most of the soldiers didn't even look twice at her. A few said hello to Jin, but for most of the journey it was silent. "Here we are the Female Changing rooms. This is where I say good bye. I'll tell your supervisor that you're here. Good luck out there, and make sure to use that item you have stuffed in your bag if you're in trouble." Jin left with a second thought after that, leaving Serenias to stand in front of the female locker room. "How did he... no now's not the time to think about it, I need to get ready." Serenias entered the locker room, hoping that there would be someone else to talk to, it was empty. There were locks on a few of the lockers but a vast majority were open for the taking. She began searching for a couple of her favorite numbers. #13 was open, #50 was taken, and sadly to her disappointment there was no #00. She decided on taking #13. "Lucky number 13 don't let me down" she said silently hoping that the luck would rub off on her. She got her gear out ready. "Ms. Ventros, are you ready?" Once again Serenias jumped at the sound. "Umm, I'm a bit occupied." She recognized Mr. Durumas' voice when she heard it. "Ah, don't worry; I'm only using the speaker to talk to you. I forgot to tell you that where you're going for your assignment is a Tropical Climate. I'll leave you in peace." That helped Serenias a bit since she was wondering whether if she should redress or not. She got out the gear that was specified for Tropical climates. Shorts, short-sleeve shirts and anything to carry her gear. She had gotten knee length shorts with extra pockets to carry any thing that might be of interest. Her shirt was nothing more than a white T-shirt. She took a look at her self in one of the many mirrors in the locker room. She didn't like that she was average height, nor the fact that she was modest in other womanly features. "I'll need to tie back my hair." It was a decent shade of auburn, and it was cut a bit higher than her shoulders. She pulled out a small hair band and made a single stub of hair near the back of her head. As she was putting away her normal clothes her hand felt the leather holster for the gun. She really didn't want to bring it, but if two people thought she needed it, then there was a reason behind having. What that reason was, was still a bit vague for her pin down. She pulled out a belt and the holster with the gun. Got the belt through most of her belt loops before adding the holster on it. It sat near her right hand like a reminder of some unknown fate. As she left the locker room, into a small briefing room she finally got a look at who was her super visor. It was Mr. Durumas. "But I thought you..." "Now lass I said I was a desk jockey, not completely out of the Explorers. Ah good you did bring it," nodding towards the firearm at her side. "Now I'm going to give you an Explorer's standard issue vest. You're to wear this to every assignment unless it states other wise. It looked like one of those vests worn by old archeologists in the movies. As Mr. Durumas handed to her, she felt the sudden weight of it. It was heavier than it appeared to be, and the lining was odd. "I'm sorry if it's a bit large, but it's the only size I could get." He winked at her. Serenias understood why he gave her the larger size, to help hide the gun. She put on the vest; the weight while heavy was rather negligible when she wore it. "Alright, instead of the normal spiel that most recruits get I'd rather get this under way. You're going to a Tropical destination; there are a couple of ruins at the drop point. And it's been classified as a potential hazard." "Uh sir, if I may ask a question. How did the other four people before me die? Uh, exactly?" Mr. Durumas sat there for a moment then let out a rather generous laugh. "So you heard that part eh? Well I guess it won't hurt to let a few details go. First person was three feet from the drop point before he just exploded. Second person, got back but there was nothing to save him from the multiple cuts, pretty deep too. Third, dumb idiot refused to wear any protection, dumb move on his part. Was about to finish up before he was shot right at the pick up point, died with in minutes. The final person went in came to the pick up point in a panic, another gun shot. The only thing we got from him was the word Savages. I hate putting a green horn into that kind of place." Serenias thought for a long time, she had no way of backing out but no way of a safe return either. "Sir, just a bit off topic, but why is the gate facility in a mountain?" "Ah I forgot to mention that. That's where we found the Door. An excavation of a recent Relic dig was found here several years ago. One aspiring young lad found a cave system and stumbled upon it. As far as we can tell it is part of the mountain itself. The Door works beyond anything thing we've even theorized about it. Apparently who or what ever made the Relics made that thing as a last testament. Oh that reminds me," Mr. Durumas pulled a small black band from a cabinet behind him, "You'll need one of these. It's the only thing we have that'll get you back here. Never take it off ever. And the only way you can return is by returning to the emergence zone. Your assignment is getting in; find out what kind of place that is, and get the hell back here safely lass. I'd rather not send another letter to parents saying that their child has died."


I decided to cut the chapter up for easier reading and so I can work with my edits. sadly I still can't reveal the second inspiration for the series yet. although I can clear up a few things

the vest is lined with Kevlar, I'm not going to state it in story because Kevlar is a trademark of DuPont. so I'm going to clear that up right now.

also the gun is a Browning 1911 original production. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1911_pistol for the main article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:M1911-M1911A1.JPG the picture on the top is the original. and yes I know the 1911 is stated to be a .45 caliber but it can have a modification to use a round called the .38 super, and I'm stick to that.

also firearms may be a little touchy subject around here (forum wise) but the story will have (hopefully) not a pronounced dependency on fire arms but they will play a role in most of the story.



This post has been edited by Asher Omega: Aug 12 2008, 3:40 AM


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post Aug 12 2008, 7:03 PM
Post #9

Cosmix Fairy

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Yeah. Wall of text indeed. One I attempted to climb many a time, forcing myself to rest during said climb by watching an episode of B't X Neo and then Kotetsushin Jeeg, and reading up on stupidity tropes.

Oh, and trying to find a good Japanese word for "Hellish." That's going to be plaguing me for a while.

Oh well, Minako's duel against Arys Lanborough won't be for a number of months. I've got time.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post Nov 1 2008, 5:11 AM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy

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Posts: 6,619
Joined: October 11 2007
From: Illinois, USA

Intriguing. Though segmented in the beginning and ending of each section, it leaves me waiting impatiently for more. It has become rather hard to find written media lately that have good storylines within the time frame of the modern society - I commend you on that.

Oh, one quick question - how much of this is already written out before you post it here?

Also, if you want any suggestions on overcoming that "Wall of text" issue, you could try starting a new paragraph every time the speaker or the main point changes. Just to throw it out there for you. This is your work, so it is completely up to you.

Anyways, all in all, a good read. You've managed to keep me hooked and I await your next piece!

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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Asher Omega
post Nov 1 2008, 9:02 AM
Post #11

Butterflix Fairy

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Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

The Gunman Pt. 2

Serenias stood in shock of the mentioning of her death. “Now Ms. Ventros, this is going to feel very weird and it’s probably going to shock you a bit, but guessing from your expression that is of little difference.” Durumas slid the band around her left wrist. *Its not going to fit* she thought, but then a large bulb appeared near top of the band. Part of the bulge melted away to reveal a sea green gem before the band tightened around her wrist. She let out a yelp of surprise, thinking that it was going to cut off her wrist. The band now just sat rather snuggly against her wrist. The feeling was rather difficult to describe. It wasn’t warm or cold, nor was there any weight; she could even feel some wind on the patch of skin that the band covered. It was like the band itself wasn’t there, but she could feel it with her hand. “Odd sensation isn’t it? Now we have to get ready for your departure. This band is how you communicate with us. Touch the gem twice to talk to us. Sadly we haven’t found a reply feature so use it if you found what caused the deaths of those that went before you or if you’re in dire trouble. If you can’t find anything touch the gem four times. I bet you were going to ask ‘what happened to one and three?’ as of yet no clue, we’ve done it with no apparent reaction on both sides.” Serenias stood there taking in the words but still reeling from the shock of the band’s action. It was a few minutes before she could muster the courage to speak again. “Wh-what just happened? What is this thing made of? How can I…?” “I can’t answer most of those questions, with the exception of the last one. You remove the band after your mission. It comes off automatically. Now its time for the mission to start, Ms. Ventros. You’ll have to go through that heavy blast door down the hallway. I have to leave to go to the command center.” And with that Mr. Durumas left the briefing room, the pit of Serenias’ stomach dropped from her. *What have I…? No I can’t doubt my decision now. I have to see this through, one way or another.* she strode out of the briefing room with a confident stride, but it did nothing to that weight in her stomach.

The Blast door she met was rather large. Large enough to drive a vehicle into the chamber it connected to. She waited a bit at the door wondering how they opened such a thing. “Miss could you stand behind the yellow line please?” said a voice from a speaker placed near a corner of the aperture. Serenias looked down and saw she was standing a good three feed past the line the man had asked her to stand behind. She back peddled until she was a few feet behind the line. “Thanks miss, didn’t want you to get hurt. Blast door opening in five…” as the guard started to count down the weight she carried got heavier and heavier. “Opening Blast door now.” And with the statement came a hiss of steam and a large thud of some heavy bolt locks opening. The door moved forward right up to the yellow line and halted, and with a slow movement slid to the opposite side of the speaker. “Alright miss, you’re cleared to enter. Good Luck and God speed.” Serenias flinched at the last couple of words. Serenias entered the chamber that lay beyond the imposing door. The first thing she saw was that the on her left was a large metal wall rising at least twenty feet up, possibly more. To her right was what caught her attention. It was rough hewn rock for a couple of yards, and then it ended in pitch black nothingness. The color struck a cord in her mind, and then it hit her. She looked at her left wrist; the band and what ever was at the end of that side of the cavern were made of the same stuff. “Ms. Ventros to your Right you should see the Doppelganger’s Door. Like I said, there’s nothing to describe because there isn’t anything to describe.” The voice this time was definitely Mr. Durumas’. “Now could you step towards the designated spot, please?” She saw the spot on the floor, it was a rather warn, grayed red circle on the ground. Serenias stood on the circle and faced the metal wall, finally noticing a windowed area higher up. “Ah good, we’re still setting the gateway up here and I’m still waiting on a guest to arrive.” Serenias waited, the worry growing with every passing moment. “We’ve got a green light here Command. Awaiting orders for aperture generation.” Stated a voice, but she couldn’t see the speaker. “Begin generation.” Serenias turned to face the void that was the Door. At first glance it was just black nothing, but a color she couldn’t define started near where an archway’s apex would have been. It was like watching the swirling colors of a bubble act like water. The color began to flow downwards flowing over things that were there but she could see them. As the color touched the floor, the color changed to granite forming a rather intimidating archway of gothic design. Around the archway was the black nothingness while inside was faint images of ruins of a city were there. “Aperture established, forming destination point.” The faint image grew more distinct with each second that flew by. And then it wasn’t an image it was there, the ruins of streets, buildings, and vehicles, just beyond that archway. “Destination point established. Explorer, you are ready for entry. Safe passage and return Explorer Ventros.” Serenias turned to salute Mr. Durumas and saw the shocked expression of Mr. Kreus’ instead. And with that all the worry turned to the run instinct and she dashed into the archway.

Serenias stopped after she was sure she passed the archway. She turned around to see if Mr. Kreus had followed her, only to see the desolate street stretching behind her. Serenias then started on her observations of her surroundings. Most of the buildings appeared to have been modern make, but had been in disrepair for at least a couple of decades at the least. Any thing that resembled lettering was really strange, since it looked wholly different that what she was taught. *It might have been a different language.* she thought looking the rather jagged characters. She copied some the characters in her note pad, trying her best to recreate them. She started to wander through the streets, taking note of the vehicles. These where definitely different than the trucks and cars she was used to. Most of the ‘trucks’ used a pair of treads with two wheels near the cab of the vehicle. The rest were three wheeled. A pair in front connected to the engine and a single rear. So far to Serenias’ observations, there was barely any thing that could kill four people. But what could have caused the loss of life which scared here greatly. Then she heard the sound, it was loud, grating, and hard to mistake. It was the sound of treads over pavement.

She ducked into the nearest building. Serenias weaved between the shelves inside the carcass of the building. As soon as she stopped she noticed that the building she had hid inside must have been either a bookshop or a library. But she didn’t dare move until the sound of treads had disappeared. As soon as it was gone she picked a book off the shelf nearest her. It contained more of the strange lettering, but this book seemed promising. She stuck it in a pocket on the left side of her pants, with a little thanks to the belt that kept the pants from falling off with the weight of it. Serenias wished she had brought a bag or a backpack for more books but then something caught the corner of her eye. She turned her head to see a shadow farther in the building dart away from her gaze. Serenias froze on the spot. *I’m not alone, and I’m definitely not safe here.* she decided to go in the opposite direction the shadow had fled but she definitely would not be going out side, the sound of treads was sounding again.

As she wove around the shelves and pillars of the building, she could still feel the shade at her back. But no matter how many times she looked, it was always elusive. So in the long run she decided to ignore its presence until it either did something or it left her alone. As she went through the building she found inconsistencies. Part of that structure showed recent repair while the column next to it was wasting away to nothing. Patches of new concrete and metal shown next to crumbling and rusted rubble. She noted that down as well. “What kind of place would leave rubble and repair only parts?” she whispered. She caught the movement of the shadow from the corner of her eye. It definitely heard her. Whatever it was decided it was time to leave and shirked back into the deeper darkness of the building. Serenias breathed a sigh of relief. She sat down. “I don’t know what’s going on here. I haven’t seen anything that even looks remotely dangerous, but what ever is patrolling on the treads sounds pretty heavy. And that shadow, whatever it was, wasn’t threading me at least not while I was silent. But something is seriously wrong here.”

She explored the rest of the building as best she could before she decided to see if what ever was on the treads outside was away. She didn’t hear anything near the crumbled wall that she had found during her exploration. Serenias cautiously looked around the hole to see if any thing was there. There was another one of those treaded trucks nearby but nothing else. She decided to chance it. After she got over the rubble pile, a glint from an alcove she didn’t see from her initial look around caught her eye. Serenias saw what was roaming the streets, a massive daunting looking robot sitting atop a pair of treads. As soon as it recognized that she had seen it, it sprung to life, shoving one of its oddly shaped hands towards her. She took a step backwards and fell over the rubble she had just climbed over. It was a lucky thing, as the hand was a lot faster than what she had anticipated. She got back up as another hand shot to where one of her legs had been. She turned to see that two more arms had appeared with the first two. Serenias ran as fast as she could.

The robot was as fast as her. The treads were there so it could move on top of the rubble with no hindrance as Serenias tried loosing it over the rubble pile she had just run over. It was at least 18 feet high and it was a lot more agile that what she had thought. She weaved thought the streets dodging left and right but no matter how left or right she went it would be right behind her. The image of the thing didn’t scare her one bit; it was how silent it just did the movements. The only sound that came from it was the treads on the pavement. *okay I have to get away from this thing, but how?* as she looked to see if it was reading another grab for her, Serenias tripped on some upheaval of the pavement. The robot saw the mishap and used it to an advantage. Serenias rolled out of the way, figuring that the robot would try it. But as she started to face the thing another arm shot out and grabbed her by left arm. Serenias trying getting her arm out of its grip but found it rather steadfast it holding her. Serenias finally got a good look at the thing. Its head was nothing more than three cameras clustered together with a protective hood covering the lenses, its chest also had a covering of plates but where the plates didn’t cover was mostly structural work. Its arms were fast because they were nothing more than wires and the various things to make them move. The hands however where shaped because behind them were tools. As she took all of it in, it had started to lift her up. “Here goes nothing.” Serenias tried to kick but another arm caught the ankle as it neared the chest. A third arm took hold of her other leg. The arms that held her legs then straitened her out a bit. *What do I have left against this thing? I only have… I have to use that. It’s my only chance* Serenias’ free arm went for the holster. She got the gun free before the robot’s only free arm could grab her hand. She lifted the gun and fired strait at its chest.

The bullet ricochet off somewhere. The robot’s hand knocked the gun out of her hand, and then caught her wrist in the same movement. *I’m dead and I can’t do anything about it.* and then Serenias feel one of the hands release one over her legs. She looked and saw that the robot’s free hand had gone to pick up the gun. And to her disappointment it put the barrel right up against her forehead. She heard the roar, but it wasn’t from her weapon. No her gun made a sound like *Bam* this was like the large mortar firework at celebrations had gone off just a few feet from her. Two more blast and she saw that the head and the insides of the chest were ruptured from this mysterious weapon. As soon as the second shot rang out the robot’s hand that held her gun let it drop as it went for her throat. Two more shots went through the chest of the robot. The structure fell from the damage that was caused inside and it fell to one side. With the hand on her throat clamped tight. She saw what had caused the five shots that cleaved through the robot. A person clad in faded black rags, its hand holding a revolver of monstrous size. As soon as the hood flicked to her gaze the figure dashed to her side and took out a smaller yet still very large revolver and shot each arm. With each bullet, pressure was relieved in the connecting limb.

As she got the ground under her, she coughed and sputtered to get fresh air in her lungs. Her head rung from the shots, her shins were bloody, and her throat had some parts of it bleeding. The stranger sat on the ruined mechanical thing waiting for her to recover from her ordeal. After a few minutes of ragged breathing, she started to check the rest of herself. *There definitely going to be nice bruises from where it grabbed me. I didn’t bring the med kit. Damn the luck.* Serenias watched the rag garbed figure with apprehension. *why didn’t you help me while I was being chased?* and then it occurred to her. “Are you the one that was following me in the ruined building?” it nodded in response. “You understand what I’m saying, correct?” it once again nodded. “Then why the hell didn’t you help me earlier?” she growled at the stranger. It simply pulled out the monstrous hand gun and pointed to it. And then the stranger’s head snapped to one side as if it heard something. She looked to where it looked and saw a small group of men off a ways running to where she and the stranger were.

When the small group of men had gotten to where Serenias, the stranger, the robot were, they were talking to the stranger. She could understand them alright, but there were a few things off. They used a different terms in some spots. A large man with a bit of a gut strode up to her. “What in living blazes were you crawling around in the hubris for? That utter selenecy there!” the large man then turned to face the stranger. And with out warning backhanded him, revealing the stranger’s face. The stranger was young about Serenias’ own age, tanned, his hair was dark, but his eyes were what caught Serenias’ gaze. They were different colors on brown and the other green. And the green eye wasn’t a normal green either, it was unnaturally bright. “Boy, I thought I told you to go for the one that was on the outskirts! Not for ones that were deeper in!” before the man could take another swipe at him, one of the other men interrupted. “Boss, the whelp here found us some top quality material. And the supply bed for the repair droid is almost fully stocked! The one on the outskirt barely has anything. The kid was doing us a favor. Plus we got something extra as well.” The new person leered at Serenias. She suddenly felt the stares of all the other men there. The large man took a step forward to the new man and belted him one. “You guys find your own, this one is mine!” Serenias felt and found the gun that the robot had dropped. The Large man turned towards Serenias she lifted the gun. She suddenly felt disconnected from herself. *Was I like this? Can I just shoot him in cold blood?* and a darker side of herself told her *Yes, yes you can.* and with that she pulled the trigger and put one right between the eyes of the large man.

When the gunshot rang, all the new comers scattered. Only the body of the large man, the stranger and the wreck of a robot were there. She felt some of the blood fall on her cheek. It was hot; it felt like pellets of molten metal had hit her where the blood was. She lowered the gun, staring at the corpse that lay a few feet away from her. She stared at it, thinking that it would get up again. It sat there like the corpse it was. Then se felt something brush her cheek. Serenias looked to see that the young man had gone to her side and wiped the blood off with his rag cloak. He silently lifted her, taking hold of the gun and putting it in the holster. She was led away from that place, back to the building to where she had found the book. It took her the better part of an hour for her to return to her senses. “I just killed a man in cold blood.” Serenias stated silently *Of course you did, it was his death or your… well you can guess what they were about to do to you.* reasoned that dark voice. “But we could have tried to reason with him.” *No, and you know that. They way he referred to you as property instead of a person. This was the only way.* the dark voice piping up gain. *I don’t know where you came from but get out. Get out and never come back.* *I’ll leave for now, but you’ll call me again, just like the time before this one. Just like when that…* *I SAID GET OUT!* she felt the cold thoughts of that voice fade away. She opened her eyes to be met with the mismatched eyes of the stranger.

He sat there looking at her. He wasn’t close but those eyes were still creepy to Serenias. The stares she was getting from the stranger weren’t dangerous, but one of study. “Y-yes? Was there something you wanted?” she said sheepishly. He just shook his head. Serenias got impatient waiting for something to happen. “Aren’t you going to say any thing about what happened out there?” she jabbed at him. “Not worth talking about it.” The stranger said in a rather monotone voice. Serenias blinked. That was the first thing she heard from him. “So do you at least have a name? I don’t want to continue using ‘You’ when talking to you.” The stranger sat and stared at her for a time. Just as Serenias was about to take back her comment, the stranger said “Serj.” Both of them sat there neither of which attempting to break the silence. After about a couple of hours of just sitting in silence Serj spoke first, “Can you take me from here?” Serenias took a good look at Serj now. He sat there, like he was waiting for something. His eyes were downcast not daring to look at her. “I’m not sure I can.” She said. There wasn’t anything that she had read in either rule book about bring back a native. She wasn’t even sure where ‘Here’ is. “I can bring more than one book with me, if that was what you were after.” Serenias thought about that statement for a long time. “Can you bring me something like encyclopedias? Books about this place?” She glanced at Serj. “I can but for now its getting late and they’ll send a patroller to where that repair droid fell.” And with that Serj departed to the darker shadows of the building.

Serenias sat there in the building looking at the shelving that might have held great works of literature. But now had layer of dust and debris littering their tops. Books that had been crushed beneath treads and ripped to shreds covered the floor. Serenias reached into the pocket that contained the book. It was still there. She skimmed through it. It contained various things with pictures. It felt like she was back in her early school days when she didn’t know a lot of words. About half way though the book she found a picture with a large tank filled with some kind of liquid. The fluid was hugging the side of the tank near where a person in a white coat stood. “Nanonics, what caused all this.” Serenias nearly jumped at the voice. It was Serj, but this time he had a large trunk behind him. “Is that what that fluid is? That nanonics?” “I’ll explain but Riflers were sent instead of patrollers. It isn’t safe.” Serenias stood up. “But what about those guns you used before?” Serj just shook his head. “We don’t have time. Riflers are about to hit this place. I grabbed as many as books I could, but we must leave.” Serj grab Serenias’ arm and started to drag her and the trunk from the building. As they hit the streets she saw what Serj had been calling Riflers. They were about the size of a normal person but one of their arms was replaced with a rather large weapon. Serenias figured that this would be a dire situation and screamed to Serj. “Hold on!” *I hope this works.* Serenias held Serj with her left hand and quickly tapped the band four times.

The Archway appeared between her and the Riflers. “Follow me!” Serenias told Serj but he tried to pull her back. “That’s heading strait for them.” *He can’t see the gate.* “Trust me.” He looked at her and just nodded deftly. Serenias, Serj, and the heavy trunk went through the arch way. As Serenias open her eyes they were back at the facility. She still felt Serj’s arm in her hand and she looked to find the trunk along with them. And when she turned back to the metal wall she was met with several deadly stares from men in armor with a patch of the Templars. Each of them pointing a barrel towards her and Serj.


okay. time for explanations and clarifications!

the "Selenecy" can easily be replaced with Lunacy. the reason behind why I went with Selenecy. selēnē is the greek word for the moon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon#Name_and_etymology

the robot has four arms for a good reason. which I won't explain because we'll be coming back here. just not right now.

the two guns we read Serj use were (in order of appearance) a Smith and Wesson Model 500 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%26W_Model_500 ) and a Taurus .454 Casull ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taurus_Raging_Bull )

the book will be explained at a later date as well.

as for what is in the trunk (and since I didn't specify the thing is on wheels). well next chapter will definitely give you an insight as to Serj's hobby.

now to answer questions.

Nightstorm: I write the chapters then edit them. then look over for any glaring, mack truck sized holes. after patching those up I look for the smaller, yet still important particle sized ones.

I've also tried to break the wall up into smaller chunks. and kinda hit and kinda missed. I'll be working on this as well as another project (the reason this chapter was delayed a month or more).

and yes I know the drawing is crappy.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post Nov 1 2008, 10:10 AM
Post #12

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Senior Member
Posts: 6,619
Joined: October 11 2007
From: Illinois, USA

Hey, its only as crappy as you believe it to be. All artists have different views on the beauty of another's work, and actually I have to say it's definitely better than quite a few pieces I've seen at school...

Anywho, concerning the story. I found it particularly funny that Durumas said the doorway was undescribable, and yet you seemed to describe it in quite a bit of detail. Just something that stuck out to me... To be completely honest, I don't have a problem with the spacing in this one - things weren't too lengthy, nor too vague.

Anways, keep up the good work. I anticipate the continuation.

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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post Nov 1 2008, 4:39 PM
Post #13

Cosmix Fairy

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Posts: 3,850
Joined: September 7 2007

The telescoping arms on the robot reminded me of Getter Robo 3. Fun times.

I enjoy how we're finding out more about this world of yours, which actually reminds me a bit of the Dark Tower series now, with the inclusion of robots and old-style firearms. Not that I'm complaining, though... in fact I'm only like halfway through book 2. The choice in the greek words was also pretty unconventional, and I hope to see other ways in which this world diverges from our own.

And wow... Serenais is the type of person to shoot first rather than fire a warning shot at the ground or something. Remind me not to get on her bad side. ^_^


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Nov 1 2008, 8:42 PM
Post #14

Butterflix Fairy

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Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

Actually, Nightstorm the gateway can only be seen by those wearing the band so it is can't be described. however next chapter might show something else.

and the fire arms (the S&W 500 and the Taurus .454) are pretty recent.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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Asher Omega
post Nov 24 2008, 8:14 AM
Post #15

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths


The Dragon

“Bishop Renthal, Some persons just appeared!” someone said behind the angry men with rifles. “Put those damn things down. Its one of the explorers! And back off, she’s hurt!” the barrels lowered but not by much. The voice that told the men lower the weapons was Mr. Durumas’. “I said lower your weapons, you Idiots!” Mr. Durumas was practically yelling in their ears. “Men, do as he says. I would like to see the returning explorer.” This unknown voice was different; much more cultured, and didn’t sound right to Serenias. The men lowered their weapons and backed away from Serenias and Serj. Mr. Durumas and a very well built man approached Serenias. “Lass, you okay? What happened?” the worry was apparent in Mr. Durumas’ eyes. The other man wore a face of neutrality, but there was a glint of something darker in his eyes. “Bishop Renthal, I suggest you take some precaution before following Mr. Durumas.” The third voice was very chilling to Serenias, since it was none other than Kreus’ own. “I know the Dangers of a returning Explorer, Representative Dieso. If anything does happen, then the Explorer’s Association will have to pay for it, won’t they?” *What’s a Bishop doing here? And Renthal? Where have I heard that name before?* Mr. Kreus appeared behind Mr. Renthal, with the expression of frustration, with rapid succession to utmost distaste. Mr. Kreus was about to say something when Renthal cut him off. “Who is this? She’s barely of age, and hardly cut for working in a position of such importance.” His tone was grating on Serenias’ nerves already. But then Renthal noticed Serj. “Oh I am sorry; I thought this girl was the explorer…” “She is, Bishop Renthal, the young man… I can’t account for.” Kreus interrupted Renthal’s sentence before it got out of hand. “Is this True, Mr. Durumas?” Durumas stood there for a moment before speaking. “I hate to say, but Dieso is correct. The young man was not part of the original mission. But…” “Gercent, you’ve lied to me last night, you told me this woman was a cleaning lady! I won’t allow another piece of false evidence be spoken in my presence. Is this man one of ours or is he an outsider?”

Before Durumas could answer, a large booming voice spoke interrupting and silencing Durumas’ answer. “Bishop Renthal, this is the last time the Templars try to do an inspection with out Our presence.” Renthal’s neutral mask broke for only a second as a corner of his mouth twitched downwards. The people that were part of the Templars parted to reveal a rather stout man about the same height as Serenias. He wore the uniform of a General of the State. A purple scar marred the right side of his balding head. “General Vajra, how nice to see you again. How’s the old battle wound?” Vajra absent mindedly stroked the scar on his head. “It’s not bugging me as much as your unannounced visit here, Bishop Renthal.” Vajra and Renthal stood opposite of each other and no one dared to speak while each was glaring at the other.

While both of them continued, Durumas had finally gotten close to Serenias. “What happened lass? You were gone at least two days.” He said quietly. “I was only gone… for about six hours, Mr. Durumas.” “Ah, so what caused the men’s death?” he asked “I think it was the locals, with the exception of the first explorer. The locals were… they tried…” Serenias could finish that thought with out thinking of what she did. “Shh. don’t worry about, you at least survived. Now who’s the young gent? A native? ‘Cause if he is, there might be a few problems, at least with this political climate.” “He...” Kreus interrupted their conversation “Yes, I’d like to know as well Ms. Ventros. Please enlighten us both as to who the young man is.” With out warning Vajra’s booming voice echoed in the room. “Dieso, you fool. He’s one of my spec ops. I guess I forgot to mention it to you before this fine explorer’s mission. You know how I like keeping you on your toes.” “I remember, Sir.” Kreus was gritting his teeth in frustration at having lost his chance at getting a direct answer from Serenias.

Serenias and Serj were sitting in the briefing room down the hall from the Gate room. The large trunk, to at least Serenias’ thoughts contained several books, was also sitting in the room with them. After a few comments between Vajra, Durumas, Kreus, and Renthal, Durumas told Serenias and Serj to wait in briefing room while Vajra had to let Kreus confirm that Serj was part of the military. “This is possibly the worst day to happen in my life so far.” Serenias saying it to the room. “This wasn’t cause by any of your actions.” Serj stated silently. “Yes, but once Kreus learns of you not being part of the military is going to bring in question of who you are again.” Serj sat without expression. Serenias looked around the room, eyes finally resting on a clock. It was late afternoon. *And two days from when I left* she thought sourly. “Where are we?” Serj’s voice roused Serenias from her depression. “We’re in the country of Kestren, inside a mountain.” Serenias replied. “And what’s your name?” this question unsettled Serenias. *I thought I had introduced myself.* “My name is Serenias. I’m sorry if I forgot to introduce myself.” Serj stayed silent after she had answered her question.

Serenias and Serj sat in the briefing room for several more minutes before the doorway swung open. “I’m sorry for not noticing the memo, General.” Kreus said through clenched teeth. Durumas and Vajra entered the room, but Kreus stood outside. “It’s alright, Dieso. I know you’re busy and you probably glanced over it while something else was occupying your mind.” Vajra replied with a hint of mirth. “You’ll have to excuse me; I have to attend to other matters, General, Gercent.” Nodding to each of them as he left. As the door closed both Vajra and Durumas let out sighs. Vajra found a seat near one end of the table before falling into the seat. “I don’t know how you keep doing stuff like that Jeruis.” Durumas said as he seated himself. “You learn to have several back up plans in place. This one however took a lot of favors. And it’s not going to sit well with Dieso or Renthal. Knowing Renthal, he also has a back up plan to at least counter act mine. So Ms. Serenias, who’s the Newman?” Vajra asked Serenias rather quickly, losing the pleasant expression he had earlier. “N-newman sir? I don’t…” “What Vajra is asking is who is this person, and don’t try and hide any facts.” Durumas interjected. “His name is Serj.” Vajra and Durumas sat through the recounting of what happened in the mission. After Serenias had finished, Vajra sat in thought, while Durumas held an expression of relief. “Well this isn’t unprecedented Jeruis. Just bad timing. So did you find out at least what caused some of the deaths?” Durumas sat awaiting the answer. “I think it was the locals, but I’m still not sure.” Serenias sat awaiting an answer from either of them. “Gercent from what I gather, that Alternate is a bit hazardous, and even I wouldn’t want to send in a platoon. I’d have to say put on lock down. I am a bit puzzled though, as to what sits in that trunk.”

Vajra lifted himself up from his seat and went over to the trunk, beckoning the rest to join him. “I find it a bit hard to swallow that this thing is filled with just books. It took at least five men to move it here. Serj, was it? Could you open this for me?” Serj bent over the trunk and opened it. Lying inside was a mass of disheveled books. “Looks like just books to me.” Serenias saying it to no one in particular. “Ah, but that’s the thing, there should be a lot more in here. Now Ms. Serenias would you be so kind to help this old soldier move the books out of this trunk?” Serenias started to unload the books. After several had begun to make stacks, she noticed that there was something definitely wrong with the trunk. “It’s a false bottom Miss. Now, Serj show us what’s really inside this trunk.” Vajra politely gestured to the bottom of the trunk. Serj stood there with an expressionless face. “Son, I’ve done you a favor, now do one for me.” Vajra’s voice became very stern. Serj stood for a second before pulling a small cord that was hidden within the wood grain to reveal several fire arms and a large multibarreled one. “That’s what I thought. Would you mind if took a look through your collection of arms here?” Vajra asked very politely. “As you wish.” Serj stated very indignantly. Vajra lifted out several rifles and small arms before taking a look that the multibarreled monstrosity. Vajra turned around and looked and gave Serj a stern look. Serj shifted his feet, but Vajra let out a large laugh and slapped his hand against Serj’s back. “I’m liking you more and more boy. This is one plan that definitely has a great silver lining.”

Vajra explained what happened after Serenias and Serj had been sent to the briefing room. “So you’re now part of the Military Special Operations for this facility, Sergeant Newman.” Vajra stated. “Wait, what’s with calling Serj, Newman?” Serenias interjected. Durumas was the first to answer. “Newman is what we call any individual who comes back with an Explorer. They’re not common but it isn’t rare. So far though it’s happened about thirty four times. Serj here will be number thirty five. Since Serj either didn’t specify his last name or doesn’t have one, it’s officially newman starting today.” “So where are the rest of these Newmans?” Serj asked as he started to organize the trunk while the conversation was being held. “To date, twelve of them have died, either of natural causes or unnatural. The rest I can’t say because I signed a disclosure form about who they are. As you will. If one of them wants you to know that they are a Newman they’ll tell you. But past that, it’s classified and we can’t tell you.”

Serenias hand wrote her report under the supervision of Durumas while Vajra drilled Serj in military drills and command structure. It had gotten late in the evening before everything was through. “Well lass I think this will be sufficient. Serj will stay here until we finish up the paper work for him.” As Serenias rose out of her seat a conference phone began to ring. “Gercent here.” Serenias waited through the conversation. After Durumas hung up, he let out a saddening sigh. “Well Jeruis, the bishop made his move.” Vajra looked up from where he and Serj had taken over the conference table. “He convinced the Director that Serenias’ mission here to be ‘tainted’ by military interference so she has to do another mission. And some how our mutual nuisance got a departure time and location to happen in the next fifteen minutes.” Vajra let loose a few rude phrases. “So why not let her go with Serj here?” “Can’t, she has to do the next mission alone.” Another string of rude nuances came from Vajra. “So what’s the location?” “Can’t say. I was only told to get her ready for it.” Vajra sat there mulling over the information. “So who’s arbiter for this?” Vajra asked solemnly. “Kreus, even though Renthal wanted to oversee this himself. The Director said he could only involve those that were actually part of the Association. Hoel said he already did your favor for the next few months so he can’t do anything against this one.” Before Vajra could question any further a knocking came from the Gate entrance hallway.

“We’re here for the Explorer, Gercent.” The voice was Kreus’. Durumas opened the door. Kreus walked in with a sour face. “Gercent you’re to report to Command, I’ll escort the Explorer. General Vajra, Sergeant, I wish you a pleasant evening.” And with that said Kreus and his vice like grip lead Serenias out into the Gate hallway. The two of them stopped half way to the large blast door. Kreus turned to face Serenias. “Ms. Ventros, I do not like you, but I don’t despise you. How this happened was partly your own fault but the rest was out of your hands. Your Assignment for this mission is to classify what kind of place you’ll be visiting. Climate, botanical, native society, and most of all you have to do this by the book! Gercent won’t becoming to save you, nor will that Newman that Vajra saved. You have to do this mission alone; do you understand me Ms. Ventros?” Kreus’ voice was a flat monotone the entire time he spoke. “Yes s-sir.” Serenias answered weakly. “Good. You know the way to the Door; I have to over see the rest of the procedure at Command. Don’t die.” Kreus departed before Serenias could question why he said the last thing. Serenias waited behind the yellow line before the blast door. This time the door opened silently without any soldier to tell her safe travels. She walked to the designated spot and turned to the windowed Command. She saw Durumas and Kreus as she expected but she also saw Vajra with Serj and unexpectedly Renthal. The procedure this time was not voiced over the intercom. Serenias saluted command and turned to face the black nothingness behind her.

This time the darkness started to build upon itself like small bricks and invisible miniature workmen. It resolved itself into simple stone megalith. No ornamental carvings or any other shaped features. Serenias turned and saluted again, and noticed what was wrong with Renthal. His face was a mask that hid his true emotions. She saw through the mask for the briefest of moments. His face held pure malice and loathing contorted with merriment. Serenias turned and walked through the stone megalith.

Serenias noticed that the climate was much cooler than she expected. She was in a forest of a sort. The trees had needles instead of leaves. The Sun was also sinking below the horizon. “I have to find some place soon; I can work out how to do the assignment later.” Serenias wandered though the forest, occasionally catching something moving from the corner of her eye or hearing rustling of the under growth nearby. After several minutes of wandering Serenias found the edge of the forest. She was met with the sight of rolling verdant hills, “and this gets me nowhere.” Serenias glanced around and saw that to her right was the base of a few crags and the start of a large mountain range.

“At least I can find shelter, even if it is just a patch of dirt behind a rock or something.” Serenias headed towards the crags that she saw. As she walked, Serenias began to notice how tired she was. “Well I better get there fast; I don’t know what lives around here.” She remembered reading about getting stuck in the wilderness once. Serenias stayed just inside the edge of the forest. *I don’t want anyone or thing to see me just yet. This place, where ever it is, could be as dangerous as the last one.* She did pop out once in a while to see how far she had gotten to the crags, but they were mostly at the same distance when she first saw them. *They don’t look to be moving any closer. And the sun’s already below the horizon. But I still have enough light to get there.* Serenias kept going.

It was night time before she came to the beginning of the crags. Serenias was breathing heavily from the distance she had covered. *These rocks are a lot larger than I thought. But now I can… find… so…me …shel… ter.* the cold climate and her tired state left her barely able to move. Serenias stumbled forward near a maw of a cave that she had spotted a few hours ago. Her conscious left her as she stared into the cave.

Serenias slowly awoke to an odd feeling. She felt rather warm and the ground was rather springy. *Wait ground isn’t springy!* Serenias opened one eye and looked about as much as she could. No one was around. She sat up and found that she was laying on a mattress of a kind with a comforter laid on her. To her surprise she was still fully clothed. Her neck felt a bit constricted. She raised a hand and found a couple of bandages on where the robot had pinched her skin. She checked and found more bandages on her from her earlier struggle with that thing. She was inside of a cave, and there was a light on the ceiling. It was an oil lamp made of cast iron hanging on a hook set into the roof of the cave. The floor was swept clean any dirt and was oddly level with the ground outside. Near the entrance was a pile of a yellow glittering metal with a person laying spread eagle on top.

Serenias snuck closer to see what this person was laying on and to see just what ‘he’ looked like. The pile of metal was definitely aurum. She was more interested in the person laying on it. The person definitely was a guy, a tall and lean build. She didn’t want to disturb him, because he was actually sleeping on it. His clothing was cream colored with accents of red and silverish threading on the edges. *Kinda reminds me of the old stories of the Sultana and his 1,000 night stories. But he’s missing the poofy hat though.* his hair was shock white, combed strait back. Serenias couldn’t tell anything more because the pile’s curvature. Something stood out from this person, something that just didn’t seem right. Serenias noticed a sizable hole on the stranger’s clothes right on the chest. But bare skin was all that was underneath that empty patch. A sudden noise caught Serenias off guard and made her jump.

The sound was very odd because it was a beeping sound. *Sounds like my microwave at home.* but there was a bit of dissonance between the sound and her surroundings. Serenias went back to where the mattress lay, and took a look at it. It was made with a feather stuffing matching the comforter that now lay atop the mattress. The back of the cave was in complete gloom, but that was where the sound was coming from. Serenias looked back at the stranger, who was still asleep. Serenias crept over to where she thought the sound was coming from. As her eyes adjusted to the gloom she found tables lining the walls of the cave all leading to what ever was beeping. From the gloom Serenias noticed a small reddish glow. The glow and the sound were connected the red glow would flare every time the beep was made. As Serenias neared the glow, whisper of wind made her turn around. She was met with a trio of deep glowing crimson orbs. Serenias fainted at the sight.

Serenias awoke to the feel of the mattress again. Before she could open her eye to check around a voice spoke. “I know you’re awake Miss. I’m not going to hurt you, given that I also tended to your wounds.” The voice was very light, clear, and sounded like if a harp was given words. The voice’s words were precise and enunciated correctly, and yet to Serenias’ ears they sounded wrong. “Miss, I know you’re awake. I can sense your… oh what’s the word? Argh, I have such a hard time with this.” A giggle escaped Serenias’ mouth. She decided it was time to see who was speaking to her. She saw the person who was lying on the aurum pile earlier now sitting near the entrance of the cave facing away from her. Serenias now noticed that his hair had two locks that were more prominent and the ends curved up, like horns. “Ah, such a nice feeling. Well, I’m waiting for someone so could you please stay out of sight for a bit?” the stranger said before mumbling about some one named George and tardiness. The stranger didn’t have to wait long. A guttural shout rang out from outside the cave entrance, and the stranger answered in the same tongue, but still with that odd musical tone.

After an odd conversation that Serenias couldn’t understand, and the stranger taking some of the aurum ore, and more shouting for dramatic effect the person that the stranger had waited for departed. “Ah, now to you, my dear. You’re a very interesting person, you’re definitely not of this place, given that your clothes are artificially made, manufactured, and you have a chemical powered projectile weapon hidden underneath that vest of yours.” Serenias froze as the stranger strode back from the entrance to the end of the cave. “No need to be afraid Miss, after all I did tend to your wounds. I’m just very fascinated by you. You have a very unique quality, definite something of worth.” With each word the stranger said Serenias got more and more afraid of what this person would do. “Please Miss; I have no intention of doing that to you. No, I’d rather find out where you come from since you validate some of my theories on alternate universes. Almost every single one. Plus that is just disgusting and disturbing.” The stranger returned with a chair and turned to her. Serenias got a good look at the stranger’s eyes and was now more scared for her life. They had a cross shaped pupil with four other ‘pupils’ where the lines of the cross didn’t cover. And they were a deep crimson.

Serenias sat across from the Stranger for a long moment. “Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself, Dyu. I keep forgetting customs and some such. It’s really a hassle, having to…” the stranger trailed off while getting out of his seat. Serenias got up to see where her rescuer was going. “Wait up; I’ve got a couple of questions. Why were your sleeping on a pile of Aurum? What do you mean by ‘alternate universes’? And what is…” “Ah ah! That’s more than two now. I can answer them if you do me a favor, I’d like to see where you come from. Don’t worry I don’t eat, most of the stuff here is only for appearances with the exception of my laboratory.” Serenias was caught off guard by his demeanor. His mannerisms and speech, while still very disturbing, weren’t threatening in any fashion. He actually reminded Serenias of a child at play. “Well I do need a pair of hands to pack up my lab.” Dyu calmly stated. “I never said I’d take you with me. I don’t know where you got that idea, but I’m not going to do it.” Serenias was getting a little angry at Dyu’s forceful opinion. “Oh, but you will, because you have the Black God talking to you. He’s very persuasive, you’ll listen and in turn you’ll take me to where you came from. But for now help with packing it shouldn’t be too straining.”

Serenias accompanied Dyu to the back of the cave to where the red glow and beeping noise were before and found a dull mat grey door. Serenias noted that it was flush with the wall and at the same time stood out like a sore thumb. Dyu stood in front of it and made strange symbols where a simple doorknob would be. After a few seconds of waiting the door slid into the wall. Serenias peered inside and was astounded at what she saw. The room that lay beyond was built like a chemist lab mixed in with a few more realistic looking science fiction sets. “Come in, come in. there’s nothing really here to worry about. Well, not right now.” Dyu chimed, being rather perky. Serenias stepped inside and found the room to be rather expansive. “Just press any red button you find twice. It doesn’t matter what’s going on, just press it twice.” Serenias wandered over to a mass of tubes, beakers, and strange boiling liquids. Near the end of the table that the apparatus was sitting was a small red button. She pressed it once and in a burst of intense light, Serenias was blinded. What followed was a various light show of intensity and various hues. “Oh I forgot I had the warning system on.” With a wave of Dyu’s hand the lights and flashes were gone. After Serenias got her sight back to a passable normal she pressed the red button a second time. The beakers melted before her eyes, the liquid vanished, and the tubes shrank to nothingness.

Every time after, Serenias was surprised at how the equipment just seemed to fade into obscurity. After several minutes of button pressing, Dyu’s voice rang out. “Okay, you’re finished, now I have to do something to take this with me. Out, out!” Unceremoniously, Serenias was shoved out of the door way. After a few moments Dyu came out and started making the strange symbols on the entire door. After it was covered in them, the door started to fold onto itself making it thicker and smaller. When it was finished it was about the size of a puzzle cube. Where the door stood, was nothing more than bare rock wall. When Serenias looked back the small box had disappeared from Dyu’s hands. “So when’s the departure time? There really isn’t much else here for me to take.” Dyu wasn’t giving up on following Serenias.

“I’d still like some answers. Like why were you on that pile of Aurum?” Serenias asked as she sat on the mattress. “Aurum? Oh you mean the 79th metal? Apparently the locals believe me to be some monstrous reptilian that sleeps on it. Personally I like the mattress better, but I had to keep appearances while living here. They’re barely working towards furthering their environmental standards. They’ve got the metallurgy, they’ve got a good stock of geological resources, and yet they’re still wallowing in filth and decay. You however are different. You’ve got the buzz of magnetic conversion around you, and such a sweet feeling it is. Almost calming in a sense.” Serenias was a bit skeptical about how Dyu knew this. “Also I know that I can also improve things from where you come from; it isn’t a one way trade. I bet your people still use magnetic tape for recording, such inefficiencies. Molecular encoding is much more reliable and it’s hard to lose. But I bet the next step would probably be using light. One step at a time, other wise that might arise and it’s really had to quell when it gets momentum.” Dyu started to mumble about molecular decay weaponry and it went over Serenias’ head. *But if Dyu is willing to bring what ever he knew, what ever that was, it wasn’t that bad of a ‘trade’ has he put it.*

Serenias sat there thinking about the differences that this person could make. Dyu sat mumbling about various things that Serenias couldn’t understand. Both of them sat in silence contemplating things. Serenias realized that more good could come from if Dyu came with her. “Alright, I’m taking you back with me.” “… And when compressed they form a super particle! Um, I mean what?” Serenias stared at Dyu for a bit. *trying to comprehend what he’s thinking is like trying to catch lighting in a jar. It can be done, just by very certain people. I’m not one of them.* Serenias shook her head. “I said I’m taking you back with me.” “Oh good, I bet it has to deal with that quantum band on your wrist doesn’t it?” Dyu was very close to Serenias before she noticed. His hands held her arm with a very delicate touch, and it made her skin crawl away from it. His fingers traced the band with various movements. “Oh so that’s what this is. Very intricate, definitely not of the same level. And its well made.” After he looked at the band, Dyu stepped away. “Sorry I keep forgetting customs and such.” Serenias calmed down after Dyu had given her a bit of room. Serenias tapped the orb twice, “Mr. Durumas I’ll be returning soon.” Dyu stood patiently by her side. “So how soon? Do we need to go a certain place?” Dyu was starting to get impatient. “Give it a few moments. And aren’t you taking any thing else?” Dyu drooped his head in thought for the briefest of moments. “Nope! Nothing else is really needed.” *I don’t know if I can do it inside the cave so I’ll try it outside* Serenias thought. “Let’s get out of the cave then.” Serenias led Dyu out side, before she tapped the orb four times. She waited for the door to appear. Nothing happened. “Miss I think it best if you look behind you.” Dyu said calmly. Serenias looked to see Dyu standing near the cave entrance, which now resembled the Stone Monolith she saw back at the gate facility.

After Serenias led Dyu through the door way, she was greeted by four individuals. Durumas and Kreus were present and both were showing signs of distaste. Renthal was there as well and his face was neutral. The fourth person Serenias didn’t know, he was old, bald, and looked rather frail. The newcomer’s face was too wrinkled to tell what kind of expression he held. The first words spoken were from Renthal. “Kreus, I was there when she left, General Vajra showed us that no one was away on mission to that place, so why did she return with a person?” while his face didn’t show emotion, his voice certainly did. “Sir, this isn’t your concern…” Kreus started. “OH but it is my concern! This person is probably easily influenced. She is a dangerous influence to our society and our God. She must be eliminated before this contamination spreads.” Before Renthal could call his guards Dyu was standing very close to him. “I see what kind of person you are. You listen too closely to the Black God, his words are too influencing in your life, and you need to listen to the White God more. Your thoughts are mine.” Renthal took a step back, but Dyu kept up. “You’re about to call in reinforcements, and in turn use force to gain this facility. Try it, no even better summon them! Oh you’re in shock, well then I’ll do It.” and without warning Dyu’s voice resounded in the Gate room, but not with his own voice but with Renthal’s. “Guards! Come to my aid!” The look on Renthal’s face turned to abject horror and Dyu’s was one of glee.

Several Templar Guards rushed in with rifles at ready only to stop midway. Dyu’s presence dominated the room. Renthal recovered his voice, “You Fools, get the specimen that Rensan brought back. We’ll execute the plan here.” Dyu didn’t say anything in response to Renthal’s current action. Durumas and Kreus were standing in shock to the words Renthal had spoken, while the fourth person was no where to be seen. A few of the guards left the room. It wasn’t long before the came in with several ropes around a large creature. Its head was elongated, with two horns. A small blunt one on the tip of the snout, with a longer more slender one jutting from the forehead. Its body was covered in bony plates, over lapping in places that would have been weak spots. Its eyes were forward set, the irises were golden colored and slit like a cat’s. It let out a loud guttural screech. Dyu looked at it with a bit of surprise, but one like if he had just opened a present on his birthday. People started to back away as the creature started to charge Dyu. Dyu said something, and then the room got really hectic. Something longer than a car, taller than three stories, and very fast sped at the creature. It slammed into the creature, and then something snapped shut on it. It was then what had happened. It was a head, a rather large maw, connected with segmented armor to Dyu’s left arm. The jaw took most of it; rows upon rows of dagger shape teeth lined it. And then it turned to reveal four red orbs on the tips of the maw. Two on top and two below, the head was symmetrical where the jaw opened. The head retreated to loom over Dyu. Dyu then proclaimed to the room, “My name is Fafner Vyern Linnormr Dyuelgus, of the Tiamat Caste.” Dyu’s expression held a face of calm tranquility with a small smile. It scared Serenias the most.

“What have I brought home?” Serenias whispered to no one.


And that's *falls to the floor in a pile of twitchy nerves.*

*after a can of caffeinated soda* alright this chapter is rather lengthy. I apologize but I had to keep it this long. well we get introduced to three new characters. but enought of that on to the explanations. sadly some of which will get explained next chapter so I'll only do partial on some of them.

Vajra I actually took from Sanskrit. it means Lighting and Diamond at the same time but i found a hidden thing for his name as well. just read the wiki page on it. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vajra )

Hoel (who has yet to appear) got his name from both real life and Arthurian Legend. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoel )

Megalith - I was tring to evoke the arches that surround Stone Henge with out actually saying "Stone Henge". and Megaliths are stone structures that can form arches. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalith )

Dyu's names (at least the three preceding {I'll explain those in the next chapter}) Are all names of either a type of Dragon or an actual Dragon's name. Admitedly I changed the spelling of one to mix things up. (Vyern from Wyvern)


and for those that don't know what Aurum is, there's a second clue. 79. if you can't find it, many chemistry teachers will be really sad.

I will explain anything as long as its not going to be explained in the next chapter (like the Black God and White God that Dyu mentioned).



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post Nov 24 2008, 3:31 PM
Post #16

Cosmix Fairy

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Nice trick with the link attached to the period. Too bad it's underlined.

Anyways, yes, this was a lot to take in. But I got the general idea of it, which is very good. And Mr. Fafnir's no doubt going to be doing many a creepy thing in future chapters... which I hope will be coming up soon, perhaps?


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Nov 24 2008, 8:20 PM
Post #17

Butterflix Fairy

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Damn. anyways this reminded me that I snuck in something in. it pertains to one of my favorite animes. just try and find it.

and yes Dyu will do many a strange thing in coming chapters.


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Asher Omega
post Jan 3 2009, 11:14 PM
Post #18

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

Three Days Hence

It has been three days since Serenias came back with Dyu. After the ‘skirmish’ that Dyu caused, she’s been under house arrest. After it happened, Serenias and Serj were taken away to her house by Jin. It was then that Serenias found out that Serj would be staying with her. Jin explained that a few arrangements were made so that Serj would be an informal body guard. That and Jin made various comments that made Serenias blush. “Other than that, he really can’t stay at the local barracks, so when we gave him the choice, he just said that he’d rather stay with you.” Serenias spent the night wondering what would happen to her, Serj, and possibly Dyu. The next day Jin arrived with a simple bed for Serj and as Jin called it “an experience of a lifetime”. What it turned out to be was a new video game system. “Yep, top of the line, a 32-bit system with a couple of the new games available for it.” Serenias looked at Jin very skeptically. “Okay here’s the other news I didn’t tell you last night, you’re under house arrest until further notice. So I brought over something to tide things over until they have reached a conclusion. Believe me having something to do is better than nothing.” After Jin set it up he left to do some other business. Serenias tried to play one game and gave up after the fifth death on the first level. Serenias decided to read the manual before trying again, “oh wait here’s the back story… ocean of blackness? What were they thinking naming it that? Oh wait there’s combos? Oh jeez, this is getting complicated.” While Serenias was reading Serj picked up the controller and plowed through the first level with ease. After he defeated the boss did Serenias look up. She watched in silent awe at how Serj just when though level after level barely avoiding getting hit or barely surviving the levels. After he had beaten the seventh boss did he stop playing. “I need some paper and something to write with.” Serenias scrounged up a piece of scrap paper and a pen. Serj wrote down the jumble of letters and numbers that were left on the screen, and then promptly turned off the system. Serenias watched as Serj found another game and started to play it once again with his unnatural co-ordination.

Serj repeated this several times, stopping after getting well into each game. Serenias watched in silence when Serj finally met a game he couldn’t play. He silently handed Serenias the controller, while he reset the system. She decided to read the manual before she tried the game. “Magus Academy? Some how this seems really over used, but hey, it’s worth a shot.” The game played more slowly and was a bit text heavy but she got to the same area Serj got stuck. It was a block puzzle, and Serenias saw the solution at once. The more Serenias played the game, the more interesting it got. But after playing most of the afternoon away she decided to at least do something else. As Serenias got up Serj resumed his game playing. The rest of that day was uneventful. Serj had nearly completed at least two games. The day after was mostly just sitting there organizing some of the notes and reports that Serenias had to write for the previous mission. Serj had spent some of the early morning doing something outside of the house before returning to his rather weird obsession with the gaming system.

Serenias was lying on her bed, with a book that she had just unpacked getting ready to read when the doorbell rang. Serj was still doing what ever he did in the early morning. Serenias was greeted by Jin. “Morning Nia, I hope the games were okay.” Serenias gave him the same skeptical look. “I found one game enjoyable, the others however I couldn’t play for the life of me.” “Ah well, anyway I’m here to pick you and Sergeant Newman up. So where is Serj?” Jin stood in the door way, awaiting an answer. “I honestly don’t know where he is. He just disappears in the morning to return some time before midday.” Jin nodded for a bit, and then excused himself. Serenias watched him pull a radio from his car and talked to someone. “Okay, He’s already there. I forgot he’s got to go through the military training, Come on; we’ve got a briefing and someone to talk to. Bring your report too; I’m pretty sure the bosses would like to see how everything led up to that incident.” Serenias got most of the paper work she had and joined Jin in the car. Most of the ride to the facility was in silence; even at the gate the mood was a bit sullen and subdued. Jin actually accompanied Serenias to the briefing room this time. Mr. Durumas was sitting there along with Serj and General Vajra. “Ah and here’s the Miss that caused all this.” The speaker was Vajra. Serenias sat down in the nearest chair and set the reports out in front of her. “Well, I have some other deliveries to attend to.” And with that statement Jin left her to this somber room.

“Well Lass, what happened three days ago, technically wasn’t your fault.” Durumas was the speaker this time; Serenias perked up at the comment. “Sadly that doesn’t excuse the damage caused to the facility that was incurred during the incident. And then there’s Him.” Both Vajra and Durumas seemed to shudder at the mention of Dyu it seemed. “Anyway, Dyu will be staying at the facility, as per his request. How ever Ms. Serenias he was intent on talking to you, he mentioned something of a deal. So it’s probably best to get that out of the way first.” Durumas led Serenias to an off shoot off of the hallway that led to the Door. A single guard was across from the door he just waved Serenias and Durumas past. “I’ll be right outside Lass; he wanted to see you alone.” Durumas opened the door and allowed Serenias in before closing the door quietly. The room’s neotroic lights were dimmer than usual. A dull red glow came from left side of the room. What was producing the glow was Dyu, the hole in his clothing now filled in with a large crimson crystalline orb. He was lying atop of a military cot. “Ah finally I can speak to you. My apologies for not getting up; it was quite the expenditure when I first arrived. I must say, I am finally getting my appendages under me.” Serenias stood there, looking at some thing that had practically done more damage than most weapons today. She couldn’t stand it anymore.
“JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU? I don’t understand how you can do what you did, that monstrous mouth, the damages to the Door room, and especially to…” Serenias heard sounds of agreement coming from Dyu and from two other places in the room. “I can understand your feelings of mistrust and muddled understanding. First of I’ll explain what I am. I am a sentient bio-form comprised of the 14th metalloid. I use normal phenomenon as senses that your kind would have to use a device for. I’ve lived for several hundred thousand of Heliosar cycles. My race lives on radial energy, and if prompted we can even absorb the very material around us. Does that answer your question?” Serenias had found herself seated near Dyu’s bed with no recollection of doing so. “I guess. But what do you mean heliosar cycle?” so much of the information was new to Serenias’ ears. “A heliosar cycle is one rotation around your star. It’s a rather standard form of measurement.” Dyu’s tone of voice was almost of a whimsical quality. “Okay, what do you mean ‘a normal phenomenon’? What kind of phenomenon?” Dyu actually let out what Serenias thought was a sigh. “I live off of radioactive decayed particles, my race calls these particles neutrinos. I could explain the entire process but I doubt that you would understand the nuances and variables involved in such matters. So that’s as far as I’ll explain on that matter.” Even with the explanation she got from him still went over her head. “So you can basically sit around and just replenish your energy? From nothing?” “Not quite nothing, I’d have to be in an energy rich environment to begin with. So technically I don’t get it for free. Come on, this is enjoyable.” Serenias was more accustomed to this Dyu than the one she saw that night.

“Okay, okay, so you don’t get a free lunch. So what was that large mouth… thing?” the answer this time came from some where under Dyu’s cot. “Me that was me! It didn’t taste good, not good at all.” Out scooted a sphere the size of a basketball. It was made of the same mat grey armor that the mouth was. It held a prominence on top of itself. Four smaller crimson orbs were placed in the same fashion as the maw did. And a distinct line opened between the pairs of orbs to reveal two rows of triangular teeth. “Ah Aru, allow me to explain what you are first before revealing yourself. You know better than that. Ura, you come out too.” From behind Serenias floated a cone shaped one. This one was resembled a mix between a pine cone and an armadillo. Its symmetry was based on a 60° partitions along its spindle. It had a singe red orb on each face plate followed by a single jutting spike behind it. “Anyway the round one with four eyes is Aru, while the one with three eyes is Ura. It’s a bit difficult to what they are. I’ll explain what they are as best as my vocabulary can. Aru and Ura are extensions of myself with a passable amount of sentience.” Serenias held up her hand. “Wait, you mean that thing is intelligent? And it can grow several thousand times its size?” Aru floated to about a few inches away from Serenias’ face. “No, no grow. Changed!” Dyu finally sat up and swatted to one side, making Aru float drunkenly about the bed for a moment. “Aru, manners. But he is correct, Aru didn’t grow, he changed to a more normal form to Aru. Aru, Ura I think a more humanoid would be more appropriate.” And the two things changed into, to Serenias’ opinion, small children. Aru wore an open vest similar to what Dyu wore. Aru’s hair was like how he was when he was the sphere. A single spike of hair at the top, while the rest was combed back. His face looked normal with the exception of having the two red ‘eyes’ below the normal set. Ura appeared more feminine, her hair instead of being spiked, was braided. Her face was normal with an ‘eye’ in the middle of her forehead. Her clothes were more along the lines of a long sleeved shirt. All of the clothes worn by Aru and Ura were a variation of what Dyu wore himself. And they all shared the same creepy eyes that Dyu had. Ura had yet to say anything. “This sucks. I can’t float. Can’t I change back mastah?” the speaker was Aru. This time he sounded a bit more mature, even if what he said wasn’t very mature at all. Dyu popped Aru once on his head. “Aru, no matter how many times you want to do something, you can’t disobey orders.” The speaker was Ura; her voice was silent and a bit timid sounding.

Serenias sat in silence taking in the amount of information from this small revelation. “Okay so what are they? Pets?” Dyu shook his head. “No, they are not an external organism per se. they’re more like an appendage, just with a bit of sentience. A word I learned once may be close to what they actually are. If I recall correctly I think the word was Homunculus. A being made of one’s self but independent to a point.” Serenias decided to change the subject; she might have to get a dictionary for both of them next time she decided to have a chat with Dyu. “Okay, I’ve got another question. Who or what are the Black God and the White God?” Dyu sat with his head tilted to one side for a moment, before he finally answered. “I can wager that your race has religious beliefs or way individuals should act according to a rule set for them, correct? Anyway, the Black God, the White God, and The Grey Man are a basis for my race’s way of living. A form or other about a code of conduct. I’ll explain each of them and what they stand for. First one is the Black God. He is concerned for the individual and what they want and need. He cares not about individuals helping others. His identity is Self, the Up is Accomplishment while the Down is Loneliness. The White God is his opposite. The White God is concerned with the whole, Societies, cities, Races. His identity is Group, the Up is belonging, and the Down is stagnation. And of course the Black God is his opposite.” Serenias thought this a very odd way for one race to live. “Wait you mentioned a third god, the grey god?” Dyu stared at Serenias very sternly before letting another sigh go. “The Grey Man isn’t a god, he’s… hard to describe. He stands above both the Black and White Gods, and yet he’s completely random, chaotic is more appropriate word. He has to no concerns with any thing, and yet he is a complete balance between the two. At best he’s a natural force, change and chance combined, at worst he is the destruction of all, unity and predestination. The Grey Man isn’t a normal deity. One thing I have learned is that my race’s beliefs are an abnormality, for we don’t have a concept of ‘morals’ as some races we’ve encountered have said.”

Serenias was a bit jumbled by this odd religious outlook. “On to a different topic, like how did that orb get stuck in your chest?” Dyu looked puzzled for a moment, and then let out one of those melodious laughs of his. “Oh you mean my Core! I forgot I hid it when we met. It’s a physical vessel for my conciseness, body, and what some races would call a Soul. Its how I see, hear, sense, and talk, its everything about me.” Dyu’s explanation was still a bit confusing to Serenias. “Oh I see there’s still a bit of confusion. My current form isn’t my original; I took this up so that the residents on the planet you found me on wouldn’t find me disturbing. My Race is a bit older than most others. We’ve got through the world, planetary, and heliosaric wars that most early races usually do. But our development was a bit quicker than them so we passed through those in a small amount of time. So we’ve grown out of inter-conflicts within our race. But that’s beside the point; my race is a long lived one due to our Cores. Any damage to our bodies can be repaired as long as the Core isn’t damaged. But as far as any of the eldest can remember there’s been nothing that could damage a Core. But there are methods of changing one from a rational sentient to an instinctual rampaging beast. I must warn you though, never touch my Core. The consequences are deadly to any other race than my own.” Serenias sat there, stunned at what was just explained. Something still didn’t make sense, like how Dyu had known when she awoke, or how he had read Renthal’s thoughts, or how Dyu resolved what happened during the incident.

Remembering back to that night, after Dyu announced his full name the Templar Soldiers fired upon him. Serenias was dragged to the floor by Serj and Vajra together. The bullets ricocheting off of Dyu like deadly rubber balls. The Giant mouth let loose a deafening roar, and the soldiers froze in place. The Door room was now a mess of chipped rock, gore, and silent deadliness. Some of the ricocheted bullets had wounded some of the soldiers but Renthal and Dyu were still standing. Renthal was scared at this being that defied logic. A small melodic chuckle began in the room. It was coming from Renthal. “I can’t believe this, nothing can be that strong! You must have been wounded! You cannot…” and Dyu cut him off. “You’ve coerced your followers with falsities and threats, the armed men fear you because your threats against their loved ones. I’ve shown them your powerlessness; they need not fear you again. But I still have yet to change you. And there’s only one solution.” Dyu took a simple step forward, Renthal responded by taking one back. Without Renthal noticing the monstrous head had surrounded both him and Dyu. As Dyu kept advancing, Renthal kept his retreat up until he found the neck of the beast behind him. Dyu was now an arms length away from Renthal. “I have no need for games anymore. You won’t remember this encounter.” Dyu stated nonchalantly. Renthal spat his response, “I’ll remember this for all of time, Demon! Killing me won’t make me forget.” Dyu’s face kept that genteel smile. “Who said I was going to kill you? And it wasn’t a request; it was a statement of fact. Good Day Bishop Renthal, may the Grey Man correct your path.” And with that statement Dyu rested his right hand on Renthal’s head. Renthal stood there with a blank look on his face for the longest of moments before fainting to the floor: shortly followed my Dyu, unencumbered by the giant mouth anymore.

“And when I did that, I changed the very memories he would remember.” Dyu had been watching Serenias the entire time she had been remembering. “But…” Dyu raised his hand to stop Serenias this time. “Unlike you, my sense of ‘sight’ is much wider than yours is. I can see the parts that make up even the smallest of things. Which allows me to read the signals of your… oh what’s the word again?” Serenias finally got what had happened. “You mean you can read thoughts?” Dyu perked up at the last word. “Thoughts! That’s what I’ve been thinking of! Your minds are like open books to me if I felt like reading them. Writing in those books however is a bit of a bother. That person who’s memory that I changed will have had a bit of an ache when he awoke. Such an individual was mostly easy to get in once he let his defenses down. But as for what he’ll remember I do not know. All he’ll remember is feelings of disgust and defeat. Come in Mr. Durumas I know you’ve been listening in for the entire part of this conversation. Hovering outside the door is a bit of an annoyance to me.” The door opened to a slightly stunned and sheepish Durumas. “And the trade I made with Ms. Ventros here wasn’t just for her, but more of an agreement with your entire race, at least those willing to trade. And don’t worry; I will not harm those that I have come to trade with.” Durumas looked at Dyu with a mix of skepticism and curiosity. “So is this visit going to become a permanent stay or a brief one?” Durumas posed the question to Dyu. “I have no need to go back to where I came from, for I am in exile from my people, self imposed of course.”

After that Durumas wanted to speak to Dyu alone so Serenias headed back to the conference room there she was met with a great hug from Vajra. “Well Miss, I don’t know what he is or how he did it, but he is going to be staying with us. And he said that he’s willing to develop communication and energy technologies for civilian and military use. He did state that he will not make any weapons, something along the lines of knowing better than that. Also Director Hoel told me to pass this note on to you.” Vajra handed Serenias an envelope. She read it out loud. “Dear Ms. Serenias, On behalf of the Explorer’s Association I congratulate you on two successful missions as well as acquiring a source of information on both Alternates. Sergeant Newman and Dr. Vyern will be given appropriate quarters (based on their requests) and adequate pay. You’ve proven yourself a capable explorer and a very resourceful young woman. I wish you luck on your next mission, which will be soon. Signed, Hoel Mervin Penthelus.” In side the letter was a brief description of her next mission.


And post 800! w00t. Anyways I pulled a fast one on you people. thinking I probably wouldn't reveal what happened that night. and yes I've hidden references to other things in this chapter including a reference to a book I really want to read.

now to explain some of the terminology again.

Heliosar - is a funky (and made up) way of saying Solar. Yes I used the Greek word for sun instead of the Latin. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun

ah Number 14. another allusion to chemistry. and this time I'm being nasty. this entire line is underlined.

and no I didn't make up the Neutrino part, at least the name. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutrino and yes Dyu can 'eat' matter. I'm not going to explain all of it because some of it is just plain "making **** up" and others are plot points!

and now on to Aru and Ura. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homunculus yes I'm borrowing the term from the alchemic term for it. and no they look nothing like the sensory homunculi. their names and how they came to be will be explained later, like how Dyu can see elementary particles.

and to preempt people from asking, Dyu changed how the electrical signals were arranged in Renthal's mind which also explains why Dyu doesn't know what Renthal will remember.

and finally ARGH DOUBLE POST!


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post Jan 4 2009, 2:04 AM
Post #19

Cosmix Fairy

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Oh, come on. I double-post all the time in Saori.

The Dyu guy is someone I'm a little worried about. Because, well, he at the moment seems to have hit the Superpower lottery.

Anyways things were good, although if you're going to do flashbacks I think it might be nice to put it in italics or give some kind of indication it is going on in the past


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Jan 4 2009, 3:13 AM
Post #20

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

Ah, don't worry about Dyu, I made him that semi-powerful. and technically he isn't really that powerful on a specific reason (its mentioned in chapter too! oh foreshadowing.) and there are others that can take on Dyu but they haven't appeared yet. and if I had to classify Dyu's power it'd be "the Transfer of Energy".

and sorry for no warning on the Talking heads thing. and the flashback. wasn't really thinking there.

and I haven't revealed the actual villain yet! but I will release his name, and it is GARY! (and I'm not joking on that. I named the villain Gary.)


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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