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> 4kids Removed And Suspended Videos/accounts, I'm one of the victim
post Jul 11 2007, 10:14 AM
Post #1

Cosmix Fairy

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Youtube sucks now days due to 4kids. 1st they have suspended my doris5566 account, 2nd they removed a video that I credited Rainbow s.P.a : Winx Club Movie Preview.

They have no right to do that, cause they don't own winx club and purposely removed Italian version videos! 2nd, when they saw 4kids logo in my music amv, they don't removed it but removed video with rai due logo! I'm quite ticked off now!!!!!

So I suggest that we should not show support for youtube anymore, if we do they will suspend and delete more videos and accounts!

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post Jul 11 2007, 11:39 AM
Post #2

Mythix Fairy

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REALLY??? WOW!!! icon_eek.gif THEY DONT OWN WINXCLUB!!! I cant belive it!
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post Jul 11 2007, 3:48 PM
Post #3

Cosmix Fairy
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They don't own it so if they did not create it they can not control what happens to it.

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post Jul 11 2007, 3:51 PM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

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I hate it too! They removed 5 of my amvs and not the other ones! One of them was my most popular one ever! I am so mad. If I get suspended I'm not making a new account. The only thing is that if I do I have to think of something for my site because a lot of the episode previews on my site are on my youtube accuont and I don't know where else I can get them!! I'm going to make a daily motion account (they are less strict there) and the things they deleted were amv's not episodes! I can see them deleting episodes but not amv's! I said on the description that I didn't own it at all! They only deleted one of my episode clips and it was a short one and I thought that they didn't care about the short clips! I am just really angry w/ 4kids and youtube at this moment!
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post Jul 11 2007, 9:32 PM
Post #5

Cosmix Fairy

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I think it stinks as well. Out of my 20 some videos, they deleted 1. (and it didn't even have the 4kids logo in it, I used Rai Due clips) o_O

I always credit Iginio Straffi and Rainbow SRL, they made and produced Winx Club. I think everyone should credit them ^_^..
4kids didn't create winx, they just air it. Plus, I mainly use clips from Rai Due, so it really makes no sense o_O

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door, that we do not see the one which has opened for us. -Helen Keller
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post Jul 11 2007, 10:44 PM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

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I think they just want some stupid credits, but the more they want to do it, I'M NOT GOING TO CREDIT THEM!I WILL ONLY credit rainbow spa plus Iginio Straffi . 4kids is not the creator of winx club, they just dubbed and changed almost everything in the show. I'm going to make a complain, I really can't accept this!!!

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post Jul 11 2007, 11:10 PM
Post #7

Enchantix Fairy

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i think there is nothing we can do about it. but i left youtube a long time ago. i no longer upload i only watch clips of stuff, if i it isnt deleted yet.


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post Jul 12 2007, 7:51 AM
Post #8

Bloomix Fairy

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I think it started from this.
Shadow Enchantix and ChickenWinx had a little fight. They had their apologies, but then started a new fight and Chicken Winx reported to 4kids that ShadowEnchantix posts Finnish Winx Episodes. They deleted them! I can't believe, 4kids does not own finnish winx! Then they deleted my most popular winx video what was a part of an ep and it had 30000 views! Then i had to delete all my ep parts and they suspended accounts for no reason! THEY DON'T OWN FINNISH WINX OR WINX CLUB!!!!!!!


Once there was a realm, different from all the others.
It was believed that once someone would become the new protector and save this realm.

Will she suffer?

plz don't try to interrupt me. i've got my own life too. xD
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post Jul 12 2007, 12:36 PM
Post #9

Cosmix Fairy

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I don't think so, Chickenwinx is taking him/her own risk too if she reported to 4kids. But why they had fight?

BTW, I've made a complain about 4kids. Here's the link:


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post Jul 13 2007, 1:57 AM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy

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yeah. I will only credit them if I use one of their dubs. I'm mad that they delted my most popular video. Idk, someone told on someone or something because everyone got hit somehow with at least one video being deleted from everyone. maybe i'm wrong. I just think its stupid. I even told my mom about it and she agreed that its not like I am taking credit for any of the clips at all!
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post Jul 13 2007, 10:39 AM
Post #11

Mythix Fairy

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Thats good done Winxclub-joy! That was the right thing to do!!!
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post Jul 14 2007, 2:58 AM
Post #12

Enchantix Fairy

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4kids deleted 2 of my vids, and one was all about Rai!! And the other was all Rai too! Ugh I'm so mad! angry.gif


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post Jul 14 2007, 7:59 PM
Post #13

Mythix Fairy

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On the News i soo somthing wis google taking away videon from youtube too. And ther are Anime show that gets deleted.
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post Jul 14 2007, 9:46 PM
Post #14

Enchantix Fairy

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Well people I have found a website called veoh, you can upload full animes , a whole program ( you dont need to chop it up into 3 parts) and on there they havent deleted my vids icon_biggrin.gif Plus there is many ppl who go on there to. www.veoh.com


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post Jul 28 2007, 12:42 AM
Post #15

Cosmix Fairy

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yeah thas what i use VEOH.com its much better and you can download videos to :]]] but the bad thing is anything over 50 mins you have to download a veoh player but with a veoh player you can download episode and watch them =]]


[ My Sisters : Fa, Anny, Becca, And Riliana ]

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post Aug 2 2007, 12:04 PM
Post #16

Cosmix Fairy

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i got a veoh account but it took way too long to upload. Dailymotion is like going to destroy winx club as well. --"
I don't care youtube deleting my videos or what, I'm still going to upload what I love but NOT 4kids version clips...
I will only credit them if I used their version in my MVs.

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post Aug 3 2007, 8:06 PM
Post #17

Cosmix Fairy

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yeah totally and understandable, i dont see the big deal.. you could be showing them the episode that they missed they shouldnt have a cow over it.
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post Aug 18 2007, 11:04 PM
Post #18

Cosmix Fairy

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the only thing I don't like about veoh is that people can download your videos there, which means they can edit ur amvs a bit and still have them majorly your work and call it their own, and I hate copiers. i really hope i don't get suspended, there is this rumor about in september youtube is going on another frenzy deleting videos, i mean i do have a dailymotion account, but most of the videos I use on my site are on my account, and I am a lot more comfortable with youtube than dailymotion, like how you can comment people, the favorites, messaging, subscriptions, etc.
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post Aug 19 2007, 9:10 AM
Post #19

Cosmix Fairy

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Agree with you Abby. I just hate someone whom just steal the video without requesting and credit themselves, and I'm also used to youtube cuz of sending messages and video commenting.

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post Oct 25 2007, 1:49 PM
Post #20

Bloomix Fairy

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From: Finland

now i think youtube is not deleting stuff.


Once there was a realm, different from all the others.
It was believed that once someone would become the new protector and save this realm.

Will she suffer?

plz don't try to interrupt me. i've got my own life too. xD
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