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> Updating a few forum basics in light of Season 8
post Mar 6 2020, 8:56 PM
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Cosmix Fairy
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Hi! It seems like this forum has not been updated since Season 4 of Winx Club. With Riisa's permission, I am doing a few small jobs here and there to bring Winx Club into the year 2020. So far I have only added two changes to the list of updates:

1) Updating and adjusting the "Ranks" for members to include:

~Harmonix Fairy
~Sirenix Fairy
~Bloomix Fairy
~Mythix Fairy
~Butterflix Fairy
~Tynix Fairy
~Cosmix Fairy

2) And the second part (yet to be completed) is to update the banner. You know, THE banner. The one that has been here since nearly archaic days of Magix Club. I believe we need to bring it up to date with Season 8. Hopefully I can do this soon. I have some ideas to recreate it in photoshop.

Update: new banner on 3/9/2020

I wish the forums could be made to be mobile-friendly, but it is not possible. The entire site would have to start over, and I'm not willing to lose all of the wonderful history here. And perhaps there is still a chance new history will be made here as well.

I'm going to continue to think of more ways to update this site, any ideas?
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post Mar 7 2020, 8:23 AM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy
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Congratulations, your persistence has paid off

Hopefully an update will encourage users to come back

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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post Mar 7 2020, 11:35 PM
Post #3

Cosmix Fairy
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Ha ha, so true. And that's what I'm hoping for too. 😊 It's a small hope, but it's a hope nonetheless. I wish I had the banner ready to go, but I'm struggling with time management and a dumb headache this weekend... So I'm hoping to work on it within the week and have it by next weekend. I just need to scour the internet for Cosmix png's first.

Something else I would like to learn about are internet search analytics. If there is any way to increase hits on the forum by incorporating tricks or techniques, I'm totally open to it. One way to increase hits on the form is to increase posts that are discussing season 8. That might give us a search advantage. If I have time maybe I can start a few.
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post Mar 8 2020, 8:22 AM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy
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True, I will create some discussion topics for each episode.

Tell that headache to go away you have a forum to help

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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post Mar 9 2020, 4:34 AM
Post #5

Cosmix Fairy
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Thank you, I agree, lol. I'm literally telling the headache to get out! Stupid, irritating things. 😵

I've scoured the internet for Season 8 pngs, and I'll start working on a banner that hopefully looks nearly as good as the current Season 4 banner. I am going to miss that banner though. 😢

And I wanted to say "Wow!" to all of the new Season 8 topics you made. Nice job! Fortress Guy was thinking of coming onto the forum to start some talks regarding Season 8, and those topics you made are perfect. 👍 Good idea. When I have time I want to post in each one too.
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Fortress Guy
post Mar 9 2020, 1:52 PM
Post #6

Harmonix Fairy

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Thanks for keeping things going MightyMarty. Thanks Zhanneel for the new updates. I am looking forward to whatever new banner you come up with. That is a simple and clear way to update the site.

It would be great to go mobile friendly. Perhaps there is a way out there to migrate the content so it is not lost. Well, it is something to consider.

I believe I would like to comment on season 8 episodes. Thanks for the topic starts MightyMarty.

Oh, and BTW, congratulations to you both on your promotions to Cosmix fairy.


Fortress Guy's fortress of solitude.

Jem Huntik Korra season 1 Winx SE4 part II
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post Mar 9 2020, 2:56 PM
Post #7

Cosmix Fairy
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Why thank you Fortress, and congrats on being an underwater Harmonix Fairy (and no longer a Pixie?). xD

I truly wish there were a way to make this forum mobile friendly, but I haven't a clue how to do it yet. If I see any options in the future I'll definitely explore it though.

Okay guys...it's a little bittersweet, but the banner has been updated. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles that some website pictures do, but it does the job and stands up for MC and Season 8 of Winx Club. (I think I want to tweak the font, but for now there it is!) I'm attaching the old MC banner for nostalgia, in case anyone wants it. It's sad to say goodbye to it, but it had to be done.
Attached thumbnail(s)
Attached Image
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Fortress Guy
post Mar 9 2020, 3:15 PM
Post #8

Harmonix Fairy

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Well done Zhanneel. Thank you for your efforts there.

We will always have the old one for reference. I think we should have a thread where all the old banners are archived. How cool would it be to examine the different ones over the years. Plus any special ones that might be made, like Christmas themed, or an all specialists special for Specialist Week!


Fortress Guy's fortress of solitude.

Jem Huntik Korra season 1 Winx SE4 part II
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post Mar 9 2020, 6:09 PM
Post #9

Cosmix Fairy
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The old Christmas them for the forum still works (bottom left)….who knew I had forgotten about them.

I like the new banner very update and a good start, while mobile would be a nice addition I don't think its essential and keeping the history is much more important.

The topic creation took way longer than expected but glad to finally get it done.

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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post Mar 9 2020, 6:32 PM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy
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@Fort: I think an archive of all the graphics is a good idea. As soon as I have a moment I will make that topic. Ah, ha ha! A Specialist Week banner. So what dates will that be? icon_wink.gif

@Marty: I remember that Christmas one! I was here one year that it was used. It was cute. I think it's possible to set the entire default forum to be Christmas-themed for December, if we want to do that in the future again. And of course, we can toggle it on and off if we want. In case we like celebrating Christmas in July. icon_wink.gif And thank you, glad you like banner. No doubt all 27 topics you made for Season 8 took a long time! Nice job again.


I get the funny feeling like all 3 of us are running around an abandoned Aflea castle (aka the forum), decorating the rooms and clearing the cobwebs. icon_razz.gif
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post Mar 10 2020, 3:59 PM
Post #11

Bloomix Fairy

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QUOTE (Zhanneel @ Mar 10 2020, 1:32 AM) *
I get the funny feeling like all 3 of us are running around an abandoned Aflea castle (aka the forum), decorating the rooms and clearing the cobwebs. icon_razz.gif

Make that four of us icon_wink.gif (Still trying to think of something to say in the S8 talkbacks...)

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post Mar 10 2020, 6:10 PM
Post #12

Cosmix Fairy
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That would be a good idea, just for a nice bit of a festive feel and something to look forward to

hides duster and broom

*stella* created this wonderful avatar and SpiderBraids for the rescue and Angel Darkstorm this wonderful signature
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post Mar 17 2020, 12:22 PM
Post #13

Cosmix Fairy
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Ha ha, yes, you're right @SpiderBraids, make that 4 of us. (Might even be 5 if P-Girl is still active.) ^_^

Lol, Marty you're making me think of the Season 1 episode where Tecna didn't know how to use a broom and bucket. xD
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post Apr 8 2020, 7:59 AM
Post #14

Cosmix Fairy

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I don’t actively check this site anymore (and obviously haven’t for awhile) but I saw on your Instagram @Zhan that you were doing some stuff on here and I was intrigued! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised to see anyone around still, and that you’ve made all these nice changes!


Thanks to Ditty for the userbar! Llamas by CookiemagiK on DA
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post Apr 8 2020, 4:11 PM
Post #15

Cosmix Fairy
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Aww, hey Tea! Always nice to see a fellow MC Founder/family member pop in. It's true, activity is low around here, I hear ya... Life for all of us has moved on, but it's nice to see the site is still here (thanks to Riisa for keeping the lights on icon_idea.gif ).

This site has become something of a calming refuge for me in the last few months of health issues. Not as fast as IG, so I don't get overwhelmed. I bet you were shocked to see the old banner finally updated, lol. 'Bout time. Marty has been a rockstar doing constant topics and posts! I think he is singlehandedly keeping this place alive.

I'm glad you stopped by and that it's looking better. Even if the era of forums is on the way out. icon_sad.gif I still love IG because it's easy to share images, but it's not so good for communication. The forums will always my favorite place to hash out ideas.

Hope everything is going well in your life, especially your artistic career.
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post Jan 19 2021, 3:44 AM
Post #16

Cosmix Fairy

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I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate all the work you have put into keeping up with the forum and keeping it alive. I wish I would've made more efforts throughout the years to keep up after saying I would how many times, but sadly have not. Thanks again for preserving this site and all of the history on here. It's nice to have it still here when so many other websites from my childhood are long gone.
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post Feb 20 2021, 1:40 AM
Post #17

Cosmix Fairy

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I still log in from time to time. This place was home for me for such a long time and I love everyone that I had the pleasure to meet here.

1. How do we get one of those fancy ranks?

2. I still think it would be nice if this site had a discord or something. It's not the same as a forum but it might be a good way for everyone to keep in touch and be a bit more active without erasing anything on here.

This post has been edited by Ranma: Feb 20 2021, 1:42 AM

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post Jan 31 2022, 8:44 PM
Post #18

Cosmix Fairy
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QUOTE (Abby @ Jan 18 2021, 10:44 PM) *
I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate all the work you have put into keeping up with the forum and keeping it alive. I wish I would've made more efforts throughout the years to keep up after saying I would how many times, but sadly have not. Thanks again for preserving this site and all of the history on here. It's nice to have it still here when so many other websites from my childhood are long gone.

That rings so true with me and several others who have loved this place through the years. Marty is just incredible with constantly making posts for birthdays and other celebrations.

It's always in the back of my mind though...how awesome it would be if this forum came back to life with some of the old crew and lots of new members. Winx is very relevant again today. But I have no idea if ppl will frequent a forum anymore. 🤔 My Instagram Winx community is okay, but not as talkative as a forum. I just wish there was a way to breathe life back into this place.
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post Jan 31 2022, 8:52 PM
Post #19

Cosmix Fairy
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QUOTE (Ranma @ Feb 19 2021, 8:40 PM) *
I still log in from time to time. This place was home for me for such a long time and I love everyone that I had the pleasure to meet here.

1. How do we get one of those fancy ranks?

2. I still think it would be nice if this site had a discord or something. It's not the same as a forum but it might be a good way for everyone to keep in touch and be a bit more active without erasing anything on here.

I agree! I loved meeting so many fun people from around the world. Like I said above, the Instagram Winx community is okay, but nothing compares to the way we did things on this forum. Everyone was friendly, lots of different things to chat about, role plays, trivia games, life help. Everything. 😁

And I have no idea if anyone uses forums again, but with all the history here, you'd think this would be prime for reviving! I just wish I knew how to find people to come to the site, because Winx is very relevant again. It definitely has come back to life quite a bit due to Fate and Season 8 and now 9 in the works.

What's the rank thing you're asking about Ranma? If I know how or what to do, I can fix something for you. Or Marty can too.

A Discord is a good idea. If you have any ideas of getting ppl to join? I have none. 😅 I could definitely set one up or something. I did it for another community, but ppl are fickle and left, and the channel died.

I talked to one of the owners of this account (I think she's "keeping the lights on") and I asked her about any chance this site could be made mobile friendly. But it is too much work she said. I understand, but bummer...

I realize you guys wrote your comments a year ago. So if you don't see this I totally understand, lol.
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