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> Regal Academy, or Ever After High, Winx Club style
post Sep 9 2016, 6:21 PM
Post #1

Bloomix Fairy

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(Blows dust off the TV section)

After an Italian language preview of the first 6 episodes back in May, Rainbow's newest show Regal Academy started airing in English on Nick US last month. Initial impressions in the spoiler box...

- This show's central conceit of "fairytale children at school" will inevitably draw comparisons to the Ever After High doll franchise (and Descendants to a lesser degree), though there's one major difference: EAH is mostly focused on simple standalone plots told in 3 minute webisodes, whereas RA has a full 22 minutes to tell more encompassing stories in the episodes, and there's also an overarching season plot icon_smile.gif
- Another difference: The fact that the fairytale characters the main characters are descended from also play significant roles in the stories, whereas the recent EAH special seemed to go out of its way not to include them...
- Of course we need villains, and Vicky, Ruby, and Cyrus will obviously be compared to you-know-who icon_wink.gif Except that while Vicky = Icy and Ruby = Stormy... Cyrus is apparently more a Brafilius than a Darcy icon_confused.gif
- Interesting choice in having one of the main male characters, Hawk Snowwhite, be a descendant of a female lead... You don't see much of that in the more girl-centric EAH... (I'm perfectly aware that there's this guy)
- Mmm, dragon-riding icon_smile.gif You'd think that girl dragons would be more prevalent and prominent in fantasy, but outside EAH and RA, all I can think of are Eragon and Shrek icon_confused.gif
- Plant-powered Astoria Rapunzel as the studious character... I'm reminded when Bloom mentioned that Flora and Musa got the best marks in exams, way back in Winx season 1 icon_smile.gif And speaking of Astoria and Flora, both are also great at saving falling boys with their plant magic icon_smile.gif
- Rose seems extremely excitable at meeting fairytale characters and creatures, and I get that she's new to this fairytale business, but I think getting excited rather than terrified at meeting the monster frog in the swamp was stretching credibility a bit...
- It's only been 4 episodes, but between falling off the chandelier in ep 1 and the airbag mishap in ep 4, is it too soon to wish that Rose would stop sucking at everything?
- Nice twist on Jack and the Beanstalk in episode 4 icon_smile.gif

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post Sep 10 2016, 8:23 PM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

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I've seen clips of it and I'm on board. It's obvious that they're going for a more goofy, madcap, slapstick sorta feel then, say, Ever After High, which I can dig.
And I gotta say, I instantly fell in love with Joy LeFrog. That kind of quirky, space cadet-like characters are very hit and miss for me, but she's definately a hit. Probably because I don't want to tell her to CALM DOWN ALREADY! (Most quirky characters are just... loud and hyper and not up my alley. I like that this series has one that's just mellow and chill.(Maybe I'm projecting a little here.))

This post has been edited by P-girl: Sep 10 2016, 8:25 PM
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post Sep 20 2016, 4:33 PM
Post #3

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 5: Fairy Tale Wedding

- Rose continues to gawk at all the fairytale kids she's meeting... so what else is new? rolleyes.gif (And her collecting of souvenirs from fairytale land now extends to vandalizing books ohmy.gif )
- Hawk carrying around Vicky's princess repellent in potions class was just asking for trouble... (The notion that Vicky giving him the repellent was some sort of plan of hers is a bit of a stretch methinks...)
- I suppose RA has to go deeper to avoid treading on EAH's toes, so we get ourselves references to Sinbad and Arabian Nights...
- Astoria and Flora have another thing in common now: A canine companion icon_smile.gif Though Astoria's dog is more "Love and Pet" than Amarok... (And you'd think that the studious Astoria would get the owl that Hawk does icon_confused.gif)
- Between Winx S7's Brafilius and Astoria's dog, someone at Rainbow sure must love bulldogs...
- Show finally acknowledges that Rose isn't exactly helping the team's cause... Yeah, no kidding icon_smile.gif
- Hawk likes talking with his reflection... isn't that kind of the Evil Queen's schtick? blink.gif

Still waiting on English Ep 6, but Italy has just resumed their broadcasts with Ep 7 last week icon_smile.gif

This post has been edited by SpiderBraids: Sep 21 2016, 3:58 PM

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post Sep 29 2016, 4:28 PM
Post #4

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 8: The Revenge (After skipping last week's airing, looks like Nick US pulled a "The Lilo" this week icon_confused.gif)

- At least Rose isn't the only person on the team sucking at something, even if the criticism being levied against Travis' work seems rather unfounded icon_confused.gif
- Rose getting giddy at meeting Puss in Boots... uh-huh, what else is new? rolleyes.gif
- We learn that Ruby has repair powers... Interesting...
- Between the Schnauzer baddie, some of the gang being turned into potted plants, them being chased by hammers, and Travis rolling up a ball of giant-sized dragon mucus-ridden tissues to use on the pursuing baddies, this week's episode is very bizarre blink.gif Makes "Banana Day" pale in comparison blink.gif
- Then there's that ridiculous convo about dragons having bathrooms icon_biggrin.gif
- And on top of that, after going through the trouble of submitting one of Travis' statues as a backup to Puss' offbeat painting, Prof. Beauty takes a metaphorical dump all over the statue, and gives the painting an A+... Look lady, it's one thing to see beauty in even the most ridiculous things, but knocking a decently-made statue? blink.gif
- ETA: Oh, and we get to meet Travis' parents this week too icon_smile.gif

This post has been edited by SpiderBraids: Sep 30 2016, 3:47 PM

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post Oct 6 2016, 3:53 PM
Post #5

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 7: The Pea Princess' Granddaughter (Another character for Rose to gawk at icon_wink.gif)

- US viewers already actually saw the Three Little Pigs (insert more Rose gawking!) last week as part of the art class
- Also, Astoria's concern for her grade after "last week's" art class now makes more sense in light of the lashing they end up getting from this episode's titular character (well, in my mind at least, it might very well be just incidental)
- Hmm, outside of the S1 episode with WizGiz's envelope, you didn't see the Winx concern themselves too much about their grades...
- Vicky isn't involved in this episode, so this one feels more like a 22-minute version of an Ever After High webisode icon_smile.gif
- We're getting hints that Rose's mother, who Rose's grandma has specifically told Rose not to tell about her fairytale adventures, may have some familiarity with the fairytale world: Episode three ended with a shot of a photo of Mom peeking out from Rose's book, and this week, Mom mentions something about some sort of soothing herb for poison ivy itches...

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post Oct 21 2016, 4:05 PM
Post #6

Bloomix Fairy

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After skipping last week, two for one this week... (And I've got plenty of notes on both of them)

Ep 6: Mystery at Cinderella Castle (Rose's first sleepover)

- This episode, we begin to see hints of what Vicky is up to: Being able to control the fairytale gate at her disposal. In both this episode and the "next", Vicky and pals' scheme is thwarted not by Rose and friends, but by her own cohorts' incompetence icon_confused.gif
- Meanwhile, this ruckus forces Rose to have a sleepover at Cinderella Castle for the night, so how to make her parents not suspicious? Enter Mirror Rose icon_biggrin.gif Shades of the astral drops from W.i.t.c.h. perhaps?
- Ooh, the Billy Goats Gruff, and as usual, Rose gawks over them... Well, events in this one will make them lose quite a bit of respect in Rose's eyes...
- No surprise, Cinderella Castle has a room devoted to shoes, and also no surprise that Rose also gawks at it... and since this whole episode's plot revolves around shoes, we also get an appearance from the shoemaker elves icon_smile.gif
- With Astoria having the forge dragon pop up in the wardrobe at the castle, dragon-riding armor is not just for dragon-riding anymore icon_biggrin.gif
- Both this episode and the "next" one have songs in them... This week is the lively number "Here on My Feet"... which has a lyric about how much Rose loves shoes icon_smile.gif

Ep 10: Rose's Fairy Tale Collection (Nick US skips yet another episode)

- We open with Rose looking at her collection, and in a nice bit of continuity, she points out the page she took from Scheherazade's book a while ago. ..
- This week: Go downtown to buy potion ingredients, and once again, Rose's obsession with fairytale trinkets get her team (and this time, everyone else at RA) into trouble rolleyes.gif
- We learn that the animal-based characters have a magical item that allows them to look human (more or less) Take it off them and they revert to their normal animal form, which can be rather inconveniencing since one of the characters is a whale (and especially more so when said whale is also the only student who has one of the ingredients [!]) Hopefully this episode will stop Rose gawking over every fairytale character she meets... Speaking of which...
- We finally meet a character that Rose does not instantly gawk over: Ladies and gentlemen, Shire Cat... And again with Astoria and her obsession with grades icon_wink.gif
- This week's song is "This is How It Goes", and some parts remind me of this song from Beauty and the Beast...
- Vicky stealing Rose's antidote cookie out of nowhere and throwing it into Cyril's mouth... Shades of Ogron taking the Black Gift and using it on a flower, except with 100% more hilarious consequences icon_biggrin.gif
- The swamp episode showed dragons to be allergic to a certain kind of flower. The Revenge showed the dragons catching a cold. This week, Earth's peppermint toothpaste makes them sneeze (handy when your Chekhov's cookie gets stolen)... Makes you wonder how prone these guys are to sickness... (and what fairy tales use to clean their teeth)

This post has been edited by SpiderBraids: Oct 21 2016, 4:50 PM

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post Oct 29 2016, 2:04 AM
Post #7

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 9: Attack of the Shortbread Witch

- As usual, Ruby continues to be obsessed with marrying Hawk... Random thought: Shouldn't someone named Ruby have, I dunno, red hair rather than blue?
- Uh-oh, looks like Rose's mom got a call from her "actual" school's principal, and found the RA key in Rose's bag... And sure enough, she confirms her suspicions (and ours as well) by having Rose give her a kind of flower that turns out to grow in abundance at RA icon_surprised.gif
- While Rose is grounded back home, Vicky's latest scheme involves sending a letter plus a vial of magic-restoring potion over to earth, to the titular shortbread witch, who proceeds to turn RA's cooking class into a really long version of this EAH short icon_biggrin.gif
- Speaking of the class, the teachers have the entire team's grade hinge on every member handing in food by the end of the class... So once again, Astoria is concerned about having their grades being dragged down by Rose... I wouldn't like it that much either if my grades were consistently being held down because of an underachieving classmate icon_confused.gif
- Gigi (Rose's mouse) rips a piece of the witch's bag with the logo of her bakery on it and heads over to earth to give it to Rose... and of course once she finds out it belongs to the witch from Hansel and Gretel, she gawks over it and puts it in her collection icon_biggrin.gif (Note: Even though this episode actually goes before last week's, we see the egg that Rose is shown gawking over at the start of last week's ep already in the collection...)
- I know Travis' grandpa is supposed to be this really strong guy, but having him defeat a big bad cupcake monster with one simple nudge? icon_confused.gif
- And we finish on a really big revelation: Rose's mom also has magic of her own: Dress magic icon_surprised.gif And she's somewhat okay with her daughter going to RA (or else we don't have much of a show icon_wink.gif)

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post Nov 5 2016, 3:19 AM
Post #8

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 11: The Bad Wolf's Great Fall

- Rose slept at RA overnight to prepare for this week's assignment. No sign of Mirror Rose though icon_confused.gif
- After Cyrus smokebombs a guardian dragon (and himself icon_smile.gif) to sleep, Vicky uses her mad portal skills to bring a banished old lady over from earth to RA... who turns out to be the titular bad wolf from the Three Little Pigs story (Ooh!)
- This week's class assignment is a treasure hunt, and in light of the previous episode (in production order), Rose has to promise not to do anything stupid icon_smile.gif which apparently does not extend to her usual gawking over fairytale characters like Humpty Dumpty (who looks more blatantly CG than everyone else at RA) and the bad wolf icon_smile.gif
- Probably the most ridiculous thing to ever happen in RA, outside of episode 8: Rose pulling out a burrito (looks more like a taco to me) out of Travis' hair icon_biggrin.gif
- Funny lines:
* Hawk: "Save two damsels a day before class... keeps me limber"
* Astoria: "You're thinking of wishing for shoes, aren't you?" Rose: "No... I would never waste a wish like that... Probably"
* Bad Wolf: "How was that for revenge?" Vicky: "All you did was blow food on them"
- Well, that was quick... Gigi stuffs just their second egg, and with it, their second clue into Bad Wolf's mouth to stop her/him from blowing on the gang... I would've expected them to find a few more eggs/clues before they got sidetracked icon_confused.gif
- You'd think Rose would be more careful with handling a glass flute, even if she's terrible at blowing on it... icon_confused.gif
- Overarching plot progress alert: The last we see of Vicky this week is her finding a gate key in a drawer in the main auditorium. Let's see where this goes...

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post Dec 8 2016, 3:48 PM
Post #9

Bloomix Fairy

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Sorry for the hiatus, but my usual source has been remiss in putting up English RegAc. I've since found the remaining episodes elsewhere, so here we go...

Episode 12: Pumpkins and Dragons
- Once again, Rose causes problems for the whole school, this time by accidentally breaking her grandma's watch (which she thought was the White Rabbit's) and screwing up grandma's schedule for casting her renewal spell, causing RegAc to start turning back into a pumpkin patch... Seriously, hasn't she learned anything about keeping her hands off fairy tale trinkets since Ep 10?
- I'm getting a (post-Nick) Faragonda vibe from Grandma Cinderella's voice, and I'm quite sure Lisa Ortiz is voicing new character Alicia... and we've already met her grandpa Puss-In-Boots in an earlier episode, though the writers don't seem to remember that icon_confused.gif (Of course, insert Rose gawking here)
- Vicky seems enthused at the notion of being rid of RegAc forever... to the point of negating the result of Alicia's clever trick against one of the dragons
- Meanwhile, Rose's mom finds the watch lid that Rose unknowingly brought back home and left there, and we know that Mom already knows about RegAc... Back at RegAc, as if accidentally destroying the school wasn't enough, Rose now has to face the wrath of her family's dragon :uhoh:
- Turns out the writers do remember Puss-In-Boots, and it also turns out that Alicia's trick was how grandpa got the pumpkin for the original spell that created RegAc...
- Rose brought giant pumpkin seeds for souvenirs (HUH, and I thought Travis' hair burritos were random enough) plus more continuity, as she's getting the help of the giant from episode 4... with another random change to the source material: the giant's fertilizer allowed the beanstalk to grow overnight, so they're using it on Rose's seeds...
- Lo and behold, here comes Rose's mom to offer her help, and we find out her name is Clara... And Snow White doesn't like her presence here, future plot point perhaps?
- The episode sure ends with a lot of hugging...
- Hilarity icon_biggrin.gif
* "Rose is our pumpkin expert so she'll be our lead" "I am???"
* Random dragon falling for Alicia's trick
* Joy kissing pumpkins and Travis inflating another and floating with it
* "You just wanted a Kitten-In-Boots team up didn't you?" "...Kinda" "Just... do me a favor and stop giggling about it"
* (Astoria of her pumpkin goo conditioner she's trading for the giant's fertilizer with) "We have plenty" "When did you make all of this???"
* (Cinderella to Snow White about Clara not being allowed here) "Oh, stuff it Snow White"
* Gigi pelting Vicky with a pumpkin

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post Jan 10 2017, 10:07 AM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy

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Good news everyone! (Well, I think it is)
There's dolls now!
Regal Academy Dolls

I am SO getting that Joy. And if she's of good quality (Which I think she is), I might get the others, too.
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post Jan 21 2017, 2:25 PM
Post #11

Bloomix Fairy

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Been putting this off long enough...

Ep 13: The Grand Ball (mid-season finale before Nick US' hiatus... which just ended last week)

* Of course Rose would never be late for a ball... She even comes through the right portal for once icon_wink.gif Meanwhile, Vicky's using that key she found in the scavenger hunt ep to bring in yet another baddie in a trunk: Candlewick, master of Donkey Magic: "Excuse me for trying to, oh I don't know, trying to make the best out of a less-than-ideal entrance"
* Travis is accident-prone, we get it... On the prospect of Joy going out with new kid (er, frog) Esquire: "Am I the only one who thinks that's super weird... and gross?" icon_biggrin.gif
* We find out that even the ball will be graded... Astoria, on Joy and Travis' goofy performance in class: "Grace, posture, and poise... we're in trouble" (Later, Rose: "How do you study for a ball?")
* While Joy's thinking about going out with Esquire (and there's this deal about kissing him at midnight with "moonbeam lipstick", which we'll get to later), Rose quickly decides to go out with Hattie, grandson of the Hatter... Meanwhile, EAH's Madeline is probably thinking, "Oh, come on!" since he's acting relatively normal...
* And since it's a ball, we get to see the RegAc kids all dressed up to the nines... But no amount of dressing up will stop Rose from running around like a kid in a candy store (Grandma Cinderella: "Terrible shrieking posture")
* Rose meets up with Hattie, and Hattie finally starts living up to the Mad part of his legacy and gets his funk on at the ball, much to Cinderella's chagrin... and it looks like EVERYONE on Rose's team (bar Astoria) is stinking up the joint: Other than Rose and Hattie's dance, Joy's gone all boy-crazy for Esquire, Travis can't get himself anyone to dance with, everyone wants to dance with Hawk and he has to invent an excuse: "I'm under a curse: If I dance I'll get explosive indigestion" icon_biggrin.gif
* Rose has had enough of Hattie's quirkiness, so what does she do? Crawl on the floor and look at other dancers' shoes icon_biggrin.gif (to an instrumental of "Here on My Feet") Astoria is watching Cinderella mark red X after red X in her book, and decides to tell Hawk to get Rose off the floor, which he does by dancing with her to a really nice song (!) prompting Cinderella to toss her red pen and start making check marks with her green pen: "Now that's what I'm talking about" icon_smile.gif
* Hawk: "My villain sense is tingling" Time for the "real" plot to begin, as Candlewick arrives to turn some students into donkeys, a la Pinocchio (!) Rose: "If we fight in these clothes, we're going to ruin them... again" (Uh, and when was the first time???) No matter, the Forge Dragon happens to be attending the ball... "What's in it for me?" "We're going to save the school" "...Boring!" "I've got taffy, hope it's not too hard to open..." It is, and you'd think he'd have tried to open it before just giving them their armor...
* Astoria continues to give off serious Flora vibes by lifting a bunch of donkeys into the air with her vines (er, "Tower Magic", even though I'd associate vines more with Sleeping Beauty than Rapunzel...) while Travis questions why they themselves haven't been turned into donkeys yet... and guess who should get turned into one but Bad Luck Beast? And also one of the guardian dragons, and Cinderella and LeFrog as well (!)
* Esq starts hopping away ("Oh dear, this is no place for a handsome frog") as the clock hits midnight, which means it's time for Joy to kiss Esq, with a special moonbeam lipstick Astoria has whipped up for her... Rose on Joy's parkour act while pursuing Esq: "Suffering shoe sales! She's like a frog doing kung fu!" Hawk: "Yes... the ancient art of frog fu. So it really exists" icon_biggrin.gif
* Joy's kiss doesn't just de-curse Esq... it even sends a super curse-breaking shockwave (Astoria's words!) that de-curses all the donkeys in the room... leading to a hilarious moment of Candlewick getting whipped by the guardian dragon's tail, which is then followed by Rose tripping him up with pumpkin magic skates, and Hawk sending him flying up a ramp, right into Hattie's hat: "Why does it smell so bad in heeeeere?????" Rose: "Huh, Seems odd the smell of the hat was his biggest concern there"
* In a twist that many probably saw coming, Esq doesn't like his "hideous" human body since he's been a frog for his whole life, and begs to be turned back... and although Joy does have her Frog Magic, she is understandably reluctant to instantly undo her hard work, but Vicky has absolutely no reservations... Reactions to seeing Esq leaping in pursuit of Frog!Joy... Hawk: "EW" Rose: "How cute" icon_biggrin.gif
* And after all she's been through tonight... of course Rose would want a souvenir from Hattie icon_biggrin.gif

While we're on the subject of RegAc, our favorite Winx blogger has come up with an idea linking the two shows via S6 icon_smile.gif

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post Jan 30 2017, 4:28 PM
Post #12

Bloomix Fairy

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In the US, the 2nd half of the season is being shown at 7am on Saturdays (!!)

Ep 14: The Legendary Ironfan (RegAc gets its "Aisha" a la Equestria Girls: Friendship Games)
- We open with a class on ballroom dancing with Cinderella, who talks about the importance of gowns, and Travis is skeptical about it... Cinderella responds "You question the gown? Well, I question your legs!" and quips about having the boys remove theirs (!) Rose makes a point of noting that one of the dresses looks different, and it turns out to come from a friend of hers named Ironfan (this will be important)
- While the class learns dancing... C: "Joy, your pace is all off... Have you tried not being a frog?" J: (Grabs other frog to dance with)
- Cinderella tells the class to meet up to the dragon arena for the main plot of the episode: an interschool track and field contest, which gives Vicky an idea... to set up a trap involving the firework cannons (Ooh!) And again, Vicky's own cohorts are threatening to compromise her plan, as Ruby tries firing some fireworks (!)
- Cinderella reminds the RegAc kids that "Like everything, this competition will be graded", so Vicky's trap might come back to bite the school in the butt... Travis: "Who sets up a tent in the middle of someone else's school? Circus clowns?" It turns out to be Shan Academy, whose lead representative is some sort of monkey (!)
- First event is dragon archery... The boys and Astoria hit their targets, while Joy misfires by turning into a frog and Rose accidentally slams herself into one of the targets (!) Shan's representative keeps hitting nothing but bullseyes a la this scene, leaving everyone in amazement, especially Travis... whose foot gets caught in a dragon collar and he winds up hanging upside down from Rose's dragon's neck (!)
- While Coach Beast is choosing the next event, Rose (and we) learn from Cinderella that Shan's representative is Ironfan Lingling, granddaughter of the aforementioned Ironfan... Rose is so excited by this that when LL comes out for Fairy Wrestling, Rose glomps LL immediately to ask for an autograph... which is swiftly met by a countermove... "Yeah, so.... can I get an autograph?"
- Next up is burrito eating, and once again the animators have "drawn" tacos (hmph) LL is at bat again for Shan, against the three little pigs, and once again, LL comes out on top... (Did the animators just not want to "draw" LL burping, judging from the sudden cut to the wideshot when she does this?) Travis is verily enamored by LL, while nevertheless bragging that "She can't beat me at brute strength" Astoria: "He's just looking for reason to talk to Lingling" Rose: smile.gif
- So anyways, Travis heads to the Shan tent... and discovers that LL is actually Shan's ONLY representative at the games (!) LL is practicing her calligraphy, and she even brags that she made her brush herself from "glamor weasel" hair because she raises them (!)
- Next event is the javelin throw... Coach Beast: "What a joke, even a butterfly can throw a javelin!" Travis: "Hey, lay it off grandpa, she's just a girl..." While LL is wondering why her rival's smiling at her (if this were anyone else, it'd probably be out of smugness icon_wink.gif) Travis launches a really massive throw that ends up looping back to the arena... and after landing behind Travis, ends up counting as negative 2 m (!) Incredibly, we do not have Travis acting incredulous at this, as LL tosses her winning throw and reveals that she picked the javelin hoping for just this result... T: "I think that's the first time a girl's ever complimented me" J: "Just yesterday I said you smelled like slug snot... Slug snot is delicious! icon_biggrin.gif"
- Next up is hurdles, and RegAc is represented by Joy and her frog magic... Frog!Joy keeps ahead of LL until she ends up pulling a "You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown" at a turn and leaps straight into a pole (!) while LL zooms by: "Everyone knows that frogs have no endurance, that's why we don't ride them"
- After the speed reading competition ends with Astoria being DQ'd for ruining her books, she says that since LL found all of their weaknesses, they must find LL's... So Rose decides to follow LL to the legendary RegAc ballroom... LL is wowed by the ballroom, but even more so by the gowns in the room... Rose sees her twirling with the gowns and thinks: "We found her weakness: The tough warrior loves really girly dresses icon_smile.gif"
- LL walks up to the gown her grandma gave to Cinderella: "With nothing but training and fighting, I'm missing all the fun in life" Rose decides to emerge from hiding and offers to have her try on one of the dresses, but LL explains there's a strict dress code at Shan: "Or rather, a 'no dress' code" Rose: "That's the most horrible thing I've ever heard" Shan also doesn't have dances or balls as according to LL, they're a sign of weakness, prompting a really hilarious reaction from Rose, before fainting... Rose wishes there was something she could do for her, prompting LL to respond: "No one has ever said that to me" before running off... HUH...
- Back at the games, and Hawk tells Rose that "There's no way [LL]'s better than me with a sword... and just in case, I have a trick up my sleeve" While the two go at it with their swords, Travis implies that he's allergic to being stabbed (Shades of the Disney flick, much? icon_wink.gif) Hawk's trick up his sleeve: He's not left-handed, as he switches his sword from left to right... LL's: She's both left- and right-handed (!) and pulls out another sword to knock Hawk down a staircase (!)
- Which means the only remaining chance for RegAc to claim a win is the "Red Riding Relay", for which Rose has been selected for the final leg (following Alicia, Gerald, and Vicky), and Cinderella gives Rose an extra motivation to win the race: She's got a fan from Ironfan in her basket and if she wins she can keep it. And here we go!
- LL is comfortably ahead at the end of each lap, so it all comes down to Rose vs. LL... and it turns out that Vicky's plan is apparently trying to shoot LL with the fireworks (!!!) Rose has to tackle her out of the line of fire and knocks her out, and much to Vicky's bewilderment, Rose rushes over to LL's side and Gigi pours some of the wine (?) from the basket on LL's face. After coming to, LL makes this on-the-nose speech about deciding to trust Rose from now on smile.gif
- But the race is still on, and the RegAc boys' plan is afoot... and it involves the other RegAc girls dancing in gowns and using Hawk's snow magic to add sparkliness to it all... The girls throw a gown at LL... Rose also wants a dress, and Astoria helpfully points that she should be focusing on finishing, but Rose is hesitant about this (especially when LL is just starting to trust her), even as Travis tries to drag her away... Hmm...
- Rose comes clean about the distraction with frilly dresses and admits that LL deserves to win, to which she comments: "I'm impressed... No one has ever discovered my weakness..." (Me: Well, considering the "no dress" code at Shan...) "... that I want to be a strong warrior also to wear frilly gowns... But my school won't allow it" (Me: Hey!) Rose immediately pitches her school to LL and Travis suggests that "We can paint together... if you want" and the pigs even suggest having LL teach them how to choke down more burritos (HEH!)
- Coach Beast would also love LL to come over, but monkey guy comments that LL's her top student: "If I go back without her, I'll be out of a job" Rose: "Then why don't you just come here and teach?" Monkey: "Oh... I hear you have dances and balls...?" LL's grateful for the offer, and before she accepts, she has one thing left to do... Rose is expecting a hug, but ends up getting a really hard shove that sends her flying backwards over the finish line... Congratulations Rose!
- Cinderella is shown talking with Ironfan asking for her permission to bring LL over, for which she's okay because in her words, LL needs to become a great person, and "to do that, she must broaden her horizons"... as we finish back in the ballroom, where LL's introduced to the other students, and Rose tells her: "This is your first step towards a beautiful dress-filled future" ... And LL's first walk in a dress does not end very well, but Rose is quick to point out that she's had her share of troubles with walking in dresses icon_biggrin.gif

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post Feb 6 2017, 4:10 PM
Post #13

Bloomix Fairy

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Posts: 418
Joined: June 17 2012

Ep 15: Rose and the Dragon King (How to Train Your Dragon, RegAc style)
- We open with Rose putting Ironfan's fan in her collection for winning it last week... as Travis and Gigi look indifferent to her enthusiasm. Today they're going to learn how to tame a dragon (hopefully not involving a teenager with half a left leg...) and one thing Rose suggests they can train their dragons to do... is go shoe shopping (like that's a surprise...) Travis points out that dragons hate shoes: "The thought of it sends them on a rampage!" Rose responds: "It's my life long dream to go show shopping with a dragon"... Travis: "Last week, your life long dream was to teach karate to ice cream cones" Rose: "...So that they can defend themselves" icon_biggrin.gif So yeah, Travis doesn't approve of Rose's various dreams... "Shoe shopping plus dragons equals insane destruction" Meanwhile, they're being stalked by some dude in a green hat with a magic flute, which he uses to keep the door propped open before coming through the portal...
- Over at RegAc, Rose and Travis are bewildered that the teachers are aiming their wands at them, until they make it clear that they're aiming for green hat guy... aka The Pied Piper (!) While the old teachers are chasing the sprightly Piper, Rose is bewildered that he's a villain... and a leprechaun, but Travis clarifies that he's only wearing liederhosen...
- Anyways, as the teachers concede that they're not as young as they used to be, Rose catches up to Piper, and he uses his flute to hypnotize Gigi, riding shotgun on Rose, into tackling her icon_biggrin.gif Teachers run into Vicky, who misdirects them in the wrong direction, no surprise there...
- Over to dragon training class with Snow White and Coach Beast, and it feels straight out of Dreamworks' Dragons franchise, as Snow describes the Battlefire dragon, whose main claim to fame... is eating three times as much pie as any other dragon (!) Next up is the sassy Madlove dragon, whose breath makes anyone fall madly in love... After an interlude where Madlove bemoans that no one ever falls in love with him, Ruby thinks she can use this fact about Madlove's breath to make Hawk fall in love with her, but Vicky insists on having Ruby cover for her. The RegAc pets follow Vicky, while Snow reminds the class not to try to tame the Low Ong, King of Dragons: "He's a king, so you must always show him the proper respect"
- Speaking of, Vicky is certain that this really big dragon can take out all the guardian dragons, and so decides to talk with him... And we see that Piper's riding another dragon and playing his flute, and he's being followed by Rose's dragon, carrying the pets (!) Gigi and Vidal (Astoria's dog) jump down on to the Piper causing him to blow his notes wrong, and causing Low Ong to go berserk (!!)
- Dragon training class, and already LL has integrated herself well with everyone else, and has trained her dragons to perform tricks, do her taxes (she has taxes?) and perform Hamlet (replete with skull!) Hawk is riding a Bolt dragon (one guess as to its main feature), an invisible dragon is sitting on Travis and lifting him into the air, and Rose is hugging a Gumchew dragon (it's sticky!) Meanwhile, Vicky is PO'd about her plan to have Piper control Low Ong going pear-shaped and wastes no time in letting her cohorts know about it...
- So yeah, Low Ong attacks the dragon training class, and this causes the other dragons to scatter, and the invisible dragon drops Travis, much to his relief... only for him to be picked up by a more visible dragon and then dropped again (!) Riding a Bolt dragon with the rest of the team, Astoria hair-catches a falling Travis: "Look at that catch, I hope we're being graded on this" And it also turns out that Bolt dragons aren't good at carrying loads, so thr dragon and everyone else drop to the ground, and one guess who takes the brunt of everyone's fall icon_wink.gif
- Coach Beast asks for someone responsible to take the students to the library... and even though Astoria is volunteering for the task, he decides to choose LL, much to Astoria's chagrin... Beast has a bottle of dragon control potion for emergencies, which he tells Rose to give to "Astoria, Hawk, or really anyone who isn't you" (HEH!) The bottle falls out of Rose's pocket during the chaos going on during the attack, and what ends up happening to it is ridiculous: Ruby finds the bottle and when she sees Madlove walking by, she empties the bottle and uses it to carry its breath (!!!) Considering that Ruby does know what that bottle is, that would probably make Ogron (of Winx S4 infamy) go "Oh, come on!"
- Who'da thunk a throw away line would become relevant to the story? Cyril is wearing a leprechaun outfit (!) and carrying around a pair of flying shoes to use as bait for catching Low Ong because he thought dragons are supposed to be attracted to shoes (!!) Cyril falls asleep (a recurring problem with him it seems), and Rose spots the shoes and grabs them (of course!)
- While LL was leading the other students to safety, Hawk found a forge dragon (a small red one, different from their usual), and as Rose finally re-unites with the rest of her squad, we find out that little forge dragon has spent the time filling out paperwork, and now has the gang hand over their dragon licenses (Travis: "Oh man, my picture is terrible" icon_biggrin.gif) and takes a look at them, before giving them their armor... and it's only now that Rose discovers that Beast's dragon control potion has gone missing, much to Astoria's chagrin, but Rose says: "We just learned how to tame dragons! And I've got brand new shoes! We can do it!"
- So, while Hawk is busy distracting Low Ong on one dragon, Travis and Rose are riding another, and he tosses her into the air... and those flying shoes allow her to keep up with Low Ong while tickling his chin (HUH.) Low Ong's chin ends up knocking her out of the air, and Joy uses her Frog Magic to turn Rose into a frog and swoops in to catch her: "I have a lot of practice catching frogs"
- Riding a Gumchew, Astoria comes up on top thanks to (what else?) her books that tell her where to apply pressure to make Low Ong get sleepy thumbsup.gif But they'd rather have spent their time preparing for the exam, even though Hawk is skeptical there should even be an exam... Well, there is, and Coach Beast quickly rules taming the dragon king as not being a trick (!!)
- After a brief chat between Vicky and Piper over dealing with Low Ong, back to the classroom... Astoria finds out what's happening with Low Ong from (what else?) a book, and when asked about practicing their dragon tricks she adds, "I can't believe I'm saying this but..." Rose finishes for her: "There's something more important than grades?" A: "Yes... Saving everyone's lives" R: "Wow! Now this is totally one of my dreams come true icon_biggrin.gif"
- After another quick clip of Low Ong flying around, we're at the main castle courtyard for everyone's tricks. Some random backgrounder makes her Battlefire dragon beg and roll over like a dog (we only see the begging, but we then see Battlefire do a breakdance-style twirl) This bemuses the RegAc pets, as Rose and team decide that they'll perform their tricks and then set-up their trap...
- However, Low Ong arrives earlier than expected (!) prompting the dragons to comment, "The Boss Man is not having a chill day" laugh.gif So anyways, Astoria has everyone takes out their wands, and starts theorizing on what fantastic hiding spot Piper's at... and Rose immediately points out he's on the top of Low Ong's head laugh.gif After Joy turns into a frog (again) Hawk temporarily disables him with Snow Magic, and while the gang's making their getaway, Low Ong comments that he hates ice-cream headaches (HEH.) Piper goes it alone... only to be confused by the sudden appearance of a pumpkin helicopter... Rose jumps out to tackle Piper, and flings his flute over to Astoria's ivy-hair, which then proceeds to smash it...
- In an interesting touch though, this doesn't break the spell, and Low Ong is starting to lose himself... So Rose has a big idea... which is to order it to go shoe shopping with her (!) This does not please the boys, as Low Ong rants on how he refuses to do such a thing... and it turns out to be part of her plan: "You remember who you are!" (Closes her wand) "Then problem solved"
- Since Rose kept Low Ong from going cray-cray (his exact words), Low Ong will grant Rose one favor (Me: Better not involve shoes) Low Ong: "Better not be shoe shopping" No, but Low Ong's not far off: Rose magics up a pair of shoes for him to try on, and we get a lengthy interlude of Low Ong critiquing the shoes, which ends up prompting other dragons to want shoes... which Rose obliges with her pumpkin magic (!) Who'da thunk a throw away line would become relevant to the story, right?
- Travis is amazed that Rose's crazy dream paid off, and Hawk is quick to add that this shows how "a little imagination can save the day when things are darkest"... Rose's next dream? It involves ice cream cones and karate icon_wink.gif
- After Piper gets hauled off thinking he probably should have learned this instrument instead, Low Ong declares a dance party in the kingdom, with an instrumental version of "Here on My Feet"... and in the final moments, that emptied bottle of potion finally pays off, as Cyril cluelessly hands over the bottle to Vicky (Ruby: "I feel like I'm forgetting something about that potion"... and they're both dressed as leprechauns) leading to a shot of a guardian dragon suddenly going crazy for Vicky laugh.gif

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post Feb 12 2017, 9:04 AM
Post #14

Bloomix Fairy

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Posts: 418
Joined: June 17 2012

Ep 16: Song of the Sea Witch
- Looks like they've laid off the whole "Travis and Rose falling into school" gag for the time being... So Rose is excited about school today (Travis: "You're this excited every day" HEH!) It's singing class, and Rose points out that "all the famous fairy tale princesses can sing, and I want to be a real fairy tale like them!" Travis reassures that Rose is already a great fairy tale hero, "and don't you forget it!... Not as good as me maybe, but you'll get the hang of it"
- While Vicky and Ruby are watching, Rose points out that the best fairy tale singer is The Little Mermaid (well, of course) and wonders why she isn't their teacher. Travis: "Maybe the fact that our school isn't underwater?" (I was expecting something more along the lines of what happens in Andersen's original take on the tale) Travis brags that his voice "will have the girls running"... but not for the reason he thinks, as his squirrel bites his shoe and he lets out a really big roar (!) sending a pair of girls scurrying... Rose tries to fob it off as coincidence ("They're just running because they're scared of... Thursdays?")
- So their teacher is Prof. Beauty, which considering their previous class, spells trouble for Travis... Tomorrow each student will perform a song, and the best score will get a stage show in front of the school for extra credit. Naturally, everyone wants it, but Vicky wants it especially to make her plan much easier...
- Warm ups! While Doc is not amused by the boys' practice, Rose accidentally knocks Vicky into the dusty sheet music on Beauty's piano, sending Vicky into a coughing fit before accusing Rose of trying to damage her voice and walking off in a huff (!) Finn (the whale, he of the shrinking sugar trouble from episode 10) is the first to warm up on the stage (and Vicky is clearly visible to the left of the screen in the wideshot of the crowd) and his very low voice blows... not just figuratively, but literally, as Gigi and her cheese go flying (HAH!) The next student's voice is as high as Finn's was low, and she soon gets her mouth taped laugh.gif Next up is Rose... and literally the moment she's about to start, the bell rings and the classroom clears (not what I expected, but whatever)
- Over at the portal, Vicky, accompanied with Ruby, heads over to the key hole with a potion for summoning an evil witch... First thing she grabs is a baby in a carriage, so Vicky tries again and grabs an elephant icon_biggrin.gif Third time is the charm, as she grabs The Sea Witch (... uh-oh) (The shimmering effect on the portal doesn't move along with the "camera moves"... HUH.)
- Over at Vicky's dorm, Cyril is surprised that the sea witch doesn't have a fish tail ("You try fitting in on earth without legs... and don't get me started on pants") Vicky's deal in her own words: "Once I take the gate, it's party time in fairy tale land for all the banished fairy tale villains" But she wants to have the sea witch get rid of one of her nuisances, by stealing someone's voice (and I think we can guess whose...)
- Back at the RegAc quad, Rose decides to practice her scales, and we find out that Rose has never tried singing before (!!!) Joy suggest that they can help her practice at her family castle (Singing lessons from frogs? Oh boy...) On the ride, Hawk explains the rules for life at the LeFrogs' castle: Don't eat the snacks, apply bug spray liberally, don't eat the snacks, don't talk to any amphibians bigger than your head, DON'T EAT THE SNACKS icon_smile.gif
- Joy's never had any company before at her castle (T: "Oh really, wonder why that is") as we head to her bedroom... comprised mostly of lilypads on a lake (A: "It's got a real soggy quality to it") Rose wants to sing and Hawk comments: "You're probably better than Travis at least" laugh.gif Joy comes in with snacks, and Hawk reminds the gang of the rules... Good, because those spider burgers don't look so appetizing... Travis grabs what looks like a cookie and it turns out to be a beetle...
- T: "Okay, why are we here?" Turns out Joy is in a band, and she wants the gang to meet them... Travis: "They better not all be frogs..." Cut to the band performing... Travis sighs: "Yep, they're all frogs" And of course Joy turns into a frog while she brags that she isn't a frog, which makes Travis have to pick her up and kiss her (HEH!) Rose says of the lead singer in the band: "Lead singer? More like lead croaker, am I right? smile.gif" Rose appreciates him shining her shoes and wants to take her home to shine her shoe collection (eye-roll) Joy of all people reminds Rose of the task at hand, but nevertheless... Rose: "I like this frog: He likes shoes!"
- J: "I think he's frustrated that your voice isn't..." (Me: Pleasant to listen to?) "... deep and froggy enough" (Me: Oh) This makes Rose cry, but Hawk recommends her to forget about Prof. Beauty and the frog and everyone, and just try something simple like holding a note. So Rose tries that and is... not godawful (!) Astoria is shocked but Travis says: "No, it makes sense! She has super strong lungs from all her incessant babbling!" Even Rose is amazed, as the gang have decided that she'll be representing her team tomorrow...
- ...unless a certain Sea Witch has her way, speaking of whom, she briefly peers out of a nearby lake, and Vidal apparently notices this. Sea Witch decides that "He can't rat me out if he can't bark", and uses her spell to steal Vidal's bark... Vidal follows the bark and accidentlally runs into the Sea Witch's head, send his bark flying into her mouth, resulting in, well guess... Vidal quickly swims back to the shore, and rats out the Sea Witch... in the Sea Witch's voice (!)
- Hawk and Travis take turns trying to hit the Witch with their magic... Travis uses his Fury Magic at the same time Sea Witch uses her spell, and the wind sends the spell ball bouncing everywhere... and guess who it eventually runs into... Rose hangs on for dear life to the ball carrying her her voice, and Astoria even tries grabbing her in a tug of war, but Sea Witch even gets her voice ("Your voice is fine, ta-ta darlings")... and as with Vidal (who's so relieved at getting his bark back he breakdances icon_biggrin.gif), Rose ends up getting the Witch's instead, as she makes snarky comments about what she does with pants... T: "We can't embarrass Rose and let her sing in front of the whole class tomorrow!" Rose does not take this well (uh, duh?) Lead singer frog comes to wipe the tears off her shoes, as Joy points out that he does seem to like her "new" voice. R: "On second thought, I got an idea" Incidentally, does the "new" voice sound like 4Kids' Prof. Griffin to you?
- The next day's class, and teachers have been randomly selected to judge their songs, and Lingling will lead off. A: "Lingling is all sports and swords... No way she can sing" Astoria is quickly proven wrong much to her shock, as LL snarkily comments: "Every fairy tale character can sing, right?" Coming up is Rose, and her idea better be a good one... Well, her singing is not much to write home about, and it's really horrifying... except to Prof. LeFrog, who gives it good marks (ah-hah!)
- Rose feels humiliated, but Travis tells Rose and Astoria that Rose is getting a stage show, so now it's imperative that the gang get Rose's actual voice back... T: "Dr. LeFrog demanded it. He was so excited he barfed flies all over Granny's desk!... Hmm? Maybe she agreed just to get him to stop?" In class, Astoria cutely sings "E-e-extra credit", as the stage show will be performed with Joy's band on backup... And it's still no less humiliating than her class performance, and just as before, only characters named LeFrog enjoy it... Oh, and Vicky also enjoys Rose's utter humiliation... "Happiness!"
- The Sea Witch shows up: "Impossible! Her voice is more beautiful than ever!" Uh, you do notice the crowd booing her right? The boys and Gigi go after the Witch to get her to give Rose her voice back, but "The only thing I'm giving anyone is chaos!" as she starts flinging her voice spells everywhere... Two hit Doc and Gigi and they switch voices, and the next pair to get switched are Joy and Travis. LL and Hawk to try to attack, guess what happens? And then Astoria finds herself speaking with Doc LeFrog's voice (!) Hawk (with LL's voice): "It'll take a real man to do that" We're getting to hear characters' voices with other characters' mannerisms icon_smile.gif (Meanwhile, many body switch plotlines have copped out of this potentially interesting aspect of the plot)
- Sea Witch (with Rose's voice): "What are you, dodgeball champion?!" The crazy voice mixup continues, as Hawk gets his voiced switched with Gigi's (!!) and the Sea Witch continues to be frustrated at her inability to hit Rose... Rose (with Sea Witch's voice): "I'll bet I could hit those voice balls back!" Hawk's voice gets switched to Cinderella's as he tosses Rose a mirror, and his reflection (also speaking in Cinderella's voice) adds: "It's like an earth mirror, only with, you know, magic!" Rose makes the obvious tennis pun (HAH!) as she gets a rally going... Snow White gets Coach Beast's voice, and it's getting tough to track who's getting who's voice, especially with Travis getting switched three times over the course of one sentence ("[Joy] Today is not [Coach Beast] my [Snow White?] lucky day") Gigi (in Hawk's voice) tells Rose to "Let me at her", so Rose serves Gigi right at Sea Witch's face, distracting her long enough to follow it up with one of her voice balls, knocking her over and knocking her wand to the ground, releasing everyone's voice back to normal (as it initially appears, anyway)... and no one is more relieved than Rose icon_smile.gif
- H: "Now, let's say we give your awesome singing voice its real debut" And so, Rose goes into a nice slowjam that completely different from her usual energetic mania... A: "I must be dreaming... that can't be Rose?" On top of that, Hawk joins in on the fun, and we even get some nice Travis/LL ship tease during the song icon_wink.gif Prof. Beauty declares that they're getting "A+ for extra credit" as Prof. LeFrog and Snow White are dancing in the BG... Vicki: "What, this is about the worst ever..." and then she realizes she's talking with the Sea Witch's voice (HEH!!!) So Vicki strikes down the witch with her wand with intent to do more, and suddenly Snow White congratulates her on stopping the Witch (!) V: (gets carried away form the Witch by her classmates) H and R: (SMH)... Methinks we could have done without this last twist and just ended on Vicki chasing the witch after realizing what happened?

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post Mar 2 2017, 3:46 PM
Post #15

Bloomix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 418
Joined: June 17 2012

Been remiss for the past few weeks, so...

Ep 17: Hawk and the Poisoned Apples
- Today, we open on dragon riding with Rose and the gang, dealing with a stone ogre throwing stones... Rose is bemused at Travis having to duck to avoid getting hit (HEH) Hawk uses his Snow Magic and has the rest beat up the ogre into submission, and Rose gets the winning blow icon_smile.gif Rose declares they've finished in time for the afternoon magical items exam... until Astoria tells them it was in the morning (!)
- Snow White arrives and has them come over to her palace, where she chews them out for their grades getting worse than ever, even though they have many famous family names on the team... "Like Snow White!" H: "But granny, how can we have time to study? We're always saving the school!" (Yep, they've gone full-on Winx with the squad...) "You think you're the only students with extracurricular activities? Improve your grades or I'm breaking up your team!" Snow White chases them out by enchanting a pile of apples and tossing them at them... and Hawk catches one in his mouth (HEH!) You'd think that his grandma's story would make him hate apples... Amy Mebberson has the right idea...
- Coming up is potions class, in which today we will learn about poisons... Prof LeFrog "And for once I see Rose isn't the most excited student" (HEH) "Although I see it's a bit hard to see anyone get excited about poisons" Cut to Vicky relishing this class... While LeFrog rambles away, it appears that the team's main concern is Snow White's threat, as Hawk assures Astoria that Snow White's a softy for family... A: "Well, that helps exactly one of us"
LeFrog: "However, the point of this class isn't how to USE poisons... (cut to Vicky being bewildered and disappointed) It's to learn how to combat them!" Rose is excited while Vicky asks "So I won't get extra credit for using sleeping poison on the class?" Cut to a bunch of other students falling asleep, to LeFrog's bewilderment... and Doc icon_biggrin.gif "No! Poisoning your classmates is... inappropriate!" H: "You definitely shouldn't poison pets, Vicky" V: "It wasn't me" Doc hilariously sleepwalks and naps on Hawk's head... and passes gas (!!) He always passes gas when he sleeps (and it's colored pink for some reason!) This makes the other students come to, as a female voice says "Owl gas is a powerful poison... and an even more powerful cure"
- Ladies and gentlemen, our guest teacher: The Evil Queen (replete with Toccata and Fugue entrance music!) Hawk has the most adorkable "WhaaaaaAAAAT?!" reaction... H: "But she's insanely evil!" LF: "The Evil Queen is our guest. It's rude to call her evil!" R: "But sir? It's her name!" Evil Queen doesn't mind (HEH) and admits that she was "a bit of a diva" and admits to trying to "obliterate anyone fairer than myself", before rushing down the stair case (hilariously replete with dust trail!) to the bottom floor where LF is... "As I was saying... look at me!" (Twirls... before falling over) "Not much motivation to be the fairest is there? I've moved on..."
- Hawk is livid: "DOES MY GRANDMOTHER KNOW ABOUT THIS?!?!" LF: "She approved it" The whole class gets to have the most bewildered reaction ever (except Vicky, heh) Evil Queen says she wrote Snow White a few weeks ago to apologize ("You know, soft spot for family") R: "So does that mean you're reformed? An ex-villain helping the good guys? BEST FAIRY TALE EVER!" So she's here to promote understanding between villains and heroes... A: "Through poison?!" Queen: "Yes, through lots and lots of poison!"
- Lesson 1: Don't accept apples from strangers... pretty sure most kids in the audience can take that to heart icon_wink.gif Hawk runs over to grab the queen's apple, and sure enough, he falls asleep (HAH!) Evil Queen's assignment is to look for an apple in the basket she's holding that isn't poisoned... good luck buddies... Gerald gets a frog lover special: Makes you smell like a fat swamp fly... G: "Do flies have a smell?" Gerald gets glomped by a bunch of frogs, and Rose and Gigi react hilariously... and of course Joy follows the frogs (HEH!) Next, Travis gets one that makes him fly... ("That sounds great!") randomly and uncontrollably, before landing on Hawk. Rose gets a spell that makes him magnetically attractive to burritos (and again, do the animators not know the difference between those and tacos?) Violet Ogre (the green girl with the braids) gets one that makes her pass through floors, Joy gets one that allows her to breath green apple juice... (A: "Now that's just stupid") instead of air... And evil queen brings out a bowl of green apple juice for Joy to breathe in... A: "Oh wow, I never thought of that... I'd better carry some around on me" Hawk decides to call the Evil Queen out on her shenanigans: "They're all poisoned aren't they?!" Queen: "Oh no, some are poisoned twice!"
- Outside class, Rose is feeding tacos (er, burritos) to the flowers in the quad when Lingling comes across her. Rose asks why LL wasn't in potions class, and it's because LL aced herbal medicine at her last school... and look at the lighting on LL smile.gif H: "My gut says the Evil Queen is still incredibly evil" Ya don't say? R: "Hawk, I believe you, your intuition has never failed us!" But the other teammates are quick to point out that he's had them attack an ogre/troll/spider to rescue a princess and she turned out to be his daughter/wife/mother, as the princesses chide Hawk for those incidents... But Hawk is "really sure this time", and Rose thinks that having her as one of the good guys would be cool... while the flower is like, "Where's my tacoburrito?!" and starts tying itself to Rose... Hawk decides they have to ask grandma what's going on, and she's teaching magical items. Rose suggests going to the class... as she gets covered in vines from the flower (HAH-HAH)
- However, Coach Beast is teaching the class, and suggesting that when a magical mirror isn't working... one should kick it laugh.gif Rose's gang shows up and Hawk asks Coach about this, and it turns out Snow White didn't show up, and Coach Beast was the only one free. H: "And no one went looking for her?" CB: "I just assumed she locked herself in her office pigging out on apples... She does that a lot you know. It's not helping" The gang heads out of class as Coach demonstrates why you shouldn't use a magic wand to pick your teeth (HAH!)
- The gang are riding their dragons to Snow White Castle, and Hawk points out that he knows all her hiding spots: "They're handy for when granny brings princesses to the castle" R: "I always wonder why you hide from princesses. They can't all be bad... Um, I mean, there must be some... or one you wouldn't run from?" Hawk smiles at this, but Rose does a bit of deflection: "I mean, one, or anyone... no one in particular?"
- R: "Can we get back to saving the day now?" Back to plot, as at the castle, Hawk discovers that not just grandma is missing, but also her magic mirror (!) A: "Okay, let's not jump to conclusions" H: "The evil queen stole it!" T: "Why would she want a mirror? She's so ugly now" (HEH)
- Back at the RegAc quad, the Queen (carrying a big enough bag to carry the mirror) runs into Vicky... V: "Are you being evil right now?" Q: "Oh dearie, that was the old me! I'm done with delicious, exhilarating, wonderful EVIL!" V: "I'm an evildoer in disguise" Q: "And I suppose you're here to turn me back?" After she looks at Vicky for a bit... "Okay, you win, I can't resist your onslaught of temptations any longer!" So just like that huh? Vicky is bewildered, but she's cool with the Queen trying to poison everyone, a scheme that requires first stuffing Snow White in her own magic mirror... "Oh wait, I already did!... Because it was originally MY mirror!" And Vicky hears Snow White screaming from the bag and giggles before saying: "I think... I love you" (Watch the shippers jump all over that line icon_wink.gif)
- Astoria leads the gang to where they last saw the Evil Queen, the potions lab... where Joy's grandpa is flying around like Travis was earlier (!) ramming into the floating shelves and eventually into Hawk... Somehow, "Bad luck Snow White" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue...
- Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, it's burrito day, and Evil Queen sneakily places an apple next to Cinderella on the table. Cinderella cluelessly eats it and gets herself covered with burritos icon_biggrin.gif Rapunzel has an apple and is suddenly gasping for air, but thankfully the gang rush in to save her from choking on air with green apple juice (Animation laziness: 1) The dialog indicates that Joy is passing Astoria the bowl of green apple juice, but she's actually shown running in without holding anything... 2) After Rapunzel dunks her head in the bowl, Astoria is shown not wearing her dragon rider outfit) And Coach Beast is being followed by frogs, and guess who tries to follow them? H: "Not now Joy, we have a villain to defeat!"
- Rose's intuition is on point today, as she correctly presumes that with a villain on the loose, Vicky must be involved. The gang heads over to the gate, where the guardian dragon has gone beddy-bye (actual dialog) and Vicky and Evil Queen are standing. Time for everyone to bring out their wands... and they're joined by LL (wielding a stick!) Hawk and Rose don't like her cramping their style so to speak. H: "I get dibs because she's my family's archenemy" R: "And she poisoned our grandparents" LL: "Oh... in that case, please, allow me to help" A: "Since you asked nicely... Let's get 'em!"
- Big boss battle time! Evil Queen throws a bunch of apples that explode like grenades (!) Astoria gets blown away and Travis finds himself being chased by the apples, while Joy turns into a frog, so next up is Rose and her pumpkin magic: Rose makes herself a motorbike, replete with helmet (hey, if you're going to be screened in the US...) The queen strikes the approaching bike in the front wheel with a singular apple, causing it to skid into the ocean, though thankfully Rose falls off the bike first (R: "Thanks helmet")
- The Queen keeps throwing her apples, but LL fends them off with her stick, impressing Hawk majorly icon_smile.gif Travis blows the Queen away with Fury Magic, and Astoria hair-grabs her scepter... The Queen lands in the middle of the apples she's thrown, so you'd think that's that, but she's got another surprise: her remaining unexploded apples explode, and next thing you know, she's standing back on top of the staircase carrying her scepter (!)
- Astoria cases her Tower Magic at the Queen, but her vines curl away as she adds that the poison of her explosive apples is now turning their magic against the gang, so Astoria ends up getting tied with Travis, and Hawk's Snow Magic gets himself covered in ice as the Queen condescendingly repeats her point with an "Uh, yeah"... While Rose is busy trying to untangle Astoria and Travis, LL steps up and declares "I don't need magic!" Q: "You know I'm just a little old lady, right?" And she's got a bit of leverage: Snow White trapped in the mirror (!) leading to a montage of shocked reactions (including from Vicky!) Frog!Joy has an idea and jumps over to Hawk's head and croaks... bringing in Doc who lies on Hawk's head, and well, you can guess where this is going...
- Doc's gas frees Hawk, Astoria and Travis from their respective spells, and Astoria recalls the lesson from earlier, as Travis decides to make like Tom Brady with the gassy Doc and beans the Queen (HEH!) Doc's discharge awakens the guardian dragon who then coughs out the apple, and frees Snow White from the mirror, and Snow White's REALLY ticked off, and deals a blow to the Queens face... and soon after, the rest of her body (!) Hawk is glad his instinct turned out correct this time, before adding "A rotten apple remains a rotten apple" (HEH!)
- Now all that's left is to use the antidote to free the other teachers from the queen's spells... but judging from Rapunzel's reaction, owl gas isn't that great either... Next up is Prof. Beauty, who has apparently turned into a balloon... R: "Don't worry, this isn't going to make the cafeteria the most appetizing place, but... no choice icon_wink.gif" Next up is Cinderella, who has a brief reaction to the gas, before having herself a burrito, and then Coach Beast, who ends up landing, and bathing, in a cauldron... R: "Joy, how did you remember we had to use owl gas?" J: "I didn't, I just like the smell..." Everyone else: "EWW!" (Shades of Stella stumbling on the fashion puzzle solution in S2 much?)

Episode 18 tomorrow smile.gif

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post Mar 3 2017, 4:02 PM
Post #16

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 18: Fairy Tales on Earth
- We open on earth, where Rose is talking about her RegAc adventures with mom, in this case about Travis getting his fists stuck in a troll's nostrils icon_smile.gif Dad is also in the room (we find out his name is Dave) and Clara has to cover for Rose by saying that "Fred McTroll" is a boy in Rose's class (HEH) Tonight Travis' parents are coming over to bring something special for dinner, so Rose tells her not to mention Fred's nostrils (HEH!)
- RegAc classroom, where Vicky's singing "I'm so evil, I'm so awesome" icon_smile.gif and splashing some potion on the big mirror in the classroom to summon the Guardian of the Mirror. GotM chides Vicky for waking him up this early, but Vicky doesn't care, as she makes him sniff her potion to put her under her control (!!) She tries to make the mirror send her team to earth, but GotM isn't exactly taking well into instruction...
- Today's assignment with Cinderella: Go to various kingdoms and get samples of their cuisine that exemplify them. First, some samples from last year: Giant slug steak from Forest Land (Pinocchia and Alicia: "EW") Fish bone sandwich from the Slime Kingdom (Gerald and other random girl: "EW") The seafood surprise (Cinderella: "...I think" Other students: "EW" J: "YUM!") And Cinderella says of the last dish she has to show: "Didn't anyone refrigerate this?!" Thankfully, she also has a jar of Papa Bera's porridge from (guess where!) Goldilocks, and it's sealed in a jar because it's much too sweet to eat... and guess who she tosses it to... Someone who has a fairy tale collection icon_wink.gif
- Classroom, and Cinderella is noticing the magic mirror acting a little bit weird today, but Snow White reassures Cinderella that "It's always weird" as GotM starts acting like a bunch of animals... Snow White asks the guardian where each teams is heading and he responds Earth, much to Vicky's delight...
Snow White: "Earth? Earth isn't a magic kingdom! There's no way we can send a team there" GotM: "Not just any team, all of them! Pronto!" This ticks off Vicky, because that was specifically not part of the deal... Snow White explains that that's where they've banished all the villains (a la the Sirens in Equestria Girls), but Cinderella reassures Snow White that "They don't have their powers there"... Snow White still thinks there must be some mistake (we do NOT cut Vicky thinking the same), but GotM insists: "The magic mirror doesn't make mistakes! This is my job lady!"
- Portal, and Snow White explains that since Rose and Travis live on Earth, the students have to follow their lead, and Rose is (as her usual) enthusiastic about it... and (also as her usual) trips over herself running towards the gate (heh!) Cinderella opens the gate and Snow White decides to tell the students to follow Travis' lead... and Travis ends up conking himself while showing off soda in a can (HEH!) Snow White's worried but Cinderella adds: "How bad can Earth be?"
- On Earth, none of the other students want to follow Rose and Travis... Joy asks what's Earth's famous food, but Rose explains there's "millions of things to eat on this planet" A: "Think, Rose..." R: "Um... cinnamon toast? Ice cream? Burritos?" A: "You can get those anywhere!" Huh, nice to know... J: "Speaking of food..." Joy grabs some bugs off the local garbage, but... "Ugh, your Earth flies taste horrible! Like (ugh) cinnamon toast!" (HEH!)
- Meanwhile, Vicky heads to a bakery to visit someone... "Come, on we've got the best evil stuff to do, it'll be fun" And guess who should come out but the shortbread witch from several eps back? V: "Are you ready to have your powers restored... again?" Shortbread agrees, and Vicky gives her a bottle: "These potions are a pain to make, and they make my room smell like troll feet" After Shortbread takes a drink, she asks why Vicky is here, and she explains that the whole class is here on Earth on the food assignment, which gives her an idea, and I think we can guess what it is...
- We get ourselves to see how regular Earth people react to the fantastical people of RegAc: in bewilderment, as Finn the whale concludes that "We must look just like some Earth celebrities" and tries to clarify this with the humans, but the fact he can talk surprises them even more (!) "Call the army!" "No, call the zoo army!" Alicia the cat says she's an expert at self-defense as she is pursued by animal control... as some of Shortbread's snackfoods sneak around town (OOH!)
- Meanwhile, Travis' parents have bought fish eyes, bones, strawberries, chicken feet (hey, those are a real delicacy in some parts of the world), a bag of spiders, a wig... and super spicy chili powder, for their Earth chicken pie for Dave and Clara (Rose's parents) Let's see how this goes down...
- Violet Ogre, Pinocchia and Odette are looking for food when they spot a couple cookies thrown out on the pavement, and Pinocchia wants to try one... O: "Pinocchia, I don't think it's a good idea to eat street cookies" Soon there's a trail of the cookies... Odette doesn't want to follow but Pinocchia insists: "How do you find special foods in strange lands? By following a trail of strange food, obviously" Violet: "Makes sense to me..." Cookie trail ends at Shortbread's bakery, and she greets the girls with a flimsy disguise, before sucking them into her magic oven, and turning them into cookies (!) Not exactly Hansel and Gretel, but still... Shortbread taunts them before closing the oven door again: "You came looking for earth food, but you became earth food instead"
- Back with Rose et al, where Astoria is overwhelmed by the options for places to find food, and Hawk is suggesting getting (what else) apples... Across the street Hawk spots a pair of "monsters" "kidnapping" a "princess" and takes out his wand, but Rose quickly points out that people dress as monsters for fun (as these guys are) H: "That's crazy talk!" Astoria gets bumped from the back, and tries to hair-grab the guy, but Rose stops her under the guise of "Just thought you'd be happier standing next to me" Joy is eating bugs from a garbage can, which makes the populace look on in disgust, before Travis grabs her and drags her back across the street...
- Rose decides to take the gang to the shoe store she was distracted by back in episode 1, where the salesperson calls her "Our best customer"... R: "Being in a shoe store helps me think, that's all" H: "This world is crazy. I don't know how you can stand it" Hawk puts away his wand, and takes out two apples, giving one to Rose: "Now that I've seen Earth (chomp) I have a new found respect for you" smile.gif Hawk calls her amazing for taking care of the team since coming to Earth (DAWW...)
- Rose's parents walk past the shoe store and Dave is surprised to see Rose, out of school... with a boy... and talking with her mouth full (HEH!) Clara is doubtful (or pretending to be?) but Dave is pretty sure... Meanwhile, Leena, Finn and Gerald also follow the cookie trail, and end up at the bakery, and Finn notices that it smells like swan... guess what happens next icon_wink.gif
- LL is with two of the other students, and she spots one of Shortbread's snacks peering out the bakery window and decides to investigate: "Why does your store smell like swan and whale???" Badly-disguised Shortbread: "It's my new perfume... it's called Swale" LL gets attacked by her snacks, so she takes out her wand and uses her Fan Magic to take out the snacks, and rightly deduces that she must be Shortbread. Shortbread is impressed (note that LL wasn't around during her last visit to RegAc), but she adds: "Powerful warriors make delicious cookies!" before sucking her into the oven (!) Cookie!Finn: "This is getting crowded"
- Rose and friends are back outside and wondering where everyone else is, when Vidal spots a bunch of cookies tossed on to the zebra crossing... before suddenly spotting one of Shortbread's monster cookies and lures it out of hiding, and since there are many of them, Joy, Vidal and Astoria split off from the rest to chase a single cookie while the others chase the rest of the cookies (OOH!)
- Hawk uses his snow magic on the cookies to "Make frozen desserts" and notes that these cookies sure can run... Travis lifts up a bench to find one of the cookies... without realizing there's a couple sitting on it icon_biggrin.gif "Weight training! Tryouts are next week" "Good luck...?" Hawk ends up freezing a lake of lily pads and struggles to stay on his feet, but Travis bails him out by tossing the bench on to the cookies (HEH! and the couple even manages to land on the bench as well)
- Meanwhile, Rose is chasing a cookie on her pumpkin skates, shredding across a bench and passing a young girl in regular skates ("I want those!") before hitting the park gate... and then she remembers the previous Shortbread incident and realizes that her bakery is where the cookie must be headed...
- Back with Astoria and Joy chasing the cookie, and they happen to run across Travis' parents as they're heading to Rose's house along with their disgusting Earth chicken pie (!) and end up knocking it on to the back of a truck... that the cookie ends up getting on, so they chase it until it makes its next stop, whereupon Astoria hairgrabs the cookie and smooshes it (!) They've also got their earth food: "It's disgusting and smelly like Earth, and I'm tired of looking" "Works for me" icon_smile.gif Astoria doesn't really want to take it since it belongs to someone else, but Clara shows up and tells her that they should and so they oblige... much to Clara's relief (HEH!)
- Squirrel and Gigi spot the student cookies in Shortbread's oven... H: "We must rescue them with maximum valor!" The way they're showing him going about it reeks of Leroy Jenkins, and he ends up getting sucked into Shortbread's oven... Astoria gets the idea to cut the power to the oven, and it happens in the most hilarious fashion involving a freeflying soda can... which then proceeds to conk him as well (HEH!)
- So it's a showdown between Shortbread and the girls, and Astoria does a great job swatting away Shortbread's shooting stars with her hair (yay) but somehow ends up tripping Rose and Joy (boo!) SB: "You are terrible heroes!" No matter, Gigi, Vidal and the squirrel help distract Shortbread long enough for them to get up and get to the oven, where they spot the cookies... R: "You evil witch! Turn them back!"
- One of Shortbread's cookies switches the oven back on to suck the pets off her, and Astoria hairgrabs them thumbsup.gif But that still leaves everyone hanging for their dear lives to avoid being sucked... Rose has an idea and opens the jar of porridge from earlier, "feeding" the really sweet porridge to the oven... which ends up "throwing up", releasing the students back to normal, and flooding the street with porridge (!) H: "Rose, you saved me again" R: "You saved me first..." Gerald: "Let's go home before something worse happens" Like Alicia still being pursued by animal control (!)
- Back to RegAc now, as Alicia comments that Earth is more dangerous than "a pit full of fun animals"... Snow White asks for the food and Astoria takes the chicken pie out of Rose's bag and Travis rightfully surmises this to be his parents' chicken pie... Thankfully, Rose also got herself some takeout pizza today (YUM! even if I doubt that 6 pieces will be enough to go around...)

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post Mar 25 2017, 2:51 AM
Post #17

Bloomix Fairy

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Joined: June 17 2012

Ep 19: Hair Curse

- Okay, so Astoria wakes up in the library even though she went to bed in her own bedroom, and has to haul her backside to make it to class on time (!) R: "Wow, Astoria, you've never been... not early to class before" Looks like Vicky's put some sort of curse on her... and of course she makes an "out of our hair" pun (HEH!)
- Today's class: memorizing each kingdom's greetings for an upcoming exam, as demonstrated by the RegAc pets. One of which is a 23-minute hug by the spellbreakers of Princessia (yes, that's its actual name), and a bunch of girls (including Ruby) want to try it with Hawk (cue fighting!) but Cinderella is only willing to have them do it on Travis (cue panicking!) "That's what I thought" (ZING!)
- Next up: The greeting of the Etiquette Kingdom. Hop on one leg and present a pineapple... which Astoria has on her: "Always be prepared" Rose is worried about Astoria being... not early on the day of the exam, especially since she's the only one who can remember a particular 157-step royal greeting... Cinderella: "It's not so hard, you just have to move quickly" She then demonstrates with Joy, and Joy turns into a frog (again), while the sheer complexity of the process ends up flooring Rose icon_biggrin.gif
- RegAc quad! A: "Waking up randomly in the library is not cool" Hawk's theory is that it's the work of an "evil kidnapper who likes to read"... R: "Ooh, they're the worst!" So they decide to watch over Astoria tonight... and Rose has even got some scarlet rose tea to help her sleep (Even comes with a talking flower) Rose accidentally trips and spills the tea on Travis, and it knocks him out instantly, thus proving its effectiveness (HEH!)
- Rapunzel Castle! H: "There's something exhilarating about being out at night" And yet Hawk's owl, the one pet who should be up all night, is sleeping on his shoulder, while Gigi is constantly trying to keep Rose awake icon_biggrin.gif As Rose briefly checks up on Astoria, take a look at her letter-decorated blanket...
- Much to everyone's surprise, Astoria's hair is carrying her out the room (!) Hawk tries to shout to wake her up, but Rapunzel grabs him with her hair and suggests following her instead, so the gang follows the floating Astoria through the forest, where the sleeping Astoria's hair slaps a bear out the way (H: "The hair knows bear-fu, most impressive") before dragging her to the library tower (apparently it is morning by then)
- In Rapunzel's classroom, she paces around as if she were explaining to a whole class, rather than just the rest of Team Rose... So basically, Astoria's hair has a curse on it, causing it to go too far in helping her achieve her dream of becoming headmistress (soooo... she's also a bit like young FG?) Rapunzel has a magic shampoo for ridding her of the curse, which has to be used on the first day on the month (finicky much?), and more importantly, her hair must not know about this (and by extension, Astoria)
- Astoria comes running in and asks if there's a good reason Team Rose left her sleeping in the library again, and she's especially ticked off that grandma won't elaborate... Astoria reminds Rose not to let her miss the ceremonies exam.... but just in case, Rose demonstrates the greeting of the principality of Schnozz, and it involves the body part you'd expect icon_wink.gif
- Outside the main castle, Rose talks about how much Astoria has helped her... with her hand on her nose, which does ruin the intended inspirational effect quite a bit as Travis points out... Rose wants to keep Astoria safe while she's floating around whereas Hawk wants to go look for and attack the person who cursed Astoria, but Rose points out: "All that matters now is helping Astoria. The curse has been cast" H: "Wow Rose... despite what my grandmother says... and all the teachers... and anyone with any authority really (HEH!) you're pretty level-headed" Rose leaps for joy and adds: "I love getting compliments"
- Night time! The gang is following Astoria as she's floating around the quad, when a pair of pigs carrying a gargoyle statue see this and end up tossing the statue up in the air (!) and get this: Hawk creates an ice statue of himself to catch the gargoyle (!!)
- After a brief interlude of LL being bewildered at Astoria while practicing her archery, we get a sequence in which Dr. LeFrog is walking across the bridge at the same time Astoria is floating past... and Joy gets distracted by a fly (!!) Hawk tosses Doc, but at the same time, Rose gives Travis a motorbike from her pumpkin magic to take out LeFrog... and Travis gets beaned by Doc and crashes into the side instead of hitting LeFrog, but he heads off to check on him, so crisis averted anyway...
- Rapunzel's castle again, and things get a bit hairy (HEH!) here: as she's floating upwards towards the library, she's suddenly then hurtling towards the ground, so Hawk uses his snow magic to create a halfpipe to send her hurtling to one of the other towers, then Rose uses her family's dragon to save her again and deliver her to the library...
- Next morning, and Rapunzel is suggesting to Astoria a visit to dragon land during break, because their Volcano Library is great for learning, and a tendril of Astoria's hair extends itself in reaction (this will be important) Joy is getting sick of this whole mess, but Rose reassures her that "Tomorrow, we break the curse!"
- That night, Team Rose discovers that Astoria and her hair have left early, and Rose quickly realizes that they're heading for the Volcano Library and head off on their dragons... R: "Astoria will never forgive us if we save her life but fail the test!" For today is not only the day they need to apply the shampoo, but also the day of the big ceremonies test...
- Dragon Land, and everyone dismounts, with Rose dismounting in the most unsafe way possible: sliding off her dragon's wing, which means Hawk has to catch her... and Doc has to catch Gigi (HEH!) And sure enough, Astoria is at the Volcano Library, high up... H: "Astoria Rapunzel! Let.." R: "Let me do it..." H: "With pleasure!" R: "Astoria Rapunzel! Let down you hair!" icon_smile.gif As expected, the hair comes down and Team Rose gets on, but it only goes halfway up, before tossing them down again... A: "What?! My hair is never supposed to refuse that request! What is wrong with my hair?!"
- Team Rose ends up hanging from a wall before eventually somehow making it inside, while Astoria's hair retracts her into the library... and then extends tendrils attaching themselves to the walls inside, making it look a bit like she's stuck in the middle of a spider's web... A: "Can you tell me what's going on now?" R: "Yep, bedhead curse" Time to wash it out of her hair to an instrumental version of "This is How It Goes"... Mind you, Astoria's hair isn't making this any easier, and Joy uses her frog magic ends up hitting Doc (what was she hoping for with that anyway?) Rose uses her pumpkin magic to create a drone to help, but a hair tendril soon takes it out... Travis keeps getting slammed up against the wall and ends up using his fury magic, which gets everyone bar Rose tangled in her hair (!) and it's still trying to retaliate against all that shampooing...
- Vidal pops out... R: "How long have you been in there? Fetch!" Vidal catches the bottle and shakes himself to get the shampoo everywhere... A: "Good thing this is no-tears shampoo" But this is still not getting them anywhere as the hair is still fighting, and Astoria explains: "Because you've lathered, but you haven't rinsed!" Hawk creates a big arch of ice with his snow magic, so all they have to do is melt it, and one guess what dragon land has a lot of? Dragons: "Ohhhh... seriously?" Joy's dragon: "Oh my frog, you totally forgot all about us didn't you? I thought (starts crying) we were friends..." Rose protests that they are, but her dragon pops in and asks, "Really? Then what's my name?" ... and Rose makes her best impersonation of Flint Lockwood saying the name of his foodmaker device icon_biggrin.gif Rose's dragon: "And you didn't pronounce the silent K... I'm sorry I doubted you" The dragon obliges with the fire... to an instrumental of the ball music from episode 13??? Rose tries to thank her dragon by name but she responds: "That's not my name, I was being super sarcastic" But she does want to hang out with Rose after school... R: "Whatever your name is that'd be awesome!" Dragon: "My name is Daerys"
- Time to head to class! Vicky is running across the bridge with a bunch of her curse shampoo, with designs on swapping out all the shampoo in the school, when she gets swiped by Team Rose's dragons coming in for a landing, which causes her to get splattered by the shampoo, leading to the expected consequences icon_biggrin.gif Classroom, and Cinderella notices that Team Rose isn't in, but here they come with Astoria riding a stream of shampoo bubbles, splashing Cinderella: "What was that?!" A: "That was the traditional greeting of the peninsula of misfit hairstylists. And I believe it's worth extra credit. Now if you don't mind, I have a test to ace" Cinderella's "Whatever!" reaction says it all icon_wink.gif
- Back the quad, Astoria shows off getting the best grade ever to the gang, and thanking Rose especially, leading into a new song... Yes, a different character from Rose gets a song, and it's very nice icon_smile.gif

Episode 20 later icon_smile.gif

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post Mar 25 2017, 4:29 PM
Post #18

Bloomix Fairy

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Ep 20: The Parents' Day
- When Winx set up expectations to see characters' parents at school in 1x15, it ended up flat out ignoring the concept in 1x16 in favor of giving the Winx girls nightmares icon_confused.gif Thankfully, this one follows through on the concept... But first, Coach Beast: "This is the part of the semester where we really step it up in dragon riding class!" Astoria is driving with Rose riding in the back, and Hawk is riding solo... Alicia is driving with Gerald in the back, while Lingling is riding solo: "I believe my team will be victorious" The rest of the class are watching in rapt... J: "I guess it's a good practice for a magical duel..."
- Okay, so Alicia passes a rope line to LL to have Gerald walk on it, while Rose casts her pumpkin magic and (essentially) pelts Gerald with a pumpkin, getting pumpkin goo on everyone icon_biggrin.gif R: "I'm kinda getting the hang of pumpkin magic... finally icon_smile.gif" A: "What was the point of that again?" Coach Beast: "I just wanted to see if you'd do it"
- Right, now the titular plot, as Cinderella is having the students invite their parents over to share about what the students have been doing, and she warns that if a team doesn't bring in at least one parent, that team shall get a bad grade. Astoria and Travis point out this probably ensures bad marks and Rose doesn't understand because she thinks that the parents should be interested...
- But Joy's hippy mom says that "In Nature, nothing cares about grades", Hawk's parents are professional heroes for hire and are off on some mission somewhere, Travis' parents have quit the fairy tale stuff and want to have a normal life (meanwhile, dad's trying to duel with an earth mailman using a handheld vacuum cleaner!) and Astoria's mom is too busy reading to come out of her tower, and anyway is also not supportive of her dream of becoming RegAc's headmistress: "How would you get any reading done?"
- Meanwhile, Vicky is chatting with this British accented bloke with heterochromia who's wondering where to find a good meal in this two-bit school (his words!) This is the grandson of Merlin named Melvin, who unlike his grandpa isn't a goody-two-shoes, and is on the trail of the ultimate magic. Vicky guesses it's either blood magic, or soul-draining magic... or papercut magic (HEH) And it turns out to be pumpkin magic (Vicky: "Oh.") Vicky recommends dueling with the pumpkin magic wizards: The Cinderella family (OOH!)
- After Rose finds out that none of the other parents are willing to come, she decides to go ask Clara... but (as previously mentioned in ep 12) she's not allowed back there because she's made some mistakes, which Rose doesn't understand, but anyways, it happens that Melvin managed to follow Rose all the way back home, so after trying to threaten Clara into teaching him Pumpkin Magic, Melvin decides to follow Rose instead, which forces Clara's hand... Meanwhile, Dave finds the slip announcing the RegAc parents' day (OOH!) - Clara follows Melvin all the way to the hidden portal to RegAc... and leaves it open for Dave to follow (!!!) I'm sure the RegAc portal does not work that way... At RegAc, Melvin comes across Rose and challenges her to a magical duel, and the "camerawork" here is tops... until Rose ends up being enthusiastic for the duel instead of full of fear icon_biggrin.gif Hawk points out that it's dangerous, though his attitude changes once it's revealed to be a pumpkin magic duel. So, high noon at the dragon arena...
- Meanwhile, Dave is bewildered at Rose's school and suspects that they're holding a Renaissance fair, and thinks that the little pigs are kids in costumes: "I bet the drama program here is outstanding!"
- Time for the duel, and Rose is flying around on a dragon, and everyone at RegAc is cheering for her... Things start off basic enough: Melvin summons up a rowboat (which Hawk snickers at), and Rose makes a pumpkin go-kart to run over Melvin's foot icon_smile.gif However, Melvin then summons a dragon... Lingling: "He has no honor" LL takes out her wand, but Team Rose decides to have her get a teacher instead... R: "Huh, I thought we were only using pumpkin magic" M: "Yeah, but I wasn't winning that way" (HEH!) So, the duel "devolves" into the two riding dragons trying to zap each other, and Melvin zaps Rose's wand out of her hand (!) Thankfully, LL comes back with grandma Cinderella in a biplane (!!) Cinderella uses a pumpkin catapult to throw, well guess, at Melvin, who splatters it with his wand, but still gets a face full of goo... Mel tries to cast spells at Cinderella's biplane, but LL uses her fan magic to neutralize the spells... and then Cinderella shoots pumpkin seeds at Mel (!!)
- Mel zaps Rose off her dragon, and she's hanging on for dear life from her tail, and Hawk tries to help, but Vicky decides to make Finn fall asleep in order to impede him (!) Thankfully, here's Clara, and she zaps up a pile of ballgowns for Rose to land on, and even zaps up another to cover Melvin's face, until he falls off his dragon and lands on Vicky (V: "You're lucky it didn't hurt much!")
- Astoria is happy as Hawk brags about Rose winning her first duel (even though her grandma did most of the heavy lifting here), but the real reason Astoria's giddy is because Clara is here... Which does not please Snow White, who reveals that Clara was banished from RegAc, and she's also the reason one of Cinderella's glass slippers went missing (!) And even summons up a pair of mirror Claras to stop her from running away... Vicky also tries to insinuate that she's behind all the other weird stuff that's happened lately (!!)
- Thankfully, everyone's parents have shown up (even Hawk's!) and comment that it brings back memories of Clara's time in detention (!) Hawk's dad convinces Snow White to get off Clara's case... "Oh alright, but next time you won't be so lucky... You're not the only one with a soft spot for family..."
- With that out of the way, time for quality parent-child time! (Well, except for LL, who gets an all-too-brief shot of her with her mom) In the main hall of RegAc, a geezer comments that "Being a parent is its own special kind of magic. It's like gardening: Sometimes... the fruit grows sour." We pull out to show Mel, thus revealing this geezer to be Merlin... Nut (Travis' squirrel) serves Travis' parents water, prompting the father to suggest that Nut should live with them (T: "No way, he's a menace"), while Doc takes a nap with Hawk's napkins icon_smile.gif Hawk's dad asks about this Rose girl, pointing out that grandma never mentions her... H: "She's someone who never hesitates to help anyone in need" Dad: "That's a good quality to have, Hawk... and a good quality to look for icon_smile.gif" Joy's mom is glad she's making real friends (as opposed to the frogs she dressed up as humans, like the one she dressed as her dad LOL), while Astoria's mom is supportive of her dream of becoming the RegAc headmistress: "If you really want to become headmistress, I promise I'll do everything I can to help"
- R: "I wish Dad could be here with all of us too" And right on cue, in stumbles Dave icon_biggrin.gif "I'm starting to think something crazy is going on here (...) I think there were more dragons than... not dragons" Clara introduces Cinderella to Dave... and Dave is like "THE Cinderella?" and has to sit down... D: "Can you explain that?" R: "Short version? All fairy tales are real" (Yeah, sounds about right) Dave is proud of Rose, and Clara agrees... but just in case, Cinderella whips out her wand and uses it on Dave... D: "I'm not going to remember any of this in the morning am I?" Rose declares this "The best parents' day ever"... as Dave falls asleep icon_biggrin.gif

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post Apr 13 2017, 9:17 AM
Post #19

Bloomix Fairy

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Episode 21: Monkey Magic

- We open at Grandma Ironfan's palace, where the Shan monkey from episode 14 tells her about Lingling's performance at RegAc. Grandma asks if she's made any friends, but Shan monkey points out that "Friends are not necessary to her success", but Grandma insists that LL "needs friends that support her and to have fun!" Which turns out to be the queue for this week's enemy (another monkey!) to come in with his mini-monkey minion brigade icon_smile.gif "I could never defeat you without my friends, and they are fun!"
- Monkey minions fashion a bag out of Shan monkey's jacket-thingy around his head and tie it up with a ribbon, before farting into the "bag" (!) and hanging him outside the window... Meanwhile, Grandma conjures up her iron fan to blow aside some minions. Baddie: "And now I'll be taking your iron fan!" Grandma: "I don't think so Monkey King!" Minions: (Toss Shan monkey back through the window at Grandma, knocking her off her throne and leaving the fan behind [!]) Monkey King takes the fan and comments that it weighs a ton: "Queen Ironfan, you must have some hard core forearms!" He's bringing grandma along because "I need your powers... And forearms!" And the minions are giving her no say in that matter icon_smile.gif
- RegAc, where the kids are doing what they like to do: Travis is drawing a flower, Hawk and Astoria are studying, Joy is sleeping with her frog, and Rose and Gigi are sitting on a pumpkin cleaning shoes. LL walks by: "Rose, can I ask you something? It's... personal" R: "Lingling, of course! We're friends!" But suddenly, said minions and then the Shan monkey show up to inform LL about her kidnapped grandma and her missing iron fan. LL: "What?! By whom?" Shan monkey thinks the answer should be obvious and just says "Uh, guess!" (Huh, just like me) LL demands to know why and Shan says: "Why? Who knows why monkeys do anything?" For starters, the monkeys take Rose's shoes and powder up her face...
- Hawk encases the shoe monkey in ice, while Joy is protesting that "The monkeys are just playing! They wanna be friends!" Even a pie to the face doesn't change her position: "Why make enemies when you can make friends? Fighting is a last resort, unless it's playfighting" Another monkey with a banana appears... and uses the banana to cast a spell at Joy (!) Joy ducks out of the way and the spell hits Rose's pumpkin and you know what that means icon_wink.gif In spite of all this, Rose seems to agree with Joy, but LL disapproves of the others making friends with the monkeys: "They kidnapped my grandma!" R: "But I'm sure they didn't know any better" LL storms off: "We shall see" as LL plans to save her grandma herself, much to Rose's dismay, as one of the monkeys drags its butt along the ground...
- Vicky is walking across the bridge when she sees LL coming through the door and thinks that this is an opportunity to make sure she doesn't come back, but then she sees the other kids following. LL has reasons that doesn't want the other kids on the trip: Joy loves the monkeys and Astoria calls herself LL's rival, but she has no reason to object to Rose, and the gang all tag along anyway... while Vicky smirks. Ooh!
- Empty meadow, with the gang in their dragon riding outfits... This is the Ironfan family's designated meeting place, and Rose asks "Oh, is this the home of your ancestors?" It's actually the home of family camping trips with her grandpa, but anyways, a horrible buffalo monster (Travis' words) shows up and the gang (minus LL and Joy) decide to go attack. LL tries to stop them and Joy adds: "Guys? Make friends instead of enemies? Maybe he wants to play!" T: (Gets tossed aside) J: "See?" LL tries to join in, but gets knocked out by Vicky's magic: "This is so easy it's almost not fun... almost." I'm reminded of a similar Darcy comment in Rai 2x10...
- Astoria uses her Tower Magic on the buffalo, and Hawk follows with his Ice Magic... to make a shield to charge it with??? Buffalo breaks free of the vines (always that way with vines, huh?) and knocks Hawk and his shield aside... H: "Okay, buffalo... head... guy... We're gonna give you one chance to surrender!" Buffalo stomps hard on the ground... and buries the kids neck-deep (minus Joy, we'll see her in a moment) Vicky ends up knocking out the buffalo similar to LL, and Hawk narrowly avoids getting smooshed by the buffalo's head...
- R: "Vicky? What are you doing here?" V: "Being evil, duh!" Vicky wants to turn LL over to the Monkey King so she can befriend him, to which Rose responds: "Well that's lame!" Vicky is cackling when she's suddenly turned into a frog by guess who? J: "And that's how you play with Vicky!" However, Joy can't get the others out of the ground, but she spots LL... Astoria quickly points out that it's magic sleep, and Travis offers his kiss (HEH!) No matter, a chicken pecks LL awake, and Travis is still angling for a kiss (Double HEH!) A: "It doesn't make any sense" LL blasts the kids out with her Fan Magic (and we get to see the wand summoning animation, whoo!)
- Meanwhile, the chicken tries the same with the buffalo with no success, but LL knows how to get him up: "Grandpa, you're late for swim lessons!" Hawk is amazed that LL's the buffalo monster's granddaughter, as LL clarifies that's he's the Buffalo King before introducing the group of brave young warriors as her friends, to which he reacts: "I thought you were throwing a costume party" icon_biggrin.gif R: "But it's the middle of the woods!" BK: "That's why I attacked you! People can't just throw costume parties wherever they want!" We find out that granny Ironfan's been taken to dragon land, and Rose announces she's got the perfect plan, and it involves teamwork (OOOH!)
- Dragon land (with the gang riding on a pumpkin rocket!) Rose theorizes that the Monkey King wants to use the Iron Fan to fan the flames of the volcano and make it explode, but Astoria points out that the monkeys live right under the volcano... BK: "You're not thinking like a monkey, and making the volcano explode would be the ultimate monkey prank!" Pumpkin rocket hits a wall depositing the gang everywhere (!) Astoria grabs a rock wall with her hair and uses her Tower Magic to create a bouncy cushion for the others thumbsup.gif BK: "Do you always travel around like that?!" R: "No, normally we just ride dragons" A: "Of course, we don't usually drag along a super heavy Buffalo King with us" (HEH!)
- LL: "Now, how do we find grandma?" Something gets rolled down the wall on a rope... It's grandma: "(sigh) Hi Lingling..." Grandma gets yanked back upwards like a really big yo-yo (!) Surprise, monkeys everywhere, and even Joy is starting to get tired of this... Monkey King shows up, and turns out that LL and I are thinking alike: "How dare you turn my grandmother into a yo-yo! You know she hates that!" Monkey King has greater plans, but first he calls Rose's pumpkin rocket an "experimental monkey design" (!) R: "That's not a monkey design!" A bespectacled scientist monkey shows up with a drawing of his fellow monkeys riding a banana rocket sled (including crash!) Rose holds up her own drawing: "Hello! It's not a rocket-powered banana sled! It's a pumpkin rocket! And it was designed my me!" The other monkey minions are in awe of Rose's design, and Astoria facepalms at the sheer absurdity of it all...
- Monkey King: "You are welcome here, to live as we do, for you are certainly part monkey!" R: "Thank you" MK: "And the rest of you, slaves, slaves to the monkeys!" Turns out that his plan is to fan away the smoke from the volcano, using his new slaves... LL is bewildered that he's not trying to make the volcano erupt... MK: "Why would we do that? We live right here!" T (in split screen): "Uh, as a prank?" MK: "A prank?! (considers) Yeah, that would be funny..."
- Time for LL to go get her grandma, and even getting completely swamped by the monkeys doesn't hold her down for long... But the fight doesn't last long either, as they get knocked out by green smoke, which makes them sick... LL: "I can't beat up sick monkeys, it's not honorable... Even though they did turn my grandmother into a yo-yo" (HEH!) J: "Yes LL, a lot of our grandmas are yo-yos (HEH!) but that doesn't mean the monkeys are bad. They're just choking on volcano smoke" R: "So... let's save us some monkeys!" LL is OK with this, and Monkey King agrees to free Queen Ironfan... and she gets yo-yoed right on top of Travis (!) Queen Ironfan chews out the Monkey King, commenting that she would have preferred that the Monkey King had asked for her help, but he says that "Going on a rampage always seems like the perfect solution" Travis decides to use his Fury Magic to blow away the smoke, but all it does is create a smoke tornado (!) Surprisingly, grandpa Buffalo runs through it without being sucked up... No matter, LL uses her fan magic to deal with it...
- H: "Guys? It's not over yet" The volcano is still belching out its smoke, and Ironfan wants, well, her iron fan, but Monkey King put it up on a high rock ledge so no one would mess with it (!) much to the whole gang's dismay... J: "It's okay! We can get if we just work together!" And for once, the gang agrees with Joy... But it doesn't seem like anyone's helping anyone: Monkeys get sick of the gas, Travis falls off the rock face, and smacks into and breaks Hawk's ice tower, while Rose knocks Joy off the face as well... Finally, Monkey King uses his staff to fling a monkey over to the fan, and after the monkey dances with it for a bit, he ends up falling off the face... right into grandma Ironfan's arms, and he gives her a hug smile.gif Monkey King offers their apologies and gratitude... and thankfully the queen is really forgiving and starts fanning
- But Astoria points out that the queen can't fan here forever, so they decide to look for the source... We see Hawk and Astoria climbing up to some platform before we see them gawking at Rose saying "On it!" Rose jumps off some sort of ledge, and Astoria catches her with her vinehair. Rose hangs from her vine for a while and discovers that the dragons appear to be sick and breathing out that gas...
- Monkey King tells the gang that he and his monkeys can cure the dragon with "Our awesome monkey magic, duh!"... leading into a fun Caribbean-influenced song "That's the Way We Are" sung by Joy (!) as the monkeys pass around leaves and potion to the dragons, and the Monkey King and that wizard monkey minion cast their spells around, curing the dragons... Low Ong (dragon king from a few eps ago) likes the song, and Joy reveals that she sings it to her frog friends every night ("Wow, that's not weird at all") Low Ong adds that "Little monkey medicine always does the trick" before revealing how they'd gotten so sick in the first place: "Two words: Monkey party. Never ever let them make the dip, ever!" R: "So, you guys are friends with the monkeys too? We should totally all hang out sometimes!" Low Ong decides that it's time for a monkey party, and Rose is excited... MK: "Told you she was part monkey" (HEH!) And guess who brought dip icon_wink.gif The dragons are definitely not interested, but Joy's ready to tuck in icon_biggrin.gif

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post Apr 17 2017, 8:23 AM
Post #20

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 35,744
Joined: April 7 2007
From: Behind a PC

I actually saw the first episode of youtube.
I like it. It's kinda like Winx Club, if it was far less serious and we followed Stella instead of Bloom. Both things I can totally dig.
Also, Joy is adorable.
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