Hahaha Paris Hilton |
Apr 14 2008, 8:46 PM
Cosmix Fairy
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Posts: 3,850
Joined: September 7 2007
That's very, very nice. However, I really don't see why you'd want to do it. [Rant] First of all, Paris Hilton is an immature little brat who whined her way out of a prison sentence because she was "claustraphobic." Yeah. Partying all those times in close quarters, no problem. But as soon as she becomes jailbait, and she claims to have a crap phobia she's never displayed symptoms of before ever. She also does anything, and I mean anything, for publicity. Like most of the various female media divas out there, she'll doesn't bother actually doing anything to benefit society and prefers basic lip service to the ideals. And the one thing in this world I absolutely hate and can never forgive is forced smiles and patronizing remarks. If you don't believe in something, then say you don't. She is nothing more than a dirty attention *****. And I say that because there is no word in the English language that sums her up better than that. [/Rant] And now that I'm in a bad mood, it's time to indulge in som dead baby comedy.
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