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> Travel, part of AO's Multiverse
Asher Omega
post May 31 2009, 9:13 PM
Post #41

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

On the Fields of Fiddler’s Green

Serenias awoke near a rickety fence near a grass field and a gravel road. “I… remember something terrible happening, but then…” Serenias couldn’t figure out what had happened. She looked around tentatively. “SERJ! DYU! Is anyone there?” she yelled out to the fields. It was then it struck here. “I… know this place. This is the field back home. The one that I played in while I was a kid.” And yet it was fuzzy around some of the edges. Then Serenias noticed the little girl in dirtied skirts sitting by the road next to the fence and her, she looked about seven years of age. “Hello? Who are you?” but the girl didn’t respond. Serenias waved her hand inches away from the girl’s face, and still no response. When she went to grab her, Serenias’ hand went through the child’s body. “It won’t do any good. You know and I know.” Serenias looked up. It definitely was that cold voice she heard. This time she finally got to see the speaker. It was her, only she was wearing a business suit with pants. It was a dark navy blue; her twin’s hair was tied in a bun that hung at the base of her neck. “Its time we had a decent talk. It’s been long over due.” Her twin said. “Who ARE you?” Serenias wasn’t in the mood for games, not even from things that looked like her. Her twin sighed. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? You’re intelligent, just like that Thing back in that one Alternate said. It should be very easy to guess now.” Serenias sat on the fence, staring intently at her Twin. It sighed once more. “I have gone by many names, Gut instinct, Woman’s intuition, Survival instinct, Fight or Flight, the Subconscious, Ego, but most importantly I’m you.” Serenias sat thinking about it, she hated that what ever argument that she tried to come up with it would always fail against this. “So I guess I’m either dead or something is really screwed up.” “Screwed up is the right one. We saw something that no mind can comprehend, and it drove us to the depth of our own self. We… did get some help to at least get us up to a level where you can choose.” Serenias raised an eyebrow at that. “What do you mean choose?” “Whether you wake and return to the world of consciousness or continue dreaming like that one story with the curious girl, the hare, and its near bottomless burrow.” Serenias sat in thought. “Why here? Why this field?” Instinct sighed again. “This was part of a major event in our past. It made you who you are today, and it’s also where I guess I could say I was awakened.” Serenias could only remember happy thoughts about this field. But then the skies over the fields turned a dark cloudy grey, heavy rain clouds had covered the sky above them.

Serenias got a feeling of remembering something long forgot. Off in the distance a man was walking the gravel road. He was dressed solemnly, a vicar of the Templars. The small girl finally made a movement since Serenias awoke. “And so it begins again.” Serenias looked at Instinct. “What do you mean? What begins again?” “Watch.” With a bit of reluctance Serenias did.

The vicar strode up the gravel road, while the young girl watches the new comer. “Hello young lamb. Can you tell me where the next town is?” the vicar asked the young girl. He neither saw nor heard either Serenias or Instinct. Serenias was about to question Instinct on why when she heard a voice she never heard in years. Her own voice as a child. “Down this road sir. But it’s a long walk.” Said the younger Serenias. “Then walk with me little lamb. I’ve been traveling very far and I wish to talk to someone for a while.” While the vicar and young Serenias walked down the road, Serenias was getting a feeling of dread. The skies were getting darker the farther the two went down the road. The conversations held between young Serenias and the vicar were innocent but something about how the vicar held himself bugged the hell out of Serenias. “I don’t remember this. Not one piece of it.” Serenias told Instinct. “That’s because I made sure that it wouldn’t surface, no matter how hard you tried to remember. Then that Thing hid his ‘programming’ in this memory. That devious bassard.” Serenias wondered what was so wrong about a memory. Then Serenias recognized the woods that the gravel road passed by. For the longest time Serenias hated and stayed clear of those woods, and yet she didn’t know why. But she was going to find out soon. “Young Lamb I’m tired, let’s rest among the trees?” young Serenias agreed because it was late in the afternoon and very muggy. The vicar led her deeper into the woods, his explanation of more shadows the more cool it would be. Serenias now noticed where this was going. At one point young Serenias stopped. “I’m sorry vicar, I can’t go any farther. My parents say these woods are filled with ar... arti… old stuff. They say it’s dangerous for me.” The vicar let out a sigh and then mumbled to himself. Serenias caught what he said, while young Serenias didn’t. “I guess this is far enough from the road. Down to business.” Serenias understood that voice, she knew it, and a recently dead person had used the same tone. Young Serenias got scared because she had thought it later in the day than it was. “I’m sorry vicar, but I think its time for me to leave.” The vicar’s friendly face vanished and he grabbed young Serenias’ arm. “No child, you’ll be going no where. At least not until I’ve finished.” Young Serenias was now scared of the man before her. Her foot stumbled upon a Relic, half buried under a mound. A metallic whip lashed out of the ground and wrapped around the vicar’s own arm, startled by it he released young Serenias. She ran as fast as she could, deeper into the woods.

After a few minutes of running young Serenias sat down. She had lost where she had come from and was now completely lost. Serenias looked at Instinct for an answer; Instinct just waved her off, implying that Serenias should wait. Young Serenias had just caught her breath when she heard the voice of the vicar tossing curses into the air. He was close by. Young Serenias froze, looking for a hiding spot. She saw a cave entrance, with ruined Relics littering the entrance and trailing into the cave itself. She dashed in hoping that the vicar didn’t see her. “Damn brat. Stupid Relic, how the hell was it still working? Better get this finished quick.” The vicar’s voice was closer, but young Serenias kept to the shadows of the cave. She picked up one of the ruined Relics; it resembled a club with an odd bulge on one side of it. She kept it close to her hoping that she wouldn’t have to use it. The vicar walked near the cave entrance. “Damn the brat wasn’t kidding this place is littered with Relics and Artifacts. The locals probably lost a couple of their own brats here so no one really knows about this. Hehe maybe I’ll report this to Renthal and I’ll get out of this hellhole and back to place with some more docile lambs.” Serenias and Instinct both looked at each other. A revelation was made by both of them. But they quickly turned their attention back to the old memory. The vicar decided to enter the cave. “Come on out little lamb, I promise it’ll be fun.” And in a more quiet voice, “For me at least.” The vicar came within inches of young Serenias, she held her breath. “She’s not here, Damn it. I thought she when this way, and this would be a perfect hiding spot.” The vicar left the cave and went out of view of the cave mouth. Serenias waited a minute or so before she left the cave, still holding the makeshift Relic club. Something hard shoved her forward, young Serenias stumbled and fell. She rolled over and was suddenly pinned by one shoulder. The vicar had waited just outside the cave mouth. “Now its time to have a bit of fun.” Young Serenias swung the Relic club, unnoticed by the vicar, at his head. The bulge hit his throat and glowed blue then to green for a couple of seconds. The vicar jumped back, and then he let loose the most inhuman shriek that lasted for ever in young Serenias’ ears. The vicar turned ghost white and then fainted.

Young Serenias wandered away from the vicar to be greeted by a man in tan clothes. “Miss its dangerous here.” Serenias thought the face familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. The new stranger saw the Relic she had and backed away. “Miss might I suggest you put down that Relic. It’s rather dangerous for both you and me.” The new person kept his distance and then young Serenias dropped the Relic. She ran and grabbed the new stranger, and started to cry. The man in tan let her cry for a bit, comforting her the best he could. When she was able to at least make a sentence or two between sobs the stranger asked what happened. Young Serenias told him about the vicar chasing her, and then when she hit him in the throat with the Relic. The Man asked her where she had left the vicar, young Serenias just pointed and the man left her, reassuring her that he would return. Young Serenias sat on a log near by. It wasn’t long before the man returned. “Okay Miss, how about we get you out of these woods? Sound good to you?” young Serenias nodded in energetic agreement. The man led her through the woods, and they ended up on the gravel road near her home town. Nearby were some police officers and young Serenias’ parents. “Mr.… Arkseus was it? We got your radio. Got a couple of officers already getting the vicar. So this is the little one?” then the memory faded into obscurity.

Now floating in empty blankness Serenias was left alone with Instinct, or so they though. Once again they were surrounded by the fields, the gravel road and the fence. “Please don’t make me watch that again.” And a voice responded. “No, we’re not going to watch it again, I just happen to like the scenery. Plus talking to people in a void is kind of lackluster.” Serenias whipped around and saw D’Atargan. However he was now wearing a simple dark blue t-shirt, with grey-green cargo pants, sitting on the fence. “How the HELL are you in here?” Serenias demanded of him. “Oh I’m not truly in your head Ms. Serenias; I’m a mere shade of myself.” “An unwelcome one at that. But this shade is telling the truth, it’s just you, yourself, and it there in our head. Hell that Thing’s puppet is even gone.” The Shadow D’Atargan bowed while he sat on the fence. “That would have been my doing. Now Miss Instinct, could you explain what happened afterwards?” the shadow asked politely. “I would have shown her but I guess I better summarize. After we got picked up by the police, we went down to the local court house saw the vicar there. While you probably didn’t under stand much of it, but it basically boiled down to a battery charge for the vicar. He couldn’t speak, had to have to write everything out and then have someone speak for him. Our rescuer was a Mathias Arkseus. I’m not sure if he’s related to Janus or not, but that’s not part of this story. The Vicar was supposed to be the new town vicar but instead due to his sudden muteness he had to shortly return. The charges were dropped because it was his word against yours. Even Mathias couldn’t help us convict the bloody bassard.” Serenias could now recall that memory. It pained her to do so but everything Instinct said was true. “But that leaves one thing, Where do you come in?” the question was posed at Instinct. “While watching the memory didn’t really capture it, but the instant you were pinned on the ground I was the one to make the swing. One of my names is Fight or Flight. And you are no runner dear self. I became a bit more aware that day. And I knew like most of the other people, I had to protect your innocence so I sealed the memories. You’re old enough now that it probably won’t affect your life but still young enough that you can at least make sure that it won’t be repeated later on in life.” Serenias nodded. It was the correct thing to do, even if she had to bear it. “While that’s all fine and dandy, I still have a job to do. Well other than getting rid of that little tiny head puppet.” Serenias turned to the shade. “What do you mean head puppet?” Instinct looked at the shade. “I’m wondering how you did it with out killing us.” The shade snickered for a bit. “First question is first. The head puppet I was talking about was a piece of forced brainwashing. Gary? He left a bit of a shade himself in your head. That shade would prevent you from talking about your experience, and then its primary job would to make you go back. Kinda make you a return customer with out any free will of your own. Now as to how I got rid of him? I over wrote him. I took his spot. But since my job is to explain what happened to you, that was kind of a bonus.” “Okay, so you took his place in my head, now what’s this about something happening to me?” Serenias glared at the shadow. “Easy there. Right now you’re in a coma-like state. You’re on the verge of waking up. But how you got here, it’s my job to explain. Remember the fight I was mostly doing? Yea, the Chaos Mortar, not the official name yet, let you see Yourself.” Serenias shook her head. “I shouldn’t be in a coma for looking at a reflection.” The shade shook its head. “No, not yourself, Yourself. It’s kind of hard to explain with out delving into some really hard to understand philosophical debates. But the best I can do is that you were looking into a mirror that showed you all the possibilities of who you were, are, and could be, all at once. It put a massive strain on your psyche that little miss businesswoman here,” gesturing to Instinct, “had to force you into that state. Even if she didn’t fully comprehend it herself.” Instinct shook her head. “So now that that’s done, do you go away and I’ll wake up or is there something else?” Serenias asked the shade. “Yea I do have one more job.”


Serenias saw D’Atargan’s face yell the words at her before she found herself in the facilities’ clinic. Sitting next to her bed was a sleeping Serj. Serenias looked at him wondering to her self *I wonder what will happen to us now.*


Alright, a small yet very important chapter. and it is a very big piece of in importance to plot.

Fiddler's Green I got from reading Neil Gaiman's Sandman. its the place where sailors who've died at sea go to rest. plus it evokes a sense of silent serenity that was (gravely) missing from this chapter. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiddler%27s_Green
(plus Fiddler's green was a cool character/place in Sandman)

the Chaos Mortar (name pending) is one hell of an item. it literally changes ONE thing somewhere. from the color of a tie a person chooses, to a fundamental law of the univers (like gravity is now half a mile slower than the speed of light. or that the speed of light is no longer a boundary.) its something thats very important to D's main plot line.

and yes D wasn't very nice. telling everyone that they had a choice when he just forces them anyway. but that's the chapter for now. next one is written and is actually more of the filler and breather chapter than this one was.

and ARGH double post.

This post has been edited by Asher Omega: May 31 2009, 9:14 PM


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post Jun 11 2009, 1:15 AM
Post #42

Cosmix Fairy

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Posts: 3,850
Joined: September 7 2007

Yayz! We find out some more about Serenias and that's good. The near-molestation thing also surprisingly didn't seem that forced or anything, and I could see a girl like Serenias out on her own and all in the first place.

Not like that horrible attempted-rape thing in Sacrifice. @_@ Ugh. No matter what she claims, it was still a bad plot device.

But yeah, good chapter, what with D being the Insufferable Genius that he is.

AND BASSARD! I love how we invented that word.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Jun 11 2009, 1:25 AM
Post #43

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

Well it explains the cold and calculating Instinct of Serenias rather well. Plus it gives also a reason to Renthal's maliciousness feelings to her.

and D is many things. one of which is not kind. and I hope the next chapter gives a breather to everyone. nothing much of great significants happens.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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Asher Omega
post Jul 4 2009, 4:29 AM
Post #44

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

Stained Glass Bubble Gum Windows

Serenias, after a couple days of rest, explained to Durumas and Kreus about the events that happened in Gary’s Alternate and the episode with D’Atargan. She omitted most of the coma dream, but she did explain that D’Atargan did leave an imprint of himself and explained what Gary had done to her. “Kreus, keep that Alternate that we locked down on a higher code, now that we know what’s there.” Kreus nodded in agreement. “So Gercent what about the latest Alternate? Should that be locked down as well?” Durumas shook his head and answered. “No, I think D’Atargan isn’t connected to that place. Plus that’s an established safe Alternate for about five years. Keep it open, but tell Vajra to keep a small squad stationed there for the next couple of months.” Kreus acknowledged and left the briefing room with out a glance back. Serenias was still wary of him, but after the last few missions, she understood his position a bit better. “So Lass, you feeling alright?” Durumas was still a bit concerned after her last mission. It was labeled a success with minor injuries. But to her, she still failed to return at least conscious. “I’m doing fine.” Serenias was trying to cover up her worry. Dyu when he returned locked himself up in his lab and hasn’t left it since. Serj’s personality had somewhat regressed a small bit. He kept to himself and tried not to ask too many questions like he would have done before the mission. The meeting with D’Atargan had definitely impacted everyone with something. Serenias heard what Serj had learned from Dyu that D’Atargan was the Grey Man’s Prophet. A figure in his religion or way of life that would bring about a great amount of turmoil. It had definitely upset him a great deal. Serj had recounted that Dyu had shown a semblance of terror, an emotion that neither Serenias nor Serj could ever recall seeing him show before. “Well that’s all for today Lass. I don’t have any missions for you. You can go home, get some more rest.” Serenias left for home. Jin was still overseas, dealing with political mumbo-jumbo at other Explorer’s branches. Serenias got home late in the afternoon. Serj was attending a mandatory military meeting and would be home later.

Serenias sat on her bed, thinking of various things. D’Atargan had given her the illusion of choice about waking up, which left a bad taste in her mouth every time she thought about it. *He didn’t give me any chance of staying like that, even if I wanted to. He played me for a fool. But some how, he knew I wouldn’t stay asleep, not after learning that Renthal is some how connected to all this. At least my troubles are, I’m not sure about D’Atargan’s. for all I know he likes messing with people’s heads just for the fun of it.* Serenias’ thoughts wandered from D’Atargan to Gary. “I can’t believe I was going to be a puppet for that thing.” The doorbell rang at that moment. Serenias rushed downstairs hoping it was Serj. Serenias checked through the peephole to see who it was. There was no one there. She opened the door just to make sure there weren’t any pranksters who were going to try it again. A card had fallen from the crack between the door and the door frame. Serenias checked it. It was a get well card, but it was missing a signature. It also contained a coupon for a meal at World’s End diner. Serenias made sure there was no one around before closing the door. Serenias returned to her room to think about other things, like how she had kept meeting people, *or things*, that somehow kept using her as a tool for their own goals. The only one that some how didn’t mess with her too much was D’Atargan. But then again he was in his own category. Serenias’ Instinct hadn’t shown itself since the coma dream, but then again it was better that way. Serenias didn’t like that colder and calculated part of herself. Her mind had wandered for a while before settling on the topic of her next mission. *I wonder how many more missions will end up like the last couple. And which one will I come back from without my mind.* Serenias stopped on that thought. *No, I can’t start to think like that. I need something to clear my head.* Serenias decided to see what was on public broadcast TV channels.

It was still early in the afternoon so it was mostly soap operas, which always ticked off Serenias, or documentaries. She found a decent one on medieval architecture. How she found it was quite funny to Serenias. She initially flipped past the channel to hear the beginning of the sentence then flipped back from a soap opera, forming the idea of “Stained Glass Bubble Gum Windows”. The documentary was talking about some of the various artwork incorporated into the old castles and churches that had hidden some of the more interesting architectural achievements. Serenias was more interested some of the inspirations of the artwork. What caught her eye was a stain glass figure clad in a black cloak being led away for the inquisition. Serenias felt that image felt too familiar to her current situation. Another new image flashed of a stone gargoyle one that had the body of a serpentine dragon but with the face of a man. It too, felt familiar on a very intimate level. The show then showed a bas relief of a person with one side of his face in despair while the other in delight. The documentary was starting to get way too creepy close to her real life situation that Serenias turned off the TV. *That was definitely getting rather disturbingly close* Serenias thought to herself. And then she understood something. *Is it like it to the other explorers? Do they see similarities mirroring their missions when they get back?* Serenias remembered that in the large section of handwritten notes of the red rule book there was something dealing with that. She dug up the rule book, skimmed until she found the handwritten part and read its only entry. “If things at home get too similar to your missions, take a break, rest. It is the only thing that you can do.” And Serenias did nearest thing to taking a rest. She took a nap on her couch.

Serenias started to dream. She was wandering the fields at home with Serj. However every time Serenias looked at him, the left half of his body was covered in shadow, even when the dream sun was at high noon. “My Lady we must find the shards to the artist’s window so your wedding will be perfect.” The dream Serj stated in a near monotone voice. Serenias looked down to see that she was wearing a medieval princess’ elaborate dress. “Yes my knight, we must find the shards, or the bishop will never be pleased.” In a detached part of Serenias’ mind told her that this was just a dream. She wandered into her town to find it filled with a Hodge-podge of buildings. Some were the ruins of Serj’s Alternate, while some were ramshackle huts, and others were buildings from her actual home town. Serenias wandered into a local tavern to be met with the insides of World’s End diner. Dream Derrick was dressed like a medieval bar tender tending to a dream Jin dressed in a bowler hat and a finely tailored suit. “My Good Bar Tender; do you know where I can find the shards for my Artist’s window so I can be wed?” Derrick was stoic and shook his head. Jin nodded his head and answered. “Madam, I hear the shards you are seeking are near the mountains, near where the Monster lives.” Serenias thanked the dream Jin and left to the mountains that had appeared. Serenias and dream Serj journeyed to them and found a large cave mouth at the base of the mountain. A voice rang out in a rough bellow. “Who’s being an idiot and interrupting the game?” the voice sounded childish and was being rude to Serenias. “I have come seeking the shards for my Artist’s window so I can be wed. Do you know where I might find them good sir?” Serenias yelled into the cave. “Argh, you don’t have to yell, I can hear you jus’ fine. Bloody stupid hangover.” A figure appeared at the mouth of the cave. It was Dyu, only his appearance was much more human. He had a few days of unshaven stubble on his chin, a stained white tank top, and much worn jean shorts. “Yea, I know where you can find’em. Gonna cost ya som’ thing though.” The dream Dyu leered at Serenias. “I do not have much to give you, kind sir.” Serenias replied. Dream Dyu got really close to Serenias “I do know one thing you can give me doll.” Dream Serj interrupted by holding something in his left hand at Dyu’s throat. “I’ll have you not talk to my Lady that way mangy cur.” Dream Dyu backed off. “There is one other thing that you can do for me, if you find your shard things; will you tell people that the monster of the mountain is dead? It’s been dead a long time.” Serenias nodded. “I will announce it when I am wed, sir.” Dream Dyu let out a boisterous laugh before something large and long took his place and launched in the sky. “You promised dear Princess. On your Wedding day you will announce that I am dead. You’ll find your shards through the cave on the other side of the mountain.” The large shadow was now flying towards another set of mountains. Serenias and dream Serj went into the cave and were in the tunnels of the Facility. They wandered until the met three old men. One with the face of Durumas, one with the face of Kreus, and the last one with the face of Janus. “Kind Sages, tell me where the exit is to the other side of the mountain is?” dream Durumas answered first. “Youngling, for your answer you must solve our dilemma first. One of us tells lies all the time, one tells them half of the time and one of us never lies.” Dream Kreus interrupted Durumas. “I say we don’t need help. We can solve this ourselves. Besides we don’t know where the exit to the other side of the mountain is. Leave us young lady.” Dream Janus never said a word. Dream Durumas and Kreus argued while Janus looked on. It felt they had argued a long time before Serenias noticed that Janus was pointing down a corridor. Serenias thanked the dream Janus, who just nodded in reply to her. Serenias heard the distant arguing for a while in the dream before she reached the big blast door that opened to the Doorway. It was open. She and Serj stepped through and found themselves on the other side of the mountain. It was a vast plain, covered in sun bleached bones and small brightly colored spheres. “My Knight! We have found the shards that are needed for my Artist’s window, and soon I will be wed.” Dream Serj smiled gently, but there was grief in his eyes. Serenias picked up a multitude of the small spheres in a great polychrome of color.

The location now changed to a large castle, dream Serj was following behind her, carrying the cask that held the shards for her artist’s window. She was heading towards the Artist’s room where he would make the window for her wedding. She opened his door to find him sitting on the stool pondering over an empty table. He wore a dark veil that covered his face, and black bandages covered the many scars that covered his hands. “Dear Artist, I have brought the shards for you to create the window so I can marry.” The Artist didn’t speak to her, but gently walked over to the cask that Serj held. He took out one of the spheres and turned it this way and that. The veil hid his face but Serenias knew he was checking the quality of the shards. The Artist put the sphere he had taken from the cask back, and then he took the cask from Serj. Serenias left because the Artist worked in privacy so that no one would know his secrets. Serenias would go and see who she would be wed to. She went to the Throne room, only to find her mother there standing with a repulsive figure clad in red bishop robes. “Dear daughter, I have heard that you have returned with the shards for the Artist’s Window. So I will in turn tell who shall be betrothed to.” Her mother gestured to the deformed bishop, who turned around and looked exactly like Renthal. Suddenly the dream world felt very scary and Serenias ran, through various places, blurred together by her speed. She stopped at a doorway that looked very plain, and she threw the door wide open. It was the Artist’s studio, and sitting in the stool was D’Atargan, chewing on something before he blew out an enormous bubble, pulled the last bit of what ever he was chewing on out of his mouth, took a small hammer, and smashed the bubble into thousands of shards of stained glass for his window. He took another colored sphere from the cask and popped into his mouth and began to chew while he found the right shaped pieces of glass to put on the table. What was laid atop the table was a picture of grotesque imagery that Serenias awoke from her dream, with a silent scream.

Serenias took a moment to notice that she was in her room. It was also very dark in her room, so Serenias took a look at her alarm clock; it read that it was one in the morning. Serenias had slept the entire afternoon and evening away. She had missed Serj coming home. But then it dawned on her. She fell asleep on the couch down stairs. *So how did I end up in my room?* Serenias noticed the figure near the side of her bed. Serj had fallen asleep sitting against her bed. Serenias took the blanket from her bed and draped it so that it would keep Serj warm. Serenias got out of her bed, opposite that of Serj, and went down stairs. Serenias then went out to the back door patio and sat down in one of the sun chairs she had placed there. It was a beautiful night, but the dream still had upset her. She didn’t know why it had, but something about it was very unsettling. She looked up to the skies and saw a small waxing sliver of a moon. When she was still in her home town, she would sneak out of her house to look at the moon. It helped her relax no matter what phase it happened to be. She stopped doing it once her mother almost caught her trying to sneak out once during a very stressful time.

It was her sophomore year in high school and everyone was determined to keep her the outcast of the school. Serenias had a few friends but they were busy torn between whether they would join her or be allowed to stay with the rest of the group. Serenias didn’t care at the time, nor did she ever. Her friends made their choice, and she was alone for the rest of her high school years. *Now that I think about it, almost everyone was kind of apprehensive around me. I guess that one experience painted everyone’s opinions of me. And the townspeople gave it to their children.* Serenias let out a small laugh. “I guess I showed them.” Serenias spoke it silently to no one, but her and the night sky. Serenias felt the tears that she would have shown when she would have snuck out at the time, began to swell. “I… I…” the tears were now flowing down her cheeks at the realization of what she had done. “I ran from them. I proved their suspicions by running away from all the troubles I had in that town.” A blanket suddenly covered her. Serj took the sun chair opposite of her. Serenias kept the blanket over her head to keep Serj from looking at her. “I … still have problems talking… about things.” Serj’s voice was uncertain, a wavering quality that Serenias had never heard come from him. “I don’t know how people can… do things to others. I always kept away from their fires.” Serenias realized that Serj was telling Serenias something of his past.

“The man who everyone called boss had put a fear into everyone, except me. No matter what kind of abuse I took, he never seemed scary to me. I didn’t know what I could do. One day I saw someone looking through the ruins. She was new, but once the boss found her, she would be broken like all the other women the boss took.” The story was sounding very familiar. “She didn’t look to know the dangers of the ruins, yet she was there. I wanted to talk to her. But she was very wary. I kept my distance from her.” Serenias’ tears had stopped while she listened to Serj. “When she finally spoke, I… ran. No one talked to me, except the boss. Everyone else kept their distance. I didn’t know what to do.” Serenias kept quiet. “I vaguely remember a woman like that when I was small. It’s… a very painful memory for me. It was the first time I met the man called Boss. The woman was telling me things, about the place around me. Boss showed up and he kicked me out of the way. He grabbed the woman and tied her up. I tried to help her, but I was too small. He left me on the ground, unable to move. He took the woman someplace where I couldn’t see. I heard her screams. And then I heard a sound I will never forget. It was the first gunshot I ever heard. Boss left shortly after it. When I could move again, I found her. She had shot herself through her heart. I pleaded with her to tell me things, anything. She told me that I should I ever meet a person like her, go with them. One of the scouts of the ruins came by; I ran but saw that it had taken the woman’s body. I’ll never know why.”

Serenias sat there, feeling the gravity of what happened to Serj. “So when I saw the woman in the ruins, I would warn her of the dangers. Of the man called Boss. But she spoke first. I didn’t know what to do, so I ran. I… almost didn’t save you. I almost betrayed the woman who told me things. I almost became like the man called Boss.” Serenias stayed still under the blanket. “Serj, can I ask a question. Why did you stay with that man?” Serj fidgeted in his seat before he answered very bluntly. “I was going to kill him. For what he had done to the woman who told me things, for the women who he broke, and for the others he would ruin.” Serenias still kept under the blanket. “Serj how long did you follow him?” Serj kept quite for a moment before answering. “Since that day. I don’t know how long but it was very long ago.” It was then that Serenias popped her head out from under the blanket. “Serj, you ran from me for a different reason you think. You ran from me because I think you forgot about the woman. Not because I scared you, but because I reminded you of why you were there. You came back, because you finally remembered why you were following that bassard. You didn’t run that time, you faced it head on.” Serj’s expression was hard to read. Serenias decided to continue. “I ran from my home town, because I couldn’t take the oppressive air there anymore. The whole town was strict Templar church goers. I finally remember something bad that happened to me. It was the root of the townspeople’s apprehension against me. And I never knew it until just recently. I was the one to run.” Serj’s face kept its normal neutral expression. A sudden movement in the night sky brought the attention of Serj and Serenias towards it. It was Aru, in his ball form. It appeared to be searching for something. His four eyes glowed a sullen red while he spun around looking for something. Serj spoke first. “He’s been doing that the past couple of nights.” Serenias looked at the small sphere. “Since I’ve met you, I’ve never seen you run. From anything. Not from Dyu, or that man, or even the being known as D’Atargan. You faced them head on, with not a single waver of your will.” Serenias looked from Aru to Serj, to find that his eyes were filled with an adamant will. “Serenias, I followed you. I made a choice to leave behind that place. You made a similar choice; you decided to leave behind those that would only hold you down. You didn’t run, you left so you could get on with your life.” Serenias knew that Serj had spoken what she would have figured out sooner or later. “Serj, do you ever dream?” Serj sat for a moment in thought. “I don’t know what dream is.” Serenias described the best she could about what dreams are. Serj thought for a longer time after she finished explaining. “I don’t dream.” Serenias could tell that Serj wasn’t lying by the expression he held on his face. Serenias and Serj sat in silence. Serenias noticed that Aru had left the skies for someplace else.

The two of them sat there looking at the night sky for a short while. “Come on Serj we both need some proper sleep.” Serenias took the blanket that covered her and bunched it up so it would be easier to carry inside. Serj took one last look at the night sky before going inside and closing the door behind Serenias. They slowly returned upstairs before they turned to each other, in front of each’s bedroom door. “G’night Serj.” “Night, Serenias.” And only to Serenias’ ears did she hear a ghostly version of Serj’s voice add, “My Lady.”


For all intensive purposes, this chapter is not the one I've been writing as of late. it was however written before the current one. I vaguely remember that I was just writing and this popped out. Plus its a breather chapter and kinda helps with some things I've got planned. and remember not all of it is what it seems.

plus it was probably influenced by a dream I had, but I've now forgotten about it.

the next chapter is going to be really interesting because some things happen that will have repercussions later.


and ARGH double post.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post Jul 5 2009, 3:15 AM
Post #45

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 3,850
Joined: September 7 2007

Oh, double-posting is alright and all.

And this chapter was pretty good. A bit quirky at first with the dream sequence and then we got some background events too. And I'll gear up for this super-long chapter in the works too for when it comes around.

Until then, just keep working at it. ^_^


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Jul 10 2009, 10:34 PM
Post #46

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

The Unseeing Eye

Serenias awoke the next day with a small head ache and severely groggy. Thankfully it wasn’t a day she was supposed to report to the facility. Serj had left early for his training. This meant that she had the house once again to herself. Serenias was ready to sit down and start reading when she heard a car horn outside. Serenias checked to see what was up, and she saw that Jin was outside of her house. Serenias went to see why Jin was back. “Hey Nia! I’m back from my own adventure. And I brought a present for you.” This intrigued Serenias. “Jin, I thought you wouldn’t be back for another couple of weeks.” Jin’s cheerful expression faltered for a bit. Serenias glared at him, until his expression turned grim. “Well I guess I could tell you. Given that most people already know what’s going to happen. Plus you really haven’t been part of the Association to get an understanding of some of its politics. The branch office I went to is known to be sympathetic to Templar interests. I was sent there to get some information about how deep it ran, as well as appear as a messenger from the head office.” Serenias figured that what ever came next from Jin’s mouth wouldn’t be good. “Let’s head inside then.” Jin took a moment to get a medium sized box from the trunk of the car. “I’ll tell you what’s inside the box as well as the news when we’re inside.”

Serenias and Jin had settled in the living room for Jin’s news. “Okay here goes. The branch I visited is planning on superseding from the main office. And as far as I got with my own investigation, it was planned years ago.” Serenias thought of the implications. “Wait why would they want to do that? We’ve got the Doppelganger’s Door.” Jin shook his head at Serenias’ question. “It’s not that simple, that branch was also where most of the research material was sent. In a sick sort of humor, we have the store, while they have all the merchandise. It’s another attempt at the Templars from getting a hold of this facility. But,” and Jin’s face significantly brightened, “I did a little extra side work. A little talk there, a rumor here, and several photos lightly sprinkled over their complex of Dyu and it’ll make them think twice about their rebellion. At least for the next couple of years.” Serenias glared at Jin. “What photos?” Jin froze for a moment. “I asked you a question Jin, what photos?” Jin relaxed a bit, which surprised Serenias. “Oh don’t worry, they don’t actually show his face, but it definitely shows Renthal’s. It was when Dyu put his hand on Renthal’s head.” Serenias thought for a moment before she realized that that photo could change what Dyu had done to Renthal. “JIN YOU IDIOT! If that photo gets into Renthal’s hands…” Serenias had grabbed Jin by his collar and yet his relaxed demeanor didn’t change. “Nia, anything like that, is dangerous, but we still have an ace up our sleeves. Each photo, after a few days, will fade into obscurity. Even if they send one to our dear bishop Renthal it’ll reach him with nothing but gray on it. Heat kind of speeds up the process. And for your information Dyu agreed to it.” Serenias let go of Jin after that. Serenias sat down, and thought for a moment. “I hate politics. They’re just screwed up.” Jin shrugged. “Sooner or later you’ll have to deal with them Nia. I hate dealing with politics, but messing with them is a different matter. So for now, keep the fact that I did a little mud work at the branch office a secret. Anyway here’s what I promised you.” Jin handed Serenias the box he took from the car. “Promised… what?” Jin looked a bit dumbstruck for a moment before he let out a laugh. “I’d forgotten about getting it too you, but then you kept getting on missions and then I had to do this assignment. This is The Eyes of Chaos. The show that Space Wanderer is very loosely based off of.” And then it clicked in Serenias mind, Jin promised to give her a copy of it before her first mission.

Serenias looked at the box, opened it, found it full of video tapes. “Uh Jin, wasn’t Space Wanderer a short run series?” Jin nodded. “Then isn’t this a bit too much?” Jin shook his head. “Nia, this is Eyes of Chaos, which had a much longer run and a different plot. The localization team omitted the first five episodes. Plus it’s a day off for both of us. Let’s get started.” Serenias shrugged and found the tape that had the label with the first six episodes. Serenias was about to put in the tape when she read that it was subbed. “Jin, what does Subbed mean?” Jin had brought a couple of microwave popcorn packets with him and he had gotten one read. “Oh that just means it’s in its original language with subtitles.” Serenias remembered a foreign film she watched with her dad once. It was a bit annoying to try to read and watch at the same time, but Serenias got used to it by the end of the film. She stuck the tape in, and after watching the intro was mesmerized by how different the original show was. Jin had to explain a few things during so Serenias could get what exactly was going on. The main character of Eyes of Chaos was Seth, a disowned noble, who was afflicted with a family curse. The main plot was similar but the villains, an organization by the name of The Academy, were a lot more ruthless. An Alien telepath in Space Wanderer was actually a painfully genetically modified human in Eyes of Chaos. And the tone of the show was a shade darker than Space Wanderer. Serenias and Jin finished off the first tape, ready to watch the next one when they were interrupted by a telephone call. It was Serj. “Serenias, we’ve got a mission. Durumas is wondering how soon can you get here.” Serenias turned to Jin to briefly explain what was going on. “Well I guess I can drop by the office today. No harm.” Serenias relayed that she would be there soon.

Serenias entered the briefing room expecting to see Durumas, only to met by the old man she saw when she brought Dyu back. “Ah, nice to finally have a chat with you Ms. Ventros. Durumas is currently out dealing with a new recruit, Kreus is dealing with what ever he’s dealing with internal affairs. Which mostly left me to brief you on your next mission.” his voice was very resounding despite his very soft tone. It sounded like a bronze bell when it was rung. “Excuse me sir, but I don’t think we’ve been introduced.” The old man raised an eye brow before he shook his head. “It must have slipped this old head of mine. I’m Hoel Penthelus. Current Director of the Explorer’s Association, all of it.” Serenias stood in shock that the Director would be there to greet and brief her. Serenias took a seat and silently waited. Serj and Vajra showed up with a person in a rumpled lab coat, glasses, and with his white hair tousled every which way. Vajra sat down near Hoel while Serj and the man in the lab coat sat near Serenias. Something about the man in the lab coat seemed unsettling familiar, but Serenias couldn’t place why. “Now that we’re all here, I think its time for the briefing. I dislike giving a mission out on short notice but due to some help with the science department we’ve finally able to explore a new Alternate; however we have a small window of opportunity. And so far you’re the only one I can think of that has a decent track record for pulling some rather outrageous stunts. Serenias, Serj will be the only one accompanying you. Dyu has declined to come with you this mission; his reason is that he’s almost finished with his sensor for the energy levels. As far as the mission goal, get in, look around, and get out. That is all.” Hoel got up and left after he was finished. Vajra politely nodded to Serenias and Serj saluted him. The man in the lab coat lowered his glasses and winked at Serenias. She saw the crimson color of Dyu’s eye behind that wink.

Serenias had gotten ready quite fast and was at the Doorway awaiting for it to open. Serj was with her, a silent guardian standing with her. The Doorway was being set up for this Alternate, which somehow was just discovered, but something about the window of opportunity was odd to Serenias. Serenias looked at the piece of paper that was given to her when she entered the blast doors. It was a list of new features just discovered about the bracelet, but as Serenias was about to read up on, the Doorway was opened. It looked very similar to the blast door only this one was made of a dark silvery material. It opened to reveal a very dingy alley somewhere. Serenias and Serj left quickly.

The alley was very clean for one, and it didn’t have any smell lingering as well. Serj was right behind Serenias when something caught her eye. There wasn’t a sky anywhere in sight. Serenias only saw buildings and walkways everywhere. Serenias also noticed that they were in the middle of a very busy district of the place, filled with various signs with a lot of different languages. Serenias jumped when someone spoke to her from behind. She turned around to see an elder man dressed in a shimmery robe of azure and silver edging, with an elaborate mythical creature embroidered on the chest. He spoke in a very substantively tonal language, and Serenias wasn’t sure if he asked a question or not. The elderly man shook his head before saying, “Do you speak earth standard?” Despite the peculiar accent, Serenias understood him perfectly clear. The elderly man didn’t wait for Serenias to nod in agreement before he continued on. “Ah, good good. Young lady, young man, come into my shop. I’ve got a good amount of souvenirs for a couple that have just set foot in our humble colony.” Serenias and Serj were hurried into one of the shops just outside the alleyway.

Inside of the shop it was crowded with clothes, trinkets, various brick-a-brak that any souvenir shop would hold, there was a back room that most of the merchandise was blocked from view by a double beaded curtain in the doorway. “So where are you from? Centari? Old Earth? Cygnus? Or are you from some place off the beaten path?” Serenias was a bit overwhelmed by the questions asked by the elderly man that she could only blurt out a simple answer to his questions. “Old Earth.” Serenias saw the skeptical look on the shop keeper’s face. “Old Earth you say?” the shop keeper walked around Serenias and Serj slowly looking them over. “You don’t look like you’ve had any interfaces put in. I’d say you’re still all natural, not a single piece of a tin man in you.” A shout from the back room caught the attention of the shopkeeper. “Li Don’t use that term. You know it’s insulting, and you know better!” The shopkeeper made a rude noise. “Bah! What do you know Seth? Tin Men aren’t to be trusted! Just like those from the Foundation!” from the back room came a similar rude noise before the person known as Seth replied to the Shopkeeper’s statements. “Wei, Cyborgs aren’t all murderous, back stabbing, militaristic mercenaries. Just yesterday you sold one of your dresses to a cyborg who was getting married.” The shopkeeper Wei sniffed at it. “Why are we arguing about it then? These two customers don’t look like they came from Old Earth.” An audible sigh came from the back room. “How many years have you been here? Was it fifteen or was it twenty years? And I know that not all Terrans get interfaces. Some can’t afford the operation let a lone a travel into space afterwards. It’s cheaper to get the operation done on the outskirts than in any of the more traveled parts.” Wei gave up the argument. “So what is the young lady interested in?” The Shopkeeper brought out several dresses that shimmered and sparkled like his own robes. They all looked very beautiful, but Serenias was sure that they didn’t have any of the local currency. Wei saw the change of expression. “Don’t worry, if you don’t have enough money, we can always bargain and trade. Like the couple of antiques your boyfriend has under his gear.” Serj put his hands near where he kept the two heavy revolvers on him. “How did you…?” The shopkeeper shook his head. “You don’t become a successful shop owner without noticing what your clientele carry on them. Come on, let’s see what they are.” Serj reluctantly pulled out the heavy revolvers, and the shopkeeper took them slowly from him. “Hmm, a pair Revolvers kept in very good condition. One is a .50 caliber while the other is a .454, both very strong for shooting things. Glad they aren’t in working condition. If they were, I’d have to report you young man for bringing a projectile weapon on the colony.” Serj didn’t show any emotion at the fact that the shopkeeper assumed his two guns weren’t in working condition. The shopkeeper let out a saddened sigh. “However I can’t trade these for any of the dresses. I don’t deal with weapons, but the lady’s bracelet does look like a nice piece of jewelry.” Serenias clutched the bracelet that was needed to get home. “I’m sorry, but I’m not letting it go for anything.”

The shopkeeper kept a skeptical look until the bead curtain rattled. “Wei, I got the list I need, and I’m taking these as well.” The person was definitely Seth by his voice. Serenias couldn’t see his face due to his hat. It was a straw hat with fabric veil surrounding the brim. It blocked most of his facial features from any view. He wore a robe similar to the O-Edoans from her Alternate. It had the same shimmery fabric that was the shopkeeper’s but it was colored a burnt orange, with a trim of a light yellow. Seth was holding a pair of rods in one hand; one was a whitish silver color, while the other was a matte black color. Both were made of some kind of metal. What Seth held in the other hand was a flat board that glowed a little bit and had a list of text on it. “Let me see what you had in mind.” Seth handed over the little board. “I definitely need the crates, but the other stuff can be changed.” Wei looked over the board, pulled a small stylus from the board and started to scribble on the list. And it wrote over the list that Seth had made. “I can get you that, but not for that price, a nice substitute is this model, get the same performance, and its easier to repair and it’s cheaper in the long run. This I can’t get here, you’ll have to go to one of my planetside branches for it. I can get you most of the rest if you’re willing to hang around for a bit.” Wei made a few more changes to the list before handing it back to Seth who looked it over. “Wei, you never cease to amaze me in how much you can save me.” Wei gave a soft chuckle. “Seth, I do that because I know that this’ll never last. You’ll be able to go back one day, and you’ll definitely remember me.” Seth let out a rich laugh of his own. “Wei, I’ve been a customer since before I was doing what I do now. And I know this will last for a good long time. Besides, aren’t you forgetting you have a couple of customers still waiting?” Wei looked at Serenias and Serj before taking the list board from Seth. “Young Lady, would you mind if I got this gentleman’s order first?” Serenias didn’t mind and neither did Serj. Serenias could look through the baubles and some of the dresses while Wei was getting Seth’s order.

Wei disappeared behind the bead curtain and then she heard another door open then close. Serenias and Serj were left with Seth in the shop. Seth was busy checking the balance of the rods he had just bought with what ever else was on the list. Serj was busy resettling his two guns, so Serenias decided to look over the dresses. To Serenias each would be a delight to wear but she knew that she had nothing really worth trading for them. Serj started to head towards the room behind the beaded curtain when the silver white rod blocked his path. “I’m sorry but that room is only for certain customers.” Serj looked at Seth before he replied. “I was hoping to talk to the shopkeeper.” Serj stood where he was while Seth kept the rod barring his path. “Wei will be busy for a little bit. So in exchange how about I treat you and your lady friend to a view that you’ve probably never seen before?” Seth took the rod and tucked it in his belt, right next to the matte black one, before he extended a friendly hand to Serj. Serj glanced to Serenias about what to do next. Serenias thought about it. *He doesn’t sound like a bad person.* *Heh, but then again neither did that monster Gary.* *I don’t need your opinion on this. Besides this doesn’t seem like its dangerous.* *Everything is dangerous when you stop to think about it. I’m getting a weird feeling from this guy. I can’t place it but it feels similar to that Thing D’Atargan used.* *I’ll keep that in mind.* Serenias’ Instinct chuckled to itself while its presence faded from her conciseness. “How about we take him up on his offer Serj?” Serj nodded very slowly before he went to Serenias’ side. “I bet you really haven’t gotten to seen the view. Most new comers rarely get too.”

Seth was very forth coming in his explanation of his offer. “I know Wei will take his time with what I ordered. Plus he’s probably already doing the supervisory work while it’s being loaded. He might not even be done by the time we’re finished with the sightseeing. So I apologize for taking his attention away from you.” While they were walking Serenias noticed that embroidered on the back of Seth’s robe was the strangest symbol. It looked like an eastern symbol, the blending of black and white, but now mixed with an eye. It felt very familiar to Serenias, but she couldn’t place where or when she had seen it. Serenias shook the feeling from her head. “So Seth, where do you come from?” While Seth didn’t stop walking, Serenias did notice a tensing of his shoulders. “Oh one of the outlaying colonies. Not really worth talking about.” Serenias knew he lied, but she didn’t press further. Something about the sound of his voice feeling like it was pained with guilt. During the whole walk Serenias saw a multitude of people and things. Some of the people bore metallic limbs, most were simplistic replacements for the limbs they had not, while the rest were a mix of highly decorated gilded or heavy work like models. Occasionally Serenias saw someone with a skin tight helmet on their head. Then there were the non humans. Since Serenias encountered Dyu she could look at them without trying to look like she was staring at them. One looked to be a very tall and slender woman with a very skin tight suit, and the only exposed skin looked a pale green while its eyes were a strong violet. Another looked to be crow with deep ocean blue feathers and it stood about four feet tall. Serenias thought she saw someone that looked remarkably like Dyu, only he wore more green tones and his core was a deep emerald. All the while they Serenias and Serj couldn’t see higher than a three story building. Endless walkways and halls led to open spaces that were lined with shops or apartments. It wasn’t until they reached a large archway did Seth turn around. “Now the sight you’ll see with either astound you or be perfectly ordinary.” Serenias wondered why he phrased it like that. Seth then gestured that Serenias and Serj enter before him, which they did.

The sight that met their eyes was one of extreme wonder. Above them was a glass dome filled with stars, which was a normal sight, but intermixed with the stars were ships of various shapes and hues. One was a large bulbous freighter heading off to its next stop. A small dart like ship corkscrewed around it in a very dangerous manner, it was intercepted by a slightly larger but squared off ship with a black and white symbol on the side. Another ship, black with a coat of arms decaled on the front of the bow was heading towards the docks just barely visible from the dome. A small worn looking vessel was pulling another bulbous freighter out of the dock. Serenias looked at the sight and was stuck in awe at the sight that she beheld. Serj looked on with a strange sense of familiarity, while Serenias was still looking on. “This confirms it.” Seth stated to himself, to which Serenias was brought back to her senses. “This confirms what exactly?” Seth walked around Serenias and Serj like Wei had when he questioned her about where she came from. “Well, it confirms that you didn’t come from earth the normal way.” Serenias was getting a bit scared now. Serj stepped in between Serenias and Seth. Seth held his hands up while backing away. “I’m not a threat; I was just a bit curious. But it does raise the question of how you got here with out a ship. And given your reaction, I’d say that star ships are something that are still a far off dream where you come from.” Seth sat down on one of the many benches that lined the park that was under the glass dome. He beckoned for Serenias and Serj to have a seat near him. Serenias sat cautiously near him, while Serj stood near by. “So how did you figure that out?” Serenias questioned Seth. “Wei is a great friend of mine, while a bit of a racist, is a damn good at finding things out. When he mentioned all natural, he also intoned about not having any geneering. And I can tell that you Miss…” “Nia” Serenias decided to keep her full name from being found out. “Nia, have absolutely no genetic modifications at all. Not even the basic ones. Your friend however I’m not too sure about.” Serj kept to being stoic at the comment. “So where do you come from Nia?” Serenias was quite prepared to try and keep up the appearance of being from Old Earth but something in the back of her head, not Instinct though, told her it would be useless. “I come from a place called Terra.” Seth took a pose that made her think of a person in thought before he replied. “Well there is a multitude of planets with the registered name of Terra; I’m guessing it’s none of those. I’m guessing where you’re from would probably very like Old Earth, but with a small changes here and there.” Serenias was about to object but Seth held up a hand for her to keep silent. “Serenias, the reason why I’m guessing at this, is because I read a story once. It had a very intelligent main character, it dealt with some interesting philosophical topics. Sadly I can’t remember how it ended, but I did remember the name of the main character.” Serenias waited for who he’d name. Seth took of his hat off for the first time, and Serenias was greeted by a pair of Emerald eyes and a head with a tousled grey hair. It was Seth from Eyes of Chaos. “The name of the Female protagonist was a Serenias Ventros. I’m pretty sure that’s your full name.” Serenias gasped at the realization that she had stepped into an Alternate where the events of the show were real. And then a thought occurred to her. Serenias started to laugh at the thought but she tried to keep it from bubbling from her throat. “I’m guessing you’ve just met a character from a story as well. Go ahead and laugh, it’ll be good for you.” Serenias and Seth both laughed together while Serj looked around him. After they were both under control, Serenias told Seth about just learning of his story through a foreign animation. “An interesting thought that I am a children’s cartoon while you’re a young adult’s book.” All of a sudden Seth went deathly silent and Serj’s hands when not to his guns but a knife, which Serenias had no knowledge of him ever having one. “I think it’s best we leave Nia. It seems I’m not the only one interested in a character from a book. How many do you count?” the question wasn’t directed to Serenias but to Serj. “I say about five of them, one of which sounds wrong.” Seth nodded to Serj before he pulled out the matte black rod from his waist band. “Yea, that should be their Inquirer. Nia, I suggest we head back to Wei’s shop, he should be back by now or should be soon when we get there.”

Before Serenias could agree, she was swept up off her feet and was carried by Serj. Serj was following Seth without any verbal commands but they could some how tell each other what they were doing. Serenias stole a glance backwards and saw about two people in uniform looking in their general direction from the bench that they were sitting there moments ago. Seth was taking them through a different route from when they were lead to the park. Seth looked to be taking random directions to each place. Serenias started to notice that there were more uniformed people about, and less of the normal inhabitants. It was a short time after a few more turns and various detours when they arrived at Wei’s shop. Seth let Serj and Serenias in before he came in and locked the door behind himself. “Follow me.” It was the only thing Seth had said when they were in the shop. He went behind the beaded curtain. The room that was behind the curtain was stacked with various things that were definitely not tourist baubles and mementos. The walls were lined with weapons that Serenias could only imagine what they would do to a person. Once both Serenias and Serj were inside, Seth went to a control panel near the beaded curtain, and after a sequence the beads melded together to form a solid wall where the doorway was before. “That should hold them for a bit. At least until they get an Inquirer near by.” A treadle of beeps came from a phone in one corner of the room. Seth picked it up. He kept the conversation quiet and short. It was then that Serj let Serenias get on her feet. He hung up and turned to Serenias and Serj. “I hate to ask this of you, but are you willing to accompany me?” the question was asked to both Serenias and Serj. Serenias thought for a moment before coming to the conclusion that Serj and she might be able to get away from whoever might be chasing them by going back. Serenias learned enough that they could probably open a gate home so that Seth could have a better chance of getting away. Serenias tapped the orb on the bracelet four times, and nothing happened. Serenias tried once again, and nothing happened this time either. Seth was still waiting for her answer. “We will.” Serj glanced at the bracelet and then to Serenias, as if questioning why she wasn’t able to do it. Serenias shook her head. Seth kept his silence until he was sure that they were done. “Okay now that’s…” an odd piercing wail interrupted Seth’s voice. Serenias felt a pressure, she wasn’t sure it was behind her eyes or if her ears needed popping but it was there. “Oh for the love of… they brought out an Inquirer. We’d best move fast now.” Seth made his way to another doorway that was made to look like another shelf of weaponry. Serenias was gently shoved in before Serj and Seth followed her. It let to a darkened office with a hallway leading off somewhere. “We’re heading this way.” Seth led them down the dark hallway.

It was a while before Seth’s pace slackened. Serenias thought it was a good time to ask a few questions. “Where’re we going?” Serenias kept to a soft tone. “To the docks. And from what I gathered they’re not after just you.” Serenias mulled over it for a bit before asking a more complex question. “I know I haven’t got a lot of info on this place but, what is an Inquirer? And what was that pressure back there?” Seth glanced back to Serenias before putting on his straw hat. “That’s… a very good question. Rumors are they’re a genetically made monster, others say they’re a xeno with some very disturbing abilities. However, the truth is a lot more disturbing. They were human once. Oh about six or seven years ago when they were about children about the age of five or six. They mostly find the children with a good amount of psyonics. Then the gene therapy begins. They grow up, rather painfully; to be what made that sound back there. An Inquirer, a sub-humanesque thing that’s only purpose is to search and find things with its mind. That was the pressure back there, its boosted psyonics.” Serenias felt sick all of a sudden. “Who makes them like that?” Serj asked without any emotion. “A militant organization that goes by the name The Academy. ‘Your children deserve the best Academy.’ Bunch of shrike and everyone knows it. But it owns practically a third of most of the human settlements and who knows how much of the space and asteroid colonies. And no, you can’t fight them; they own too much political power to just to be pulled down by any individual with a wink and a ship. I’m not even sure how would one would even think of attempting it.” Seth shook his head. Serenias was sure Seth had just read her mind, but she kept silent. They continued the walking for a while in silence. A haunting melody started to echo in the passage. Seth stopped while he checked a couple of his pockets for something. He found what was making the sound, and affixed it to his ear while adjusting a small protuberance that floated near his eye. “Seth here.” once again Seth kept it short. “We’re stopping here for a bit while they, the Academy goons, lighten a bit up at the docks. I knew I saw one of their ‘recruitment’ ships docking. Anymore questions?” Seth sat down right in the middle of the hallway. “What else does the Academy do?” Serj kept his stoic manner as he sat with his back to a wall. “Well other than the inhuman experimentation and the mass abduction of gifted children, they do actually have a more well public side to them. As far as I can recall, The Academy was just that, a very prestigious Academy for anyone with any ounce of any skill. Then something along the line got a bit twisted, and it got a bit more political power hungry. Thus it’s now in its current state. I don’t have anything really on them, but it appears they have a deep interest in me.” Serenias thought about their current situation and why the bracelet didn’t work. “Seth, I know we’re on a colony of some sort but this may sound weird but is it stationary or is it moving?” Seth’s veil hid his expression, but she heard a thoughtful hum from him. “Well we’re in one of the Asteroid colonies somewhere near Sirius. Its definitely moving, roughly about five hundred kilometers a second. Normal for one of these places.” Serenias’ stomach just dropped when she heard that. Then Serenias remembered the paper that was handed to her. She opened it up and read it. It held instructions about how to get back but Serenias wasn’t sure how much time had passed. “Seth about how much time has passed since I entered Wei’s shop?” Seth’s hat tilted up a little. “I’d guess about four or five hours.” Serenias looked at the paper in despair; her window of opportunity vanished about two to three hours ago. “If you have to go back where the colony was before, I’m pretty sure I can take you there. We just have to wait. I might also tell Wei to put a kind of sentry or way station there if you feel like returning.” Serenias felt gratitude towards Seth, given how much trouble they caused him indirectly. “Are there other powers than The Academy in this universe?” Serj had been thinking of it since the first mention of The Academy. Seth’s hat twitched to Serj before dipping down. “Well there’s the multitude of Commonwealths around that they are considered System powers, but they are mostly just puppet governments for some of the larger stuff. The Yggdrasil Corp. is a newly rising power in the world of genetics. They’re rising so fast it kinda scares me. They’re coming up with new stuff about every other day that most geneticists were saying couldn’t be done for another forty or fifty years. Then there’s the Terra Federation. They were the first Government, founded by Old Earth, which is right now a preserve. Only very few people are allowed on Old Earth.” Serenias caught the inconsistency. “Wait I thought Wei said we were…” “It’s from his many years of dealing with some rather shady characters. That was the other thing that tipped me off. Most people who are from Old Earth are severely supremist. They wouldn’t be caught dead in a way stop colony like this one. And while it was true that there are some Old Earthers that are all natural, they usually have some sort of AI assistant device with them. Of which neither of you have.” Serenias sat there, thinking of a good question. It came like a good book, slow at first then a nice big climax near the end. “So Humanity travels the stars here right? But I thought that there’s some kind of barrier keeping people from traveling faster than it.” Seth laughed at that. “Oh you mean the speed of light? We haven’t really broken that yet, but we have found a way around it.” Serenias waited for his answer. “I personally don’t understand exactly how it works but it bends space in such a way that it allows two points to be the same point then its offset a little bit and so you enter one side exit the other. The creator was actually trying to make an artificial gravity machine. Discovered it by accident.” There was another eerie melody before Seth answered his device. He kept his voice low and the conversation short.

Serenias took another glance at the paper she had gotten before the mission. One of the new features discovered was a way of having a two way conversation with the bracelet. Serenias did as was written and a sudden shock came to her eyes. Serj and Seth jumped at the same time. Floating a couple of inches from the bracelet was a ghostly copy of Dyu. “Serenias? Trouble?” Serj sat back down, while Seth decided to move a bit farther down the hallway. “Dyu! What are you…?” “I’m not physically there Ms. Serenias. It’s a projection. So is there a problem or were you testing it out for us?” Dyu’s tone was still light as ever. “Well technically there isn’t a problem, but I do need some advice. I think we missed our window of opportunity on this side.” Dyu looked thoughtful for a bit. “About how much time has passed on your side?” Serenias told him. Dyu looked away as if someone was talking to him, before he turned back to Serenias. “I am mostly displeased with myself. I made the calculations based on if the place had the same time scale, only an hour has passed here.” Serenias then explained that it wasn’t the time dilation that caused their missed departure. “Ah, I see. I would suggest that you stick with your backup plan. And if it is possible, bring back a history book or some such item. I’ve been helping greatly with the translation of Serj’s books. We’ve gotten most of the grammar down and that History and Encyclopedia book that you found has proven quite interesting.” Dyu turned away again, and which he turned back to Serenias with a bit more serious face. “Ms. Serenias, I am to tell you that Mr. Durumas and Mr. Kreus are worried about your current status. I shall pass on to them that you are safe. I however must end this because we’re going to test something. I bid you well with your mission and a safe return.” And with that Dyu’s image faded. Serenias noted that Seth was now back and was quietly waiting for Serenias’ conversation to end. “Hmm. I don’t think I ever remember that in any of the stories I read of yours.” Serenias grinned at Seth, as she got up off the floor. “I don’t remember there being a lot of political problems in the kid’s show either. Some things get left out. So I take it the dock isn’t crowed with searchers?” Seth nodded his head. The Trio started again on their long trek to the starship docks.

The Hallway ended at another darkened office; however Wei was sitting in a chair waiting for them. Wei nodded to all three of them before he opened the door that lead from the office. Serenias expected to see another room lined with weapons, only it was a normal shop front. Like the one that was on the other side of the long hallway. “Seth, they’ve still got one of those bloody Inquirers near the docks. Be careful.” Seth was busy adjusting the veil around his hat. “Wei, its not the first time I’ve had to get through one of their impromptu lock downs.” Wei let out a sigh. “Yea the last time you came back with a hot blooded little firebug.” Seth chuckled a little. “I actually thought she was a decent person. Oh that reminds me.” Seth leaned to Wei, and told him something in a low tone that Serenias couldn’t catch. “Alright, I’ll add it to your list. I don’t see why you would need one, but then again knowing you it has to be for something important.” Wei went and got something from the office and returned and gave it to Seth. “Seth, next time I see you, which probably won’t be long, you’d better have found at least someone decent to travel with. I’d highly…” “Suggest a good Lady friend or someone that doesn’t control fire with their mind. I’ve heard that enough from my uncle. I don’t need it from you Wei. I’ll be fine.” Wei nodded and returned to the office. Seth gestured that Serenias and Serj should join him.

The Shop was located very close to the docks. Serenias noticed how dead the alleys and walkways were now. Occasionally they’d see a uniformed figure but it wouldn’t pay them mind. “They’re looking for us a bit deeper in the colony. But they aren’t stupid. Don’t try to attract too much attention to us. If we can get past the security check with little or no problems we can, hopefully, sail right out of here on the Black Lotus.” Seth led them to a high archway crowded with people. Some aliens were there but were mostly saying out of the mob of humans. People in the Academy uniform were shoving people into lines and hassling everyone that was trying to get into the dock. “Get into orderly lines! There’s been an alert for escaped prisoners for rehabilitation.” Serenias and Serj kept close to Seth so that they wouldn’t get split up. “Typical ruse for an Academy operation.” Seth whispered to Serenias and Serj. An Academy soldier sauntered up to their group. “You three, break it up! The guy in the funny hat over there, the guy in the re-enactment get-up and the girl in the vest with me.” Seth stepped between the soldier and Serenias and Serj. Serenias saw his hand move a bit of the veil in front of Seth’s face, only enough for the solder to see. Then something weird happened. The Solder tensed up, while Seth started to talk with an authority that he didn’t seem to have before. “Sir, I’m escorting my two passengers and I will not loose them to the mob on the other side, so I will either be with them or they will be with me. I’d rather it be that they’re with me.” The soldier was silently repeating the words at the exact same time Seth was speaking before answering with a very monotone voice that was comparably softer than when they first heard him. “I’m sorry, this way Sirs, Ma’am.” The soldier led them to where he had gestured to where Seth was supposed to go.

Seth had closed the veil on his hat as soon as the three got in the line. The soldier walked stiffly away, disappearing into the crowd. Seth let out a weary sigh, before turning his head to check if Serenias and Serj were still with him. “That’s one hurdle down. The next one shouldn’t be as tough. I’ll explain once we’re safely on board why I had to intervene.” The line slowly progressed until Seth was next. Seth checked one last time before telling them “Don’t worry, this shouldn’t be a problem.” Seth walked through the small hallway that led to the docks, in a sense it kind of reminded Serenias of the metal detectors they had at the airports nowadays. Seth went through with out a single problem. Serenias was next, the guard motioned for her to go through. Serenias stared to walk through. There were no problems until she got to the middle of the hallway. “Miss could you show us what’s on your right hip? Slowly.” Serenias did as the person on the intercom said. She pulled out the gun very slowly. “Oh it’s only an antique. Jeez. You’re cleared, go on through.” Serenias put the gun away slowly while she went to the other side. She joined Seth just outside the end of the security hallway. Serenias turned to see Serj start his trek through. Serj got stopped at the same part only this time a shelf came out of the hallway wall. Serenias couldn’t here what they asked him but she tensed up the same. Serj was slowly and purposefully putting every gun that he had on him, and from what Serenias saw he had about eight different guns on him, and then he started to put a lot of knives as well on the shelf. Seth didn’t tense up until the Academy guards came out of a doorway nearby and started to examine the items on the shelf.

The guards looked stuff over and started to hand stuff back to Serj one item at a time. After a couple of moments it was now down to the last knife, the one Serenias saw him pull out during their first flight from the Academy searchers. The Guard that was holding it told Serj something that caused a bit of sullen anger to flash on Serj’s face, but Serj accepted it and started to walk through the hallway without his knife. Just as Serj was about to exit, the guard tossed Serj’s knife at his back. Serj sidestepped and with out pause grabbed his knife by the handle and put it away in a blink of an eye. Seth let out a low soft whistle. The Guard dumb struck was dragged back into the doorway in the hall before another person was let though. “Where’s your ship?” Serj asked without pausing to look back. “This way.” Seth bowed a little while leading them to a place that Serenias could see was filled with individuals and was sparsely filled with people. Seth led them to a very brightly lit corridor, but it was almost devoid of people. Seth found the sign he was looking for before he turned around. “Here She is. The Black Lotus.” His arm swept out his arm to a window looking out towards where his ship was in the docks. Serenias giggled because the ship wasn’t black at all, it was colored about the same color, only not metallic, as Seth’s clothes. On key points it had the same symbol that was on the back of his robe as well as black lotus petals surrounding it. The ship was very long, with kind of large bulbous bottom part to it. On two of its sides were long missile like engines while a small cluster of more proper engines were at the aft of the ship. To Serenias it looked like someone took a sailing ship, squished it down a bit, and added rocket engines to the rear part of it. Serenias noticed that she was now up against the window looking out. “Pretty sight isn’t it? I don’t get tired of it either.” Seth was standing beside her, with Serj sitting in one of the chairs that was near the window. “And now we wait while they get the boarding hallway connected.” Seth took a seat by the window and watched as a long metal box was extending out from the wall close to them.

It was interesting to watch as people in suits hooked up the boarding hallway on the outside of the ship. When the dock people signaled to someone a green light beside the doorway lit up. “The ship, XNT-043 Beta, designation Black Lotus, is ready for departure.” Said a very mechanical voice from a nearby speaker. The doorway opened up and standing in the boarding hallway was a guy in a space suit with his helmet pushed back onto his back pack. “You the owner? Sign here.” The person handed a copy of the board thing that Serenias saw in Wei’s shop. Seth looked it over, before asking a simple question. “What about the touch up on the paint?” the guy shook his head. “Buddy, ain’t any one going to do a paint job for your ship at this moment in time. Most of the paint crews are stuck on that Academy ship. So unless you want to wait for a couple of hours or days you’re not getting it. I was nice enough to not charge you for it.” Seth scowled at the board, but not at the person. “Alright, so everything else is okay?” this caused the person to brighten up a little. “Yea got your deliveries right as those Academy people started to show up derailing most of everyone else’s. But since you’re a friend of Wei’s we made sure your stuff was loaded first.” Seth nodded and signed the board. “Thanks and sail safely on your journey.” The guy in the spacesuit wandered out of the hallway to let them in.

As soon as Serenias was in the hallway, gravity decided to turn itself off for her. Serenias immediately grabbed the railing to the side. Seth stepped passed her floating like some kind of undersea creature. Serj also seemed to be fine in the weightless too. Seth stopped a few feet from Serenias before he turned around and looked at Serenias holding on to dear life to make sure she wouldn’t let her feet leave the floor. “Oh right, I forgot that. Just pull yourself along the hand rail. Hand over hand, gently.” Serenias slowly pulled herself along the hand rail allowing her to let her feet float gently behind her. Serj was waiting at the end of the boarding hallway at the air lock for the Black Lotus. As soon as Serenias got there at her snail’s pace Seth found the numerical pad and put in the pass code and opened the airlock for the three of them. Serj glided inside and found a spot where Serenias could not avoid him at all. “Ah, good idea Serj. Nia, gently push yourself towards Serj, the lightest of pushes should do it.” Serenias didn’t want to leave the safety of the hand rail but it looked like there wasn’t any other choice. She pushed off, with more force than she should have, and was grabbed by Serj. The two of them bumped into the back of the airlock. The outside door closed behind Seth and then a sudden hissing sound pervaded the small space. It stopped shortly after and then the inner door opened up. Serenias saw a small hand grasps on the inside and was pushed towards on by Serj. Serenias grabbed the first one with in reach before slowly searching for the next hand grasp. Serj and Seth glided in and helped Serenias by giving her small hints about how to go about moving in freefall. When the three of them got to the Black Lotus’ bridge Serenias could move easier than before but she still relied on the hand grasps more than Serj or Seth did. Serenias found the closest seat and buckled in.

Once all three of them were secured in their seats, did Seth begin the undocking procedures. “All Clear Black Lotus, docking clamps, grav clamps, and anything else we forgot to mention are clear of your ship. Safe sailing and my you see Fiddler’s Green when your time comes.” Chimed the one of the docks’ operators. Serenias looked out of a near by observation window and saw a black figure standing in the window of the place they had just left, and then without notice then a sudden, yet familiar, pressure began. Seth got his ship moving slowly but surely it was moving slowly out of the colony’s docks, away from that black figure. Once they colony could be seen in all of its entirety did Seth relax. From Serenias’ view, the colony looked like it inhabited a giant potato with various ‘eyes’ jutting out. “Whew, that was definitely not the best moments I’ve had but at least we got out of there in time.” Seth unbuckled and started to float in the small bridge area. “For now I’m not going anywhere, and neither are you two because well I don’t want to get caught by some of their searches. So I think the best thing to do right now is either get any questions you want answered or we start to practice moving in zero G.” Serenias dreaded leaving her seat at that moment. “I’ve got a couple of questions.” It was Serj who spoke first. “Why did they want my knife?” Seth gestured for Serj to let him see it. Seth looked it over and handed it back. “I’d wager that given that knife of yours is on par with some of the best ever made, I’d want one too. It’s not going to break anytime soon and I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that knife could withstand being stuck behind one of the engines for a long time and not have any damage. Next.” Serenias pitched her question this time. “Why did we have to hurry to the docks?” Seth took off his hat and placed it in a holder near his seat. “I believe I mentioned that there were Inquirers out searching for you. I guess I didn’t elaborate enough. Inquirers are not the nicest of things to meet out here. The Dryads are nice people, only if you’re meeting the females. Anyway, they’re pretty damn powerful psyonics, only they don’t have a speck of restraint or common sense. I’ve seen what happens when and Inquirer literally rips apart someone’s mind. It’s like watching someone get raped, only there’s no physical evidence and you still feel helpless. About the only good thing is that due to the stress they’re put through they have very short lives. I think the longest lived one actually got to his twenty third birthday before he had bout of cardiac arrest.” Serenias thought for a moment before an idea popped in her head. “Wait if they’re so unrestrained then how does the Academy control them?” Seth smiled and nodded. “A good question indeed, and as far as the general populous knows they don’t. But technically there are people completely immune to psyonics. So a little brainwashing, slap a mask on them and stick them with the monster, solves that problem. They’re called Mitigaters. Other than that, not a thing.” Serj had unbuckled from his seat to float near Serenias.

“What other kind of races are there? You’ve mentioned Dryads and I’m pretty sure I saw several others.” Seth started to pull at his chin. “I’m pretty sure you’ve seen one Dryad. We might have seen a Corvae and a slim chance that we might have even glimpsed a Gorgus. There might have been at least four different races at that station; about the only one that I’ve interacted with is the Dryads. Interesting race on the whole, but some of the advances are just plain creepy.” Serenias gave a curious glance at Seth. Seth sighed wearily at it. “Since Humanity encountered the Dryads, there was kinda a weird rule set involving their males and females on some of the interaction. I can’t openly discuss the males, but the females are very promiscuous with humanity. Only they’re doing it just to try and get us humans to relax, doesn’t work with some people, like myself. Creeps me the hell out.” Serj kept an eye out of the window as if he saw something out there. “The Corvae are pretty much in the same basket, just figured out space travel, humanity and Corvae get along okay. But some of their habits are a bit queasy for most people.” “Seth, could you adjust your heading by at least half a degree downward?” Seth stopped talking, went over to the captain’s and the navigator’s chair and checked some of the readings. He typed in the new adjustment before looking out the same window as Serj. “I can’t see anything out there.” Serj kept his eye looking outside the ship. “It won’t notice us anymore. Don’t worry about it.” Seth gave Serj a questioning stare, to which Serj didn’t answer. “Well back on the original topic, the last race we might have seen, the Gorgus. As far as anyone can tell, they’re ancient; they don’t interact much with any race except for cultural arts and stuff. All anyone knows is that they tend to travel with one race’s ship until a point, then up and leave. Most of humanity thinks they’re some kind of protectorate race. My personal view is that they’re a bunch of lazy sponges that don’t do much other than make notes on any race’s psychological problems.” Serenias thought for a moment. “So what does each race look like?” Seth got a look of surprise and then laughed. “I knew I forgot something. Well Dryads, at least the Females, they look like humans, only slightly bit taller, slender and tinted various shades of green. Corvae, well they look like crows, only larger. Gorgi don’t really have a defined shape, about the only distinguishing feature is that they have a jewel or crystal embedded into the rough equivalent of what ever shape they have’s chest. All of the Gorgi that’s Humanity’s encountered looks like a human. Dryads say the same thing; they look like one of their own. The Corvae…” Without any warning the Black Lotus began to shake like a dice cup. Seth had been holding on to his chair while it happened, Serj had reseated himself and since Serenias never left her seat, she was only unsettled by it. “What in the living hell was that?” Seth blurted out after the shaking stopped. He leapt into his chair and checked every thing. “Blood and stone, a freaking barge nearly ran us through.” Seth’s gaze went immediately to Serj. The three of them sat there in silence. “You know what, anything is possible. But I think we need to get you two home.” Serenias thought about when she tried to use the return feature on the bracelet and it failed. “Could you get us to approximately where the colony was about when we first entered Wei’s shop?” Serj asked Seth. Seth programmed in the course and let the ship run itself. Seth checked over his systems while they headed to where to colony would have been when he first heard their voices in Wei’s shop. Seth let out a mumbled curse. “I can’t believe it.” Serenias looked at Seth. “Believe what, exactly?” Seth shook his head. “Somehow, someone or something disabled my Lidar system.” Serenias took a quizzical glance at Seth. “It’s a way of detecting objects. Not the best there is, but that’s one of the things I was asking at Wei’s one of the newer ones. And mostly because this system is way too easy to tamper with if you know exactly what model it is. It’s been happening a lot lately. A bit suspicious no?” Serenias nodded her agreement. The rest of the trip was mostly filled with small talk about how each of their Alternates varied in small or large ways.

Shortly before they arrived at the near the spot, Seth started to fiddle around with one of the light-boards that seemed to permeate his Alternate. Serj had asked little during the trip, while Serenias asked mostly historical questions. “So if I’m getting this right, this order of knights was nothing special but they were persecuted because of the paranoia about its initiation ceremony? In the end they were wiped off the annals of history?” Seth nodded. “But what does that have to do with my history?” Seth waved his hand. “I think because somewhere along the lines, that order of knights actually survived their persecution and then took over the all of what would have been the papal state and then turned into a militaristic religion. So what most people theorize in my Alternate is actually reality in yours. It works out pretty well.” Serenias shook her head. “I still don’t see it.” Seth just shrugged. “Well it’s just a thought. It doesn’t mean much, but then again I could be utterly wrong. On that note, we’ve arrived. At least within half a kilometer of the approximate location of where you were in the colony at the time.” Serenias was a little afraid of if the bracelet wouldn’t work. Serj gave her an encouraging look, at least for him. Serenias took a deep breath and tapped the jewel four times. Seth had put his straw hat back on while they had their small talk. Serenias looked about the bridge’s cabin and noticed not a single change. “Try the exit.” It came from Seth. He had put is feet up on a relatively empty part of his bridge’s consoles. Serenias once again took a glance at the door leading away from the bridge and noticed that it was different, more subtly than she would have thought. “Oh before you leave, have this.” Seth held up the light-board that he had been messing around with. “I’m not sure…” “Take it. Think of it as a way of at least helping your people get a head start on expanding their horizons. Also didn’t that guy say to bring back a history book or something? This Data pad is chock full of everything, it’s a mix of histories, science books, encyclopedia, languages, literary works, and it also has a couple of theoretical formulae that might work for your Alternate.” Serenias was taken aback by such and offer. “I also added in a couple of notes, bookmarked where the language basis are. It would be very helpful. Oh and don’t worry about powering it, leave in a brightly lit spot for about a couple of hours and it’ll recharge.” Serenias was kind of glad that Seth was offering this to her. “But what did I do to deserve a gift like this?” Serenias could hardly believe her eyes when Seth took off his hat. Nothing really changed about his face but his eyes were a completely different matter. They were now overlaid with the symbol he had embroidered on his clothes and painted on his ship. Then it silently occurred to Serenias, it was the other way around. The symbol was there because it was his eyes first. “I do it because I can see that it will help you in the long run. I wish you well in all your endeavors. I’ll tell Wei to leave a watch post around here. I do hope we get to have a peaceful conversation again.” Serenias took the Data pad, and hugged Seth. “Thanks. I hope we do get to talk more.” Serenias and Serj left through the Doorway, leaving Seth alone on his ship.

Serenias and Serj arrived in the Doorway room, only to be met with a single guard. He led them to the briefing room while the guard went to find who was currently available. Serenias and Serj sat in the briefing room, each getting started on their reports. It was a short while before Kreus came in. “Finished with the Mission, Ms. Ventros?” Serenias had heard his stern tone but ignored it in a professional manner. “Yes Mr. Kreus. I have also brought back a form of… argh, how would I describe this thing?” Kreus looked at what Serenias had laid on the table. Kreus lifted up the Data pad, scanning over what he held. “I’m still listening Ms. Ventros.” Serenias shook her head to clear it. “From what was told of me, it holds several encyclopedias, scientific works, languages, books, and various other things stored.” Kreus looked at Serenias, before he set the Data pad on the table. “Alright, until further notice this… thing will be allowed to stay with you. Until Director Hoel or Gercent returns from their trip to the annual budget meeting, which should be in a couple of days. I however expect that preliminary report in tonight.” Serenias felt a brief flash of anger but she knocked it down so she could leave. Kreus left the two of them to work on the initial reports, which didn’t take long. When he came back and accepted the reports Kreus did have something to say. “Ms. Ventros, I do have a message from Kenjins. He said that a woman saying that she was your mother was at your abode as of recent. I hope everything is in order.” Kreus left the room, leaving Serenias shell shocked that her mother was already in town.


Alright time for links and explinations.

Hoel was mentioned in a previous chapter (as well as where he got his name sake.) so we finally find out who he is.

And we get introduced to Seth, the opposite of D, and a fairly benign character. his story is (aptly) called "The Eyes of Chaos" namely because its very intuitive about his character and to his story's plot.

Seth's universe is very interesting because its mostly Sci-fi, with hints of other things. I'm not going to go into detail about the technological feats other than they have artificial gravity, at least one FTL drive, heavy gene modification, and a mostly advanced form of microcircuitry. and it still has the same problems that we have today, only more spread out.

the dresses in Wei's shop are mostly the modern qípáo, the one most people know of chinese dresses. and there is still factions among colonies. however it kinda degrades on the outer most ones due to the influx of other alien cultures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qipao

The light-board/Data pad is basically like a tablet Pc only smaller and much more advanced. it's current capacity (as far as I'm willing to state) can hold roughly (at lower end ones) two terabytes.

onto the alien races. the Corvae got their name from the common crow's genus name, Corvus. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corvus_(genus) ) while the Dryads got well, their name from their appearance to old earth myths. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dryad ). the Gorgus are bascially a carbon copy of Dyu, with a few minor changes. the Gorgus are more reclusive and a bit more sensible, and the name is taken from the Gorgons, the greek monsters that turned people into stone (or at least the most famous one). ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorgon )

the Black Lotus got its name from actually the magic card of the same name (which I think right now is completely banned from tournament play), but its designation is a better descriptor. XNT stands for Experimental Navigation Transport. the Forty third type B configuration. which means that there at least 44 versions of that ship (at least on paper). I won't reveal why Seth has it, namely because that's a plot point.

I think I did a decent job of describing the Academy. which aren't nice people. the Yggdrasil corp. and a couple others are major powers at least near the influence of the earth (or so its meant to sound). and basically Earth (our dear mother) is now being owned by a bunch of pompous @$$es that don't deserve its beauty.

anyway, yes the small bit of Zero g was put in there to drive home the point that not all places Serenias visits are on a planet. and also I wanted to add some foreshadowing. hehe.

and we get a little theory as to what happened in Serenias' home Alternate. I'll state this out now. Yes her history did involve the Knights Templar taking over the Catholic church. but they themselves were taken over by a much more militaristic and Fanatical branch which evolved into the Templar church. for the actual Knights Templar, who by the way were pretty cool people, here's the wiki on them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_Templar

somethings happened on screen that will probably have made questions in your mind, but those will be answered later, how ever somethings did happen off screen which will have much more significance soon.

I think thats about it, unless someone has a question or something it should be pretty comprehensive.

This post has been edited by Asher Omega: Jul 10 2009, 10:39 PM


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post Jul 18 2009, 12:06 AM
Post #47

Cosmix Fairy

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Okay, I read it and I liked it. We got some creative use of the dimension hopping and that's always good. Plus, a spread of knowledge and awesomeness thanks to Seth and a nice little sequence with Serj.

It was a long read, but a fulfilling one.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Jul 18 2009, 2:17 AM
Post #48

Butterflix Fairy

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Glad that it came off well. I was kinda worried due to the length of it, but I had to end it after they got back.


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post Jul 25 2009, 2:59 AM
Post #49

Cosmix Fairy
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Lots of...wow. I just read through four chapters over a few days. The story definitely changed gears and went far, fast! I think I stayed with it well enough. :) So many characters, which does make for a well-rounded universe. I think my favorite chapter was "On the Fields of Fiddler’s Green" because I was introduced to Serenia's personality and history. The Instinct persona was a great way to deal with internal dialogue.

I'm glad I got through your most recent additions. I wasn't sure I'd get to them before you left for training. Now I can stop worrying. But I think you'll continue to work on your story even while at Basic?
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Asher Omega
post Jul 25 2009, 4:08 AM
Post #50

Butterflix Fairy

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I'll be working on ideas as well as future chapters. also I will be working on Ice man and Gun, Mask, and Gaunlet (shortened to GMG for typing sakes). all of which are on my (not new but rediscovered) fictionpress account. just search for Asher Omega.


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Asher Omega
post Jul 31 2010, 4:11 AM
Post #51

Butterflix Fairy

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I am back which means that this poor post WILL BE REVIVED! thank you and tune in for updates.


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