Photoshop foolery., I see wat u did thar. |
Feb 15 2010, 3:39 AM

Bloomix Fairy
Group: Members
Posts: 508
Joined: November 13 2008
From: I come from the land of the ice and snow!

*Maybe this is the wrong place for this?* So I did a search on DA today for winx art (like I always do) and a very suspicious gallery has popped up. There are some strangely accurate, yet badly 'scanned' so-called traditional works in the gallery of http://loveinbloom.deviantart.com/I'm no photoshop expert here, but as someone who uses traditional media all the time (and who uses a scanner constantly) something about this gallery is mega-fishy to me. Those are NOT pencil or ink marks on paper, I don't care how bad your scanner settings are your traditional drawings won't come out looking like that =/ I've done bad scans on an older scanner in the past, you could still tell what media was used. However, with the right photoshop filters on a premade image you CAN get effects like this. As far as I'm concerned, this person is going around totting altered images of official winx art as their own. I'm not quite ready to bring my proof to the DA mods just yet, because as far as photoshop goes I almost NEVER use filters so I'm still trying to figure out which exact ones were used. But once I figure it out, I do plan on reporting the gallery. If anyone knows what they did exactly, that would help xD I know for certain that it's shopped though, I've seen this done before. >=U Duping people is just fail. I hate it when people lie to get butt-pats. It undermines everyone else who works hard on their art.
...Well isn't that...special...
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