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> Dreamer, This story is about a boy named Lance. He's a specialist from eart
post Aug 22 2007, 1:14 AM
Post #1

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Senior Member
Posts: 7,799
Joined: March 31 2007
From: Tempe, Arizona

(Sorry if there isn't a lot of detail. I don't have much time to write, so I can only put in the core material. Once I finish the full story I may go back and make it even better than what I hope it already is.)
((I'm trying to make each chapter into an 'episode'. There will be an opening and ending theme song for each 'season', and Lance will grow as the story goes on. This is an alternate universe. Things will be a bit different than in the actual Winx Club show becuause of Lance's presence in the story, but I hope you like it anyway ^_^))

((Themesongs subject to change))

Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good Charlotte. http://youtube.com/watch?v=fjdo6UBuh4g

Episode 1: Here's the specialists.

Lance. Lance was a normal, human, earth-born child. He had friends, he went to school, and he had a little sister, a mother, and a father. Lance was a bit bored though. He always made make-believe and daydreamed often during his classes. His head was always up in the clouds, and nothing excited him more than video games, comics, and movies about adventure, fighting, and heroics; and of course, the guy always had to get the girl at the end. That was just the way Lance was, just an average, ordinary teenager.

"SCREAAAAAAAACH!" went the car as it tried so desperately to stop before it rammed straight into the fifteen year old Lance Hawkings. Unfortunately, for the boy, he wasn't paying attention to where he was going and the driver was also in a similar state of consciousness. The sports car smacked right into the young boy and sent him flying quite a few feet as he skid on the paved road. The last thing the boy remembered was the sound of footsteps and car horns before he blacked out.

The poor boy looked so young. He had light brown hair, brown eyes, and he had a slender build. He was in shape, but he didn't seem to have much muscle on him at all. The chance of him and his five foot eight inch body surviving such a car crash was close to nothing.

*Fade Out*
*Fade In*

Lance awoke. He was in a hospital bed; that much was certain. He was wearing a hospital gown with bandages wrapped around his head. The poor boy felt like a truck had hit him... He wasn’t too far from the truth. It wasn't too long before his parents rushed into the room. His little sister of thirteen years was there as well, but she was a bit more silent than her over emotional mother.

"Mom?" Lance coughed. He was extremely groggy, and he wasn't quite sure what was going on. "What happened?"

"HE HAS AMNESIA!" His mother bellowed.

"No, honey, I'm sure he just doesn't remember getting hit by a car,” Lance’s, much more calm, father replied. “Especially since eye witnesses said that he wasn't paying attention."

"Yeah! Way to go dork!" His sister shouted. In truth, she was initially worried about her older brother. However, Lance woke up and she reverted to her usual, sisterly, self.

"Hey, shut up. I'm in a hospital bed here. Show some compassion will ya?" Lance said as he rubbed his head. He winced in pain for a bit, but for someone who was hit by a car he wasn't doing too bad. "How long was I out?"

"Honey, you've been out for three months." His mother answered; finally calm enough to speak properly. "I'm just so glad you're alright? I prayed every day..."

"I'm sorry." Lance said as he bowed his head in shame. He didn't like making his mother worry. It wasn’t long, however, until what his mother told him had sunk in. “Th-three months!” he shouted. He clutched his head in pain as his voice called forth his headache once more.

“Honey, don’t panic,” His mother tried to calm him.

"Wh-what about school, isn't that starting soon? I don't even have my books, or my schedule, or...or..."

"We're just glad that you’re safe Lance." His father said. "We can take care of that later."

"Aw, I wanted his room!" His sister whined.

"Be quiet Meagan. Don't mind her Lance, she was worried too," his father chuckled.

"WAS NOT!" Meagan shouted.

Lance laughed a bit and let himself lay back down. He was still worried about school and his run-in with the car, but it was comforting to know that he had parents that loved him. "So, I guess I'm sixteen now..."

*Fade Out*
*Fade In*

A group of boys sat in a park eating food they had purchased from a nearby vendor. One was a well built, blonde boy that could easily pass off as a prince; the other was a brown haired boy that seemed to stick pretty close to the before mentioned blonde; next to him was a red haired youth that seemed to be a bit rough around the edges; and next to him was a boy that seemed to be somewhat nerdy, but well built all the same.

"Okay, Sky, Explain to me why we're here again?" The redhead complained.

"I just wanted to check out where Bloom's from. I may get to know more about her if I know more about her home realm." The blonde answered.

"Yeah, but isn't she from some place called Gardenia or something like that? This place is called New York!" The redhead spat back.

"Come on Riven," The brown haired boy said. "This place is kind of cool, and Sky was probably referring to the people of the realm and their circumstances."

"Shut up Brandon! He just made a mistake with the coordinates and is too proud to admit it!"

The nerdy boy’s shoulders sagged as he sighed. "Come on guys, can't we all just...get along."

Sky laughed a bit at the boy’s comment. "Timmy's right." he said. "Let’s just enjoy this park while we still can. School starts up again soon, and we won't be able to visit places like this very often."

"Yeah," Riven groaned. "I guess you’re right."

Suddenly, off to the right of the group, the boys heard a yell. "Prince Sky! I finally found you!" and with that declaration, needless to say, much screaming ensued via the masses. A giant ogre was right smack dab in the middle of the park, and people tend not to like ogres very much. They tend to be afraid of them, actually. The park was cleared in less than a minute.

"A-and who are you?" Sky asked a bit flustered.

"I was sent to take you and use you for ransom. Your parents will pay a lot of money to get you back!" The ogre happily answered.

Sky smiled. "Oh? I'll have to warn you. I attend red fountain."

"Yeah, we're trained to fight monsters like you." Riven smirked.

"And it is four against one, to fight us would be illogical." Timmy stated as he adjusted his glasses.

"Face it; you’re out of your league buddy." Brandon taunted.

"Ah, but I have magic armor given to me by powerful sorcerer! Nobody can stop Grukash!" Grukash, the ogre, charged the four teens with beastly rage and lashed out at the closest specialist in training. This ogre would be tough to beat.

*Fade Out*
*Fade In*

Lance decided to take a walk to clear his head and eventually came to the area around the park. "That's weird..." He said to himself. "I don't remember walking this far...I feel like I just left the hospital..." To him, time was passing by at an irregular rate. However, that could be due to his head injury, or maybe he was just too deep in thought to notice how far he had actually walked. Nevertheless, the clashing of swords and the battle cries of an ogre fighting four young specialists quickly put those thoughts to rest. "What's that noise?" he asked as he tried to pinpoint where the sounds were coming from.
What he saw when he finally pinpointed the source of the commotion amazed him. "I-I've got to be dreaming this!" He thought to himself. Ogres were supposed to be a myth, but he could not deny that a very large one was standing just a few feet in front of him. "What's going on?"

The ogre knocked Timmy to the ground. He found his gun annoying, and when Riven attacked from behind the armor that the ogre was wearing quickly shocked him. "Come on guys, we need to regroup!" Brandon yelled.

"Right!...uh-oh!" Sky said as the ogre came rushing towards him. Sky would have dodged, but his foot landed and became stuck in a small hole in the park that could have been dug by any number of the creatures that inhabited the area. None of that mattered, however, when a giant ogre was barreling towards you at full throttle.

"W-watch out!" Lance yelled as he found himself running towards the ogre. He jumped and delivered a kick into its side, which did close to nothing in terms of actual damage, but it did cause him to get distracted and lose balance.

"Who are you?" Sky asked.

"Um, I'm Lance, but I don't think that's important now!" Lance said as he jumped back to dodge a rock that the downed ogre tossed at him. "What is that thing?"

"It's an ogre." Timmy answered. "They usually aren't too bright, but they're strong, and they have a lot of brute force. This one is equipped with magic armor."

"Th-this is too much..." Lance said as he felt a dizzy spell coming on. He just got out of the hospital; he was in no condition to take on an ogre. Heck, even when he was in top condition he was in no condition to take on an ogre!

“I get you now!” The ogre charged again, but this time at Lance. He was angry for that kick that prevented him from capturing his prey.

"Not good!" Lance yelled as he jumped out of the way. He took a sloppy fighting stance that he learned in kung-fu. The only problem was that he had not practiced or attended a single martial arts class in two years.

The ogre charged again, but this time, now that the stupid creature was only attacking Lance the specialists were able to do their job. Brandon quickly threw a bola; a rope with two weights attached on each end, and tripped up the ogre as the hunting tool wrapped itself around its legs. After that, the specialists were able to subdue Grukash with a net and a good old-fashioned beating. "G-Grukash...not...lose..." He said as he struggled to get up. Fortunately, before he was able to accomplish anything, Riven placed special cuffs around his forearms that subdued his strength.

"Wh-...I'm...confused." Lance muttered. He fell backwards because of a dizzy spell and decided to sit on the ground for a while.

"I guess we've got some explaining to do," Timmy said.

"Yeah, I guess so," Sky agreed. "Where should we start? Oh, I know. We're not from earth!"

"WHAT!" Lance yelled. His mind was a mess. “Well, that’s an interesting start!”

"Wait, let me explain," Sky said. "We come from another realm, an alternate one... kind of. We attend a school called Redfountain, and it's an all boys school that trains specialists and heroes. Sometimes we go on missions to fight people like Grukash here."

"That... that's amazing." Lance was barely able to stutter. He would usually think such a story was untrue, but with an ogre standing right in front of him, he didn't have any choice but to believe what sky had to say.

"I'm Sky, and these are my friends Brandon, Timmy, and Riven. Those were some pretty awesome moves back there. You seem out of practice, but I can tell that you've had some training."

"Yeah, I used to take kung-fu when I was little."

"Kung-fu?" Riven asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"It’s an ancient Chinese fighting style here on earth,” Lance explained. “It’s good for teaching people how to fight bullies bigger than they are.”

"Oh," Riven said, accepting the answer.

"Wow, that's pretty cool though. Too bad there aren't any schools around here that teach heroes. I'd love to attend one like that." Lance said, half joking.

"Well..." Sky began. "Maybe you can..."

"What!" Came the collective screams of Brandon, Riven, Timmy, and Lance.

"Hear me out guys. This Lance guy is pretty cool, and I think he has what it takes. Bloom came from earth and she got into Alfea. Why can’t we try something similar? Besides, unlike Alfea where you need winx, the specialists have no power requirements. He could get in easily with the skills he has. He'll just have to train a bit harder than everyone else once he gets in and..."

"With us as his tutors..." Timmy interjected.

"It would be a walk in the park!" Brandon finished.

"Whatever. What if Saladine doesn't let Lance in because the people from earth aren't supposed to know about magical creatures." Riven said, trying to think realistically.

"Well, it’s kind of late for that now." Timmy joked.

"Wait, you’re telling me that I can attend Redfountain... a school for heroes and specialists?" Lance asked.

"Yeah, if everything goes well," Sky said.

"Where do I sign?" Lance said enthusiastically.

*Fade Out*

End of episode 1
Ending theme song: This day and age - Second place victory http://youtube.com/watch?v=YivbujnAo5g

This post has been edited by Ranma: Jan 20 2012, 6:58 AM

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- Ranma   Dreamer   Aug 22 2007, 1:14 AM
- - Ranma   ((Oh yeah, reviews are welcome. I would like to kn...   Aug 23 2007, 1:50 AM
- - Anime Princess   wow awsome story i realy think it great way bette...   Aug 23 2007, 6:43 AM
- - Ranma   Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good C...   Aug 24 2007, 1:48 AM
- - Anime Princess   awsome story so far i was reading the last episod...   Aug 28 2007, 4:40 AM
- - Ranma   ((LOL, I wrote this when I was supposed to be list...   Aug 28 2007, 5:25 AM
- - Anime Princess   i wonder if anyone else has actualy read it ^_^ an...   Aug 28 2007, 5:36 AM
- - Ranma   ((^_^ lol. Well tell them to read it, lol. Anyway...   Aug 28 2007, 5:48 AM
- - Anime Princess   (^_^ i look forward to reading it oh yea you shoul...   Aug 28 2007, 5:52 AM
- - Ranma   ((I read it. I like it, some times it is sad, but ...   Aug 28 2007, 6:06 AM
- - Anime Princess   (^_^ i've still got a fair bit more poetry lol...   Aug 28 2007, 6:08 AM
- - darkar   i read it. so far its going good. no suggestions y...   Aug 28 2007, 8:42 AM
- - Ranma   Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good C...   Aug 29 2007, 2:11 AM
- - *Stella*   lol^^ im still at your first post but i like it...   Aug 29 2007, 8:14 PM
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- - darkar   its good everything but i dont understand krystal ...   Sep 4 2007, 5:33 PM
- - Ranma   ((She will be a focus point later on. She is what ...   Sep 5 2007, 1:00 AM
- - Anime Princess   wow awsome story i'm soooo looking forward to ...   Sep 5 2007, 5:43 AM
- - Ranma   Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good C...   Sep 6 2007, 3:05 AM
- - sanya_bloom   Awesome! I like your story Ranma! I couldn...   Sep 11 2007, 1:11 AM
- - Ranma   Thank you ^_^ I hope that I can write more tonigh...   Sep 11 2007, 1:16 AM
- - Ranma   Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good C...   Sep 18 2007, 5:21 AM
- - sanya_bloom   AWESOME! Keep it up and keep writing! I ca...   Oct 30 2007, 3:53 AM
- - Anime Princess   *YAY* good story actualy no its agreat story ^_^ i...   Oct 30 2007, 5:12 AM
|- - sanya_bloom   QUOTE (Anime Princess @ Oct 30 2007, 05:1...   Oct 31 2007, 12:31 AM
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|- - sanya_bloom   QUOTE (Anime Princess @ Oct 31 2007, 12:3...   Oct 31 2007, 1:39 AM
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- - sapphire   it's really nice... will helia and flora end u...   Nov 28 2007, 10:52 AM
- - Ranma   ((Wow, no love for Lance? lol. You'll have to ...   Nov 28 2007, 12:13 PM
- - sapphire   oh hehe poor lance(i don't really care)... but...   Nov 29 2007, 9:25 AM
- - Jahnavi   Okay, nobody's posted here since November, but...   Apr 4 2008, 4:55 AM
- - Ranma   Don't worry. I still plan on writing way more....   Jun 2 2008, 10:34 AM
- - Jahnavi   Okay, I'm glad you're going to continue. *...   Jun 2 2008, 1:27 PM
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- - Ranma   ((No, it doesn't. And though it is funny seein...   Jun 4 2008, 9:36 PM
- - MorriganAensland   I understand. Previous post was edited. And my n...   Jun 4 2008, 10:30 PM
- - Ranma   ((Thank you ^_^ ))   Jun 4 2008, 10:42 PM
- - Ranma   ((For those that are keeping up with this. I have ...   Jun 10 2008, 9:33 AM
- - MorriganAensland   Okay. Having hacked through this at long last whi...   Jun 11 2008, 4:25 AM
- - Ranma   ((Yo, Morrigan, thanks for the input. I don't ...   Jun 11 2008, 5:01 AM
- - Ranma   Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good C...   Jun 11 2008, 12:15 PM
- - Jahnavi   Great chapter! You wrote out the fighting scen...   Jun 14 2008, 10:08 AM
- - Ranma   ((I looked up the vid. 4kids' ability to hack ...   Jun 14 2008, 10:58 AM
- - angel123   (lol, i love this thing, when are you gonna make a...   Apr 23 2009, 3:54 AM
- - Jahnavi   Yay, welcome to the Dreamer fan-club, Angel! ^...   Apr 23 2009, 8:12 AM
- - Ranma   ((I actually plan on continuing it very very soon....   Jun 1 2009, 10:13 PM
- - Jahnavi   *Blinkblink* Dreamer's going to be continued a...   Jun 2 2009, 3:49 PM
- - Anna Maria   Hey, I read it all today; it's great. Can...   Jun 2 2009, 5:09 PM
- - Hyourinmaru   This is a nice story. Please continue!   Jul 8 2009, 4:04 AM
- - Ranma   Theme song:(Subject to change.) Wondering - Good C...   Mar 1 2010, 9:32 AM
- - P-girl   Nicely written. Good, in-character characters.... ...   Mar 1 2010, 4:39 PM
- - Ranma   Thanks for the comment. Unfortunately I don't ...   Mar 2 2010, 8:56 PM
- - Ranma   ((Just out of curiosity, what happened to my chapt...   Apr 30 2010, 12:55 AM
- - P-girl   Oh that, for as far as I know, it's a side-eff...   Apr 30 2010, 8:26 AM
- - MorriganAensland   Yargh. Finally clawed through this. And I have t...   May 1 2010, 1:43 PM
- - Ranma   ((Thanks for the input Morrigan. I think you have ...   May 2 2010, 8:29 AM
- - MorriganAensland   Well, if you want to write it like an episode, the...   May 2 2010, 1:41 PM
- - Ranma   ((I'll consider it. But for now I'd like t...   May 2 2010, 7:21 PM
- - MorriganAensland   Well, good luck to you on that. And I'll be h...   May 2 2010, 8:34 PM
- - Ranma   Thanks, I really appreciate it. ^_^   May 4 2010, 11:58 PM
- - sytycd_enchantix   Loving this story! Please continue!   Jan 1 2012, 4:06 PM
- - Ranma   ((For those who actually follow this story. I proo...   Jan 18 2012, 3:35 AM
- - Kaylin   Hello! I've just finished critiquing Dream...   Jan 22 2012, 8:56 PM
- - Ranma   That's just fine. Did you read it before or af...   Jan 22 2012, 9:07 PM
- - Kaylin   Did you edit it on the 19th? If so, then I read it...   Jan 22 2012, 10:19 PM
- - Ranma   ((On the twentieth.))   Jan 22 2012, 11:06 PM

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