What did you learn today?, Keep it PG |
Mar 30 2010, 1:22 AM
Cosmix Fairy
Group: Members
Posts: 3,202
Joined: January 23 2009

I learned that whenever EA slaps its name onto something, anything, expect it to turn really cruddy. REALLY cruddy.
If EA buys McDonalds and makes a Mc EA Sandwich, expect the sandwich to turn into garbage half way through the meal, or, expect the sandwich to be too soggy to start the meal, in the first place.
tl'dr, EA SUX
A.K.A. BANJOGATE Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum  I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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