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Asher Omega
post May 16 2008, 7:29 AM
Post #1

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

I've decided to post a sample of writing, since its not finished I'd rate it as PG (movie rating system). its one of my early starts. and I am terribly sorry that the story cuts off abruptly, I got writer's block as to where to take the story after that. and it would be considered a wall of text.


Everyday we see things that we're accustomed to, people, streets, ideas, and ourselves. No one really takes a step away from it all to see new things, giving the excuses, its too expensive, maybe later, or I've already done that. Some people find that this steady life style very comforting. Let’s take a venture away from all that to a place where our common everyday things are uncommon or even rare, sometimes even illegal.

Serenias Ventros was never liked by her neighbors, not even by some of her relatives. She half expected her brothers and sisters to turn her in sooner or later. Her views, ideals, her very sense of self were almost illegal in the government's eye. So as soon as she turned of age, she took a course that would allow the government to turn a blind eye to her, and allow her to leave her life behind. She took a job as an explorer. This would allow her to act normal while the government would keep its distance from her. Her family would no longer be able to coerce her to follow the doctrines and moral rules set by their religion. The only downside to this was being stuck with all the other religious nuts that thought of coercing the places they were going to explore. But his kind far outweighed the fanatics in the exploration business. it took an open mind and an interesting mind set to explore new places. The fanatics would try to convert people, but most of the time they'd come back shocked and scarred, others come back full of triumph. but most return and hand in a notice of retirement.

her first assignment was strange because she was practically forced to get a level 2 security pass for this. Most explorers never got past a level 6. Her first assignment got a clearance for something most templar officials would kill for. So she took as a sign that this was going to kill her or severely scar her forever. Serenias was waiting outside the door of the Explorer's Association Cabinet representative. "Come in Ms. Serenias Ventros? I believe we will have the meeting soon. But first I'd like to get to know you." she knew immediately what the cabinet rep. was talking about. There were three types of explorers, the religious fanatics, which any and all were equally accepted, the Male explorers, which unlike her had different opinions from that of the government. The last one were the true aberrancies. She fell into this last category. 'Getting to know her better' only meant two things to this last group, how can we disqualify them, or what we can do to persuay them to do this so the others don't have to. But for her, this also had a third meaning, one she really wish isn't what the representative is thinking. as she entered, she found the room rather coldly lit by the neotroic lights. "Take a seat at that end if you please." the Rep was pointing at a chair opposite of his. This gave Serenias a small comfort. as she sat down, the rep. pulled out a small folder. "Well Ms. Serenias, it has come to my attention that your first job was one that the government and a few scientific communities would rather have a much more "able" explorer handle, but I felt that it should be given to you. Do you want to know why?" She didn't have the slightest clue. "Because Ms. Serenias, it is my firm belief that this assignment is not for anyone that the government should push, but rather for the small and meek." *oh no, not another sermon* Serenias thought. "I'm sick and tired of sending out the evangelists on exploration missions that return them broken and battered in more ways than one, and even the most senior of explorers I offered turn down this assignment." *wait, did he just say evangelists?* Serenias was starting to feel as if the cabinet rep. was an explorer himself. "Now Ms. Serenias, can ask why you took a job as an explorer?" the rep was waiting for her response. "Well, I thought it might allow me some freedom." the rep shook his head at this. "Well Ms. Serenias, if you wanted freedom, you should have chosen something along the lines of factory worker, but instead you chose a job that literally separates you from the rest of society, and given your current standing with us, including our own society has labeled you an out cast." *”our own society”? This is getting stranger by the minute* "Ms. Serenias, it looks like you have a question." "Yes Mr... Uh Mr..." "Oh dearly sorry, Gercent Durumas, call me Mr Durumas." "Well Mr. Durumas, the way you talk and act, it seems as though you aren't a politician at all. it seems like you're an explorer. Ooops, so sorry, I'm dearly sorry for that statement." "It's alright, and I can fully sympathize with you. Yes I consider myself an explorer; in all actuality I was one before the government offered me this desk job. Now, what’s the real reason for becoming an explorer?" "Well I felt that everyone around me was going to turn me into the government sooner or later, even my parents were starting to get worried. And if I did avoid the government the templars would start hounding everyone around me until I would be turned into the government." Serenias suddenly felt scared, she just told a government official that she had either done something illegal or is still doing something illegal. "No worries, lass, I'm different than most people. What ever you did is now gone." and with that last sentence he took the folder pulled out several sheets of paper and ripped those in two. "Now the only thing left here is a folder containing your basic background, your medical history, and some minor and a few major achievements." she sat there looking at this G man giving her a hand up. Her history all of it was now rent in twain.

Serenias sat there dumbstruck. One government official just made every note of her existence with the exception of a few achievements and medical history void. “Uh, Mr. Durumas is that standard procedure?” his only response was a curt nod. “Now Ms. Ventros, you’ve probably heard several stories of what happens to explorers. About half of them are bunk. Most made up to scare people away from joining. Others are completely true. Have you heard the one story about an explorer coming back twenty years older from when he left?” “Yes, but that shouldn’t be possible.” “Well I hate to break it to you, but that story is completely true. Time dilation is a problem that we’ve encountered but thankfully we found out what causes it. So we now have a system set up where you call in to be brought back.” “Mr. Durumas, is the story about a man coming back saying he came back without his soul true?” “That one is complete and utter BS. Souls as the Templars explain can’t be examined, quantified, or observed. That story is actually a twisted one of an actual account of one explorer returning and there wasn’t anything left of him mentally. So one of the unwritten rules about explorers is keep your head cool and calculating at all times. But that was a sad day when that explorer came back.” “if you don’t mind me asking, who was it?”

Mr. Durumas’ eyes clouded over, like remembering a very fond memory. “He was one of the early Explorers. He was the poster child for this branch of the government. Young, dashing, pretty and with a damn good head on his shoulders. His name was Janus Arkseus. It was a dark day when he returned.” The stillness of the air kept both Serenias and Mr. Durumas silent for a long time. “Ahem. Anyway that’s all classified from public knowledge now” “Wait a minute! If that was classified then why tell me?” “Actually I only told you what I tell all the new recruits. The rest of the story is still classified until you get your Level 2 Clearance. Most successful recruits only get to be Level 7 at most. Now first things first, what do you know about Explorers Ms. Serenias?” “They travel to places that can’t be found on any map, are practically branded traitors by normal society, half of the new people drop out on their first mission, and uh…” “That should be enough. Well you know all the basic stuff. Now let me tell you the stuff that isn’t common knowledge and isn’t printed on the government pamphlets. The recruits that drop out are the evangelists. They can’t handle the fact that the places they travel to have radical and sometimes dangerous ideals that in our society they’d be tried for state crimes. Now, the places you’ll be traveling will be on a map, just not a normal one. You’re going to be going to places we’ve termed ‘Alternates’. And the branded by traitors part sounds much like a personal opinion, Ms. Serenias.” “Sorry but everyone that came from where I lived considered anyone who didn’t pay respects to God and the Templars was practically a traitor. They consider anyone who tried becoming an Explorer up for disownment. And the way I lived I was just about to be turned over to the Rehab center at the Local Templar office.”

After a few more questions by Mr. Durumas, Serenias was let to finish unpacking at her new house. “Oh and one more thing Ms. Serenias, once you’re all settled in give my office a call. If I’m in, I’ll tell you when you can pick up your Level 2 clearance, if I’m not, leave a message. And I’ll be in charge of all your missions due to your clearance. It’ll be a pleasure working with someone who actual thinks for a change.” “Wait a minute; I thought you were just a representative?” “That Ms. Serenias will be come clear as to why I’m your boss. But first you’ve got to finish moving. Believe me.” He shooed her out the door and quietly closed it behind her. She quietly left to her new assigned home, near the facility that would now be her work place. She felt like she could finally get do stuff that would allow her to express her freedom. But first she had to unpack.

Serenias arrived to her new home. She stood at the front door, surprised at the size at the size of the house. It was a two story home. She didn’t even have enough to fill a small studio apartment. She looked at the key. It was the right house. She unlocked the front door and stepped inside. All of her stuff, 7 boxes, three suit cases, double bed, 14” tv, and dresser were in the entry way. A single person was sitting on the dresser reading a small booklet. “Hello Miss, since you weren’t here the rest of the guys left me to help you move your stuff to where you want it.” “And you are?” “Oh I’m sorry Miss; I’m Kenjins, one of the movers.” “Oh, well give me a moment to figure out which room is the master bed room.” “Up the stairs, Strait across, double door way, Can’t miss it.” “Uh if you knew where it was, why wait till I got here to move it?” “Simple ma’am, you might find that your house is a little daunting. So you might have wanted one of the smaller rooms.” “Well I might collect stuff and it sensible to put my bed in the master bedroom so.” “Say no more miss. Interesting read here. And call me Jin. Full name is rather hard to say.” He held up the red book. Rules and Regulations of the Explorer’s Association. “But we need to get stuff set up for a new Explorer. Her home.” And with that Serenias and Jin got to work of moving stuff to where she wanted. The house was partly furnished. But it was still mostly white walls and empty space when they got finished.
Serenias looked around at her new abode with satisfaction. “Well ma’am, need me for anything else?” “Nah, thanks for the help Jin. I do have a question, I thought the Explorers didn’t use outside companies for anything?” “They don’t. I’m part of the Explorer’s Association like you, just a different branch of it. Good Luck out there. We might see each other at the facility.” Jin left with out notice but he did leave the red book behind.


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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Asher Omega
post Aug 12 2008, 3:11 AM
Post #2

Butterflix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,093
Joined: May 13 2008
From: The Depths

*Wall of Text warning*

Jurisdiction Pt 2

Serenias sat in contemplation of her current situation. "But that's all in the past now so on to the important stuff, your security pass and rule book." Serenias looked up to Mr. Durumas handing her three items, a navy blue book, a security badge, and an Explorer's license. She took them with a bit of hesitation. "Okay I can now explain, fully, what's going on. We, The Explorers Association, are an outgrowth of an older Government branch, The Relic Discovery and Research Office. As of today, that branch has been shut down, all records burned, and not a single person remembers what its true purpose was, with the exception of us, The Explorers Association." Serenias had heard the term Relic before, but she could not place it. "Remember that part I said about Alternates? Now I can tell you why we call it that. The object that's currently a major part of exploration is what we've decided to call Doppelganger's Door. I'm not going to describe it because, there's nothing to describe it." Serenias looked at the book, instantly recognizing it as the same book she had back at her new home, but this one was a more recent edition. Her security pass was a matte grey card thicker than her Explorer's License. "Don't loose the security pass lass, other wise some serious people are going to start investigation my department. Oh I also have something that"s non standard Explorer's equipment for you, and keep it between you and me." Mr. Durumas pulled from his desk a holstered .38 caliber hand gun. "I am giving you this, in hopes that it'll protect you like it did a friend of mine." Serenias sat there in silence at the "present" that her supervisor had given her, thinking of only one thought, *What had I gotten myself into?*

Serenias didn't remember much of her trip home other than holding her security pass and that handgun. Tomorrow was her first assignment, and it didn't look like she would survive.

The Gunman

Pt. 1

Serenias awoke the next day, got ready for her first assignment. She prepared most of her gear at home, avoiding the handgun. It didn't take her as long as she thought it would. She finally got to the hand gun, and then she noticed some odd things about it. It was rather worn around the grip, like it had been held for long periods of time. It also had two letters engraved on the back of the grip, "J A" Serenias read aloud. Somewhere in the back of her head the two letters sounded very familiar. The model of the gun was an old one. It looked like it was made near the turn of the century, but it couldn't have been. Most fire arms were only allowed to veterans and military personnel. Not even law enforcement could carry hand guns. She could bring herself to attach it to her gear. Serenias was jerked back to reality by the honking of a car horn. She put the gun hastily into her gear bag hopeful that she would never need it.

As she left her house, she saw that there was a car parked in her drive way. "Hey! I'm here for a Ms. Serenias Ventros?" the driver asked. "That would be me." "Good, get in. I'm here to take you to the Gate facility." "Gate facility? But I thought..." "It's not at the same place as the offices miss. See that mountain range northeast? That's where we're going. Name's... OH HEY!" Serenias finally noticed who her driver was. It was Jin from yesterday. "Jin! What are you doing? I thought you were part of the moving crew?" "Actually I am, but my actual job is part of Delivery and Transportation. I deliver and transport anything to anyone. And today I'm transporting you to your first assignment. Did you read that book that I left for ya?" Serenias pulled out the red rule book. "Yea, but I just got a new one, so what should I do with this one?" "First things first, get in the car and I'll tell you what to do with that one." Serenias got in the black car. Jin got the car started and on the way to the Gate facility. "Okay, you want to keep the book I gave you, but if you find a different way that works better for you, write in your new rule book. Everyone, if they survive long enough, finds ways to do their assignments with a little help. Some go solo; others like to work in teams." Serenias thought about it. "But if Explorers sometimes go in teams why don't I hear about those people?" "Rather simple, the ones that make teams are the ones that do the research assignments, the Loners are the ones trying to win fame and fortune. The ones that try to convert the locals in the Alternates usually don't live long enough to get famous." "But I heard..." "Propaganda from the Templars to make sure the sheep don't get any funny ideas. Fat lot it did them, they lost a lot of geniuses over stupid philosophical debates." Serenias sat in the car, thinking of what her current assignment would be like. "Hey Jin, have you ever been an Explorer?" Jin kept his eyes on the road, but Serenias felt that he was in deep thought. "I was, at one time, but I no longer feel the urge to. I'd rather meet the new people, give them a leg up. Oh question to you." "Hmm?" "Would you mind if I gave you a nick name?" Serenias giggled at that. "Sure." "I'm going to call you Nia. Saying your full name is a hassle. So Nia, why'd you want to become an Explorer?" She sat in the car seat, dreading to answer that question. She had to explain it to Mr. Durumas, but she left out several details. With Jin, he might pry to find out more. "Well you don't have to answer if you don't want to Nia. I may be curious, but if you feel really uncomfortable about it, don't answer." "Thanks, it's not something I like people to know about, the fewer the better." "Okay, can I ask what your hometown was like?" "I don't mind that one. It"s a farming community, so everyone knows everybody. Hard to keep a secret in that town. I"ll miss the land, but I won't miss the people." "Ah, religious townsfolk I take it. Kinda a black sheep myself from my home town. Don"t sweat your head about it." "So, what was your hometown like?" "Sadly I grew up in a small business town, so a lot of people kept to themselves." "Then how come you said you were a black sheep?" "Simplistic, I was an activist. And that's all I'm going to say on the matter."

The rest of the trip to the Gate facility was mostly small talk. Serenias learned that Jin was very knowledgeable about political topics and world news. She rarely had heard of other countries and their problems. "So you're saying that this Oedo place is where some of my favorite cartoons came from?" "Yes, albeit very heavily edited to conform to Templar censorship instigated laws." Jin answered very nonchalantly. "Mostly nowadays, anything coming from them is banned for indecency. But since the Explorers has become more international organization, I can get most of it unedited. So what was your favorite cartoon?" "I think it was called Space Warrior. It's been years since I watched it." :Ah! I know which one you're talking about, it's Space Wanderer. Its actual name is The Eyes of Chaos. Wow, to think that you'd actually watched that." "HEY! I was 7 when I watched it. Serph was a great character, just I didn't get why he was wandering." "Well the media company took out the first five episodes, rehashed the rest to make it. If you wouldn't mind I think I might be able to get the original series for you. It might help you understand it better." Serenias thought about it, thinking back to that time. "I might have to..." "Here we are! The gateway to the Gate Facility. I'm sorry about the drive and our conversation but past this point we have to be professional. Give me an answer after your assignment." It was odd. The checkpoint was actually at the foot of the mountain. And a few yards away was an entrance into the mountain. It didn't make any sense as to why the Gate facility was inside the mountain. "Security passes and Identification please?" Serenias nearly jumped at the sound of the guard. She pulled out her License and Security pass. The guard took it and waved the security pass over a small object with an indentation for the pass. "Checks out. Here you go Ms. Ventros." The other guard waved Jin through. "Little bit stressed? You'll get used to it." The car drove strait into the mountain entrance.

After finding the designated parking place in the entrance, Jin led Serenias through corridors, elevators, and shafts to where she was supposed to go. Serenias noticed that most of the guards were from Special Forces of the Military. Most of the soldiers didn't even look twice at her. A few said hello to Jin, but for most of the journey it was silent. "Here we are the Female Changing rooms. This is where I say good bye. I'll tell your supervisor that you're here. Good luck out there, and make sure to use that item you have stuffed in your bag if you're in trouble." Jin left with a second thought after that, leaving Serenias to stand in front of the female locker room. "How did he... no now's not the time to think about it, I need to get ready." Serenias entered the locker room, hoping that there would be someone else to talk to, it was empty. There were locks on a few of the lockers but a vast majority were open for the taking. She began searching for a couple of her favorite numbers. #13 was open, #50 was taken, and sadly to her disappointment there was no #00. She decided on taking #13. "Lucky number 13 don't let me down" she said silently hoping that the luck would rub off on her. She got her gear out ready. "Ms. Ventros, are you ready?" Once again Serenias jumped at the sound. "Umm, I'm a bit occupied." She recognized Mr. Durumas' voice when she heard it. "Ah, don't worry; I'm only using the speaker to talk to you. I forgot to tell you that where you're going for your assignment is a Tropical Climate. I'll leave you in peace." That helped Serenias a bit since she was wondering whether if she should redress or not. She got out the gear that was specified for Tropical climates. Shorts, short-sleeve shirts and anything to carry her gear. She had gotten knee length shorts with extra pockets to carry any thing that might be of interest. Her shirt was nothing more than a white T-shirt. She took a look at her self in one of the many mirrors in the locker room. She didn't like that she was average height, nor the fact that she was modest in other womanly features. "I'll need to tie back my hair." It was a decent shade of auburn, and it was cut a bit higher than her shoulders. She pulled out a small hair band and made a single stub of hair near the back of her head. As she was putting away her normal clothes her hand felt the leather holster for the gun. She really didn't want to bring it, but if two people thought she needed it, then there was a reason behind having. What that reason was, was still a bit vague for her pin down. She pulled out a belt and the holster with the gun. Got the belt through most of her belt loops before adding the holster on it. It sat near her right hand like a reminder of some unknown fate. As she left the locker room, into a small briefing room she finally got a look at who was her super visor. It was Mr. Durumas. "But I thought you..." "Now lass I said I was a desk jockey, not completely out of the Explorers. Ah good you did bring it," nodding towards the firearm at her side. "Now I'm going to give you an Explorer's standard issue vest. You're to wear this to every assignment unless it states other wise. It looked like one of those vests worn by old archeologists in the movies. As Mr. Durumas handed to her, she felt the sudden weight of it. It was heavier than it appeared to be, and the lining was odd. "I'm sorry if it's a bit large, but it's the only size I could get." He winked at her. Serenias understood why he gave her the larger size, to help hide the gun. She put on the vest; the weight while heavy was rather negligible when she wore it. "Alright, instead of the normal spiel that most recruits get I'd rather get this under way. You're going to a Tropical destination; there are a couple of ruins at the drop point. And it's been classified as a potential hazard." "Uh sir, if I may ask a question. How did the other four people before me die? Uh, exactly?" Mr. Durumas sat there for a moment then let out a rather generous laugh. "So you heard that part eh? Well I guess it won't hurt to let a few details go. First person was three feet from the drop point before he just exploded. Second person, got back but there was nothing to save him from the multiple cuts, pretty deep too. Third, dumb idiot refused to wear any protection, dumb move on his part. Was about to finish up before he was shot right at the pick up point, died with in minutes. The final person went in came to the pick up point in a panic, another gun shot. The only thing we got from him was the word Savages. I hate putting a green horn into that kind of place." Serenias thought for a long time, she had no way of backing out but no way of a safe return either. "Sir, just a bit off topic, but why is the gate facility in a mountain?" "Ah I forgot to mention that. That's where we found the Door. An excavation of a recent Relic dig was found here several years ago. One aspiring young lad found a cave system and stumbled upon it. As far as we can tell it is part of the mountain itself. The Door works beyond anything thing we've even theorized about it. Apparently who or what ever made the Relics made that thing as a last testament. Oh that reminds me," Mr. Durumas pulled a small black band from a cabinet behind him, "You'll need one of these. It's the only thing we have that'll get you back here. Never take it off ever. And the only way you can return is by returning to the emergence zone. Your assignment is getting in; find out what kind of place that is, and get the hell back here safely lass. I'd rather not send another letter to parents saying that their child has died."


I decided to cut the chapter up for easier reading and so I can work with my edits. sadly I still can't reveal the second inspiration for the series yet. although I can clear up a few things

the vest is lined with Kevlar, I'm not going to state it in story because Kevlar is a trademark of DuPont. so I'm going to clear that up right now.

also the gun is a Browning 1911 original production. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M1911_pistol for the main article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:M1911-M1911A1.JPG the picture on the top is the original. and yes I know the 1911 is stated to be a .45 caliber but it can have a modification to use a round called the .38 super, and I'm stick to that.

also firearms may be a little touchy subject around here (forum wise) but the story will have (hopefully) not a pronounced dependency on fire arms but they will play a role in most of the story.



This post has been edited by Asher Omega: Aug 12 2008, 3:40 AM


OMG I's got a color AVY, first one I ever had on this Forum! And now a new sig! blargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblargblarg
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Posts in this topic
- Asher Omega   Travel   May 16 2008, 7:29 AM
- - Jahnavi   I liked it, but it is kind of abrupt, both at the ...   May 16 2008, 7:53 AM
- - Asher Omega   as of yet, I have no clue as to where I want to go...   May 16 2008, 8:03 AM
- - Jahnavi   Okay, I hope to read more soon! And if you...   May 16 2008, 8:13 AM
- - Asher Omega   Okay, I got some inspiration, sadly I haven't ...   May 25 2008, 9:35 PM
- - MorriganAensland   Well... first off this is very unusual, although t...   May 26 2008, 1:13 PM
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- - MorriganAensland   O_O Yeah. Wall of text indeed. One I attempted ...   Aug 12 2008, 7:03 PM
- - Nightstorm   Intriguing. Though segmented in the beginning and ...   Nov 1 2008, 5:11 AM
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- - MorriganAensland   Nice trick with the link attached to the period. ...   Nov 24 2008, 3:31 PM
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- - MorriganAensland   Whoo! Nice chapter. And yeah, D does seem to...   May 23 2009, 1:28 AM
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- - Zhanneel   Lots of...wow. I just read through four chapters o...   Jul 25 2009, 2:59 AM
- - Asher Omega   I'll be working on ideas as well as future cha...   Jul 25 2009, 4:08 AM
- - Asher Omega   I am back which means that this poor post WILL BE ...   Jul 31 2010, 4:11 AM

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