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> Broken Behind Crystals
post May 19 2007, 1:43 PM
Post #1

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

I hope you like the first part.

I couldn’t believe that it was happening, today was the day I would be graduating from high school. Over the many years at what some call a prison cell I have changed dramatically, not only mentally but physically as well.

‘’Katherine Anne.’’ A smile slowly crept upon my fair features as my name was called for the last time at this school being a student.

My flowing graduation gown flowed gracefully behind me as if it was floating. I heard whispers and clicks of the camera as I walked up, but I blocked all that all out for I was concentrating on something or should I say someone else. I stopped at the podium and placed my hand out in front of me as I shook the strong hand of the principle.

‘’Thank you.’’ I calmly stated as I was handed the official document tied in a red ribbon.

He slightly nodded his head at this. When he did I for one of the last times saw his greying brown hair. I was going to truly miss this place, although who wouldn’t be after about 5 years here, it became a second home. I smiled towards the crowd of supporting family members,friends, and staff that stood happily in the audience. I made my way to the rest of the class standing on stage and took my place.

‘’Graduating class of 2009!’’ The principle seemed to be very proud. His aging features showed that with no doubt. I smirked at this, he seemed happier then us. I raised my hand to move a lock of ginger hair behind my ear. My hazel green eyes glimmered as the sun shown down upon us as the flash of the camera froze that moment forever. All around me people began leaving to find their parents. I did the same but something caught my eye. As I turned around I saw another 18 year old teenager like my self talking to his friends. His brown hair was pushed pack by the summers breeze so gently it was as if it was whispering. His brown eyes glistened with excitement, his well toned body was illuminated as the sun rested it’s warm gaze upon him. I smiled at this, he was one of the jocks that year and now that school was over he acted like a normal guy. I had to admit it he was handsome and caring. I guess you could say I had a crush on him actually it was left over feelings, at one time we were dating if you could call it that. After a while we stopped talking when he joined the football team as quarter back, I haven’t heard his voice in over a year. We were considered different classes. Unpopular and then there’s popular.

‘’Katherine, hurry up!’’ My gaze was shifted off the group of guys when I heard a soft voice yell out to me. I turned my head and my ginger hair turned gracefully with my body. When I saw who was coming I waved in their direction. It was my family. My sister, mother, father, and grandma. I looked up at the crystal blue sky for the last time in this place. I sighed half heartedly as I took a look around me…I was about to leave behind five years of memories…although the memories would be one day uncovered it still made you miss the place you once called a ‘prison’. I snapped out of my thoughts…I would go back to them later on that day. Before I headed in the direction of my family I looked once more at the group of guys…Nico(the brown haired boy) was being pulled out of graduation by an elderly looking man. His grey beard went past his knees and had bits of dirt embedded in between strands of the hair nearest to the ground. His features especially in the face area were strong and contrasted to the young glow of his eyes. When I saw Nico being dragged away something inside me sunk but I didn’t pay much attention at the moment. In stead I smiled at my family as they stopped in front of me.

‘’Earth to Katherine we’ve been calling you!’’ My sister screeched in my ear. I cringed, her voice was too high pitched but I laughed it off.
‘’I was thinking.’’ I said calmly as I started to walk with my family away from the school. I noticed my sister starring at me. I smirked.

‘’Well stop thinking and come back to reality.’’ She replied as the hit my shoulder softly. I shook my head slightly.

‘’Now, what fun would that be? Reality isn’t as fun as your imagination. Now is it?’’ I glanced back at the school as I finished the sentence. All that ran threw my head was would I ever come back here again? I looked back at my family, that’s when an idea struck me.

‘’I’ll be there in a second. I need to go and do something. Ok?’’ I shouted over to them as I ran back to the high school. I ran as fast as I could in the midnight black wooden flip-flops I was wearing, they went a few inches off the ground. The school seemed abandoned, I guess that everyone went out to celebrate the ‘big day’. The lights of the indoor school flickered like in a horror film, they always seemed to do that they really needed to get them fixed. As I walked down the abandoned school halls I saw the display cases neatly arranged by the year. They where filled with flags, trophies, photographs, certificates, and various sports equipment (Footballs, soccer balls, pom-poms, etc). I smiled, our school had won state championships every year since 1998, it was a great achievement. I looked around the halls past the displays and saw the place I came back for; the lockers, this year mine was locker 714. There was 6 silver lockers on top and the same on the bottom, not much room inside them but they worked for the most part. I laughed at the memory of kids running trying to get to their lockers before it got to crowded, it was particularly funny for the kids who had a bottom locker. Luckily mine was up top. I snapped out of the memories as I stepped in front of my locker. I dialled the locker, I went right to 39 then left to 1 and then again to the right to 17. There was a click and I opened the latch on my locker. Inside there was nothing but metal shelves that had been there before the year started.

‘’Where is it?’’ I whispered to my self as I looked on the top shelf, since I noticed it wasn’t on the bottom. My hand searched the dusty locker frantically until it ran over a cold chain. I smiled it was still there I pulled the necklace out, as I did it scratched against the metal. It wasn’t an annoying sound it actually had a calming effect to the noise. I looked down at the silver necklace there was a heart locket hanging off the chain. The heart was metallic blue it as beautiful. There was an engraving of red roses around the edges and in the centre there was a single word.

‘’Forever.’’ I closed my hand over the necklace and held it next to my heart. ‘’If only that was true.’’ I added placing the locket in my pocket. And closed the locker, the locker banged against the metal a faint click could be heard. I had always hated the sound of a locker closing, but this time is was more pleasant then all those other numerous occasions. I was probably the only one who would actually miss this school but it didn’t matter.

‘’Katherine…’’ The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end, that voice. It made me shiver I hadn’t heard it well I hadn’t heard it sounding like that for a long time.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post May 20 2007, 5:18 PM
Post #2

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

‘’Nico…’’ I whispered shocked as I turned around the lights still flickered on and off as I saw his face. He looked upset. His strong features looked as hard as stone. I hated that look.

‘’ What’s up?’’ I said cheerfully trying to hide my worry for him. He just looked at me, his brown eyes full of sorrow. I saw him slowly make his way in my direction and I involuntarily stepped back a few paces. I didn’t understand why he was here I thought he left with that guy. I smiled shyly, we never officially broke up. I stopped backing up as he approached me, I saw a faint smile form on his lips.

‘’Katherine, I am sorry we haven’t talked lately.’’ He sad apologetic as he reached for my hand and heald it tight in his. A tingling sensation ran through me. I smiled back a little shocked.

‘’Don’t be sorry Nico, you had big games to compete in…they came first.’’ I took my hand away and looked at the ground when I spoke the last three words. It hurt him ignoring me but that was life.

‘’That’s no excuse, I was a jerk but you still routed for me to do well.’’ He moved closer to me and I began to blush.

‘’That’s why I needed to tell you first. ‘’ He said going back to that solemn tone again.

‘’Tell me what first?’’ I questioned a little worried as I looked into his soft brown eyes unsure of what he wanted to say.

‘’Katherine, I am moving.’’ My eyes filled with shock, he was, was leaving me alone

does anyone like it?

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post May 22 2007, 6:42 PM
Post #3

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

icon_confused.gif??: icon_confused.gif??: icon_confused.gif??:

I will post more later.......

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post May 22 2007, 7:13 PM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 3,839
Joined: April 7 2007
From: Germany

COOL!!! i like it!! please continue!!!


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post May 22 2007, 8:14 PM
Post #5

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

‘’Oh…that’s um that’s great.’’ Trying to sound upbeat I looked back to the ground tears welling up in my hazel green eyes making them glisten like the lake at sunset. I felt a hand gently lift my head so I was looking in his eyes. I never cried in front of people, this was a first and it was confusing.

‘’Please…don’t cry… Suki…’’ He leaned in and whispered the rest as his lips grazed mine. ‘’ Suki desu.’’ He pressed his lips gently against mine, I was shocked by this. He loved me and now he’s leaving. The world was spinning with that kiss, we connected it was like a jolt of electricity running through my vains. After I came to terms with what he had just said and done. I gave in to his tender kiss and closed my eyes, as I did a single tear rolled sown my cheek and fell gracefully to the floor. The tear broke apart like a shattering crystal falling from the heavens. The kiss was so calming and I didn’t want it to end for it was probably going to be our first and last one. His lips slowly parted from mine, I was still dazed as we starred into each others eyes. It felt magical I think he felt it to.

‘’I have to go. I’ll miss you…Fae.’’ He turned away from me and began walking down that long corridor leading to the gym. He hasn’t called me fae in so long. I couldn’t speak this happy day turned into a nightmare and my heart had become broken. My feeling that I have been hiding were recovered and now wouldn’t go away. I sighed as I looked at the ground. I needed to get back to my family, I had lost track of time and they were probably worried about me. I walked down the same hallway I had came ignoring everything around me, my thoughts were consumed by one person…The lights still were flickering as I passed on through.

A/N-Thanxs, I didn't think anyone liked it.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post May 22 2007, 8:29 PM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 3,839
Joined: April 7 2007
From: Germany

Well, I LIKE IT! icon_biggrin.gif


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post May 24 2007, 2:13 PM
Post #7

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

When I opened the large doors and got out side a cold breeze blew against me…it was sunset. I guess I was in there longer then I thought. I scanned the parking lot for our silver van. After I while I saw it, it had disappeared behind a truck. I wiped the tears out of my eyes and walked towards the van. I didn’t want them to know about Nico. As I walked to the car I put on a happy looking smile. My sister was sitting in the back seat of the van and my dad sat next to her they were both looking out the window. My mom and grandma looked impatient as they sat in the two front seats. I waved as I approached the trunk of the car.

‘’Sorry it took me so long guys.’’ I smiled as I got into the back seat of the van.

‘’Whatever, lets just get home I’m bored!’’ My sister whinged. I ignored her as I reached towards the seat belt and put it across me, it went across my chest and around my waist. When I heard the click of the seat buckle I let go.

‘’So, what took you so long anyway?’’ I looked up at my grandma, I called here mimi.

‘’Oh, I um…Left something in my locker but I forgot my combination.’’ I lied, she probably guessed it was a lie since I have never have been able to hide anything from her, she always seemed to know but she went along with it.

‘’Ok, you sure do forget a lot of things now don’t you Fred.’’ I smiled at this, Fred was my nickname ever since I could remember.

‘’I guess I do.’’ I said as I looked out at the darkening night sky. I heard the engine rumble as it awoke from its rest. The car pulled out of the parking lot. I touched the window down bottom and a gust of wind swept my hair up behind me. I get motion sickness and having the windows down helped with easing it. The interior of the van was a dull grey. There was three rows of seats, I sat in the very back and my dad and sister where one row in front of me, In the front seat is where my mom and mimi sat. Mimi was driving and my mom in the passenger seat. The radio was playing my favourite song, Until I find you again by Richard Marx. The song really explained how my life was in most aspects. I looked outside the half open window.

Outside the car the cars sped by so fast the passengers probably didn’t even realize that they were missing out on so much, if only they would slow down once in a blue moon. I sighed, they would realize it but they would realize it too late. The sky was a mixture of colours you may even say emotions that the sky has reflected. Families walked together smiling and having a great time with the ones they love. I let out yawn as I looked back inside the car. I reached for my pocket and made sure the locket was still there.

‘’Whatcha looking for.’’ I looked up to see the annoying face of my 14 year old sister, Emily. She was grinning like she was a genius for realizing that I was looking for a certain thing. I rolled my hazel eyes.

‘’Nothing that concerns you.’’ I said taken a back I didn’t even realize she was watching me.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post May 29 2007, 8:02 PM
Post #8

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

‘’Really? Then explain why your blushing.’’ She smirked after she said this.

‘’I’m not blushing!’’ I exclaimed as I looked to the ground. Was I really blushing just from thinking about him? I rested my hand on my cheek, she was right. My cheeks were warmer then the rest of my face.

‘’Whatever you say.’’ She replied turning back around leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. I leaned to the side slightly as the car turned into the driveway in front of an apartment. I sighed, we had arrived home after a long day, but for some reason I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to somehow turn back time and go back to the high school again. Just travel back, it would be so simple just to press a button and yet no one had made anything to accomplish the task. I guess that’s life right?

The outside of the house was painted a mint green, there was a white gate in front with the numbers 3011 neatly hanging off. There wasn’t much to the apartment, we lived on the bottom floor and there was only 3 bedrooms. One of the bedrooms was for Mimi the other one for my mom and dad and the last room in the house was to be shared by my sister Emily and I. I hated sharing a room with her but we had to due to the fact that we always fought and the room was small. We shared a bunk bed I got the top whilst she got the bottom one.

I stepped out of the van and stretched out my legs, I was still wearing the graduation gown, underneath the gown I wore black jeans and a black top. I guess you figured out by now that I like the colour black.

‘’Hey, Katherine lets get inside. We have something for you. A present for graduation. I looked up and saw my mom smiling as she walked alongside me into the apartment in front of us.

‘’What are they talking about, I didn’t ask for anything or give hints that I wanted something. This better not be like last time when they got me revision book….’’ I thought in my head as I stepped through the gate. The front door was a cream colour and the letter ‘A’ was placed in the middle, it represented our house since there where three homes to the apartment. The others where ‘B’ and ‘C’, they where up the stairs outside our home. I always wanted to live in the higher up apartments but my sister hated heights along with my mom.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post Jun 2 2007, 7:43 PM
Post #9

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

I watched as my dad pulled out a silver key chain with 5 keys dangling from it, he turned the keys to the side until he came to a cyan coloured key. I chose the colour since it was my birthday when we got the key. My dad inserted the key into the key slot and turned it to the left until a click could be heard.and the door smoothly opened. The inside of the house was dull compared to most of the houses in Costa Mesa. The inside was painted a soft cream colour almost a white. When you first walked into the house you would instantly notice the large brown velvet coach, it took up most of the space in the living room. In my opinion it was ugly but it was my great-grandmothers so I never really said that to my parents. In front of the coach was a beautiful marble coffee table. I smirked at the thought of pieces of gum stuck under it, I wasn't going to tell on my sister, but it would be funny if they knew. I let go of the thought and looked around the house once more. No paintings hung on the wall making it seem even more stark. Past the coach you could see the kitchen and across from that was a narrow passageway leading to where three bedrooms could be found. My grandma had the back bedroom on the right, my parents room was on the opposite side, and finally in front of those bedrooms was a room that Emily and I shared. I looked up at my family and smiled nervously wondering what the surprise was and why they were starring at me like they were crazed maniacs.

''So, you said something about a graduation gift? I am afraid to ask but it's not those revision books again is it? I looked at them fearing what the answer would be, they were never good at gift giving.

''No it's, hey I thought you liked them.'' I rolled my eyes at this. I couldn't believe that my parents actually thought I wanted revision books, not many kids revise for fun, do they.

''Anyway you better go and pack.'' I looked at my sister confused. what did she mean by pack? Where they kicking me out?

''What...why?'' I questioned a little unsure. How would this lead to a surprise, true it was a surprise but it didn't seem like a good one.

''Katherine, we're moving to England!'' I looked at my sister in shock, I was right this wasn't a good surprise. I didn't want to go but I didn't have a choice. I was still seventeen, I wasn't the legal age to move out.

''England...That's...That's um that's great.'' I tried to sound enthusiastic but when i looked at Mimi I could tell she knew I was upset but didn't say anything, she looked a little well she wasn't too excited about this decision.

''What's wrong...aren't you excited?'' My dad asked confusion etched on his face. I just plastered on a fake smile.

''Yeah, of course I am excited, just a little sudden but I am really happy about this.'' I was lying through my teeth and I hated doing that but what was I supposed to say.

''I don't want to go I like it here besides I need to find where Nico is!'' I thought sarcastically to my self.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post Jun 13 2007, 10:41 PM
Post #10

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

''When are we leaving then?'' I questioned a little afraid of what the answer would be.

''We will be leaving in about two weeks.'' My sister smiled as she said this...my 18th birthday wasn't for 5 months so I had no choice in the matter.

''OK, I guess I should go and pack then, huh?'' I said smiling with that fake smile I have been using since the surprise was announced. I turned away from my family and walked down the hall to where the bedrooms where. I didn't want to talk to them at the moment. I was wondering how my friends would take this news.
I closed and locked the door to my sister's and my room once my feet were touching the midnight blue carpeting. The smell of flowers engulfed around me as if trying to find an escape route from the enclosed prison. I looked around the small surrounding area and saw my mahogany computer desk with my computer sitting on top of it. Across the room was a silver bunk bed, the bedding was black on the top bunk;mine and the bottom bunk was covered in pink bedding; my sisters. Other than that the room didn't have room for anything else except for the window which was for many years my only escape route. I was like a caged bird for so many years that after a while I got tired of being treated like a pet and decided to mess with the locks that caged me from the world. The window was the place where I was calm. This was most likely because it showed me what's out there, even if I couldn't experience it due to my parents being overprotective I still was able to see it for a brief moment. To think I was going to miss this place. I smirked as I walked over to the computer desk...I could pack later since we weren't leaving for a couple of weeks. Before sitting down on the wooden looking chair I took off the square blue cap that rested on my head and threw it on the top bunk of the bed. I then threw off the flowing graduation gown and threw it in the same spot as the hat. I was now standing in denim shorts that looked like they where torn at the him. My black t-shirt showed my mid-drift but at the same time it wasn't form fitting so it didn't show my curves as much. My hair has down and rested just below my shoulders. On my feet where the same sandles as before. I wasn't wearing any makeup on my pale skin, the only thing that was on my face was the freckles that covered the bridge of my nose.
I gracefully slid onto the hard surface of the chair, the exposed skin on my thighs felt the ice cold temperature the chair had gotten to after no one sitting on it for a while. At first it felt like a hundred ice cubes where placed under me but that soon faded after a few minutes. I sighed as I pressed the button that would turn on the computer and waited patiently as the front page loaded up.

''How are they going to take it?'' I asked no one in particular, I had to tell my friends but I didn't know how to tell them other than instant message. Talking face to face I would cry at least this was they wouldn't see the pain in my eyes and I wouldn't see in being returned in my direction. when the front page finished loading up I opened up the messenger by pressing the messenger icon on my desktop. I began to type in my name and password:
Username: Fallen-angel
Password: ******

I secretly hoped that they were off celebrating or busy. As the messenger finished signing in I saw that my luck wasn't doing to good that day. Write when I signed in I received a message from both my friends Jennifer and Natasha, also known as Silent_Destiny and Dreamer-girl18
After reading their message I replied after a few moments.

Silent_Destiny: Hey FA, Hey DG!

Dreamer-girl92: Hey SD!

Fallen-angel: Hey guys...

Dreamer-girl92: FA you seem down usually your all like. 'HEEEEYYYY!!!!!!'

Silent_Destiny: Yeah DG has a point, you should be really pumped up we graduated!

Fallen-angel: Sorry guys, I was until I got home, actually until I went back to get something from my locker.

Silent_Destiny: Why what happened at your locker and at home? Jam your finger in the door again icon_razz.gif?

Fallen-angel: No, I didn't besides you are the one who usually does that not me lol.

Dreamer-girl92: HAHAHA funny now what's the point of you being down huh?

Silent_Destiny: My, my a little moody are we? lol.

Dreamer-girl: You're such a baka sometimes you know that. I just want to here what's wrong with Kya!

Fallen-angel: You two done fighting, or should I wait a while longer?

Silent_Destiny: what are you, our mother?

Dreamer-angel: Shud' Up! please do we have to do this every time. This really is getting troublesome.

Fallen-angel: Look everyone forget about the fight if you wanna know, I won't be saying what happened at the locker k. Although I will tell you about my so called 'surprise' my family told me. I really don't know how to say it though.

Silent_destiny: what do you mean 'surprise'? Also soz about the fighting, we cool?

Fallen-angel: Yeah we're cool. Although after I tell you things will be harder.

Dreamer-angel: lol OK we're cool. FA Stop beating around the bush and tell us, you're being 2 cryptic.

I sighed as I looked at the screen, I was scared they would ignore me. A tear fell down my cheek, as if it where trying to escape the pain inside.

Fallen-angel: Well, how do I put this. I...I...I'm...I am movin' to England!

There was no reply for a while which really got me nervous I was afraid my fear would come true about them ignoring me. It really was going to hurt if they did.

Silent_destiny: That's a sick joke...right. Please say it is.

Dreamer-girl: Yeah please say it's a joke. you can't go... you just can't, and what about Nico huh, you gonna leave him?!?

More tears where now leaving their salting trail down my face as I read what they wrote.

Fallen-angel: I really wish it was but this is no joke. I have no choice and as for Nico...he won't care. He won't be around to care anyway.

Dreamer-girl: This is messed up you know that. Why don't you fight?

Fallen-angel: I can't.

Dreamer-girl: or you won't try!

Dreamer-girl has signed off.

Silent_destiny: I'm sorry but I have to agree with DG. The girl I was friends with would fight and here you are letting it happen. I guess I was wrong about you. Soz Kya but if your not even trying to get out of this then your not the girl I was friends with.

Silent_destiny has signed off.

Fallen-angel has signed off.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post Jun 14 2007, 4:35 PM
Post #11

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 3,839
Joined: April 7 2007
From: Germany



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post Jun 16 2007, 1:50 PM
Post #12

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

A/N: This was supposedto be on the last post so here it is, more will be up soon.

I couldn't see through the flood of tear in my eyes, there were so many going down my cheeks that it looked as if a dam had been smashed down to the ground. I couldn't believe my friends would say such things to me. My worst fear had come true. I quickly shut the damn computer off I couldn't look at it anymore. I shouldn't have even told them. It was all a mistake.
I wiped the tear from my read eyes with the back of my hand as I walked over to the window.

''Something good has to come from this...right?'' I whispered un-surely as I looked through the window at the colourful sky, set ablaze by the orange glow of the burning sun just before it covered it up with the darkness of night, similar to how a mother tucked in her children. I closed my eyes for a second as I took in everything that had happened in. I opened my eyes once more and brushed my figures across my lips. Him leaving me hurt the worst though.

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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post Jul 27 2007, 10:14 AM
Post #13

A True Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 173
Joined: March 31 2007
From: england

''Nico... if only,'' I crawled up the latter to the top bunk. I was tired after all that has happened, maybe apart of my thought it was just a nightmare. Deep down I highly doubted that though. Fatigue was taking over and my eyelids began to drop as if they were wilting flowers.I knew it was early but the past few nights I haven't had any sleep at all so I guess it's finally taking it's toll. I held back a yawn as I sat up, I needed to get changed and unlock the door so my sister could get to sleep later on.
I quickly jumped off the bed by going over the railing. I loved doing that, my parents hated it for obvious reasons. I swiftly walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of pink silk pajamas. I pulled off the articles of clothing that clung to my body and threw them in a corner uncaring weather it made the room look un sightly to some. I stifled a yawn with my hand as I gracefully pulled up my pants and let them rest against my toned mid-drift, My top hanging gracefully against my curves. I smiled as the silk sent a shiver up my spine. I stretched out my arms as I walked to the door and lazily unlocked the door so my sister could access the room as well. With that done I climbed the later of my bed and underneath the warm covers, they covered as if if it was a barrier that would protect me. At least that was what I would say no matter how dumb it seemed it comforted me. My eyelids slowly dropped as I drifted into a very un-restful sleep. Before doing so I whispered to my self, my soul I guess.

''It's just shattered...'' With that I fell into a deep sleep as a single tear attempted to escape from behind my long eyelashes. That dream that I would experience would stay with me for a while.

Nothing, there was nothing. White space as some might call it, never the less it sent shivers through my body. Around me the air wasn't hot nor cold but the air was heavy none the less. The only sound that was audible was the sound of sobbing, unknown to were it was coming from; no one was there. For some reason beyond my understanding at that moment in time the soft cries sounded familiar, painfully familiar. I couldn't shake the feeling that I had to find who ever it was that was in pain.

''Anyone there?'' My voice echoed through the area, I looked around frantically wondering were the person was. That's when it hit me right between the eyes.Right in front of me was a young child, she was no older that if I where to guess two years old. The young girl was sitting in the empty space, she held her knees against her chest with her small hands. She was wearing a simple white gown and she had my hair colour or the colour it used to be; strawberry blonde. Something about this little girl,I felt like I knew her. I felt like we had a connection. What that connection was I have no idea, the thing is I didn't really want to know what it was whilst at the same time I did.

'' Hey, are you OK? your crying...'' I hesitated before a strange force called to me, whatever it was seemed to pull me in her direction and I had no choice in the matter, my legs just moved on there own. The young girl stayed in her crunched up position. involuntarily a tear escaped my eye and ran down my freckled skin as I knelt down besides the young girl. A chill ran up my spine as the girl looked in my direction, her face looked exactly like...

'' You're...me? My voice cracked as I said this, this girl was me or at least the younger me. Why is she crying is what I didn't understand. The girl nodded yes to my question and then stared at her hands. I gulped as I tried to calm down.

''Why are you crying?'' She just looked at me and leaned in and whispered in my ear. Her breath was icy cold and yet warm. I stiffened when I felt her breath, sure she was me but that didn't mean she wouldn't hurt me.

''That's were you are wrong my dear. It is not me that is crying, you are the one who is crying , Katherine.'' My eyes widened at this I wasn't crying...was I? I lifted my hand to my face and felt a wet liquid flowing from my eyes like rain. I was crying but so was she. Was that the connection that I had felt before, does she feel the same things I do or is it the other way around? My head hurt, this was all to much thinking and events for one day.

'' I don't understand why?'' I whispered loud enough so that she could hear me.I felt her grip my shoulders. I let a gasp escape my dry lips as the grip began to tighten as the seconds ticked by. I looked over to her and saw that she was staring right back into my eyes. They had darkened along with her hair. her face had a grayish tint to it and looked like it was slowly decaying.

'' Hurts, doesn't it? All the shooting pain running through your body.'' I closed my eyes in a desprete attempt to stop the pain. I heard an eerie laughter echo throughout the space. It was like something you would only see in a horror movie only you would never imagine it happening...to you. The pain became so intense that I began to feel numb and I felt as if I was drifting away, further than I already was.

''My, my I see the pain was too much. Pathetic really. Oh well can't be helped time will change that...''

I whimpered softly as I fell forward and felt a hand on my head and one on my shoulder blades.

''Shh.'' I felt her stroking my hair in a motherly way. ''It will be over soon enough...Princess...'' She said something after that in a hushed tone but I was already halfway out of it and didn't hear. She sent chills throughout me. That's when I drifted away completely...

wanna know why we search so hard for love its beacause it's the closest thing we have to magic.
I'm just the shell of a person, a puppet with broken strings
always putting on a smile to fool the world
It looks like I'm losing this fight
sometimes a smile saves a dream from drowning in the darkness better than a word does
Everything I do is another mistake to you
you fade away like tears in the wind
Sticks and stones may break her bones...But names can make her starve to death
She is fallin apart right in front of your eyes...but you don't realize it. Wanna know why, cause you are to busy fighting with your husband
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