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> Majischule, A world will open up to you if you're right for it...
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post Apr 29 2008, 8:58 PM
Post #1

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

Uhhh yeah. Here's a story I started working on because I want to be a cartoonist and release original comic books in a series so... yeah.
Majischul is a school, much like Hogwarts and Alfea, from the Othrworlde, another world entirely separate from Earth that is inhabited by all kinds of magickal creatures. When Nobel Prize-winning physicists break open a portal to that mysterious dimension, a flood of Magick Users come through, and Earth becomes a rather Magickal place.
In response to a flurry of unexplainable phenomena suddenly experienced by the "flat" (in other terms, Muggles) humans, the Othrworlde Grand Council of the Realms has decided to open a school for Earthlings (and some students who can't fit into schools in the Othrworlde) in order to teach Magick. Lìnnia is an American student headed to the school, and despite her - and her family and friends' - rather brutal beliefs, she shows very strong signs of being a Magick User unheard of from an Earthling. The story is narrated by Lìnnia as she experiences power, destiny, and true love in...

Majischul Book 1: Banvutu'u Majischul!
Chapter 1: Fatina Class One
Created 2008 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.

One year ago, magic didn't exist.
Well, it did in Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, but that was about it. But that's not the point - the point is, now the public acknowledges the existence of Magick (spelled with a k, ladies and gentlemen) and the Magick Users. Oh, and Sensitives, regular people who are psychic but not Magick Users. Actually, everyone is a Sensitive to some degree - it's a talent, like art and music. It's pretty cool, actually.
Well, it was.

I looked up at the huge silvery gates and gulped.
What was I doing here?

It was a week ago when I nearly got into a car accident. My mother seemed to think I needed to practice driving more. But I while I was prepared to make quick left turns and merge with oncoming traffic, I was totally unprepared for a huge eighteen-wheeler to suddenly veer across the median and barrel towards us. I managed to pull away, but I was in such a state of shock that my mother took me to the hospital to be medicated for anxiety. It was there that they discovered that I had an Aura.
It wasn't until afterwards that I found out that the truck that nearly ran me down had no driver.
But from what I heard afterward, the truck stopped dead before it struck our car, and all engines for about a mile around stalled.
Thank the Gods, no one was hurt.
That was when the administrators of Majischul expressed interest in a retesting of my abilities. This time, instead of a Sensitive test (which I failed miserably) they administered a Magick test.
Bingo! A near-death experience triggered innate abilities whose origins we have no idea of. Despite research spanning back hundreds of years, we were unable to discover where I had inherited my abilities from. They went and tested my entire family, and no one besides my little cousin down in Texas showed a spark (my cousin, however, may only be a low-level Sensitive).
They hadn't yet classified me.
I sat quietly on a bench outside the campus, utterly terrified of what I was getting myself into.
This is like Hogwarts or something! I thought, sweating profusely. I clutched my bag close to me and tried to breathe deeply.
Nope. Not working.
I heaved a shuddering sigh and stood up, shaking.
Time to face the music.
I sighed again and shouldered my bag. Sweet Jesus, God, Goddess, or whoever - don't let me make a fool of myself! I was in the middle of nowhere, and this was a campus city - like Ann Arbor! I gulped. The campus was huge - how was I supposed to get from one place to another? And...
What if the doctor was wrong? What if it hadn't been me?
But the results...
The internal battle that had been raging for the past week as my paperwork was done, transcripts sent, and transfer processed. Many fellow students at my old school were not secretive about their disbelief: this little scrap of a girl was able to get into Majischul?
Well, THAT didn't help my ego much.
I trudged up the pathway to the gates, which swung open to admit me. Gulping, I continued on. I tried reciting the Rosary.
Hail Mary?
Lord's Prayer?
I should just give up.
I started whistling "Defying Gravity" from Wicked to ease my nerves. Hey, if Elphaba could do it, so could I.
Well, Elphaba was probably better off. She lived in Oz.
I realized I'd stopped whistling and picked up the tune again. I needed music - it was my life.
I started singing:
"Something has changed within me; something is not the same... I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game...
Too late for second guessing; too late to go back to sleep - it's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes... and leap-"
I raised the volume a little, feeling more confident.
"It's time to try defying gravity... I think I'll try defying gravity - and you can't hold me down!"
I heard clapping and jumped in surprise.
I froze, terrified. "Uh... thanks?" I looked around for the speaker, but could see no one.
"Up here,"
I looked up.
In one of the many huge trees flanking the pathway up to the main building of Majischul, a tall, willowy, pale blue-skinned guy with tousled black hair sat watching my little... er... "performance". "Nice voice," he called, clapping again. "Thinking of joining the singing club?"
"You mean the choir?" I was starting to feel the effects of looking up at an awkward angle.
"Same thing, isn't it?" With that, he leaped down off of his tree.
I gasped.
My mouth fell open as he seemed to slow down, opposite to the laws of physics, and practically floated down to the ground.
He straightened and looked at me. "Is something the matter?"
I realized my mouth was still open. Hastily, I slammed it shut.
"Well, it seems we have a new transfer. Wow, you're a cute one." He clucked my chin, and I blushed furiously.
"You even blush cutely, too."
"Do you need directions?"
I just stood there, then blinked and nodded. "Di-di-rec-shuns..." I stammered. "To... the main office..."
"Follow me." he smiled and winked.
I don't know what came over me - maybe it was the fact that no one had ever winked at me before - maybe it was because this guy was gorgeous and actually interested in me - but everything seemed to darken, and the ground rushed up at me, and the next thing I knew...

...I was indoors.
"WAH!" I sat up, gasping, and clutched my chest. Looking frantically around, I tried to remember where I was and why I was there.
No luck: brain = wet cotton balls.
I heard a pretty giggle off to the side and looked.
A pale-skinned girl with long blonde hair pulled back smiled at me. "You're Lìnnia, right?"
"My name is Shiia, and I'm your new roommate." She offered a hand, and I shook it, feeling like the world's biggest moron. "Welcome to Majischul. Are you from the Othrworlde?"
"Uh... no. Earth." Wow, tongue not working either!
"Earth? Your name is in Uthra. That's funny."
"Huh?" What's Uthra?
"Oh, never mind. I'll explain later, I guess." She smiled and looked off to the side. "Jiselle should be coming any minute now - to take you to see the Headmistress. You'll be put into a class - I hope you're a Class One!" She giggled. "Anyway, you're a lucky girl!"
"How so?"
"Well, Lord Lucia personally carried you here after you fainted and set you down on this very bed! What good fortune!"
"Who's Lord Lucia?" I asked, at a loss.
"He said he met you on the path. What, you don't remember?" Shiia looked at me oddly.
I stared at her. "That was a lord?"
Shiia laughed prettily. "Well, he does blend in well."
There was an urgent knocking on the door. Shiia rose and glided over.
A tall, tan-skinned lady stood in the doorway, carrying a clipboard and looking very official. "Hello, Shiia. Is this Lìnnia?"
"The very girl." Shiia winked at me, to which I merely blinked in response. "Now, she seems nice, so you be nice too!"
The lady regarded me coolly. "I'll see about that. Stand up, girl."
I obliged.
"I'm Jiselle, the Head of Discipline at Majischule, as well as dueling instructor and security command. Are you ready to see the Headmistress?"
I should have been wary.
"I... uh... I don't... well... I... guh...guess... s...so..." I stammered.
She looked down the bridge of her pointy nose at me. "Oh, really? Let me see some ID!"
What? I hastened to pull out my wallet and handed her my CNHS student ID.
She looked it over and tapped a brick on the wall. To my utter amazement, a flat screen slid out and revolved to face her. She slid my ID through the "credit-card" slot on the side, and it beeped before showing my student records.
"Hmm," she said, peering at it. Obviously, she saw my horrendous math grades and the only demerit I'd ever gotten for sneaking food in science class. "I guess you are the right girl. Sorry 'bout that. You can't be too soft on discipline," she apologized. "I hear Earth is a tough neighborhood, so I figured I should be at the top of my game."
"Too right," I agreed, already liking her. Shiia grinned at me.
She looked at me. "I like you, kid," she said, handing me my ID back. "You ready to go?"
"Ah, yes, thanks - but I think I can... figure how to... get there..." I looked down the looooooooooooong hallway dubiously.
She obviously had the same sentiment. "I don't think so," she declared, grabbing me by the shoulders and steering me away.

Ms. Lightbringer was a petite lady with silver hair and piercing black eyes. She peered over her steepled fingers at me, fidgeting in the squishy armchair that stood in front of her desk. "So, according to your transcripts, you need to be tested," she finally said, smiling kindly.
I squirmed. "I really don't think that's necessary," I squeaked. "It all might be a mistake."
"I doubt it; Dr. Miranda is rarely wrong about Aura diagnosis."
I squirmed some more, at a loss for words.
Ms. Lightbringer was an immigrant from the Othrworlde, a separate world of Magick and wonder. From all the documentaries and TV shows I'd seen of it, it looked pretty cool. Of course, only the really rich or special people could go there on a whim. The rest of us working class Hoosiers had to save up for twice as long as it would take to save for a top-o'-da-notch BMW built last Monday (I'm NOT kidding about that).
Like most Magick Users, Ms. Lightbringer had the characteristic long fingered hands and, true to her heritage, pale silvery skin and a sturdy build. She dressed comfortably and fashionably, and her specially made chair was built with space for her large, gauzy wings. All in all, she was gorgeous and Junoesque, and very young by Faerie standards.
Gods, she made me feel small.
She smiled, empathetic. "Don't worry, dear," she soothed, reassuring. "I'm not trying to intimidate you."
"I know," I squeaked.
"But I am, aren't I?" her voice had a musical lilt to it.
"Well, there is a simple test to confirm my beliefs of what you are. Stand up, Lìnnia Cavaliare."
I stood.
"Do you know what your full name means?" Ms. Lightbringer asked, looking at it on my transcript.
I wrinkled my nose. "My mom made up 'Lìnnia', but Regine and Cavaliare mean 'queen' and 'knight'."
"So they do," Ms. Lightbringer nodded. "In my native language, 'Lìnnia' means 'deity' or 'God-sent'."
My mouth dropped open. How was I supposed to respond to that??
"Indeed," Ms. Lightbringer smirked good-naturedly, recognizing my reaction. "Let's begin - although I think I already know your designation."
She gestured at the rug off to the side in the open part of her office. The circles and symbols embroidered on it began to glow.
I gulped again. "What do I do?"
"Just hold out your hand. The left one will suffice," she added, gesturing at her chest. "That's the hand of your heart."
I nodded weakly and did as she said.
"Mathos klondies skumba skoro," she intoned, waving her arms widely. She began to trace symbols in the air, which also started to glow brightly. "Kun'ndai lishta mann'o'os caron sota ne. Mishta mailo ja mathos sku'umko skoro ni."
The heck? I thought, straining to make sense of what she was saying.
No dice.
The symbols in the air began to swirl around me, and they came apart like thread and rewove into new symbols and shapes. The glow died and the circles turned back into an exotic weave rug.
"Well, I was right," she smiled. "You are a Class One Fatina."
My mouth dropped open. "Class one??" I repeated. "Fatina??"
"Class One Fatina."
I felt dizzy and sat down. The last thing I remember clearly was this:
You have got to be kidding me!
Class One Fatina was the top classification of Magick Users! They could ascend to any caste of the Othrworlde, become anything they desired, and even got to participate in the Majidoule (Magick Duel) that was the Superbowl of the Othrworlde!! Not only that, but they supposedly had some kind of second form...
Holy cow holy chicken holy duck holy elephant holy flamingo...
Everything got blurry from there. I barely heard what Ms. Lightbringer said after that - something about a new locker, a schedule in the works, yadda-yadda. I nodded like I understood, randomly at different parts, and, taking pity on me, she said, "You may go," handed me a slip of paper, and nodded to me. "Good luck, Lìnnia Regine Cavaliare."
Good luck??
I was gonna need a LOT more than that!!
Comments? Criticisms (be kind... icon_redface.gif )? Suggestions? (BTW, this is not supposed to accompany anything I've done with WinX Club and Harry Potter or anything of the sort. This is a Stand-Alone fic)
More to come... I hope. XD

This post has been edited by LinneaKou: Apr 29 2008, 9:55 PM

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post Apr 30 2008, 2:43 AM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
Posts: 8,090
Joined: April 6 2007
From: India

It sounds great so far, I can't wait to read more!

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post Apr 30 2008, 11:15 PM
Post #3

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

Thank you!! ^_^

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 1 2008, 12:45 PM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
Posts: 8,090
Joined: April 6 2007
From: India

You're welcome!

Jiselle reminds me a lot of Griselda, lol!

This post has been edited by Jahnavi: May 1 2008, 12:47 PM

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post May 1 2008, 8:33 PM
Post #5

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

I did get a lot from Griselda for Jiselle (pronounced "YI-zell"), but I also used McGonagall as a reference. I wanted an adult advocate for the "good-student" characters who saw the nasty kids for what they really were. Griselda and McGonagall fit that bill, and thus... Jiselle!
Next chapter up by tomorrow, I promise!!

This post has been edited by LinneaKou: May 1 2008, 8:36 PM

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 2 2008, 2:00 AM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
Posts: 8,090
Joined: April 6 2007
From: India

At the beginning, she reminded me a bit of Snape too...

Okay, can't wait to read Chapter Two!

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post May 3 2008, 1:18 PM
Post #7

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

OKAYZ! HERE'S THE NEXT CHAPTER! *so proud of myself*

Majischul Book 1: Banvutu'u Majischul!
Chapter 2: First Impressions
Created 2008 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.

Somehow, the next day came. One minute, I'm in Ms. Lightbringer's office getting the news of my miserable life, and the next I'm waking up to my alarm and wondering where the heck I am.
Oh. That's right. Majischul.
It's five A.M. I realized with a grimace that I'd forgotten to re-set my alarm. Majischul wasn't like public schools, I reasoned, where the upperclassmen had to rise earlier than the kindergardners so that bussing schedules would work out.
I fell back against my pillows and sighed. Now I was NEVER going to get sleep! Rolling over, I caught sight of my cell phone on a nearby table. I grabbed it and dove under the covers.
I had two new messages: one text and one voicemail.
I checked the voicemail first.
"Lee, this is your mother."
I winced. Oh, great. She was "just" calling to check up on me... and make sure I was eating vegetables.
"I was just calling to check up on you and make sure you're eating your greens."
Okay, I was off by one word.
"Your father misses you, your brother wants to know how much this is going to cost us, and your sister wants to know if you've met any fairies yet. And your cats miss you, too."
My mother, despite her allergies, allowed me to adopt three cats (Sol, Lune, and Stelle) when I turned thirteen. They were all brats, but my little sister Andie could handle them. I'd left them in her care.
"I just want to remind you that you ARE on a very generous scholership and we can't afford any more mistakes. Do. Your. Homework. That's all we're asking of you."
Don't worry, Mom - they don't GIVE homework at Majischul. It's all practical lessons and stuff.
"Send us a letter when you can."
A letter?? What WAS this, the stone age??
"Love you, kisses and hugs." And then, a huge chorus of "GOODBYE!!!" and assorted meows.
I hung up from the voicemail with a feeling of homesickness.
Next, I checked my texts.
More great.
Here is where the tragedy of my life occurs: I have had a very good friend in my life since ninth grade. Unfortunately, he doesn't consider me as a friend. He's desperately trying to make me fall in love with him like they do in movies.
Ha ha. Fat chance.
I scanned the message: "hey lee howz magic skool call me g2g bi ben".
I hit "REPLY" and tapped in a message: "School is unbelievable. I really don't believe it. Can't call you, so call me. Lee"
I never initated contact when it came to Ben.
Ben's world was dictated by no one. He grew up in a spoiled rich kind of a home, so how we ended up friends confuses me. We have passions for two things: anime and gaming. Sometimes, though, he can be really rude and kind of mean. He constantly insults my viewing choices, and sometimes acted like a sore winner whenever he beat me at HIS games. (I beat him at my favorite combat games, but only because he considers practicing them a waste of time. However, when I do beat him, he gets really annoyed and won't talk to me for days.) He was the first to express disbelief at my acceptance into Majischul - and only the week before he was complaining about the school's choice of students - "unworthy" in his eyes. What, being born into money means being born into Magick? Well, after I got into Majischul, before he knew about it, he'd gone as far as calling it "one of the most worthless and pointless schools ever made". He said worse, but I'm not repeating it.
I did, however, have one really good friend: Sara, a witchy transfer from the West Coast. She and I met in tenth grade and became BFF's almost instantly. Sara had pegged the intuition test, so she too was enrolled here. I was just too weary to find her the day before, I think. Sara was the kind of person who took you for what you were, and she was as kind as Ben was rude. She had been ecstatic when I'd gotten into Majischul.
"See if we can be roommates!" she'd suggested.
Unfortunately, any question of that happening was soon erased. Sara was a Class Six Esper, and roommates were decided by classes. I'd have to find her the next day and apologize.
While I vaguely wondered what I'd apologize for - and HOW - my eyelids became heavy and I fell asleep again.

"My lady!"
What? Who was that?
"Beware, Lady! Beware!"
Beware?? I was in limbo-land, and some freaky voices are telling me to beware?? What is UP with freaky dreams??
See, I knew I was dreaming. Where else would swirling fogs be the norm?
"Thy new lodging be safer than thine eld," said a voice to my left.
"But the must watch for Bodache, for he hath returned!" said someone to my right.
Bodache? What the heck...?
"Bodache, my lady!" A face materialized in front of me and repeated the name: "Bodache!"
"Who's Bodache?" I demanded. "And cut it with the Elizabethan talk!"
"Thine darkest foe, of the scum of the planet, Bodache hath come to thy realm!" The face's ...
face was screwed up in fear. "Thee arst in grave danger!"
"What? I don't have any enemies!"
"Thee must beware, my lady!" the face faded away.
I was falling.
Falling... falling...
Fire! Everywhere! Flames licked the sides of my vision, and a malevolent voice laughed at my panic.
I screamed piercingly... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

I yelped as I awoke, the blanked tangled around me.
"Oh Gods, are you all right?"
I finally disentangled myself from the blanked and looked up.
Shiia stared curiously back at me.
"Oh... I was... um..." I felt my face burn, humiliated. "Bad dream."
"What are you doing up?" I asked, unsure of the time.
"Getting ready." Shiia giggled. "You may want to dress. You're starting class today."
"When's class?" I mumbled, standing up rather pecariously.
"Half an hour."
"HALF AN HOUR??" I demanded, whirling to face her. "You're kidding me! How'm I supposed to eat??"
Shiia smiled. "You just looked so cute sleeping, I decided not to wake you."
"Well, next time PLEASE wake me!" I was seriously considering the thought of begging Ms. Lightbringer to switch my room to Sara's. At least Sara knew me well enough.
"If you want, I can wake you up earlier."
I stared at my roommate. "You're kidding me." I said flatly. "I'm getting dressed. Where's breakfast?"
"The dining hall," Shiia answered, striking a bubbly pose. She stroked her chin with her long forefinger. "I can take you if you want..."
"No, I'll find it myself." I rummaged through my duffel bag for clean clothes.
"Don't worry about that," Shiia said cheerfully. "I took the liberty of moving you in!"
Stuck! Goodbye. privacy!
I stared at her again, completely at a loss. "Where?"
She pointed at a chest of drawers at the foot of my bed.
I pounced upon it and assembled a decent-looking outfit. "You can leave now," I added over my shoulder.
Shiia looked confused. "Why?"
"I'm changing!"
Shiia blinked, then nodded as if she understood. "That's right. Earthlings are modest creatures." She left, closing the door with a cheerful snap.
I, for the third time, stared at her retreating back in disbelief. This place is a loony bin!

I managed a couple pieces of toast (declining an offer of what seemed to be a giant steamed beetle from an ever-helpful Shiia) and set off in search for Sara before my first (gasp!) Class One Fatina lessons began. Despite the rough start, I forced myself to ask Shiia where the Class Six Espers would be.
Shiia raised her eyebrows at the request. "Class Six? Hm, I don't know. They eat earlier than we do."
"Where are they now?"
"Probably at lessons." Shiia stared at me curiously. "Why?"
"I have a friend in that group."
A purple-haired guy across from me snorted. "You're kidding! You don't want to hang with lower-level riffraff!"
I shot him a smoldering look. "If they have better attitudes, I think I'd rather wake up at five to eat breakfast!"
The guy stared at me strangely. "What the blazes are you?"
"I'm a human, for crying out loud, and that riffraff, as you so eloquently put it, happens to be my closest friend!"
Shiia looked hurt. "But I was going to be your closest friend..."
"I only met you yesterday!" I looked down at my plate, no longer hungry, and stood up. "Excuse me."
I had to get somewhere sane!
I looked up, and Jiselle was next to me. She pressed a sheet of paper into my hand. "Your schedule. You have a student's cupboard-"
A locker.
"And you have five classes, an hour long each. Fifteen minute breaks, plus lunch hour. Everything good?"
I nodded, saying nothing. My mind was already focused on finding Sara. Which is why I said this: "Excuse me, but where could I find the Class Six Espers?"
Jiselle thought for a minute, then pointed to the opposite side of the huge courtyard. "In the second campus, most likely."
Second campus?
I finally pieced it all together - the purple-haired guy's attitude plus this practically screamed that humans were considered second-class Magick Users.
So what the heck was I doing in Class One Fatina??
Shiia stood up next to me. "We have ten minutes before the bells ring. Would you like me to show you the way?"
I thought it over, then nodded. "Sure. Fine."
"All right. Good. They'll be getting out, and you can chat with your friend before class." She smiled, as if what had just happened hadn't really gone down.
I was a little confused. "Okayyyy..."

Shiia skipped ahead of me, turning around and walking backwards so she could face me. "Sorry 'bout that. You know," she made a rueful face. "Rojye can be a bit of a meanie."
Uh, who?
"That guy back there. His name is Rojye, and he's a bit bitter because he's nobility and they didn't have enough room for him in the Othrworlde's Akedmje."
"Their academy was too full, so they put him here. He considers humans a bit of a waste of space."
I considered this, and made a face.
Shiia giggled. "Not exactly the best first impression, huh?"
I shrugged and sighed. "I don't really care what that guy thinks of me."
"First impressions are always important." Shiia wagged a finger as if lecturing me.
I rolled my eyes. "Sure. But where I come from, the first impression is the be-all-end-all. So..."
"So, you do the best you can to make your first impression different from who you really are so that they leave you alone?"
I stopped in my tracks, and Shiia halted as well.
"How did you know that??"
Shiia smiled and held a finger to her chin. "I'm an empathetic Fatina. That means I can feel what you feel."
"That's creepy..."
"I'm sorry. I won't do it if you like."
I nodded, eyes wide. "That'd be much appreciated."
"So, let's try this again. I'm sorry if I overdid it trying to be friendly. I just wanted you to know that not all people from the Othrworlde think humans are second-class." Shiia stuck out her hand. "I'm Shiia t'Chalti d'Uthriwurde."
I took it. "Lee Cavaliare."
"Lee? Can I call you that?"
"If we're going to be friends as well as roommates, you'd best."
Shiia burst into this brilliant smile, and I smiled too.
I couldn't help it.

I caught Sara as she left the gym (so THAT'S what it was!!). After introducing Shiia - the two seemed to get along quite well - I went on to tell her my predicament.
“What?” I demanded, taken off guard.
“That’s the elite! The top class! OMFG Lìnnia you must be all kinds of powerful if you made the magic rug do that!”
I scratched my head, confused. How did she managed to say that all in one breath?
“Oops, that’s the warning bell.” Sara patted me on the head and dashed off. “FIND ME AT LUNCH! SEE YA!!”
I watched her go and checked my schedule again. "Uh, do you know where this is?"
Shiia looked over my shoulder. "Yes. Would you like some guidance?"
"Only if it's not out of your way."
Shiia looked torn. "Well, it kind of is."
"Then I'll find my way on my own. You go off to class." I gestured widely, then turned around and started walking.
"Lee! It's the other way!"
I winced and turned around...
...and walked smack dab into another student headed in the opposite direction.
Double whoops.
"OHMIGOD I'M SO SORRY..." I backed away, eyes wide.
The guy looked up and grinned. "No, no problem..."
Our eyes met.
"Lord Lucia!" Shiia curtsied. "It's a pleasure to see you again."
"And to you," he nodded politely, keeping his eyes on me.
My face heated up again. I opened my mouth and attemped to say something, but no words came out.
"Are you all right?" Lord Lucia glanced curiously at my face.
Shiia rescued me: "She's just a bit stunned, that's all."
Thanks, buddy.
"I... I..."
On the other hand, I wasn't doing so well, either.
"Well, I'm sorry for stunning you," Lord Lucia apologized, bowing more deeply to me. "May I make it up to you?"
"Of course!" Shiia chirped. "You can take her to her next class! I believe you have it as well."
"Which is this?"
"Ah, I see."
Too much was going on right then. First, I run into this guy again and act like a goldfish. Second, he's taking me to class.
Third, it's FLYING class?
Lord Lucia gently took my elbow and steered me in the direction he had been going in. "This way, Lìnnia-douchi. I'll make sure you get there."
No! Wait! I don't want to! I'll make a fool of myself!
Don't I get any say in this???
Whew! That was a lot of work. Actually, the chapter itself wasn't the work.
It was the Internets that was giving me problems. >.< Specifically this site.
Well, I got it back! YAYZ~!
Next time, I hope to answer a few unanswered/unvoiced questions from Chapter 1. I also want to picture Lee's first flying lesson.
Ehehehe... without a parachute... XD

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 3 2008, 1:58 PM
Post #8

Cosmix Fairy

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From: India

Ooh! A flying lesson... Interesting! I wonder if she'll fly with wings... Or with something else...?

You're a great writer, I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post May 6 2008, 8:49 PM
Post #9

Harmonix Fairy

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To Jahnavi: Thank you for your kind comments! <3

Quick news, due to the fact that I, the author, have unavoidable obligations to see to (and a throbbing migraine), I will not be able to update the story until - at least (I hope) - Sunday of this week, if not Monday. Sorry to everyone! *goes and takes Tylenol*

My blog will also be noticeably empty as well. ;_; The remainder of the life I once had has been taken away...

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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esca Eterna
post May 10 2008, 12:27 AM
Post #10

Mythix Fairy

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Wow! I'm really impressed by this story! I'm really enjoying it (still have to read the most recent chapter). I love the development of Lìnnia through her sarcasm and humor. The reader gets the character, and that's a good skill to have as a writer. Nice ^^

~ don't try to understand me, just love me ~

save me from losing it all
guide me through the darkest
catch me before I fall
but let me create myself

esca might be coming back soon, if her life decides to stop being really crazy ^^

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post May 10 2008, 3:46 AM
Post #11

Cosmix Fairy

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*Applauds* I luv it! <3 I really wonder how she will fly also. And for some reason, I've taken a liking to Rojye for some weiird reason! Awkward.....but I'm enjoying Lee's charrie developement!!

Luv this sentence very much: Holy cow holy chicken holy duck holy elephant holy flamingo...


I am not WEIRDhopefullyI think

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the former." ~ Albert Einstein
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post May 11 2008, 12:01 AM
Post #12

Cosmix Fairy

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From: India

Yeah, totally agree with you about that sentence, Breana! After reading it, I've started to use the term "Holy Flamingo!" for everything, lol!

Hope your migrane's gone, LinneaKou... And (as usual), can't wait for the next chapter!

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post May 11 2008, 9:34 PM
Post #13

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Here.

Lol! Ya, I hope so also!! We are all awaiting your next chapter but will wait patiently. *tries to hold back excitement*


I am not WEIRDhopefullyI think

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the former." ~ Albert Einstein
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post May 12 2008, 11:02 PM
Post #14

Harmonix Fairy

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From: under a rock

You guys all rawk! Migraine's not entirely gone (residue headache), prom is past, homework load is lightening, and Mother's Day has sucked my wallet (and thus my social life) dry. Time for the next chapter!

Majischul Book 1: Banvutu'u Majischul!
Chapter 3: Up a Cloud without a Parachute
Created 2008 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.

My first flying lesson.
Ohohohohoho. Did I mention I was deathly afraid of heights?
"Uh, I think there's been a mistake..." I attempted as I trotted alongside (well, actually, behind) Lord Lucia as he escorted me to my first official class at Majishul. "You see, I can't fly."
"Hm? Oh, well. You'll learn quickly. You must--" he fixed me with a cerulean stare that made me go weak at the knees and threatened to make me faint again. "If you have made my aunt's spell act the way it did, you must be a powerful Fatina."
"Like I said," I quickly replied. "It could be a mista... WAITAMINUTE SHE'S YOUR AUNT??!"
Lord Lucia blinked and smiled. "Yes. Mistress Lightbringer is my Aunt Fiora." He laughed as if to say "Didn't you know that?"
"So she's a Lady?"
"As in nobility?"
"And she chose to run a school?"
"That's the only reason I'm even on Earth," answered Lord Lucia. "My parents wouldn't have allowed me to come here if Aunt Fiora wasn't the headmistress."
"Ohhhh..." That made sense.
"Come on, Lìnnia-douchi. You don't want to be late."
"Okay... I mean, HOLD UP A SECOND!" I blinked and dug in my heels.
He turned around to face me with an amused expression on his face.
"How do you know my name? And how did you know where my dorm was going to be? I hadn't even been tested!" However incorrectly that may turn out to be...
Lord Lucia tilted his head. "I see the future sometimes. It was a hunch."
A pretty darn good one.
"And my name?"
"My Aunt told me."
Ah. Perfectly valid.
"If we could, Lìnnia-douchi? I don't want to keep Lady Kachamin waiting."
My face must have said it all, because Lord Lucia quickly added, "The flying instructor."
He hooked his elbow through mine again and led me off, me trying to back out of it all the way.
No good. I was trapped.

As soon as Lord Lucia and I entered the field where the lesson would take place, a collective gasp rose from the female section (I kid you not, there was NO coed crowds going on) and assorted grunts and snorts from the guys.
I gulped. This is what happens when I'm faced with three things I hate: A, the prospect of flying; B, the prospect of making a fool of myself; and C, crowds.
Wow, suddenly I feel lightheaded.
Lord Lucia gave the crowd a dignified smile and nodded politely. "Good morn to all of you."
I ducked behind him and hid my burning face.
Lord Lucia turned with a wide smile. "Salima!"
A short, willowy blond girl ran forward and embraced him warmly.
My hopes (I had HOPES??) came crashing down. He had a girlfriend??
"You're just on time," said a tall, dark-haired guy, stepping forward to do some kind of buddy-handshake with Lord Lucia.
"I hope so," Lord Lucia replied. "I wouldn't want Lìnnia-douchi to be late for her first flying lesson."
The blond girl blinked. "Who?"
Lord Lucia stepped aside and revealed me (WHYYYYYY GOD WHYYYYYY??) and gestured me forward. "Lìnnia-douchi, these are my close friends: Duke Talika--"
The dark-haired guy bowed.
"And his lady, Salima."
The blonde curtsied, then twined her arm through the tall guy's.
Wait... so the blonde was the other guy's girlfriend?
Oh. Okay. I'm cool. That's nice.
Lord Lucia introduced me. "This is Lìnnia-douchi, a transfer."
"You're a human?" Salima asked, tilting her head and causing a cascade of gold hair to slide down her shoulders.
I nodded mutely.
"This is quite rare indeed," Duke Talika said. "A Class One Fatina from Earth? It has never happened before."
"There's a first time for everything," Lord Lucia said, grinning.
The three of them looked at me again, and I flinched.
"She's quite uncomfortable," said Salima. "Let me take care of her this lesson. I'm not as fair a flyer as Lucia," she added aside to me. "But don't worry - Lady Kachamin is a wonderful teacher; you'll be in shape in no time."
"That's what I'm afraid of," I squeaked.
Salima gave me an odd look. "What, do you fear the heights?"
"Yes!!" I said empathetically. "Yes, yes, I'm very afraid!"
Lord Lucia looked at me in a sideways glance. "Really? I didn't realize."
"Oh, Lucia, always the brash one?" Duke Talika teased. He turned to me and offered a hand.
Feeling unsure, I took it.
He kissed it in a gentlemanly manner and gave me a warm smile. "You needn't worry about Lucia. His enthusiasm can drain us all at one point or another."
Lord Lucia made a face. "Don't give her the wrong impression!"
"But it's true, isn't it?" chirruped Salima cheerfully. "You do feed off of others' energy at times. Not in a bad way, of course," she added, grinning at me. "He isn't a leech."
I closed my mouth and nodded.
"All right, students, settle down! Settle down!" A high-pitched voice interrupted us and the three Othrworlders turned. I glanced around Duke Talika and finally saw the teacher.
A tiny green-skinned woman with big black eyes and curly brown hair zoomed over the field and hovered a good three feet off the ground. "Is everyone here?" she asked in her squeaky Piskie voice (for she WAS a Piskie). "Everyone is here? Good." She nodded seriously, and crossed her arms. "No stragglers, I see? I see no stragglers."
"Lady Kachamin repeats herself often," Salima murmured, smiling. "She talks so fast, she has to let her mind catch up with her words."
I nodded, silent. I didn't trust myself to speak.
"All right!" Lady Kachamin clapped her tiny hands and zoomed up a little higher. "The lesson you've all been waiting for is about to begin!"
The class cheered. I didn't.
My mouth was getting dry.
Here was the moment of truth!

"Hey, it's the human girl!"
I recognized the voice instantly. Rojye, the guy who had talked down on Sara this morning!
I winced, cursing at Fate for placing another confrontation in my path.
Lord Lucia suddenly appeared at my side. "You know Lìnnia-douchi?" he asked evenly, though his face suggested other moods.
Rojye crossed his arms. "Well, if it isn't Lord Ladylike. Decided not to go back home, eh, Lucia?"
"I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about," Lucia replied. "Unlike you, I find a change in scenery to be quite quaint."
"Preposterous! An Othrworlder who actually WANTS to stay in this cesspool?"
I felt myself bristle. "Earth isn't a cesspool!" I snapped. "It's a diverse world just like yours! It's just different, that's all!"
"It's lower class," complained Rojye. "No decent subspace networking, no connecting to other planets... by the Shadows, you don't even have LIFE on other planets in this Sol System, do you?"
"We're working on it," I shot back.
"Peace, Lord, lady," Duke Talika broke in. He nodded curtly to Rojye, who crossed his arms.
Salima placed a hand on my shoulder. "He's right," she said to the sulking Noble. "Don't fight with Lìnnia-douchi on her first day at Majischul."
"You're calling her a douchi?" Rojye demanded. "How dare you dirty that name!"
"What?" I asked, confused.
"'Douchi' means 'gifted one'," Salima explained. "I think it describes you well."
I blushed violently. "Well, I... I mean..."
"She's a HUMAN!" Rojye exploded. "Humans aren't 'gifted'. They should not even be Magick Users!"
"That's enough!" Lord Lucia snarled, stepping in front of me. "Take back your words and speak not to Lìnnia-douchi unless you can speak without venom."
"I shall speak to the human however I so please!"
I jumped in surprise as Lady Kachamin popped up in front of me and glared at Rojye. "You shall speak to all persons of this Creation with a civil tongue and never otherwise, or else I shall make sure you return home in shame!"
Rojye backed off, glaring at me.
But I didn't DO anything! Why was he mad at ME??!

Lady Kachamin joined Jiselle on my list of favorite people.
"Oh, so you can't fly yet? Well, it's very simple, really..."
"Uh, I should mention that I'm extremely scared of heights."
"Not a problem. You've had flying dreams, haven't you?"
Yes, I have had flying dreams. But they almost always end with me falling, and that's what scares me the most. I never fly if I can help it... the nightmares always play in my head whenever I veto an airplane trip or something.
But flying in my dreams is always pleasant... until something makes me fall.
Doctor Freud, come on down!
Lady Kachamin patted my knuckle gently. "There, there, child. There's nothing to be afeared of."
Easy for you to say - you have wings!
But I nodded and shuddered as my nightmare from the previous night played in my head again. "If you say so."
"Right. Salima-douchi? Please help Lìnnia-douchi with the basics."
She called me "Lìnnia-douchi"? What a sweet lady!...
Who happened to be making me enact my worst nightmare!!!
Salima appeared beside me and pointed to a part of the field that was off to the side and empty. "Why don't we start with the basics?"
"Come on, Lìnnia-douchi! It'll be fine."
I gulped and followed her.
WHOOSH! Overhead, Lord Lucia did a loop-de-loop and laughed gallantly as Duke Talika overshot him.
"Cheeky!" Salima called to him.
"Only to those who don't practice often in the paddocks!" he called back, wagging a finger.
Salima stuck a small purple tongue out at him and led me to the empty paddock. "Can you center yourself?" she asked.
Center? As in meditation?
I closed my eyes and imagined a six-point star (in other words, the Star of David) and saw it appearing in the air above me and encircling me, placing me in its very center. I felt my body relax.
"Very good! You are gifted!" Salima clapped happily. "This will be easy!"
The picture in my mind flickered as last night's nightmare pushed to the front of my consciousness. I firmly defeated it with a picture of an angel woman that I'd had in my dreams since I was very little. I imagined her catching me before I hit the ground.
The nightmare faded, and the Star appeared again.
"Now, can you imagine wings?"
"What kind?" I asked, confused.
"Any kind," Salima answered. "I see myself with the Sprite wings, like Mistress Lightbringer."
I tried to Photoshop those wings onto my back.
Nope. Didn't work.
My angel's image popped back into my head, and her golden wings suddenly appeared on my back in my visualization.
I felt a giddy headrush kind of feeling. My pulse quickened.
"Take a deep breath," Salima coached. "Let it out slowly."
With the out-breath, I felt the heaviness that had been pressing down on me since the accident lift. My hair flew up like I was under water, and I felt the ground leave my feet.
I opened my eyes, saw the ground fall away, panicked...
... and came crashing down from the height of about seven inches.
"That was a good start!" Salima exclaimed, pumping my hand. "You're the quickest learner I've ever seen! You must have much practice in meditation and creative visualization!"
Well, I did. But that didn't matter.
"Join us, Lìnnia-douchi!" Lord Lucia called, stretching out a hand to me.
And suddenly, I was really tempted. As in REALLY tempted.
It must have showed, because Salima grinned at me. "Want to try?"
"Sure! ...I mean, I guess..."
I felt a weird sensation - like the angel wings on my "back" had unfurled, and suddenly I was UP!
A strange, foreign rush of freedom swept over me. I felt my fears become earthbound, and I was leaving them deserted. My body felt lighter than a feather, and I experienced an odd... joy in... triumph.
I looked up at Lord Lucia, Duke Talika, and Salima, who had joined them, and started towards them, which was incredibly easy...
...until I felt the lightness fade and a pounding headache drill into my skull. Yelping, I clutched my temples in pain. A sudden sharp stabbing sensation to the back sent me reeling, and I dropped.
My nightmare was coming true.

Ohooo suspense! Muahahahaha! >;-)~ Actually, I didn't see that coming either. (LOL)
I was surprised when fullmoon mentioned liking Rojye (me: huh.gif ), so I decided to use him again. Hmm... maybe he should be a reoccurring character.... *muses* Sorry to those who may not like the way he acts, that's just what his role is in the story at the moment. (he's a muscle-head dry.gif, but maybe he'll get better... sleep.gif) I was kind of thinking of Draco Malfoy when I thought of him. My friends who see my sketches for the characters want Rojye to end up with Shiia or Sara. It's usually a toss-up between the two because they have two choices for love interests - Rojye and the guy Lee mentioned last chapter (Ben, from back home). I do plan on having Ben pop in. I STILL LUV LUCIA!! wub.gif

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 13 2008, 4:31 AM
Post #15

Cosmix Fairy

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From: India

Lol, I hope Linnia ends up with Lord Lucia!

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post May 13 2008, 4:11 PM
Post #16

Cosmix Fairy

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Well, this seems pretty good, although I was put off by the almost-casual narrative style more than once. Spacing between paragraphs wouldn't hurt much either.

Otherwise, my biggest concern is probably the unnecessarily elaborate respelling of common words. I do not mean to implicate you of making a Mary-Sue, but a sign of one *is* respelling common words and all.

Anyways, things have progressed nicely, and Lee's opinions on the situation unfolding around her seems nice. Doesn't seem too much like Harry Potter or Winx, instead having a slight essence of going OG on the whole Magic School idea. I am a little surprised about the title of Duke and Lord, though, because "Lord" just means you are of nobility, whereas titles such as Duke and Baron connotate the reason why you were elevated to nobility. For example, one becomes a Duke through exceptional military service, IIRC.

This post has been edited by MorriganAensland: May 13 2008, 4:12 PM


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post May 13 2008, 8:11 PM
Post #17

Harmonix Fairy

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From: under a rock

QUOTE (MorriganAensland @ May 13 2008, 11:11 AM) *
Well, this seems pretty good, although I was put off by the almost-casual narrative style more than once. Spacing between paragraphs wouldn't hurt much either.

The whole casual narration is my attempt at giving Lee a teen's voice, because I'm actually quite capable of sounding distanced and professional. This is actually my first first-person voiced fic. I didn't really think of spacing between paragraphs, because that's what I do when I transition from scene to scene.

QUOTE (MorriganAensland @ May 13 2008, 11:11 AM) *
Otherwise, my biggest concern is probably the unnecessarily elaborate respelling of common words. I do not mean to implicate you of making a Mary-Sue, but a sign of one *is* respelling common words and all.

As for rewriting already existing words, I wanted a kind of dyslexic foreign language to use whenever I wanted to bring in otherworldly stuff. I wasn't thinking of referencing Latin because Winx Club already did that (at least, 4KIDS did dry.gif ) Besides, my fingers slipped when I was typing and I went, "Oh, that actually looks like a word in a different language." (I'm kinda dyslexic sometimes, but in a reverse way O.O) I actually scramble words to create new names and labels and stuff, which I hope to add more of.

QUOTE (MorriganAensland @ May 13 2008, 11:11 AM) *
Anyways, things have progressed nicely, and Lee's opinions on the situation unfolding around her seems nice. Doesn't seem too much like Harry Potter or Winx, instead having a slight essence of going OG on the whole Magic School idea. I am a little surprised about the title of Duke and Lord, though, because "Lord" just means you are of nobility, whereas titles such as Duke and Baron connotate the reason why you were elevated to nobility. For example, one becomes a Duke through exceptional military service, IIRC.

Eheheh, this is another world, remember? Human posts and nobility rules don't apply. icon_mrgreen.gif And I hadn't really intended on making him a duke, but some friends were bugging me. They claimed Lee needed friends in high places. I just went along with it. Maybe Talika's family was granted the Duke title by their king and Talika inherited it. *considers* That could be interesting.

QUOTE (Jahnavi @ May 12 2008, 11:31 PM) *
Lol, I hope Linnia ends up with Lord Lucia!

(LOL) Me too! (I actually can't tell who she'll end up with at the moment, due to the fact that there are four love interests at the moment.) Lucia is actually the "Sky"-ish character - you know, the Prince Charming that everyone expects the main character to end up with - but there's still Ben, who's had a sloppy crush on her since he met her. Then there's Talika, who may *gasp* ditch his lady to be with Lee (he seems quite enchanted with her). And don't forget Rojye! Yes, he's an idiot, but he could turn out to be a lovable idiot! And maybe knowing Lee will make him change his way of thinking. He could turn out to be better than Draco Malfoy - maybe more like Kreacher!! (LOL I'm such a HP nerd blush.gif )

All in all, thanks to everyone who's reading and commenting. Your thoughts are much appreciated!! *throws confetti*

EDIT: I'm about to lose control of my life again, so I apologize profusely, but I won't be able to update Majischule until Friday at best. Gomen nasai!! (I'm very sorry!) However, I will try to update my blog instead, and if you want any news on how my life is treating me, go there. Also, my blog will contain other information about this fic. *shamelessly soliciting* So please check up on me!!

This post has been edited by LinneaKou: May 13 2008, 9:48 PM

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 14 2008, 2:42 AM
Post #18

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
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From: Here.

QUOTE (LinneaKou @ May 13 2008, 01:11 PM) *
(LOL) Me too! (I actually can't tell who she'll end up with at the moment, due to the fact that there are four love interests at the moment.) Lucia is actually the "Sky"-ish character - you know, the Prince Charming that everyone expects the main character to end up with - but there's still Ben, who's had a sloppy crush on her since he met her. Then there's Talika, who may *gasp* ditch his lady to be with Lee (he seems quite enchanted with her). And don't forget Rojye! Yes, he's an idiot, but he could turn out to be a lovable idiot! And maybe knowing Lee will make him change his way of thinking. He could turn out to be better than Draco Malfoy - maybe more like Kreacher!! (LOL I'm such a HP nerd blush.gif )

All in all, thanks to everyone who's reading and commenting. Your thoughts are much appreciated!! *throws confetti*

EDIT: I'm about to lose control of my life again, so I apologize profusely, but I won't be able to update Majischule until Friday at best. Gomen nasai!! (I'm very sorry!) However, I will try to update my blog instead, and if you want any news on how my life is treating me, go there. Also, my blog will contain other information about this fic. *shamelessly soliciting* So please check up on me!!

CAN'T WAIT!! >.< I'm not actually a big fan of Lucia. He seems too perfect to me. I believe imperfect points in characters makes them more interesting. Hmm...I don't really see Talika as a suitor for Lee but it could happen. Again...I'm not really a fan of all goody goody characters.

WEE!!! ROYJE MADE HIS APPEARANCE!! For him to go with Sara would be okay....but I do like the RoyjeXLee pairing for some reason. It is my taste I guess. I'm actually pretty fine with Ben and Lee together actually.


I am not WEIRDhopefullyI think

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the former." ~ Albert Einstein
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post May 14 2008, 3:20 AM
Post #19

Cosmix Fairy

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Ah! *Also considers the possibility of Royje and Lee...* You're right that would be interesting...

Lucia defending Lee when Royje doesn't respect her, reminds me of Ron defending Hermione when Malfoy calls her a Mudblood...

"We read to know that we are not alone." - C. S. Lewis
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post May 15 2008, 1:28 AM
Post #20

Harmonix Fairy

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From: under a rock

QUOTE (fullmoon @ May 13 2008, 09:42 PM) *
I'm not actually a big fan of Lucia. He seems too perfect to me. I believe imperfect points in characters makes them more interesting. Hmm...I don't really see Talika as a suitor for Lee but it could happen. Again...I'm not really a fan of all goody goody characters.

WEE!!! ROYJE MADE HIS APPEARANCE!! For him to go with Sara would be okay....but I do like the RoyjeXLee pairing for some reason. It is my taste I guess. I'm actually pretty fine with Ben and Lee together actually.

Lemme tell you, the reason Lucia seems TOO perfect is because he's trying to come off as perfect. icon_cool.gif That's all I'm sayin'. >=)~ I've also decided to have Rojye became an official supporting cast member! Yayz! Honestly, though, I feel like if I DO put Lee in Rojye's path, it'd be like Malfoy dating Hermione. wacko.gif I can wrap my brain around it a little, but it's giving me whiplash. Ben and Lee is actually based off of an experience I've had in my own life (similar to a T) and it didn't go very well. So to all LeeXBen possible fans... sorry. icon_redface.gif Oh, and Talika is just a gentleman. I'd put my money on him staying with Salima (but in Majischul, ANYTHING is possible! icon_wink.gif )

Next few chapters, things heat up, and next volume... DUELING!!! icon_idea.gif

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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