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> Majischule, A world will open up to you if you're right for it...
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Asher Omega
post Apr 11 2009, 4:41 AM
Post #141

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

hey, think of it this way, you'll have time to find more kinks that need a little more work. the main reason why Travels takes so long is that I'm practically doing revisions most of the time, adding something in, removing a piece of dialog that's not needed, usually I get something that, while takes a big chunk of my time, I'm usually pleased with. it also allows you to find more inspiration for your works. so while the compy virus isn't nice or good, there are some things that do not hinder you at all. I just hope that your compy gets better soon.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post Apr 18 2009, 12:48 AM
Post #142

Harmonix Fairy

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From: under a rock

Well, random update. REAL update is tomorrow. I think.

Anyway, an illustration of the astral plane to keep you busy: [link]

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post Apr 18 2009, 1:09 AM
Post #143

Cosmix Fairy

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Saori: @_@ So... pretty...

Shot: Ichimonji, snap out of it! We've got cultists to kill!

Rofl. Anyways, glad to know you're getting back into the swing of things. That'll make a line in the chapter after next week's in Saori all the more sweet.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post Apr 19 2009, 3:28 AM
Post #144

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
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From: under a rock

:At the LKSI headquarters:

*Alice: Have we located Linnea?

*Leo: Yes.

*Alice: Well, where the bloody hell is she?!

*Leo: *deep breath* Well...

*everyone stares. Suspense builds*

*Leo: She... is at...

*Alice: *smacks Leo*

*Leo: --WORK.

*Alice: Crap.

*Leo: I guess that means I'll be taking over the writing.

Yes, my friends. Work. I am now the harried possessor of not one, but TWO part-time jobs. Don't congratulate me. Just... don't. And guess what? Those are only the jobs I have W-4's for. ಠ_ಠ (I've been using that alot)

Okay, here's the chapter. That I rewrote after teh EVIL VIRUS ate the last one. Enjoy. *keels over*

*Alice: The title is sooooo ominous, fufufu.

Majischul Book 4: On the Other Side
Chapter 3: Conspiracy
Created 2008/2009 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.

There was a split second where nothing happened. Time stood still. Even the birds outside fell silent.
Then I yelped.
"YYEEAAARRGGHH!" I stumbled out from underneath the covers and fell flat on my face.
Kari giggled and I glared at her.
"Still as clumsy as ever, I see," my dead cousin commented, gliding to me and peering over the edge of my bed.
"No thanks to you!"
"Lee, you haven't changed a bit." She smiled, and I felt like ice had dropped into my stomach.
"Why are you here? What's going on?" I demanded, my voice a bit squeaky.
Kari sighed and made a face. "I guess things are getting out of hand at home, right?"
"Oh, no," I said sarcastically. "Everything's just dandy at home!"
"Ouch, you grew a sharp tongue!" Kari's catlike grin came back.
"Shut up! You always teased me!"
"Of course. I love you."
The feeling of ice intensified.
"Kari, why are you here? Either I'm hallucinating, or--"
"You're not hallucinating. Your Third Eye was activated after that scuffle in the Astral Realm. You'll be seeing ghosts for a long time, sweetheart."
"Oh. Great." Ghosts gave me the heebie-jeebies.
"Consider it a blessing. If you can see ghosts, you can see malevolent spirits as well." She shrugged a transparent shoulder and rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, like being able to fly was a blessing," I muttered, remembering my first flying lesson.
"Oh, it's not always that bad."
"How would you know?!" I exploded, glaring at her. "You died before the portal opened!"
"That doesn't mean that some people didn't know about the Uthra homeworld. The portal opening was merely human discovery. The Uthra people have been contacting Earthlings for years. Secretly, of course."
My mouth fell open. "You knew?!" I yelped.
Kari nodded.
"Don't go into your barnyard list, Lee. I'm here to deliver a warning."
I broke off from my tirade and felt the blood drain from my face. "Warning?"
"Yes." Kari's face darkened. "Lee, you and your friends are in grave danger."

A few minutes later, I was all freshened up and comfy in a nice, plushy chair. Kari just hung in midair, staring at me.
"Oh, I wish I could live again," Kari said enviously.
I blinked. "You can, can't you? I mean, reincarnation's been proven and all..."
"Lee, I can't reincarnate until I fulfill my duty. I died before I could do it on Earth."
"And your duty would be...?"
Kari bit her lip. "Well, it's not your Fate to find out right now, so..."
"What?" Kari gave me a pouty look. "I'm just trying to follow orders."
"FROM WHO?!" I yelled, losing patience. I've never had that in abundance.
Kari gave me an evil smile. "Can't tell you."
"Sorry, Squirt. I'm honor and dharma-bound to not tell you."
"AUGH!" I facepalmed, fighting the urge to get up and bash my head into the wall.
Kari didn't even look sorry. "Look, Lee. I'm charged with being a protector and a spirit guide for you, so you can..." she hesitated.
"What? Fulfill my destiny?" I asked sarcastically.
"You've been watching too much Mizuki."
"Shut up."
Kari giggled in the way she used to. "That's my baby cousin."
"Yeah, well, I'm not a baby anymore," I grumbled.
"I know. You're all grown up." She made an angry sound. "That makes my job harder."
I wanted to ask... but then again she wouldn't tell me anyway. Crap.
"Lee, I know it's killing you... not knowing everything." She sounded genuinely sorry. "But I can't reveal too much. It could change the future... and it could ruin your chances to make important decisions. It could even put you in even worse danger than you're already in."
"It would be nice to know what that danger is."
Kari seemed to hesitate. "It's a conspiracy, Lee."
That stopped me. I stared at her. "What?" I demanded, numb.
"Like I said, humans and the Uthra have been in contact for many centuries. Around the time humans started getting more destructive, certain Uthra people began getting worried about human capabilities. When the atomic bomb became a reality, a faction of the Southern Demonic tribes broke away from the general populace. They claimed that they had received messages from the gods telling them that humans would lead to the utter downfall of sentient beings in the universe." She made a face.
"The demonic factions began redoubling their efforts to diminish the existence of humanity. They planted riots, messed with technology, and outright murdered people. They'd been doing things of that sort for a lot of history. You know the Hindenburg?"
I nodded.
"How 'bout the Titanic?"
"You're kidding."
"No joke. And the 'Aryans' that Hitler idolized? Glamoured demons, Lee."
"No, I'm not done. The Uthra High Council has been trying to get a hold on these rebels for a while. But there are several things they didn't think of."
"The Sidhe."
"Faeries?" I asked, confused.
"Yeah. The Sidhe people are travelers. They pass through the planes of existence as easily as you walk from room to room." Kari smiled slightly. "And they aren't too finicky about who they mate with."
This sunk in. "You're part Sidhe." I deadpanned.
"You are, too. Our great-great-great grandmother met a man who connected with her. Do you believe in 'Soul Mates'?"
"So why...?"
"Hold on. I'm still going." Kari held up a hand. "So once in a generation, a descendant is born with a lot of Sidhe energy within their karma. That person becomes an Arella, or a messenger."
"You're an Arella?"
"Yup. You were an anomaly - a human-born Fatina. That's odd."
I pouted. "Thanks."
"No, no, it's okay. When you were born, I had a vision of a great Lady. She told me that you were a very special cousin and that you needed lots of love and protection." She smiled. "Then I saw you for the first time and I knew that she was right. I've always cared for you more than any of our other cousins. When I turned thirteen, the Lady appeared to me again and told me everything. She reiterated that you were special and I had to do whatever I could to protect you."
"So, when you started showing signs of magick, I helped you bit by bit. Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't. All that mattered was that you were happy and healthy." A dark look crossed her face. "Then..."
"Then you were killed."
"You remember it, right?"
The feeling of ice intensified. "How could I forget?" I had had a vision of her death at that time, and I had just heard a strange snatch of conversation.
"I knew it. Clairaudience. Your powers are growing faster than anyone expected." She sat back, looking supremely proud of me.
I was just confused. "Clairaudience? You mean hearing stuff from far away through ESP? But that was the past!"
"So? You're still hearing stuff from far away using ESP. It's far away from you in both physical distance and time."
That made sense. "So what about... then?"
"Well." She narrowed her eyes. "One of the demonic factions figured out what I was and targeted you. I couldn't let them take you, so I did a little fancy spell, convinced your mom to stay with Granmama for the night, and confronted the assassins. They killed my body, sure. But the spell took - one that would suppress your powers until you were ready and able to use them... until the world was ready to accept your gifts."
"So you were the reason that the visions stopped after 9-11!" I exclaimed.
"No, I merely weakened them. I didn't count on your Shields being so strong. You suppressed your powers. The spell merely ripped the binds away when you needed a little extra help. Surely you noticed?" she gave me an odd look.
I opened my mouth to negate that, then thought hard.
She was right. Even before the near-death car accident, I'd noticed little bits of luck going my way. I'd just drawn it up to chance. It didn't even surprise me that it was true.
"So why are you appearing to me now? Besides the fact that I'm now apparently mediumistic?"
"Lee, my murderer is in this very city. You magickal scent is practically dragging him towards you. He's been hunting you since the day I died, and now that you're unbound... well, all he'd have to do was close his eyes and take a deep sniff."
My mouth dropped open. "Oh, shi--"

"What? The Arella is with her?"
"I'm sorry, Milord. The Shields on the hotel didn't keep the Sidhe out." Malisha bowed, keeping her face low. "I've no idea how she managed to evade my own barriers."
"Well, it is too late to remedy that. Has Guergo received his orders?"
"Yes, Milord. The meeting will be later, after Midday."
"Excellent. We'll take out two of the biggest threats to our people, all in one fell swoop!"

I heard Sara's voice outside the door, and she sounded either frantic or excited.
"I'm awake--" I started to yell, but the door slammed open and everyone rushed in.
"HOLY MOTHER OF TIME!" Sara shouted upon seeing Kari. "WHO--WHAT--??"
"Uh... Sara? Meet my late cousin Kari."
Sara merely stared and sputtered while the others looked politely confused.
"Sara can see ghosts," Kari said. It was not a question.
"Yeah. She's always been able to."
"Who are you talking to?" Solana asked.
I got up, shuffled over to her, and slapped her across the face.
"Thanks," she mumbled. She kind of flopped onto the bed and groaned.
"I'm confused," Shiia said, speaking for everyone.
I made a face. "Trust me, it gets worse." With that, I began to tell them everything Kari had told me.
We talked for about half an hour about everything. Sara had finally calmed down enough to give me another angle to our dilemma.
"Lee, it may not just be you." She looked at me with wide eyes. "Don't you see? If Kari's right, and this assassin is in the area, then the bad guys may be going for a big bang!"
I blinked. "What?"
"Lee, you've always gotten visions before big stuff happens. What if you're sensing something huge? Something like September 11th? My god, you have to meet with the President of the United States in less than an hour!"
There was dead silence in the room, and then Rojye said, "Well, d'Arvit!"
That pretty much summed it up.
IT'S BACK! *flops down dead on ground*

*Lee: *curled into ball and staring blankly at empty space* Mmmmurgle.

*Leo: *in fetal position* G-ghosts-s-s-s-s...

As you can see, I've put in a lot of thought for timing. (Okay, I know. I suck. I suck. I suuuuccckkk. But then again, life is throwing fastballs at me right now. I've got graduation in a month, two jobs, and a million of things to do before school ends. Cut me some slack. Hey, at least I'm not sick anymore)

Two things.

A: D'Arvit is shamelessly pulled from Artemis Fowl and all of those other books in the series. It's the fairies' swear word. Teehee.

B: A Sidhe is based off of the faeries of Gaelic folklore. *nods* Go look it up on wikipedia. I'm too tired to link to it. Arellas are not really types of Sidhe. I just pulled it from an ARG I did a looooong time ago. I'm pretty sure "Arella" is Hebrew for "the messenger". If I'm wrong, let my Barbie percent go up to 40.

Aaaannnndddd that's all for now, folks. Next week - anti-multi-dimensional-terrorist plans that epically fail! BWUAHAHAHA!

*Alice: Oh. Great. A Chief that's slaphappy.

LK: Blame my parents. They insisted on a second job.

*Alice: *sighs*

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post Apr 19 2009, 3:47 AM
Post #145

Cosmix Fairy

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Posts: 3,850
Joined: September 7 2007

Iris: O_O AWESOME! Someone doing roughly the same job as me! Kerri, we should totally trade notes with her some- Oh... yeah.

Shot: Forgot, didn't you?

Iris: V_V Don't judge me!

Well, some more exposition, but no shame in that. We get to find out some more stuff and get a better grasp of the villains and where they're coming from with all of this. Granted, being responsible for a lot of things seems a little crazy, but hey. You're talking about a legion of powerful demons and it would make sense you needed to make them verifiable threats.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post Apr 19 2009, 3:56 AM
Post #146

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 3,858
Joined: February 19 2008
From: A Land Down Under

Great! I'm glad you posted it. It's definately getting really good now.


Badge by Morny.
Personal Photo made by sailorvs4
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post Apr 19 2009, 7:54 PM
Post #147

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

@W.I.N.X. thanks ^^

@Morrigan Kari's not quite a remnant psyche. She's more or less a Sidhe who exists only in spirit, and not body. That been said, she can still pass through the barriers of dimensions like they're wet tissue, and she's not in any way limited to a certain amount of distance away from Lee. Besides, she's got a few other missions she has to complete... all having the same goal... which I'm not saying... (because I either haven't thought of them yet or I just feel like being evil.) But I get the feeling that Kari and Iris would get along... then they can gang up on Leo and scare the pee outta him. XD

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 17 2009, 1:58 AM
Post #148

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

WARNING: some foul language ahead. Sorry. Sara swears when she's under pressure.

Majischul Book 4: On the Other Side
Chapter 4: Beyond the Mind's Gates
Created 2008/2009 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.

I woke up.
For a second, remnants of memory... a purpose... flitted through my mind.
Then... nothing.
I sat there in the dark, not even thinking.
I jumped, feeling a spike of fear rushing through my chest. "H...hello?" I ventured, my tongue tripping over the word.
Was I speaking a real language?
Wait... was I...?
I? Who?
My brain fizzed, short circuiting.
Wait. What was a circuit?
There was that sound again!
"Um... is someone he-- tha-- um..."
Why weren't words coming to me?
"Someone else is around?" a slurred voice asked from the shadows to my left. "Someone who donna speak? Or do-- ah?"
"I dunno."
"I'm awake, I think?"
I swallowed. "You might be."
"And you?"
"I dunno."
"Well, thatta not good, eh?" The speaker finally came into view. My eyes grew accustomed to the dim surroundings, and I squinted at my companion. "Who're you then?" he... she... it? asked.
"I dunno."
"Well, I dunno who'm I either." He (I decided it was a man... thing) rubbed his head (or his hair... I really didn't know) and blinked glumly at me. "So where're me and you then?"
"I dunno."
"Dun' you say an'thing else?"
"I... dunno."
"You dun' r'member nuthin'?"
"Well that makes a-two u've us." He looked as if he was having as much trouble speaking as I was.
I shivered. "'s cold here, where'ver we are."
"Hm. You're right." He looked at me critically. "Why're you not wearing long sleeves?"
"I dunno." Sleeves. Cloths that went over your arms. Right?
While I mused over this, my companion got up and went away, walking in a haphazard path until he stopped. "'t goes one for'ver," he said, sounding surprised. "How did we get here?"
"Mebbe we was always here?" I suggested.
"No, I dun' think so." But he sounded unsure.
The magnitude of what we'd come to realize hit us with a cold dripping sensation in our stomachs.
We knew nothing.


It had been a very hectic day. Personally, I couldn't see how it could be worse.
First Lee gets sick. Don't ask me why, she just does.
Then I go out with the Twinkie brigade and eat freaking SEAFOOD.
I. Hate. Seafood.
Then I come back to find that Lee, despite her fear of the walking dead, is conversing quite serenely with her DEAD COUSIN.
Walk into a brick wall a few hundred times and you'll feel a fraction of what I was feeling.
But wait! -- it gets better. Or worse. Whatever floats your boat.
Suddenly, an epiphany! We realize why all the weird crap was being... well, weird crap.
The President was in danger.
And Lee was in danger.
And they were about to meet.
I angrily jabbed the elevator button and waited for the thing to ding up to our floor.
"Sara, please."
I looked back at Lee, who seemed a bit... sickly.
"Whaaaat?" I asked.
"Just... calm down, okay?"
I sighed and went through the motions of Grounding, and I willed the negative energies to flow out through the base of my spine.
It did little to alleviate the tension that I felt in my psychic chakras. I tasted something bitter near the back of my mouth, and my eyes seemed to be blurring.
Sure signs of my onset-anxiety. I was going to have to do a hell of a lot more than Grounding my bad energy out.
But the little that I had been able to do set Lee's nerves to ease. "You felt like you were full of static," she commented. "Not pleasant to be around, Stare-ah."
"Oh, please." But it made me feel a bit better to have helped settle her.
The Hover-powered elevator finally arrived at our floor, and we all trooped in.
"So we head to the Embassy and then what?" Lucia wanted to know.
Ah. Good point.
"We demand to see POTUS and... um..." I trailed off, unsure.
"Well, this is comforting. Rushing in without a plan of action." Rojye drawled.
I whacked him in the shoulder, sending him reeling back against the wall. "Ow," he said reproachfully, glaring at me.
"Shut up and take it, you sissy."
I sighed and did the Grounding meditation again. Still wasn't working well.
"****," I muttered.
Lee rolled her eyes and focused on the shiny glass wall in front of her.
"Listen, Lee--" Shiia jumped in, trying to soothe her. "It'll all be fine. We'll prevent whatever's going to happen. We have to think positively."
"I know. It's just..."
But she never got to elaborate. We reached ground floor and took off running.


I got up and assessed my surroundings.
Gray. Gray, gray, gray, gray. All around me stretched flat gray planes, stretching off into misty horizons. The other person was right. It went on forever. Just an empty gray plane. Empty.
No wind. No sun. Even the dirt below my feet was gray.
I shuddered. All of a sudden, whatever this place was had become very cold.
"Find any'thin?" I called.
My companion shook his head. "Not a damn thing."
I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno why you even bother."
"Well, moving around seems to help with thinking straight... and talking normally." He looked at me oddly. "Why aren't you moving?"
"I'm ascared."
"Don't be. It's not that bad." The other person held out a hand to me, and suddenly the distance between us seemed shorter.
"I dunno."
"You've really got to stop thinking in such short bursts," he advised.
I shrugged my shoulders. It was kind of nice to not know things. It was nice to be numb.
For once.
I shook my head.
"You really want to stay in the dark? You don't want to question anything?"
"It'll hurt."
"But wouldn't it be worth it?" his dark eyes probed me. I squirmed uncomfortably.
"It hurted so much before," I reasoned. "I'm sick of hurting."
The man looked shocked. "You were hurt before?"
"For askin' stuff. For pushin'." I didn't know where this was coming from, but I knew it was true. "Hurtin' sucks. I'm done with it."
"But you need a reason to keep going. If you don't ask things, you'll never grow."
"Growing hurts."
"Of course it does. But it's worth it. Good things come from trying hard."
"I tried hard to do something. But I didn' do it. I failed. I failed. Someone got hurted."
"But he forgave you."
I looked up at my companion. Then, making a split decision, I stood up again and wobbled.
Then I took my first baby step.


We ran out the front door with nary a glance towards traffic. Our situation was hopelessly desparate. If anything, I didn't even want to bother with a taxi or anything. I felt it more pertinent to get where we were going as fast as possible.
Of course, that was probably a bad idea, so Lucia imperiously flagged down a taxi and we piled in.
We left Solana back at the hotel with Talika and Salima. The two of them seemed unwilling to get tangled up with a psychotic Earth government. With good reason, I guess.
Lee looked positively fit to be tied as our driver fought through traffic.
"You kids from Earth?" he asked in accented English.
"Yup." I said tersely.
"We need to get to the Embassy as quickly as possible, good driver," Lucia said.
"Of course, sir."
There was a tense silence.
"Traffic is horrible," Lee whispered.
I patted her on the back.
"Sara, you're all staticky again."
"Sorry, Lee. This isn't something that normal Grounding can get rid of."
Lee looked less than pleased. She began to bite her nails.
I gave up trying to calm her and looked desperately to Shiia.
She wordlessly took over, rubbing the shoulder closest to her.
I looked out the window and cursed in Gaelic.
"Quit swearing, Sara," Lee muttered.
"I thought you didn't speak Gaelic."
"I don't. I just know you too well."
I rolled my eyes, but a gruff chuckle escaped everyone, including me.
And we continued our slow trek towards the Embassy... and pending disaster.


"Nothing!" I threw my hands into the air and stomped on the ground. "Nothing but gray, gray, gray, GRAY!"
"But you're speaking in complex sentences. That's something."
"I guess so." I looked up into the empty "sky". "It still doesn't help with the real question: where ARE we?"
"We're not going to find out just hanging around, are we?" My companion looked at me pointedly.
"You're right. I'm still not remembering whatever memory I flashed on at first."
"Me either. But it stands to reason that we were somewhere else before. And we 'knew' other things before we were here."
"Yes, that is true. It also stands to reason that this could be--"
Then a horrible pain struck my head, right between my eyes.
"UGH!" I crumbled, clutching my temples.
"Are you all right?" my companion cried, freaking out.
"Yeah... just... oi."
"Oi? Oi what?
"Oi, that hurts." I rubbed my forehead and made a face.
"What were you about to say?" my companion asked.
I blinked and shook my head. "I don't remember."
"That... makes sense."
But before he could elaborate, he too fell to the ground, yelling in pain.
I decided not to speculate any further. Someone was pulling the strings and didn't want me or the other person to be thinkin--


The crawling traffic slowed even further, and then we realized our efforts to ride to the Embassy were utterly futile.
How, you ask? Well, we passed the scene of a nasty accident.
Mouths open, we watched in horror as a Peacekeeping brigade, along with an Emergency Response Team, moved gawkers away as the PKB dragged the victims of the accident into the equivalent of police cruisers.
I decided that I didn't want to know.
Then traffic utterly stopped.
We exchanged meaningful glances and Lucia spoke up. "Good driver, we regret to say, but your assistance may not be necessary anymore. We'll pay you for your troubles."
"I regret that I was unable to assist you, noble sirs and ladies." Even so, the driver accepted Lucia's proffered money without much of a qualm.
We jumped out of the useless taxi and hotfooted it to the sidewalk.
"Well?" Rojye yelled to me as we motored through slow-moving pedestrians.
"Well what?" I roared back, thoroughly annoyed.
"Come up with a good plan yet?"
"NO!" I snapped.
"Okay then." Rojye wisely chose not to continue with his questions.
We ran some more.
"Where--the hell--is this Goddamn--Embassy?!" I demanded, fed up with the world in general.
"Just another block away," Shiia panted.
They chose not to engage me in further conversation.
Finally, when I felt ready to explode, the white-marble building came into view.
"FINA-FRICKIN'-LY!" I puffed, falling to my knees.
The others skidded to a halt, catching their breath.
"Let's do this," Lee said quietly.
We all straightened and walked purposefully in.


We kept walking. I felt as if I'd done too much of that today. Like I'd been walking a long time and not getting anywhere at all.
Strangely, while this knowledge was like common sense, I was not at all tired. And it made absolutely NO SENSE.
I rubbed my forehead. Whatever our situation was, my companion and I were not supposed to think about it or rationalize anything.
Someone had to be pulling our str--
No. Stop it. Avoid another headache.
I kept walking.


The receptionist jumped in surprise and stuttered something Uthra.
Lucia answered calmly and threw me a look. I glared back at him, past being civil.
"He says the President is in a meeting right now and we ought to wait for our appointed time. Lee's appointed time."
"We can't wait! What if it's an assassin?"
"Working ourselves into fits will do us no good," Shiia said reasonably.
"Sara, calm down!" Lee ordered.
I stopped short at the crack in her voice.
Lee was terrified. Something was clearly scaring her badly.
"Someone's watching me. I can feel it."
"No surprise there," I heard a quiet whisper.
I looked up and saw Kari floating above Lee. "Someone has followed you," she said in a cautioning tone.
"I know." Lee whispered.
"Wait a minute. I know who you are--"
We turned around at the sound of a familiar voice.
The President of the United States was walking towards us, a big smile on his face.
"The prodigies from Majischul! It's an honor--"
"Mr. President!" Lee shrieked, her eyes widening in horror. "Look out!!"
With that, she dove in front of him before his Secret Service men even registered the threat.
A bright light expanded from her chest and blanketed her and the President as the assassin's curse roared out from behind us.
The receptionist shot us a nasty grin as his eyes turned black as night. He bared fangs as his form faded away.
And we all stared in numb horror and shock at the crumpled figures of the Most Powerful Man on Earth...
and Lee...
...and they weren't moving.


"What's that?"
I looked up. "What's what?"
"That, up there. Is that what I think it is?"
It was a bench.
We stared at it.
"I'm not touching it," I said, my tone conveying my suspicion.
"I won't, either."
We both sat down on the ground in front of the bench and stared at it some more.
"I don't like this."
"Same here."
I tried to reason some more, but the pain in my head began to grow.
Finally, I got sick of it.
"That's it! Whoever's toying with me is going to be sorely disappointed! I have been hurt WAY too much in the past, whatever happened then, and I made it through! I WILL FIGURE THIS OUT!"
A bolt of lightning roared out of the sky and struck the empty ground in front of me as a omnipresent voice said in a monotone:
"Oh? And what if there's nothing to figure out at all?"

Not much to say. I want to leave you all with a sense of confusion. ^-^

Meanwhile, I'm hard at work getting ready to graduate and do some finals. *cracks knuckles* Plus some Winx!self projects that I stupidly took on at the wrong time.

Anyway, I'm glad that philosophy class will finally be useful in this story. Which will continue more regularly once I get out of school. Graduation's next week. WOOHOO!

Anyway, I've got so many other projects that it became hard to draw the line between this one and another. A lot of story bleeding has been going on. So pieces of Alice's story, an ATLA-universe story, and a random fantasy story might appear in this one... not that anyone will recognize it.

Meh. I'm all writed out.

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 17 2009, 2:21 AM
Post #149

Cosmix Fairy

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Ooh! Avatar! Nice!

And going Giant Robo on us and incorporating a lot of different stories into this one isn't any problem.

Incidentally... it was a nice twist with (presumably) Lee being the one one killed. The way you started it I wondered if it had been someone else who was going to play an important role. And even if it's not Lee that got killed, it was still a nice chapter once I realized what was going on.


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post May 17 2009, 2:25 AM
Post #150

Harmonix Fairy

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From: under a rock

Ten to one your guess is off. Hopefully, next chapter will serve to rattle everyone's beliefs.

See, you THINK you know what's going on... (which is the intended effect)

...but it's NOT.

Teehee. ^-^

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post May 17 2009, 2:28 AM
Post #151

Cosmix Fairy

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Damn you and your sucker punches, LinneaKou! Damn you and your sucker punches!


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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post May 17 2009, 3:15 AM
Post #152

Harmonix Fairy

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From: under a rock

If it keeps y'all coming back for more, then I'll take it. ^^

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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Asher Omega
post May 23 2009, 12:16 AM
Post #153

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

I will not be fooled. besides, it can't be worse than what I have in store for Serenias in some later chapters.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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post Jul 19 2009, 4:54 AM
Post #154

Harmonix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 287
Joined: April 14 2007
From: under a rock

*Alice: Okay, this is an announcement. As of today, Saturday the fourth of July, we - and by "we" I mean Lee, Leo, Acie, Sayuri, and myself - have taken over LinneaKou Studios and have tied Lii to a tree.

*Leo: By the way, can anyone send some more duct tape? She keeps wiggling out of it.

*Alice: ...MOVING ON. Lii is a fuddy-duddy-idiot who seriously neglected this story so bad, she deserves to have abuse suits slapped all over her.

*Lee: I agree. ;_;

*Alice: SO Leo and I will be taking over the series until she manages to get the tape off. Speaking of which... *skips off to cocoon Lii in more duct tape*

*Leo: PRESENTING... MAJISCHULE SPECIAL EDITION... to make up for yet ANOTHER hiatus.

Majischul Book 4: On the Other Side
Chapter 5: Reality
Created 2008/2009 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.

The bench vanished. My companion and I both whirled around as a howling wind came shrieking towards us across the barren landscape.
I felt frozen. Was this normal? I quit asking questions as a cold sensation dropped into the pit of my stomach.
I was alone.
Wait a minute, there had been someone else here! I didn't know who he was, but he was definitely here!
Wasn't he?
"Now do you understand?"
A-ha! I wasn't alone!
"Understand what?" I yelled back, pissed.
"You cannot be serious, you honestly don't know?"
"Frankly, you're dodging the question!"
"Silence! All you are doing is arguing with nothing!"
That shut me up. "What?"
"You aren't arguing with anyone, are you?"
The voice sounded familiar...
It was mine.
"You know the answer, don't you?"
The thought had occurred to me.
"You, the one and only person capable of it, are alone in this Universe."
The Voice fell silent.
I was left alone.
Who had that man been, then?
Just another figment of your imagination,
I mean *MY* imagination...
The headache returned. Oh bother.
But who was I? Surely I had a name?
But if I was the only one that there was, I probably didn't need a name.
I just stood there for a while, I didn't know how long it was.
It couldn't be that this was the real world. It couldn't be. I remembered stuff that didn't involve fractured bits of my mind interacting with me.
A vehicle... urgency... danger...
My head gave a fresh throb.
If this entire world was imaginary, why would I want to hurt myself? It didn't make any sense.
And if this world was my mind - in essence, me - well, there had to be something else to oppose myself, just so I could establish myself.
This made no sense. I wasn't God!
Or am I?
No, impossible. Then I'd know for sure. God was supposed to be omnipotent.
Ouch! My head again.
If I were God, I couldn't get a headache. Dammit!
Wake up...
I wanted to!
An eerie wind whistled past me, tossing my hair into my face.
Blech, I always hated when it did that.
I spat it out and made a split-second decision. I had to keep walking.

In our earliest times, which were when civilization was just becoming civilized, there were may gods and goddesses who presided over the people. They would choose a priest or priestess to speak for them and performed miracles beyond anything a Magick User could. Their powers were vast, and they were good and kind folk.

"Ohmygod I don't think she's breathing..."

But not all gods had disappeared - Ilianou, the goddess who was killed, was reborn into the body of a Fatina Magick User, and she single-handedly took down Bodache, making him her mortal enemy.

I just wanted to not screw up for once.

The two Magick Warriors continue to reincarnate in order to fight once again for battles lost in the lives before: Ilianou always for good and light, and Bodache always for darkness and evil.

Was that too much for me to attempt?

"Took you a while."
We stood face-to-face... Ilianou and me.
She crossed her arms. I put my hands on my hips.
"How long were you waiting?"
"Since the last time I died," she said, laughing harshly.
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
"At least you made it at all." She looked me over, as if deciding whether or not I was worth whatever was on her mind. "You're a lot... younger than I expected."
"Stop apologizing for things you can't help," she advised sternly, a smirk playing on the corner of her mouth.
"Um. Force of habit."
"Habits are foolish mortal things that can be broken."
"Where am I?" I asked, cutting to the chase. "This doesn't make any sense."
"Well, where's the only place you could meet me?" she asked, amused.
"Heaven? The Astral Plane? The coffee shop down the street from my house?" And the images filled my head as I mentioned those places, grainy and undeveloped in some cases, while in others full-color and rendered.
"Surely you realize that the only place you could come to terms with yourself is within yourself," she said pointedly.
"So... this is all inside my head?" I quipped, thinking once again of Harry Potter.
"You decide. I think you need to wake up - someone wants to thank you." With that, she threw her arms around me--

There was a flash--

Majischul Book 4: On the Other Side
Chapter 6: Truth
Created 2008/2009 by LinneaKou Studios LTD.


"Keep calling!" I shouted at Shiia as I pumped Lee's chest, trying to get a heartbeat going. "They have to respond sooner or later. Someone's going to have to breathe for her, quick!"
"Are you joking?" Rojye demanded, wide-eyed. "What are you doing?"
"CPR, what the hell do you think?!"
"Move aside!" yelled a Fatine, shoving me roughly away.
"Sara, they're medics!" Lucia yelled as he dragged me back.
"I don't care, they don't know how to--"
"Sara, shut up!" Rojye roared into my ear.
The Healers surrounded Lee as the President of the United States hobbled over, his already pasty face paler.
"I can't believe... the alarms didn't even..." he looked at Lee's prone form and swallowed. "Did anyone say how she's going to end up? Will she be okay?"
"Mister President," I said hoarsely. "If we knew, we'd goddamn tell you."
Shiia smacked me on the head as she paced, her Porta-com open as she frantically redialed the hotel we were staying at.
If anyone should be at work on Lee, it should be Salima. Sali could see people's chakras and auras. She could realign whatever the hex had disjointed.
The hex itself had been fired from a simulcrum, or a fake person made from clay, air, and water. Somehow, the terrorists had managed to get it into service and manipulate it so that it would be present the day Lee and the President were to meet.
Upon checking behind the service counter, we found a pile of mud - a final memento of our demented attackers.
Minutes after the hex had hit Lee and the President, the President had woken up. He had merely blacked out, and had been a little dazed when we pulled him off the ground.
Lee still hadn't stirred.
I felt my heart thumping in my chest.
I looked at Kari, who was paler than your average ghost. "Sara, this isn't what I meant!" she whispered, horrified.
"Then what the hell DID you mean?" I hissed.
"There are two terrorist groups here in the Uthra homeworld - the anti-human group, which created the simulcrum; and then the anti-Fa--"
We heard a hoarse coughing sound, and all of us froze.
"Who the hell are you and why are you poking me there??!"
"Amazing--!" we heard one of the medics breathe. "We didn't even start the treatments--"
Lucia peeled away from us at speeds that ought to be in the records book. He slid through the gaggle of Healers before emerging with Lee leaning heavily on him.
Lee took one look at the President before gasping, "It was you!"
The President blinked.
Kari made a weird noise to my right.
And Shiia and Rojye averted their eyes.
"What? What's wrong with you people?" Lee demanded, obviously stressed to the point of fraying.
"Lee... you're not--"
"Step aside! You there, Lord! We need to check the victims over in the infirmary right now!" The Captain of the Imperial Guard elbowed his way through the crowd and a bunch of official-looking military men took Lee from Lucia and respectfully manhandled the President away. "We'll let you know if there's anything to worry about," the Captain said in a professional tone. He glanced at the remains of the simulcrum and winced. "Dammit, all the crazies are loose today," he muttered, turning on his heel and marching away.
And leaving us standing there.


I felt myself being carried to some hospital, but I was numb with shock. How the hell could I have shared a freaky coma dream with the President of my home country and NOT KNOW WHO HE WAS? And why was he acting like he didn't remember?
Or maybe he didn't. After all, it did take place entirely in my mind.
Urgh. Maybe THIS was the fake reality...
No. No. Don't think about that. Focus on what's happening to your consciousness NOW.
I glanced over at him, on a separate hospital bed, and spoke up. "Do you remember anything at all?" I asked, afraid of what the answer might be.
"Only stepping out of the elevator and seeing you run at me. Then I just woke up on the lobby floor." He glanced at me, concerned. "How did you know?"
"A number of things," I answered as nonchalantly as I could. "Mostly just a bad case of the heebie-jeebies."
"Ah." With that, he turned and glanced up at the TV screen that made up the upper half of the ward's wall. "Oh, God," he muttered, disgusted, as the screen showed a news reporter standing in front of the Embassy. The whole thing was in Uthra, but the subtext was clear enough. "Already, the circus has come to town."
"Sorry," I started to say --
Stop apologizing for things you can't help. I told you that already!
My mouth snapped shut and I shot a couple glances around the room.
Empty except for me and The Arguably Most Powerful Man on Earth.
Well, know that you'll never be truly alone ever again, Lìnnia.
Oh, crap. I was going crazy.
You're NOT going crazy. Just ask Kari.
What does Kari have to do with anything? I asked silently, feeling my level of panic rise. Kari's dead!
Kari is an Arella and Arellas know these things, the Voice answered, amused. Besides, we just met. Perhaps we weren't introduced well enough. I'm the Goddess Ilianou.
Oh, great. I am definitely seriously crazy. I'm convincing myself that the Little Voice In My Head was that of the legendary Uthra Goddess. What an egocentric delusion.
A silent sigh. I see it will take more convincing for you, Ilianou said, disappointed.
You bet it will.
You'll hear again from me soon, the Goddess promised sternly, before falling silent.
Great, one more reason for me to question my general sanity, I grumbled mentally.
Nothing. No response.
I was temporarily alone in my own head.
Which begged the question: what had happened in those mere minutes - minutes! - of unresponsive coma-time?
Maybe I retreated to some inner point of my mind? Or maybe I'd glimpsed true reality?
Either way, I wasn't going to get much sleep during my stay at Othrworlde Hospital General.


"WHY WON'T YOU LET US SEE HER?" Rojye shouted at the top of his lungs.
Next to me, Kari winced. "He's not helping issues," she said.
"Rojye, put a sock in it!" I ordered.
"Quit bossing me around! Something happened to her while she was under!" Rojye insisted. He crossed his arms. "Look at her! That hex did something to her!"
"I sure as hell hope not, otherwise some anti-human ingrates are going to find themselves strung up by their entrails on the nearest skyscraper," I muttered, cracking my knuckles.
"Happy thoughts, Sara. Happy thoughts."
"Would you shut up? For an Arella, you're not terribly helpful!"
Kari suddenly froze, as if she was hearing something that frightened her. "Oh no," she whispered, her eyes widening.
We all stared at her. "What?!" I demanded, wishing she was a flesh-and-blood being so I could grab her by the shoulders and shake her.
"I have to go! A Goddess has entered this plane!" With that, she vanished.
"Great." Rojye groused, slouching against the wall.
"What did she mean?" Shiia wondered. "The Gods haven't been on this plane of existence since before Bodache's war."
"Except Ilianou," Lucia said suddenly.
We all started. Even I knew of the legendary Goddess.
"This doesn't bode well..."

*Alice: Hm, I wrote this part of the webcomic while I was really depressed.

*Leo: When was that?

*Alice: ...after a terrible tragedy...

*Leo: ...?

*Alice: ...that I don't want to talk about...

*Leo: Ah.

*Lee: WHY am I being abused here? Why am I hearing voices?

*Leo: Not voices. A Voice.

*Lee: Same difference! I'm crazy, aren't I?

*Alice: You'll find out.

*Lee: WAH~~ T^T

*Alice: SO you guys got a double chapter. Lucky you, huh? Next time, more drama and crap happens. Yay!

*Leo: Maybe next time, Lii will get off her lazy butt and do it instead of us doing a hostile takeover.

*Alice: Speaking of Lii, did anyone re-duct-tape her?

*All: *freeze and look at tree*

*tree: *is deserted*


*Alice: Oh $#!%.

See you next time! XDDDD

This post has been edited by LinneaKou: Jul 19 2009, 4:03 PM

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post Jul 19 2009, 4:55 AM
Post #155

Harmonix Fairy

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Posts: 287
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From: under a rock

This post was eaten by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. All hail the Spaghetti Monster!

This post has been edited by LinneaKou: Jul 19 2009, 5:00 AM

Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post Jul 19 2009, 5:35 AM
Post #156

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
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From: A Land Down Under

Well, *squee* you posted. Great chapter, I can't wait to see what happens next. Oh and
All hail the Spaghetti Monster!


Badge by Morny.
Personal Photo made by sailorvs4
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post Jul 19 2009, 3:58 PM
Post #157

Harmonix Fairy

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Posts: 287
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From: under a rock

Muchas gracias for sticking with this thing through hell and high water!


Lii is on deviantART and Livejournal...

...still doesn't have a life

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post Jul 21 2009, 12:04 AM
Post #158

Cosmix Fairy

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Yayz! Lee's okay! And we get some nice awesomeness with Ilianou!

Saori: Man, I wish we could get some of that awesome carrier stuff going for us!

Jun: Uh... actually...

Tsukuyomi: That... might not be such a good idea...


Hey, look! My sig's back!
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Asher Omega
post Jul 21 2009, 2:05 AM
Post #159

Butterflix Fairy

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From: The Depths

D : Believe me its not *merfle muffle shargle gasp* what the hell was that for?

NO REVEALING PLOT POINTS! how many times have I told you? no BACK TO LIMBO!


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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