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Magix Club's Forum _ Music _ The Age of Auto-Tune

Posted by: Boo May 1 2010, 2:24 AM

Lately, I've been finding more and more that I prefer listening to those artists that truly have talent... who can honestly sing. Whenever I really start enjoying the music of any one artist, I search Youtube for live performances; curious to see if they really have a great voice, and if they do, I gain a great respect for them.

Wait, what!? Nowadays we find that respect is accompanied with those who can actually sing? Why is that?
Oh yes, we're so used to artists that can't, so now when we find someone who really does have talent, we instantly admire them.

Am I the only person who thinks it shouldn't be this way? Gone are the days of only becoming famous if you actually have talent, now it seems that any pretty face can sell an album. (Or any actress who feels they need to make even more money).

Uugh; it just... bothers me. I see all of these new super-popular, Grammy-winning, rich, and famous singers... and they can't even sing their own song without hitting over a dozen flat notes... They have the money... the fame... but they lack talent. Therefore, I believe, they do not deserve anything they've been given.
But it seems that nobody realizes it. So many people love them. Why? They're pretty or cute and auto-tune makes them sound just amazing.

So here is what this comes down to: Am I the only one that is disturbed by this? (Please, please ease my mind and tell me that I'm not)

Posted by: mightymarty2 May 1 2010, 7:04 AM

I think that a lot of people (me included cannot always tell who is who), while people prefer real talent they tend to choose who sounds best and thus give the most enjoyment to them whether they are real talent or not

Posted by: P-girl May 1 2010, 7:46 AM

Well, as being a fan of several genres as music that isn't as 'infected' with this.... I don't really listen to it. I hate to be crude, but that's the way it is. All you can do is go out and buy the albums of those who you think are great. And buy them legally. (Why yes, I'm anti-pirating. At least with stuff you can get easily and nowadays, with things like E-bay and Itunes, this shouldn't be a problem. ......Long, complicated story.)

Posted by: wkw427 May 1 2010, 1:34 PM

I agree 100%

Posted by: humbu111 May 1 2010, 8:30 PM

Sorry, I dont agree. As long as I like the finished product, I'll listen to the artist. It doesnt matter to me how they got to that final product. If I'm going to a concert then sure, actual talent is important. But for just listening to the music I couldnt care less.

Posted by: winxclubrox23 May 1 2010, 11:34 PM

AMEN BOO! I agree 10,000%

On the same sort of page, I honestly don't think you can be considered an "artist" unless you also write your own songs. And these days, that's really, really rare. Most people get other people to write their songs for them, then simply sing them. No disrespect to that, but honestly, anyone can do it. Part of what makes a song popular, is the lyrics. At least for me anyways.

Posted by: Fortress Guy May 2 2010, 12:05 AM

It is an interesting point Boo. Manufacturing pop stars is nothing new. However the technology has made talent less of a factor. The look and other factors that make media promotion work are more and more important.

Talent does indeed never go out of style. In some sectors though, it may no longer be the only thing.

Posted by: W.I.N.X May 2 2010, 12:58 AM

Oh, I agree. And it really makes me mad when they use auto-tune with people who can sing. Glee, for example. Lea Michele from Glee is a broadway actor. So yeah, she can sing. But then they auto-tune to the point of madness in some of her songs. And Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga...her auto-tune is insane. But the thing is, she can sing. She's a good singer. Very good, I may argue. So why auto-tune? It makes people sound more fake, not better. People are more critical of auto-tune.

I agree with Tea's point as well. I always think more highly of people who write their own songs. It shows who actually has talent. And who can read music. Or actually, in some cases, can barely red music, but still write one of the most famous songs of all time(coughFreddieMercurycough). Now that is talent. Too bad Freddie is dead. We need more people like that.

Posted by: ellieluvsdolphins Nov 27 2010, 4:21 PM

I have mixed feelings about this. Like humbu, I also don't mind autotune if I like the way the song sounds. HOWEVER, if the artist doesn't have any actual talent, I won't have any respect for them at all. I'll still like the song, but I'll dislike them... If that makes sense... It can sound pretty cool sometimes, but I would be ashamed to call myself a fan of someone who uses it and sounds horrible live, like... say... Ke$ha for example. *Shudders* As catchy as some of her songs might be, I just CAN'T like her. I've had NIGHTMARES about her live vocals blink.gif NIGHTMARES!!!

Now, if the artist can sing, but still uses autotune, it won't bother me at all, because.. well, the artist can actually sing icon_razz.gif Like W.I.N.X. pointed out, Lea Michelle and Lady Gaga are perfect examples of this. Especially Gaga, because pretty much everyone can kinda tell that Lea can sing despite the autotune, but a lot of people (including myself at one point in time) think Gaga can't sing to save her life just because she uses so much autotune. I was shocked when I saw some of her acoustic stuff, & that song "Speechless" that she wrote for her dad blink.gif I had no idea she could sing & that she wrote her own music and played the piano, and I gained a lot of respect for her after that. So in a way, I think autotune only does harm to the singers who can actually... sing icon_razz.gif I don't mind it in that case though, I guess if you can sing, you can do whatever you want to your voice. As long as you can back it up with your OWN vocals :)