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post Feb 24 2013, 2:02 PM
Post #741

Cosmix Fairy
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I think it will be the Trix as they are just too similar looking

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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Tiny Dragon
post Feb 25 2013, 11:24 AM
Post #742

Mythix Fairy

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The new episode is up for downloading at Winx Comics!

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post Mar 2 2013, 4:30 AM
Post #743

Cosmix Fairy

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Here's a Preview for This Sunday:
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Also Winx in Sirenix. =)

From BelieveInWinx


~Believe in Winx Dreams!~
DreamyWinx Will Always Be Remembered 2008-2015:

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post Mar 2 2013, 10:12 AM
Post #744

Cosmix Fairy
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Thanks for the clip

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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post Mar 2 2013, 8:50 PM
Post #745

A True Fairy

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From: Autobot's Base

i can not wait until tomorrow! i actually feel bad for dracy and stromy they always get the short end of the stick when comes to icy

I am huge Sailor Mars fan and Winx fan!!!
Avatar credit goes to Screaming Romeo!
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post Mar 5 2013, 5:39 PM
Post #746

Butterflix Fairy

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QUOTE (dreamywinxgirl94 @ Feb 24 2013, 05:53 AM) *
Spoiler! SNEAK PEAK:
From the Italian Official Winx Magazine.


Are we gonna see the Trix in Selkie Form? (Maybe)

Or, are they really gonna have their own Selkie Guardian?

Their Selkies looked alot like them. xD

From: http://winxcluball.blogspot.com.es/2013/02...e-las-trix.html


I recently found out Turkey is ahead of USA for Episode 15. I think Turkey aired theirs today or yesterday. xD So it seems Turkey is 1 episode ahead of USA. USA is having it tomorrow. =)

I've just read the book these images were taken from (Winx Club-- la magia della luna d'argento). The trix were never Selkies. Darcy just used her illusion powers to make them look like Selkies to trick the Winx. =)

Magix's Selkie is also revealed in this book :)


By dittadulla <3~ @_@

Winx Club & Rainbow -- Translated articles: http://incantesimo.lareveuse.net/
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post Mar 8 2013, 7:56 PM
Post #747

A True Fairy

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From: Autobot's Base

wow they look the trix it would be cool if they get one but wh o know what going to happen

I am huge Sailor Mars fan and Winx fan!!!
Avatar credit goes to Screaming Romeo!
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Tiny Dragon
post Mar 19 2013, 12:58 AM
Post #748

Mythix Fairy

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As per Michael's page:

Lunedì 15 aprile - Episodio 519- LE BALENE DEL CANTO
Durante la riunione di Domino, a causa di Diaspro, Bloom ha una discussione con Sky e i due litigano. Tritannus estrae il sigillo dal Pilastro dell'Equilibrio e provoca maremoti in tutti i pianeti. Le Balene del Canto, da cui dipende il fragile equilibrio di Melody, vengono controllate magicamente da Darcy e Stormy e non riescono più a difendere il pianeta. Musa e le Winx interverranno tempestivamente per evitare la distruzione di Melody. Ma la battaglia volge al peggio, in quanto Darcy e Stormy ordinano alle Balene del Canto di attaccare le Winx.

Martedì 16 aprile - Episodio 520 - PROBLEMI SENTIMENTALI
Con un canto magico Musa riesce a domare le Balene e le Winx ripristinano il potere del Pilastro dell'Equilibrio, salvando il pianeta Melody. Bloom è triste, in quanto vorrebbe riallacciare la relazione con Sky, ma Diaspro fa di tutto per rovinare il suo piano. Durante un addestramento magico ad Alfea, Stella crea su Flora un vestito magico e coloratissimo, e Flora viene rapita da un'aquila nera che la scambia per un fiore. Per salvarla, le Winx cavalcheranno aquile dorate fino a raggiungere il nido dell'aquila nera.

Mercoledì 17 aprile - Episodio 521 - UN APPUNTAMENTO PERFETTO
Tecna ha il suo primo vero appuntamento galante con Timmy. I due si incontrano in un ristorante chic per trascorrere una serata romantica. Le altre Winx si recano al Pilastro del Controllo con l'intenzione di distruggere il sigillo e impedire per sempre a Tritannus di attivare il Trono dell'Imperatore, ma vengono catturate da un'anguilla gigante. Solo Tecna può salvare le Winx da una brutta fine…

Giovedì 18 aprile - Episodio 522 - ASCOLTA IL TUO CUORE
Il re di Zenith Cryos non vuole allearsi con gli altri regni nella guerra contro Tritannus, poiché considera questa scelta poco razionale e troppo pericolosa per il suo pianeta. Tecna e le Winx si recano a Zenith per convincere il re ad ascoltare il suo cuore. Tritannus, mentre combatte contro le Selkie, indebolisce temporaneamente il Pilastro del Controllo. Di conseguenza, si scatenano temporali magici su tutti i mondi. Su Zenith, il temporale manda in cortocircuito i droidi che cominciano a sparare ovunque i loro raggi laser. La città di Zenith è in pericolo. Nel frattempo Darcy e Stormy perdono fiducia in Tritannus e decidono di abbandonare Icy…

Venerdì 19 aprile - Episodio 523 - SULLE TRACCE DI POLITEA
Dopo aver scoperto che le Winx hanno distrutto il sigillo del Pilastro del Controllo, Tritannus decide di mettersi sulle tracce di Politea, rubarle il potere Sirenix e con quello attivare il Trono dell'Imperatore. Icy parte da sola alla ricerca di Politea, ma così fanno anche Darcy e Stormy. Per trovare Politea si recano in una lugubre montagna sottomarina conosciuta come Testa di Squalo. Anche Bloom sta cercando Politea per spezzare la maledizione che grava su di lei e Daphne, sua sorella…

Lunedì 22 aprile - Episodio 524 - IL RESPIRO DELL'OCEANO
Le Winx sono in missione sul Mondo Isola per trovare il Respiro dell'Oceano, una pietra magica che permetterà di riunire le Selkie di tutta la Dimensione Magica e ormare un'invincibile armata. Nel frattempo, a Gardenia, Tritannus lancia un incantesimo su una raffineria: piogge acide cominciano a imperversare su Baia Paradiso, un luogo dalla natura incontaminata, dove vivono i delfini. Le Winx e l'esercito dell'Alleanza, formato dalle truppe della Dimensione Magica, dovranno intervenire prima che sia troppo tardi…

Martedì 23 aprile - Episodio 525 – SCONTRO EPICO
In uno scontro epico le Winx e l'invincibile armata delle Selkie, radunata da Nereus e Tressa, affronta Tritannus, Icy e l'orda di mutanti. Durante la battaglia Tritannus cattura Aisha, per assorbirne il potere Sirenix e attivare così il Trono dell'Imperatore.

Mercoledì 24 aprile - Episodio 526 – LA FINE DELL'INCUBO
Dopo aver attivato il Trono dell'Imperatore, Tritannus non riesce più a controllarsi e diventa una bestia furiosa, sconvolgendo le acque di tutti i mondi. Nonostante sia innamorato di Icy, Tritannus la attacca. Darcy e Stormy riusciranno a salvare Icy, ma saranno costrette a scappare. Mentre le Winx sono impegnate nel disperato tentativo di portare in salvo gli abitanti di Andros dall'innalzamento delle acque, sarà compito di Bloom e Nereus liberare Aisha e Daphne e sconfiggere una volta per tutte Tritannus.

Bad English Translation:

Monday, April 15 - Episode 519 - WHALES OF SONG
During the meeting Domino, due to Diaspro, Bloom has an argument with Sky and the two fight. Tritannus pulls the seal of the Pillar of Balance and causes tidal waves in all the planets. Song of the Whales, which depends on the delicate balance of Melody, are magically controlled by Darcy and Stormy and no longer able to defend the planet. Winx Musa and intervene in time to prevent the destruction of Melody. But the battle comes to worse, as Darcy and Stormy order of the Song of the Whales attack the Winx.

Tuesday, April 16 - Episode 520 - emotional problems
With a magic song Musa succeeds in taming the Whales and the Winx restore the power of the Pillar of Balance, saving the planet Melody. Bloom is sad, because it would re-establish the relationship with Sky, but Jasper does everything to ruin his plan. During a magical training to Alfea, Stella Flora creates a suit of magical and colorful, and Flora is kidnapped by a black eagle who mistakes her for a flower. To save it, the Winx golden eagles will ride up to the Eagle's Nest black.

Wednesday, April 17 - Episode 521 - A PERFECT DATE
Tecna has his first real hot date with Timmy. The two meet in a chic restaurant for a romantic evening. The other Winx go to the Pillar of control with the intent to destroy the seal and prevent forever Tritannus activate the throne of the Emperor, but are captured by giant eel. Tecna Winx only can save a bad end ...

Thursday, April 18 - Episode 522 - LISTEN TO YOUR HEART
The King of Zenith Cryos does not want to ally with the other kingdoms in the war against Tritannus as it considers this choice very rational and too dangerous for his planet. Winx Tecna and go to Zenith to convince the king to listen to his heart. Tritannus, while fighting against the Selkie, temporarily weakens the Pillar of control. Accordingly, are unleashed temporal magical of all worlds. Zenith of the storm sends short the droids you start shooting wherever their laser beams. The city of Zenith is in danger. Meanwhile, Darcy and Stormy lose confidence in Tritannus and decide to stop Icy ...

Friday, April 19 - Episode 523 - ON THE TRAIL OF Politea
After discovering that the Winx have destroyed the seal of the Pillar of Control, Tritannus decides to get on the trail of Politea, Sirenix steal the power and turn on the throne of the Emperor. Icy leaves alone looking for Politea, but so do Darcy and Stormy. To find Politea go to an eerie underwater mountain known as Dark Shark. Even Politea Bloom is trying to break the curse that weighs upon her and Daphne, her sister ...

Monday, April 22 - Episode 524 - THE BREATH OF THE OCEAN
The Winx are on a mission to find the Island on the World Ocean Breath, a magical stone that will bring together the Selkie of all the Magical Dimension and orm an invincible army. Meanwhile, Gardenia, Tritannus casts a spell on a refinery: acid rain begin to rage on Paradise Bay, a place blessed by nature, they live dolphins. The Winx and the Army Alliance, formed by the troops of the Magical Dimension, must act before it is too late ...

Tuesday, April 23 - Episode 525 - EPIC CLASH
In an epic struggle the Winx and the invincible army of the Selkie, gathered from Nereus and Tressa, addresses Tritannus, Icy and the horde of mutants. During the battle Tritannus capture Aisha, to absorb the power Sirenix and activate the throne of the Emperor.

Wednesday, April 24 - Episode 526 - The End of Nightmares
After activating the Emperor's Throne, Tritannus no longer able to control himself and becomes a raging beast, upsetting the waters of all the worlds. Despite being in love with Icy, Tritannus the attacks. Darcy and Stormy able to save Icy, but will be forced to flee. While the Winx are engaged in a desperate attempt to rescue the inhabitants of Andros by rising waters, it is up to Bloom and Nereus release Aisha and Daphne and defeat once and for all Tritannus.

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post Mar 19 2013, 3:35 AM
Post #749

Bloomix Fairy

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I hope Season 6 is way better than this. This Season so far (and by looking at the summaries) is a filler fest. It started out great but when they got Harmonix zzzzzzzzz. Season 3 may have been awkwardly paced, but at least stuff was happening. Seasons 2 and 4 are examples of how filler Seasons should be handled. The villains were in the shadows finding new ways to torture the Winx and get what they want. The Winx needed to find themselves (Season 2) and connect with other people (Season 4) in order to get stronger and stop the villains. Through this a lot of side plots and character development occurred. With Season 5, it is set up like a plot heavy Season (Villain has an agenda and gets to it.) but is executed like a character development filler Season. Their is a lot of nothingness going on and the side plots, while interesting, are not executed very well. Where are Princess Crystal and Roy (The more interesting side plot characters). I just hope this Season gets better, if not, we still have Magical Adventure to look forward to (Awesome Movie). And hopefully Season 6 will blow us out of the water (Literally the sea is getting unimaginative)

This post has been edited by Kendall112: Mar 19 2013, 3:36 AM

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post Mar 19 2013, 9:16 AM
Post #750

Cosmix Fairy
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While I agree with you Kendall on season 5 could have been done better. I don't think its been a good season apart from Bloom, Sky and how they never created enough tension with getting sirenix. I think we should watch the episodes before we judge them on a summary. I do agree with the Roy bit he was shaping up to be an interesting character then suddenly the winx decided to drive the boat themselves and he disappeared. Although I think he was wrote into a hole anyway as I don't think he could enter the infinite ocean

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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post Aug 24 2013, 9:54 PM
Post #751


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Winx Club Returns to Nick This Sempter 8 At 1pm
Sourc Furtron Critic .com and Nick and more
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