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> Winx Club Online Game Help
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post Mar 26 2009, 7:05 PM
Post #1

Believix Fairy

Group: Members
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From: Alfea College for Faeries

Hey Everybody,
I hope everyone knows about the Winx Club game on the offical Italian site. Well, I am a member there and am having trouble on how the game works. Does anyone know the translation of what each winx club character say? Or what the message icons tranlate into english? Is there a seceret part of the game? Basically I'm asking for a complete detailed guide on what goes on in this game. Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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post Mar 26 2009, 10:50 PM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

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Credits to Bre for the forum set, and Ditty/Esca for the userbar :D

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post Jun 15 2009, 9:11 PM
Post #3

Believix Fairy

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From: Alfea College for Faeries

Hey Guys,
OMG! Its been so long since anyone posted anything for this topic. Well, the game recently had some major updates as well as the general site. You can now get your own pixie pet. So, I encourage you to check it out.


Now, I know what you all must be thinking, we don't understand italian? Well, I've written down the phrases for the controls of the game and was able to translate them. I wanted to share some with you. The only thing that I can't translate is the responses you get from the winx club. Any way here they are. I hope this helps! Also I used the google translator for this.


Ciao, come stai?- Hello, how are you?

Ciao- Hello

Che bello rivederti- what beautiful again

Buonanotte- Good night

Ciao a tutti- Hello World

Devo andare, ci vediamo presto- I gotta go, see you soon

A dopo- a after

Anche io- Me too.

Amiciza - Friendship

Diventiamo amici?- we become friends?

Tieni, questo e per te- remember, this is for you

Sei- Six

Mi Piace- I

Ti Piace-

Oggi Sono- Today I am

Ho voglia di- I feel like

Le mia winx preferito e- The winx my favorite

il mio colore preferito e- my favorite color and

Dove posso prendere?- Where can I get?

Ti va di fare una passeggiata?- you want to take a walk?

Seguimi- follow me

Ehi! Aspetta- Hey! Wait

Sbrigati- hurry

Non ce nessuno che vuole parlare un po?- Not that anyone wants to talk a little

Dove vai?- where to go?


Si- yes

No- No

Grazie- thanks

Di niente- than nothing

Ottima idea- excellent idea

Bene- well

Adesso non posso, forse piu tardi- I can not now, maybe later

Mai hai, arrossire- Never have, blush

Scherzi- Jokes

Dove e il bagno- where and bath

Quella panchina ha la vernice fresca- That bench has fresh paint

Questo… mi fa pensare a te- this reminds me of you

Se mangino un altro gelato scoppio- If you eat another ice cream outbreak

Guarda laggiu! Me e sembrato de vedere- Look there! Me and seemed de vedere

Mi sono perso: qualcuno ha una mappa?- I have lost: someone has a map

Che buon profumo! Sa di calzini! Sa di calzini sporchi- That smell good! Sa of socks! Smacks of dirty socks

Giochiamo a chi riesce a sedersi per primo?- We play to those who manage to sit down first

Aree- areas
Meglio teletrasportarmi al parco o faro tardi- Best teleport beacon to the park or late

Che stanza… che hai- what room you

Mi fai spedire una email?- Please send me an email

Che bella vista che c’e da questa finestra!- What a beautiful view from this window there

Si sediamo sul sofa?- You sit on the sofa

Si sediamo attorno al tavolo?- You sit around the table

Chiamiamo altri amici con il pda?- Call friends with pda

Che ne dici di organizzare un party?- How about organizing a party?

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post Jun 16 2009, 2:40 PM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

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Thanks. Altough I would have to get over my fear of the chibi-artwork first..


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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post Jun 16 2009, 8:52 PM
Post #5

Believix Fairy

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From: Alfea College for Faeries

No problem. I just kinda got interested again after watching how people play on youtube. Than I thought, wouldn't be easier to have a translation for when you are talking to people, so I wrote down the phrases used to talk to people and thought it might be of some use to post it here. So, if anyone one has more interest than maybe I'll continue finding more translations. icon_smile.gif

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post Jun 17 2009, 12:01 AM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

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One good thing we need..

"I don't speak Italian that well"


"I don't understand what you are saying, but somehow I am able to communicate with you in a lengthy sentance telling you that I am not an Italian speaker, just using reference text to play the game!"


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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post Jun 18 2009, 9:11 PM
Post #7

Believix Fairy

Group: Members
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From: Alfea College for Faeries

Hey Guys,
I'm back. I wanted to give you more translations to help with the game. These are generally what the winx club members say when you talk to them. Not all of them are 100% clear, but you get the idea. Enjoy!

Stella- Ciao! Benvenuti nel fantastico parco di gardenia! Che ne dite de fare un bel girreto? Tante sorprese vi aspettano.
(Hello! Welcome to the wonderful park of gardenia! Che ne dite de make a nice girreto? Many surprises await you.)

Esplora tutto il parco e fai amicizia con tante fatine e specialisti come te!
(Explore the park and make friends with fairies and many experts like you!)

Vuoi cambiare il tuo look? Clicca su beauty o’ il mio armadio trai I pulsanti in alto e scegli quello che fa per te!
(Want to change your look? Click beauty o 'my wardrobe trai The buttons at the top and choose what you need!)

Riven- Se fossi in te, chercherei di migliorare un po il look.
(If I were you, chercherai to improve the look somewhat.)

Uff.. hai visto musa de questi parti?
(Have you seen musa around these parts?)

Se proprio non ti va di camminare usa il teletraspotro per raraggiungere I tuoi amici.
(If you can not go walking teleport to use the raraggiungere Your friends.)

Bloom- Benvenuti nel giardino del cuore, il posto piu romantico del parco di gardenia!
(Welcome to the garden of the heart, the most romantic place to park gardenia!)

Se sarai gentile con me, ti premiero con il soffio del drago!
(If you are gentle with me, will premier with the breath of the dragon!)

Sky- Hai visto quante fatine e specialisti? Clicca su di lore e diventate subito amici!
(Have you seen how many fairies and specialists? Click on the lore and became friends immediately!)

Sarebbe davvero super oraganizzare una festa nella tua stanza incantata. Che ne dici?
(It would be really super oraganizzare a party in your room incantata. What do you think?)

Tecna- Se vuoi organizzare uno festa nella tua stanza incantata, manda un messagio a tutta la lista amici con il pda!
(If you want to organize a party in your room incantata, send a message to the whole friends list with the pda!)

Adoro I palloncini! Se me ne regali uno, ti mostero il mio incantismo piu bella!
(I love balloons! If I have a gift, you mostero my most beautiful charm!)

Vuoi andare al nido dei cuccioli?
(Want to go to the nest of puppies?)

Love/pet store

Ciao fatine e specailisti! Solo al parco gardenia trovate tanti tenerissimi cuccioli da adottare! Sono davvero iresistibili, non e vero?
(Hello specailisti and fairies! Only at the park so many tender Gardenia find puppies to be adopted! I really iresistibili, is not it?)

Layla- A cosa servira il palco alle mie spalle? Presto lo scoprirai, ma nel frattempo puoi organizzare una bella sfilata!
(What servira the stage behind me? Soon discover, but in the meantime you can organize a great parade!)

Questo e il parco dei cuccioli! Qui presto potrai giocare con loro!
(This park and the pup! Here you can soon play with them!)

Flora- Perche non fai una bella sorpresa alla tua migliore amicia? Se e online, teletrasportati da lei con un bel mazzo di fiori.
(Why not make a nice surprise to your best friend? If and online, teleport she has a beautiful bouquet of flowers.)

Benvenuti nella casa dei cuccioli! Qui presto potretre trovare tanti teneri animaletti da cocolare!
(Welcome to the home of the puppies! Here potretre soon find many animals from soft Cocolo!)

Random People

Cico- questi sono I palloncini preferiti di tecna… che ne dici di regalargliene uno?
(These are the balloons Favorite tecna ... what do you think to give one?)

Bianca- questi fiori racchiudono I colori di tutte le dimensioni magiche.
(These flowers contain the colors of all sizes magical.)

Tino- si prendi un gelato da me, avrai in omaggio anche un gelato di tina
(you get an ice cream from me, you will have a free ice cream tina)

Tina- I gelati di tino sono piu buoni dei miei sono piu buoni dei suoi, non credi?
(The vat of ice cream are good most of my good are most of his own, do not you think?)


Click on vendor, then click on your avatar in order to buy a gift.

vuoi regalarlo?- Want to give?

Bloom- likes ice cream
Layla- Flowers

Note: There is no musa in this game, but you can find all the other winx girls.

In order to get a pixie pet, you must first find tecna and agree to go into the love/pet store. Then you click on the egg you want. In order for it to hatch, you must complete 6 mini games. Then you can do all sorts of fun things with your pet!

There is a map where you can transport yourself without walking. Just click on the map of gardenia and choose a portal. If you are having any trouble, please ask me or use the tutorial videos under the help tab on the site.

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post Jun 18 2009, 10:48 PM
Post #8

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
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Joined: March 23 2008
From: somewhere over the raiinbow

Wow, thanx! Its SO much more developed from when I used to go on it, I'll probably give it another shot sometime soon.


Credits to Bre for the forum set, and Ditty/Esca for the userbar :D

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post Jul 3 2009, 12:40 AM
Post #9

Cosmix Fairy

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From: USA

Winx Club Online Site has the English Version Updated. xD

It's www.winxclub.com (If you are in a different language, click english. It will lead you there.)


~Believe in Winx Dreams!~
DreamyWinx Will Always Be Remembered 2008-2015:

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post Jul 3 2009, 3:49 AM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy

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I skimed it, it looks like it is coming in English soon.

Major site screw up, the flash animaiton on the home page is in italian lol


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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post Jul 3 2009, 5:27 AM
Post #11

Believix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 215
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From: Alfea College for Faeries

True about the Italian screw up, but I actually logged on and everything is in english. Yeah! icon_biggrin.gif

Now I can play the online game and understand it!

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post Jul 8 2009, 2:44 AM
Post #12

Cosmix Fairy

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From: USA

Lol yeah true, but now it's fix. =) But the showing the images when Bloom was showing an preview about the game. The part where the characters chat is in Italian instead of English lol...I guess they are lazy to fix it. ^^" But when you login it's all english and same version as the Italian. You know like v7059, but the English doesn't have the Game Card yet or other things yet.


~Believe in Winx Dreams!~
DreamyWinx Will Always Be Remembered 2008-2015:

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post Jul 8 2009, 3:11 AM
Post #13

Harmonix Fairy

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but they made Sparks on the map but on Bloom's page it was called Domino??? which one is it then?

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post Jul 8 2009, 9:51 PM
Post #14

Cosmix Fairy

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From: USA

Idk...Sparks is used for 4kids.tv version and Domino is for RAI version. So I guess they used both since Domino means Sparks I guess?

(When you use a translator on Italian game site, it says Sparks.)


~Believe in Winx Dreams!~
DreamyWinx Will Always Be Remembered 2008-2015:

*Forum Set Made by Me.* xD

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