Last night, I had this fearful dream.... and it won't leave me alone. It was so scary... and I want to know what it means so bad, so I can maybe cope with it better.
The dream in question: I'm waiting at the top floor of a building for an elevator to come and take me back down. I'm not alone, another family is there as well. (Wife, husband, girl and boy....) The elevator shaft itself is nothing but a hole in the floor. The girl of the family skips around, close to the edge, and.... she falls. In-dream, I freak out. Start crying and screaming. But not the family, who just keeps waiting for the elevator that doesn't come in a casual manner. There's no other escape then that elevator, that never came.
It was one of the scariest moments in my life. I'm still freaking out, not only because of the imagery, but what it might mean. Does it mean I'm detached from others? That I'm the only one who sees something terrifying in a clear light? Elevators not coming and falling in dreams usually portray fears and feeling 'stuck' in a certain way. That's nice.... Someone here knows where I can take this? I'm concerned.