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> Help Please! :( About The Winx Club Pc Game., click
Abdu 6b
post Jul 15 2008, 2:14 AM
Post #21

Tynix Fairy

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I'm not eva gonna download that game. It'll probably take me 15 hours so I give up

Thank you Shaylo for the awesome signature.
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post Jul 15 2008, 2:18 AM
Post #22

Cosmix Fairy

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more than that here
but it'd just pause when the computer was off and continue when it was on
like that it took me like four days i think


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post Jul 15 2008, 4:19 PM
Post #23

Cosmix Fairy
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Yep, even when you have a fast internet connection it will still take at least a few hours--after all, it's a couple gigs of data, it will take a while to fully copy to your computer.

Glad you got the game downloaded Humbu =). Okay, I'm trying to think back to how I installed it. The files you downloaded, they have a "rar" extension, right?

ex: sg-winx.r00; sg-winx.r01; etc

The game I downloaded was full of files like this. If that is the same torrent you downloaded then I can help you out with extracting all of these files into one file that you can burn onto a DVD to make a game DVD. But the next question would be do you have WinRar? You just need to be able to double-click the very first file (sg-winx.r00) and that will open through a program that will unzip all of the rar files into one large file. If you're able go ahead and do that and just put the file somewhere you can find it. Let me know what is or isn't working for you, and let me know if you get through this step =).

(For anyone who doesn't have WinRar, there are many places on the web that you can download this. It's a pretty standard program that almost everyone uses, and you can get it from trustworthy places like download.com. You can even uninstall WinRar when you're done installing the game.)
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post Jul 15 2008, 4:35 PM
Post #24

Cosmix Fairy

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whats a winrar? I dont think i have it because when i double click on the sg-winx.r00, the "windows cannot open the file" thing comes up where u could either manually select a program to open it with or use the web


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post Jul 15 2008, 4:38 PM
Post #25

Cosmix Fairy
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I think you're right on that. If you're willing you can download and quickly install the WinRar program from download.com (here's the link to its page http://www.download.com/WinRAR/3000-2250_4...dlPid=10745708) which is a legitimate site too. Should be the file titled "WinRAR 3.71". You'll just be downloading the trial version, but it will still work. And if you know how to uninstall programs it will be a snap to later remove it from your computer if you don't need it.
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post Jul 15 2008, 4:40 PM
Post #26

Cosmix Fairy

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ok, i'll do it, about how long do u think it'll take?


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post Jul 15 2008, 4:41 PM
Post #27

Cosmix Fairy
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well, depending on your internet speed it could take a few seconds or a few minutes =)
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post Jul 15 2008, 4:46 PM
Post #28

Cosmix Fairy

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ok, im doing it right now (thanx for ur help, btw)

wait a sec, Zhanneel, is it free?


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post Jul 15 2008, 4:59 PM
Post #29

Cosmix Fairy
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No problem, this is more fun than getting ready for work (which is what I'm also doing, bleh)

Yep, the trial version you are downloading is free (thankfully). I think if you try to use it after the trial period of 30 days it may either require or request that you register it to use it anymore.
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post Jul 15 2008, 5:05 PM
Post #30

Cosmix Fairy

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wow that was fast, it took about 30 seconds for the whole process. i got it now, thanx so much, Zhanneel
ok, so now the sg-winx.r00 - sg-winx.r29 turned into just sg-winx with the winrar logo. what is to be done next, oh great one?


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post Jul 15 2008, 5:11 PM
Post #31

Cosmix Fairy
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LOL, Hang on while I try to keep my breakfast down =P

Okay, now I have a question: did you extract any of the r00-r29 files yet, or did you just install the WinRar program?
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post Jul 15 2008, 5:15 PM
Post #32

Cosmix Fairy

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i dont think i extracted them, i dont even know what that means :S
all i did was download winxrar and go to where all the sg-winx files are


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post Jul 15 2008, 5:19 PM
Post #33

Cosmix Fairy
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Ahh, okies. So you're in the folder/location with all of the sg-winx files. Try opening the sg-winx.r00 file now. It should open with WinRar now, and if not, when that other window pops up go to "choose a program" and then open it with the WinRar. You'll just need to do what it asks, pick a folder or location to extract the sg-winx files to, and you should be done. Extracting is pretty much what the word says: just taking the compressed game files out of the sg-winx files. Then the program will put them all together in one file for you.
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post Jul 15 2008, 5:29 PM
Post #34

Cosmix Fairy

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ok, so i opened it with winrar and then clicked "extrct to". after four munutes it loaded and im not sure what to do next (do i have to extract them all and put them in a folder in winrar cos i think there is already one made?)


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post Jul 15 2008, 5:33 PM
Post #35

Cosmix Fairy
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As far as I know (and sometimes computers confuse the crud out of me) it should have extracted all of the sg-winx files when you opened "sg-winx.r00". I know that sounds weird since you physically didn't actually open the other 29 files but as long as they are all in the same location it unzips all of the rar files in that folder. *shrug* I need to learn why it knows to do that but for now I'm not even sure.

Now to make sure that it extracted all of the files, right click on the new file WinRar made (the extracted one) and click properties. How many gigs does it say that file is?

Next question: Do you have Nero or some DVD burning software? If so go ahead and open it and look for a place that you can burn ISO files.

Or if you don't want to burn the files onto a DVD, you can open them instead with Daemon Tools (which you'll still need to get).
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post Jul 15 2008, 6:13 PM
Post #36

Cosmix Fairy

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no offence or anything Zhanneel, i really really appreciate u trying to help me but i think im gonna quit again.
The reasons:
1. when i right click on it, properties isnt even there, so i dont think i did what i said a did properly
2. i have no idea whats going on and no offence but its a bit too much trouble for just a game
3. my parents dont like me downloading stuff on the internet, especially if its just for a game, and i managed to do this much without detection but i dont think i'll be able to do the burning/Daemon thing
4 i feel bad to trouble u so much to help someone u hardly even know

so i think its best if i just quit


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post Jul 15 2008, 6:21 PM
Post #37

Cosmix Fairy
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No problem, you can always stop anywhere when trying this. Thankfully there isn't a place of no return. But you can keep the files in case you get adventurous and want to try it again in the future (you can back them up as a data DVD and save it, or just leave it in a folder on your computer, or you can delete it all, no big deal). The "right click properties" thing might not be a big deal either. Sometimes some type of files won't let you do that, and this could be one of those cases. Also, if you burn the extracted file onto a DVD (as an ISO DVD, which Nero should let you do) you won't need Daemon Tools at all in any future steps. And I hear you on the parents thing. They may not like you doing things they're not sure is safe.

Don't worry if you thought you were wasting my time--I have time to waste today, I'm just going to work in less than an hour and sometimes I just fiddle around on the computer or forums =P until it's time for me to go. Let me know if ever need help with it in the future though =).
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post Jul 15 2008, 6:24 PM
Post #38

Cosmix Fairy

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thanx Zhanneel, for all of the information and help u've given me
ur one of the nicest people on the forums!
hope work's not too bad


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post Jul 15 2008, 6:33 PM
Post #39

Cosmix Fairy
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Lol, thanks, same back at you.

Bleh, work is work =P. At least I'm not sitting at a desk all day though. I actually get to interact with customers which is a lot better than an office job in my opinion =P. Maybe you'll find the game on clearance at a office store one day, lol.
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post Jul 17 2008, 6:47 PM
Post #40

Bloomix Fairy

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I'm not good at games but downloading it sounds interesting however maybe it'd help if some expert here can create a tutorial for the site.
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