Disclaimer: I grew up in Holland, where Comic Book Heroes aren't as pervasive as in America. We knew Superman and Batman from their movies, the Hulk from it's sixties TV show, Spiderman and X-men from their respective cartoons.... so my viewpoint might be different.
You're talking about the animated version, right? And.... I hate to slam that, because from what I've seen, it's an epic series (Wally West owns you all!) but Jon Stewart's inclusion kinda felt like 'Oh man.... we need a black dude in here.....'
Er.... I'm planning on seeing it, but some people whose opinion I can find myself in SLAMMED it, so I'm a bit weary.... but then again, I'm one of those weirdos that found enjoyment in Revenge of the Fallen (Not to mention Green Lantern comes out in August over here....)
But still, Green Lantern concept? I like it. An Alien Police force, physical representations of several emotion trough colors, rings that can turn willpower into matter..... there's a lot of potential here.
This post has been edited by P-girl: Jun 19 2011, 7:31 PM