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Magix Club's Forum _ Books _ A Song of Ice and Fire

Posted by: winxclubrox23 Sep 22 2013, 10:35 PM

I'm actually surprised there isn't a topic for this series already.

Anyways. I had heard a lot of good things about this series, and had a few friends who were trying to get me to read them, and finally I started. I'm just about done with the second book, and then I'm watching the show one season at a time after I finish the books since I like forming my own mental images of the characters.

Anyone else read them? They're super fantastic, and if you haven't, I'd highly recommend giving them a go. Each book is pretty long, so it does take some time to read them, but man are they worth it.

Also, if you have read them, favourite characters? I'm really fond of Catelyn Stark, Jon Snow and Tyrion Lannister.

Posted by: dittadulla Oct 20 2013, 9:26 PM

I love that show! I've seen all seasons and I've started reading the first book (to pass time waiting for season 4) but it's going slow because I don't give myself any time for it, haha. It's also kinda anti-climatic to read it after watching the show because I know what happens but I guess you gotta make a choice, I also find it kinda boring to watch a movie/TV adaption after reading the book. Game of Thrones is one of the very few franchises that started with books that I see in that order!

I fell in love with Robb Stark (considerably a lot more development for him in the show than the books). It may be the scottish accent but MAN am I attached. You're not far enough in the series to expand on that.

My other favourites include Jon Snow and Dany Targaryen. And pretty much the entire Stark house to be honest. My favourite (and most upsetting) thing about this series is how literally any character could get killed off at any time, no one is safe. Always on your toes. This show messes me up man

Posted by: Abby Jul 24 2014, 5:07 AM

I know this thread is old, but I am obsessed with the show. It is my favorite show that I have watched (and I watch a lot of television shows). I tried to get into the books but like dittadulla said, it's hard to get into them after you know what happens. That's why I never finished the first book and can't bring myself to read any others after see all four seasons.

My favorite is also Robb rest in peace you beautiful character but I really like Jon Snow and Arya.