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> A Short Story
post Nov 4 2009, 9:35 PM
Post #1

Cosmix Fairy

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You know I really was going to make it A.S.S. .. .. .. would be funnier

But I have to write a short story in my creative writing class, and I'm going to let the mix-mash of winx, transformers, stargate, and everything else pour out of my fingers.
Here is what I have so far. It is by no means done

Do you know the story of King Author and the knights of the round table? Of Merlin? OF Stonehenge, the great pyramids, and the other wonders of the ancient world? History books might have it all down as silly lore and fiction, but all is what not what it seems.

Thousands of years ago when Gods walked the Earth, when magical beings only found today in fairy tales lived and prospered, and shared our fair world, humans weren't in charge. There were three classes of life. The lowest of the low were the Trolls. They all were not trolls, no, but that level consisted of everything green, slimy, ugly and mean. Goblins, ogres, anything with green skin and sharp teeth. The next were humans. They couldn't do much but farm and live, but they were there. Most often the target by the Trolls for food or just for sport, and often protected by the higher class, the Divines.

The Divines were everything magical, fairies, elves, and the like. They lived in the clouds, flying cities, space ships, you could consider them that. They saw themselves as better then all other life, and thus distanced themselves from them for they had a vast understanding of technology and magic, a long lost art.
Blessed with a higher understanding of their world and huge lifespans, they could be considered by the dictionary definition as Gods. Only a few of them objected to their isolation and longed to rule the humans below. The vast majority stuck their noses up at the thought and exiled the others to the Earth, where they became the Caesars, pharaohs, emperors and conquers, and most importantly, the Gods of primitive man.

When the Church started to rise to power, these long lived Divines were slaughtered relentlessly until but a few of them remained. Some retreated to the far corners of the Earth with huge slave populations hoping to build a craft to return to their kind, others put themselves into exile, slowly taking their lives, and a few of them tried to gift their power to the humans by reproducing.

But, none the less, the Divines on Earth were nearly extinct with their numbers under fifty, and for several hundred years, slowly dropped.


One thousand years ago, the Trolls having their numbers grow because there was nothing to limit their numbers, started to spread. As the Divines were not true Gods, they were mortal and thus could be killed. The Trolls knew this, and had the technology to do this. The Divines did not know this, and in a seiries of unexplainable events, were killed 65 million years before the present. The Trolls had the power to send a weapon into the past to exterminate them in the present, but the decedents of the Earthbound Divines were aware that something like this would happen sooner or later.
They all banded together, except one, to attempt to take out the Trolls. But a half-blood fairy with a steel sword and shield was no match for thousands upon thousands of trolls. They were slaughtered.


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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post Nov 5 2009, 3:16 AM
Post #2

Sirenix Fairy

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From: Washington USA

nice story

thanks bloomgirl^^
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post Nov 5 2009, 1:48 PM
Post #3

Cosmix Fairy

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Well, not much happened.

But the elves. The goddamn elves. PUT THEM ALL IN THEIR PLACE, DAMMI- *gets shot dead*

Okay, anyways. If you are going to be doing a big crossover event, decide all the series you are going to be including

I myself am going to be a big Super Robot Wars fanfic sometime next year. It's going to include a number of series that I've already decided on, so I can do planning already and work out the details. I advise the same goes for you. Decide on all the series you are going to include right now and ask how they can flow together and mix and mesh.

... And for the love of god, I would pay money for you to utterly declare war on the Trollz. Just saying.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post Nov 5 2009, 1:59 PM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

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Trollz? *facepalm*


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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post Nov 6 2009, 8:01 PM
Post #5

Cosmix Fairy

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Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post Nov 6 2009, 8:13 PM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

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*Barges in*

Aaaah! Stop it! Trollz is even worse then Bratz!

*Runs right back out*

BTW, nice little story.

This post has been edited by P-girl: Nov 6 2009, 8:13 PM
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post Nov 10 2009, 1:21 AM
Post #7

Cosmix Fairy

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I've revised it

When you look up into the sky at night you can see the moon and a million other stars. Do you know the story of the moon, of the stars, of the worlds that are so far away, that time skips a beat? It is not what the world tells you, for something never wrecked into our world to create the moon, there was once life there..

Many millions of years ago, there was the earth, Terra, world of the humans. It was our home, but in the past. There was our moon, but then it was not a moon, but another planet. This world was known as Atlantus by its inhabitants. Humans, no. but they looked like us; or we looked like them, for they were the oldest of races among the stars.

There was another world, Tanoaus, called by those on Atlantus, but just called “home” by those who lived on it. It was no bigger then the moon, and its surface was a harsh grey rock with very little vegetation. Those who lived on it were equally as harsh as the planet. Skin as thick as armor, claws sharper then the sharpest knife, they were not primitive for they lived in a world more polluted then our world is now. They were the trolls. Not all of them were trolls, per say. Everything green, slimy, rocky, and ugly that ever existed in a children’s fairy tale lived there. Because this is, in fact, a fairy tale.

For that is what the inhabits of Atlantus were; fairies. Not all of them, but the vast majority. Everything from elves to pixies to nymphs and the like. Highly advanced life forms who had a vast understanding of the physical world. They were able to use this understanding to perform the acts of god and magic that we would consider today, but they just knew how to manipulate the world around them, they were not truly magical.
Atlantus, our moon, was a thriving metropolis. Silver cities, towering buildings ten times larger then anything built on Earth, flying cars, it would look like something crossed between a futuristic planet and a fairy tale, for most of the beings there could actually fly. The air was crystal clear, no form of pollution at all. Such a place could be considered a heaven were it not for the corrupt leaders that were the fairies.

They saw themselves as the oldest, wisest, and most powerful of any being that ever existed. Totally alienating themselves from most others on Atlantus, they saw Terra as a large toy and did whatever they wished with its simply human inhabitants. Tanous, on the other hand, was seen as a huge waste of space. Year after year they sent armies with weapons of unimaginable power to the world to exterminate the trolls, yet no form of explosion of radiation could kill them all off. They were nothing more then a pest.
That is, until they became a space faring race. The trolls slowly began to expand to other worlds, turning them into nearly inhabitable wastelands that nothing would ever want. Those of Atlantus need not concern themselves with this as they had everything they could ever imagine at their fingertips.
However, when every other planet and moon was conquered by the trolls, they finally turned their attention to Terra. The fairies would not at all stand for their planetary toy to fall to the trolls, and thus a thousand year long war began.

Such a war could not be described by me, you, or anyone else who saw it. Weapons powerful enough to destroy a star were used, billions of lives were lost, planets were even ripped apart by the magical energies of the fairies. There were, at one point, thirteen planets in our system, but only nine remain from the slaughter. One was plunged into the sun, another into Jupiter, one of the largest planet under Troll rule, closer to the sun then Venus, was sent to Saturn to be torn apart and becomes its rings, and the last one was Taonaus.

Taonaus, like Terra and Atlantus, were in the green zone. Life as we know it could exist naturally there, yet Taonaus was slightly further away from the sun. In a final attempt to strike back at the Fairies, the trolls launched their entire population to Terra in two great ships. At the same time, the fairies launched a weapon that could shatter the very fabric of reality to Taonaus. It destroyed the world, creating the asteroid belt.
One of the Troll ships/ landed on Terra with such a force that it killed nearly everything, the other went off course and hit Atlantus. These ships were so large, so massive, and so powerful that Atlantus’s orbit was changed. For three thousand years it zoomed within a million miles of the sun, all the way out past the Kuiper belt, a field of asteroids that make Pluto look like it is next to the sun! Everything there died, scaring the planet as we see it today. Very few of the people from Atlantus foresaw the coming onslaught and escaped to Terra, and on one faithful night, used their combined powers to slow and nudge their old world into orbit around their new home, Earth.
That was 65 million years ago.


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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post Nov 16 2009, 12:54 PM
Post #8

Cosmix Fairy

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Joined: January 23 2009

Behold, the new part. Notice how I suck at dialogs and keeping things going linear? I jump around!
The end part with -text- is just for my convience. I HATE having to hit " every other line so I just do - and replace - with " when im done

Adrian King pulled up his ship, Starlife, to the race buoy. He was the number one gate racer in the settlement, and he did not want to loose his title today, at the historic 500th annual Dublin Gate Race.
Dublin system was perhaps the biggest waste of space in the universe, or so it seemed. An entire star system, with no planets or any sizable object, settled for one reason; races. No planets, no asteroids, nothing. By looking at this place from anywhere within, it felt like you were in an empty sphere with the only other thing being the dim green star.

But in the split second it took him to realize how beautiful the system was, he was already last in race. Everyone else was almost a thousand miles ahead of him. Starlife wasn’t equipped for a race of speed and pure power, but turning and evading obstacles. He screwed up and he knew it, he lost his title of number 1 in the settlement. His journey back home will be a long and embarrassing one.

Adrian lived on Earth. Although there were thousands upon thousands of star systems settled, his family was one of the lucky ones. His father was one of the most important dealer of exotic and illegal weapons, and he was a part time gate racer. Of the six billion people who lived on Earth over 700 years ago, under 300 million remain, migrated to other planets.
Though Earth, being the oldest human planet, and the center of the entire settlement, was far from unpopulated. Every day, billions of people come and go, selling, buying, trading things from the smallest piece of metal to the largest stake of land on a new moon.
The entire planet was nearly one huge city. Almost all of North America was one paved piece of land with towering sky scrapers, even floating cities spanning the Atlantic ocean, enough that you could walk across it if you really were up to it. Very little of the surface was unused. Besides the mountains, people lived everywhere. There was next to no farm land because everything grown was done on Mars. Its soil was found to be much better at growing things then on Earth, it too was highly populated. There was also next to no pollution. Every bit of power came either from the sunlight, or the heat deep underground. Earth, for all intensive purposes, was a planetary metropolis.
Not only were Earth and Mars lived upon, but nearly every Earth”sized body in the system. Venus, was much drier but rich with mineral recourses. Most of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn were made very Earth”like, but life there was much harder.
Not even counting the other star systems settled. Major countries of Earth had an all out exodus, spreading their reign to dozens of systems. If you were to compare the international boarders that were on Earth so long ago, you would have the same thing, but with star maps.

Few believed that the answer to life is not outward, but inward to where we started. Adrian was one of them, but there was little more to do on Earth then look through things over and over. One of the last untouched places in the solar system was the moon. It had been decided long before man walked on other planets to leave the moon in its natural, pristine condition. But decisions made so long ago have no place in today’s society.

“Did you win?” Adrian’s father said as his son walked through the door to their home
“No, I didn’t win. And do you know why? Because I was looking at nothing!” he barked back at him.
“Nothing? How could you look at anything when you are racing for the championship?!”
“I don’t know,” He slammed the door and gestured to his ship in the garage. They were on the second floor and could see into the garage where their ships were landed. “All the rumors I heard were that there would be nav hazards and obstacles. Nobody ever told me it would be a straight shot around the system. She was not built for speed. I wasn’t ready”
“You zoned out”
“I did zone out. There’s no point discussing it further.”
“You’re right, there’s always next season”
“It’s always a damn season for me. I’m going out”
“But you just got in!”
“I’m going out”

He left the way he came in and went downstairs to the garage. He past his dog, Artu. Artu would be best described as a long line of mixed German Sheppard and Greyhound, because most dog breeds that existed in the 21st centaury have long ago evolved into something else.

Artu brushed up aside his leg as if she didn’t want him to go out again.
-Come on girl, I just have go to our somewhere. I need some air-
He laughed a little bit on the inside because of the irony of his statement.
-I get it, Artu. There is no air in space. I’m still going-
He climbed into the Starlife with no destination in mind. As he lifted off, he looked down on New Manhattan and felt disgusted at not only himself, but people in general. As he got into space he broke away from the regulated traffic and just went out into the system at full speed. So what if he got a sanction for breaking the law by disrupting traffic.
-It’s just money, and there is always more of that to get your hands on-

And before you say I stealed Artu from Roxy, I had to think up a weird name and it poped into my mind. HAH

This post has been edited by wkw427: Nov 16 2009, 12:58 PM


Ego Sum Deus Quo Malum Caligo et Barathum

I give my sincerest apologies if anything that I have mentioned in a post or image by me or relating to me, any word, ASCII character, vowel or constant is to be considered offensive in your native tongue. If it is, remember you're on the internet.
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