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> *Rp Competition Entry #5, Current rp'ers Ranma, Anime Princess, and Nightstorm [1 more neede
post Jul 5 2008, 6:39 AM
Post #1

Cosmix Fairy

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The setting, New England, 1692. During this period of time many horrible events took place, the most horrible being the Salem witch trials. Of course, this rp is not about the Salem witch trials. This rp is about something even darker. The world is overrun by demons, ghosts, and monsters. They hide in the shadows, they lurk in the corners, and they attack without warning. Few people know about such beings. News doesn't travel fast in these days, and if a demon kills everyone in a town, no one is going to know who or what did it.

A young vampire that was once human takes up the roll of a demon hunter for hire. He isn't the best guy in the world, but he's the best shot anyone has if they have to deal with the creatures of the neatherworld. However, don't be deceived! He isn't the only demon hunter this world has to offer, he's just one of many! In fact, most demon hunters have him in their little black book of demons to kill. This story is about them, the demon hunters, and the ones affected by their actions.

Character Bio:

Devlin Ulric Eginhard
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Race: Vampire
Heritage: English with German ancestors
Birth Place: New York
Likes: Sleeping, the night, fighting
Dislikes: Spending money, the day, being dressed by Alice
Appearance: Devlin is a tall vampire standing six feet above the ground. He has black hair with long bangs in the front that help frame his face and short cut hair in the back. He has blue eyes naturally, but if he is angered his eyes can easily change to red. He has pale skin, but he doesn’t look unhealthy. Of course, being a vampire, he has elongated canines. He has a strong athletic build. His muscles aren’t huge, but resemble that of a gymnast, dancer, or martial artist.
He wears multiple styles of clothing, but he is mostly seen in a unique outfit that was designed on a whim. He has many leather belts going down his left arm, starting at his shoulder and going all the way to his wrist; and on his right arm he has a loose sleeve that is barely attached to the rest of his outfit by a leather belt that “bites” the sleeve at one end, and “bites” the shirt at the other. The buckles on the belt that holds the sleeve resemble bat-like skulls. The sleeve itself is worse for wear and starts at the top of his bicep and works its way down to about the center of Devlin’s palm. He wears a skin-tight, sleeveless, black undershirt that travels up his neck a little; and on top of that he wears what resembles a tuxedo jacket. It has a cut trim style to it with many belts holding it together. He wears, on his upper chest, attached to the undershirt, a silver skull. He has two belts thrown over his shoulders. On the left belt, resting on his back at a slant facing diagonally top-left to bottom-right, resides the leather holder for his scythe. On the belt at his waist, which also has a bat skull buckle like on his sleeve, on his back slanting downwards is the sheath for his sword. At his right hip rests his gun. He wears black slack pants with two belts wrapped around the upper part of his left leg. On his feet he dons black boots to match the rest of his outfit.
Devlin’s scythe is a long scythe like the Grim Reapers. It is capable of folding up so that Devlin can place the scythe in the holder on his back. On the top of the scythe traveling down from the top of the actual blade to the actual pole are many silver ghoul faces to give the scythe a menacing look. The blade itself is silver and the pole is black. On the bottom of the pole resides a silver decoration resembling a skull. When the scythe and Devlin reach full power the ghoul’s eyes glow red, and black mist pours from their mouths.
Devlin’s sword is a large crystal blade with many runes going down the center. Due to the blades crystal nature the actual edges of the blade are invisible to the player until the sword reaches full power. Until then all that can be seen is the sword’s silver lining within the crystal. The blade handle is silver with a bat skull at the center. The hand guard resembles bat wings, and a jewel rests at the bottom of the hilt. The sword’s sheath is made of metal, and has many skulls decorating it. When Devlin and the sword reach full power the runes glow red with the blood of his fallen enemies and the invisible, crystal blade becomes visible; showing the true length and width of the sword.
Devlin’s gun is right out of the sixteen hundreds, uses gun powder and everything. At least, that is the design. Devlin’s bullets are made from his own energy, and no gun powder is required to fire the gun. The gun has a wooden handle and silver barrel. A silver, crescent moon decorates the gun’s handle. When Devlin and the gun reach full power the gun glows with a silver aura and every shot fired is a big, glowing ball of black and silver energy.

Back Story: Devlin was born into a poor family in New York in 1671. He lost his family to disease because they could not afford to pay the doctors for medicine, and he was forced to somehow make it on his own. He worked many odd jobs so that he could afford to eat and keep a roof over his head. It wasn’t much, but he wasn’t bitter with the world. He didn’t like the stuck up, upper class citizens, but he knew that the world wasn’t going to change because he didn’t like it. If there was one thing that Devlin believed in, it was his own two hands. As lazy as he was when it came to wanting to do work, once he got working he went all out.
He was walking home one night from one of his jobs when someone yanked him into an abandoned alleyway. He would have fought back but he was taken by surprise, and before he knew it he felt a sharp pain in his neck. His strength was quickly being drained away from him and all he could do is lay there as his blood left his body. He lost consciousness. He woke up the next night inside of a cellar. He didn’t know how he had gotten there but he decided to go back home. He winced when he realized that his bosses would probably fire him for not showing up for work. He found out the hard way the next day that sunlight hurt him, and it wasn’t long after that he started to find out his other abilities. Finally he met another of his kind and could give what he had become a name; vampire.
He learned quite a bit from the vampire; but the vampire, being a demon hunter, eventually fell in battle, leaving Devlin to fend for himself once again. Devlin took from the vampire his demon slaying weapons: A sword imbued with powerful runes, and a strange gun that was never loaded. Devlin decided to take up the vampire’s profession and become a full fledged demon hunter himself. It was more exciting than his old jobs, and it paid better too.
Towards the end of 1691, Devlin took refuge in an old abandoned church. He wanted to rest for a while before going on his next mission. His last mission had given him a new magical weapon, a scythe, but he was so drained that he just wanted to sleep for a while. His sleep would have to wait, however, because a young girl stormed into the abandoned church scared out of her mind. Devlin kept himself hidden and watched the girl as she prayed for her life at the Altar. He didn’t know exactly what was going on, but shortly after the girl kneeled down to pray, a small group of demons barged into the church to take the girl.
Devlin couldn’t let the girl be killed by the demons, so he decided to kill a few demons for free. Even though he was tired, the demons were weak compared to the type that he was used to slaying, and they fell fast. The girl explained that the demons came out of nowhere and murdered her family. She was kept hidden, but the demons sniffed her out and she was forced to flee. She introduced herself as Alice Annabelle Whiteharte. Devlin would have left her alone, but she didn’t leave the church, his chosen resting place, after he had saved her. The next night he saw that she was still sitting in the same spot that she was in the previous night. She looked too pathetic to leave her alone, and he invited her to travel with him. She agreed and told him that she could mend his clothes for him to earn her keep.
Since then Alice followed Devlin around making and mending his clothes. They got along pretty well, but Devlin complained often that Alice spent more money altering and mending his clothes than he spent on buying them. She came in handy every now and again though. Sometimes she could hold his weapons for him when he went on missions that required him to keep his weapons hidden. After everything was said and done he liked having a traveling companion. However, he hated that his travels suddenly became more expensive.
Now the year is 1692. Devlin doesn't have any enemies to speak of other than the demons, vampires, and werewolves he hunts for money, but all that is going to change. He agreed to take a mission that required him to kill a wealthy businessman that the townsfolk suspected of being a vampire. The businessman was holding a party for the upper class citizens in the area, and Devlin was going to crash it. He entered the party wearing a well crafted tux, accompanied by the beautiful Alice Whiteharte. No one suspected that her oversized purse held a scythe, a sword, a gun, and a change of clothes. The party was going off without a hitch, until the businessman's identity was brought out in the open. Now Devlin was up against a vampire and a horde of ghouls in the middle of a crowded party area. Devlin realized that with that much protection, the businessman vampire was not his average hunt. All hell broke loose.

This post has been edited by Ranma: Jul 9 2008, 6:24 AM

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Anime Princess
post Jul 5 2008, 7:03 AM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
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From: Zone 6

Name: Alice Annabelle Whiteharte
Race: Human
Heritage: English
Gender: Female
Likes: Dressing people, fashion, money
Dislikes: Being poor, being ordered around, working
Appearance: Alice is a young girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She is a petite and very beautiful girl with a height of 5’7’’. She wears miscellaneous fancy and fashionable dresses and pants that she has designed personally, along with shoes and accessories. She wears various rings, necklaces, and hair accessories. She has long, silky hair in length to around the small of the back. She has bangs that fall just short of the eyebrows and very thin eyebrows. She has a very feminine and elegant appearance.
Background: Alice was born in Vermont, New England 1673. Alice is a young girl born into an upper class rich family. She was a single child with a very prominent and well-known father and mother. Her parents often gathered possible fiancés for her, but none have ever stuck around to be formally appointed Alice’s fiancé. This is because Alice has a rather bizarre fetish for the period of time that she lived in. She constantly dresses up the candidates for being her fiancé and not just in male clothing, but female clothing as well. Because of this, men often avoided relationships with Alice, even though it was normal at the time to get married as young as the age of 13-15. Because she had also grown up in an upper class family and had been rather wealthy, she was also very well educated. Alice was of Christian upbringing, as was anyone during that period of time in New England, and she went to church every Sunday. In 1691, around midnight, Alice woke up to various sounds and familiar screams. She took it upon herself to search for the source of the screams only to end up at her parents’ bedroom door. Alice opened the door to check on her parents and make sure everything was all right, but instead of finding her parents healthy and well, she found a group of strange beings ruthlessly ripping her parents to pieces and devouring them bit-by-bit. As any young girl would do, she screamed, which alerted the being of her presence, so she was forced to run of be killed. Alice ran to the only place that she knew would bring safety and salvation to her, which of course was her church. She strongly believed that god would save her from these merciless beings, but moments later she found out she was strongly mistaken. The beasts chased her into the doors of the church and cornered her. As they were about to move in for the kill, they sensed a strange presence, which froze them in their steps, so they looked around the church for the source of this monstrous evil aura? This is where a strange man showed up sitting on the churches cross. This man stopped the beasts from attacking and killing her, but Alice couldn’t help but fear the man on the cross as well. The man, in a blink of an eye, took it upon himself to destroy the beasts that had chased her and killed her family, bringing a sense of relief and safety to Alice. Since then, Alice has been travelling with the vampire man named Devlin Ulric Eginhard, and of course, she used this opportunity to use the man as her dressing doll.


Sorry i just think its better off this way

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post Jul 6 2008, 8:21 AM
Post #3

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
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From: India

(( Can the protagonists go against each other? My idea was to play a upper-class vampire, who is also a demon hunter. She'll pretty much be completely against Devlin and Alice when she first meets them, but later in the story, she'll agree to join and work with them. ))

[EDIT: Since I've posted in this topic, it's kind of obvious, but I answered Ranma's riddle correctly, so I'm your fourth member.]

This post has been edited by Jahnavi: Jul 6 2008, 8:25 AM

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post Jul 6 2008, 8:24 AM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Tempe, Arizona

((I don't mind, but if she tries fighting Devlin, Devlin will try to kill her. He's good at that too))
((Also, keep in mind that this isn't really a vampire rp, so much as it is an rp that has vampires in it. So don't feel like you have to be a vampire. Alice is human))

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post Jul 6 2008, 9:00 AM
Post #5

Cosmix Fairy

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((Well then, I guess I have no other choice but to dive in headfirst without thinking. Joy...

Name (actual): Alarice Scylicia - Version 2.0
Name (nickname/semi-preferred/codename): Solara
Age (appearance): 25 years old
Age (actual): 2 months old
Gender: Female
Physical characteristics:
Type: Human
Height: 6'4"
Weight: Not supposed to say - it's rude and impolite!
Hair color: Blonde
Hair style: Straight, shoulder-blade length
Eyes: Red irises with cat/reptile/demon-slit pupils
Birthplace: Unknown
Appearance: Black full-bodysuit trimmed in yellow
Strength limit: 2,500 lbs.
Speed limit: On foot: 1.0 sgs - Flight: 10.0 sgs
Powers: Unlimited energy absorption and fire creation and control.
Weaknesses: Subject to physical and melee combat attacks only. Piercing weapons take a bit longer to penetrate, but they still deliver the correct amount of damage.
Weapons and other functions: Magma blade. Hidden blades in her wrists and boot soles.
Personality: Manipulative and extremely intelligent. Emotionless and completely loyal to her "creator".
Bio: This Version 2.0 Solara is a genetic clone of the original Solara, copied from the original's DNA and tweaked so that her strength and speed were increased for greater melee combat. Ever since her initial creation, she'd been on hundreds of different missions alongside her "creator", ranging all over the globe and even to alternate realms. Soon though, it was time for her to move on on her own. She usually heads up solo missions, much like a mercenary, pulling off assignments in the shadows and avoiding any public attention. She'd never once lived what most would consider to be a normal life. She lives off of what she earns and never spends a night in the same place twice. The outdoors are more her style, and she's often silent when around others - mostly because she only speaks what is necessary and nothing else. She doesn't exactly run off of a moral system that defines right and wrong or good and evil - she only sees what works for the mission and what doesn't. This current mission - the demon infestation in New England. Even though word doesn't travel fast, it doesn't go unnoticed, and Solara's now here to ensure that all of the demons, monsters, etc. are killed off as soon as possible.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee199/N...423/Solara2.jpg ))

This post has been edited by Nightstorm: Sep 14 2009, 9:15 PM

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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post Jul 6 2008, 10:48 AM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Tempe, Arizona

((How was cloning possible in 1692?))

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post Jul 6 2008, 10:58 AM
Post #7

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Illinois, USA

((That's like asking "How can you get metal out of water?" It wasn't; you can't. But you know what, it doesn't exactly matter since her background isn't going to be looked at during the RP anyways. Solara 2.0 is a second-version (hence the name) Solara that I developed, so I can't help it if she's an impossible clone. Who's gonna care anyways? If nothing else, someone will eventually find out and just like the time period suggests will scream "WITCH!!!!"))

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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Anime Princess
post Jul 6 2008, 11:13 AM
Post #8

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Zone 6

i have a question do i have to actualy read your inter description????


Sorry i just think its better off this way

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post Jul 6 2008, 11:14 AM
Post #9

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Illinois, USA

((You don't have to. It's really just there for future reference in case you want to go back and look up anything worth of value on a person's RP character.))

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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Anime Princess
post Jul 6 2008, 11:21 AM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Zone 6

((good i only just got home from the movies and i cant really concerntrait lol)


Sorry i just think its better off this way

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post Jul 6 2008, 12:45 PM
Post #11

Cosmix Fairy

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From: India

(( Wait, is it 1692 or 1962? ))

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post Jul 6 2008, 1:08 PM
Post #12

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Illinois, USA

((1692. We're talking about the good old times, the age of exploration, sailing, beliefs in demons and witches, and intercontinental revolutions! At least, I think that's how you're supposed to describe the pre-1700's...))

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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post Jul 6 2008, 3:27 PM
Post #13

Cosmix Fairy

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From: India

I was just confused, because of what Ranma said in his first post:

Now the year is 1962. Devlin doesn't have any enemies to speak of other than the demons, vampires, and werewolves he hunts for money, but all that is going to change. He agreed to take a mission that required him to kill a wealthy businessman that the townsfolk suspected of being a vampire. The businessman was holding a party for the upper class citizens in the area, and Devlin was going to crash it. He entered the party wearing a well crafted tux, accompanied by the beautiful Alice Whiteharte. No one suspected that her oversized purse held a scythe, a sword, a gun, and a change of clothes. The party was going off without a hitch, until the businessman's identity was brought out in the open. Now Devlin was up against a vampire and a horde of ghouls in the middle of a crowded party area. Devlin realized that with that much protection, the businessman vampire was not his average hunt. All hell broke loose.

This post has been edited by Jahnavi: Jul 6 2008, 3:28 PM

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post Jul 6 2008, 4:54 PM
Post #14

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Tempe, Arizona

((That was a typo, thanks for helping me find it ^_^. Now we just need for Jahnavi to post a bio and we can get started.))

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post Jul 6 2008, 6:15 PM
Post #15

Cosmix Fairy

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From: India

(( Sorry, but I can only post my character bio tomorrow. I'm currently typing this at 11:44 PM, on my iPod Touch, and it'll take me a good two hours to type out a long character description on this kind of a keyboard. So, anyway, I'll post my character after school tomorrow, if nobody minds that. ))

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post Jul 7 2008, 1:23 AM
Post #16

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Illinois, USA

((I don't mind waiting. My drawings for my character have been delayed anyways, so I was rather hoping we'd be able to somehow hold off on the RP at least for a bit longer...))

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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post Jul 8 2008, 3:28 PM
Post #17

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Tempe, Arizona

((I hate to say this, but it's been a couple of days. Jahnavi, if you don't have your profile posted by tomorrow I'm going to have to find someone else. Please post soon.))

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post Jul 9 2008, 2:22 PM
Post #18

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Illinois, USA

((I finally finished Solara 2.0 - yes, I know it's extremely late... http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee199/N...423/Solara2.jpg

This is also posted in the bio for future use, in case anyone wanted to know.))

Afterquest - Ranma's back! Infinium - A new rp, a new world, a new headache! Tantamount - What is the price for equality?
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post Jul 9 2008, 4:10 PM
Post #19

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
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From: India

Name: Felicia Abbot

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Birthplace: Salem

Type: Human

Height: 5'2"

Hair color: Mouse brown

Hair style: Wavy, short, shoulder-length hair

Eyes: Light brown

Personality: A very close-minded and determined woman. She is also very short-tempered, and easily starts a loud argument. When someone's opinion goes against hers, she often refuses to listen to them. She hates to admit defeat in an argument, and is definitely a slave to pride, with a large ego. She is very much a feminist, as well.

Bio: Felicia was the only child of a rich nobleman, and was born and raised in the upper-class of society. She has dedicated her life to (unsuccessfully) proving that demons, magic and the supernatural do not exist. She is very close-minded, and sometimes even refuses to believe what she sees with her own eyes. She isn't really open to new experiences or new ways of life, no matter how logical they may sound. She often holds speeches, lectures, etc., and goes to great lengths to propagate her beliefs.

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post Jul 9 2008, 11:38 PM
Post #20

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Tempe, Arizona

((Awesome we can get started now. Alice will be with Devlin to begin with...and...here we go!))

Devlin walked into Salem carrying the spell book that he had just taken from the warlock he was hired to kill. He had to deliver it to his employer for the mission to be finished. Alice was supposed to meet him but she hadn't arrived yet.

"WITCH! WITCH!" He heard.

"Not good!" he thought to himself. He was carrying a spellbook in his hands filled with dark magic. "Um, I'm not a..." he began to say, but the men ran right past him and started beating on an old women.


"I'm not a witch!" the old woman cried.


"Some part of me tells me that I should help that old woman...but another part tells me to just walk a way..." Devlin thought, weighing the two choices in his mind.

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