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> Azure, Um...I hope you like it? (Note: Some parts are PG-ish)
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post Jul 30 2009, 1:59 AM
Post #1

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Journalists
Posts: 9,394
Joined: February 22 2009
From: Way up high

So this is just a random story that I've been working on. A few people read it, and said it was really good, then requested I post it on MC, so here it is.

Ch. 1:
I hugged my books to my chest. ‘Just keep breathing.’ I thought. ‘Almost there.’ After a full 3 minutes of complete torture, I reached Jeremy’s car.
“Hey Madi,” He greeted me. “What happened this time?”
I sighed. He knew me too well. I’ve know Jeremy since I was in preschool and we’ve been best friends for as long as I can remember. “Well, Jessica was with Brad, like usual, I looked at him once, and as I walked past, she tripped me.”
Jeremy chewed the inside of his cheek, staring at me. “Madison...” I rolled my eyes. He usually only called me by my full name when he was annoyed, or attempting to give me advice, which he seemed to be doing allot of ever since he turned 17 and was “officially” a year older than me. “You’ve liked Brad for how long?”
“Three years.” I mumbled.
“That’s right. And how long has Brad been dating Jessica?”
“Three years.”
“Yep. I rest my case.” Jeremy said, grinning. “Ignore them. Eventually, someone will come along that actually likes you. Like me. But not in a romantic way, because I doubt that would impress Amanda.”
I smiled. Amanda’s his girlfriend. Jeremy always thinks that he has to explain to me that he doesn’t like me in that context. “I know Jer, your like my brother.” I replied, climbing into the back seat of his dark blue convertible. “Where is Amanda anyway?”
“I dunno.” He scanned the crowd of remaining teens, hanging around in the parking lot of our high school. “I don’t see her.”
“There she is.” I pointed to the incoming platinum blonde. “Hi Amanda.”
She waved, smiling. “Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” She climbed into the front seat, and kissed Jeremy.
“No problem.” He replied, starting the engine. “Where to?”
“Well you did promise to take me out tonight.” Amanda replied, smiling.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Aw, but what about Madi?”
“I’m right here you know. You don’t have to talk like I’m not.” I butt in.
“Oh, sorry Madison.” Amanda apologized, turning around. “Maybe we can find your someone, and we can all go on a double date?”
“Nah, forget about it.” I said. “Just drop me off at my mom’s.”
“Are you sure Madi?” Jeremy asked, as he glanced in the rearview mirror.
“I’m sure.”
Jeremy pulled up beside my mom’s house. “I’ll call you later Madi. See ya.”
“Bye Madison.” Amanda called at they drove away.
I just walked up to the door, staring at my feet, alone. I didn’t like Amanda anymore.

Ch. 2:

“Hi Madi.” My younger brother Seth greeted, not even glancing up from his Xbox.
“Hey.” Ugh. 12 year olds... “Where’s mom?”
“I dunno. Shopping.”
“For how long?”
“45 minutes.”
I sighed. Was my entire family made up of outcasts? My brother had like, two friends. And I had Jeremy, which was plenty enough.
“Will you drive me to Christopher’s?” Seth’s voice wrenched me from my thoughts.
“Can’t. Mom has the car remember?”
“Oh, well when she gets back will you drive me?”
“Fine.” I called from upstairs. He’d been too absorbed in his own world, that he hadn’t even noticed I’d left in the middle of his sentence. I groaned, and flopped down on my bed. Well, I had 3 hours at least before Jeremy called. After a few minutes, I stood, and lazily slid into my computer chair, and started it up. I had no idea what for, I mean, the only contacts I had on IM were Jeremy, Amanda and a few family members. I sighed loudly, and opened up IM. As ‘d predicted, nobody was online, so I preceded to check my e-mail. What? My heart stopped. I had one e-mail, and it was from Brad Mackenzie! I couldn’t read it fast enough.

Hey Madison,

I feel really bad about what happened with Jessica today, with her tripping you and crap. So I dumped her. Sorry it’s taken me this long to realize she’s a total *****. Anyway, maybe you and I can hang out sometime. You’ve always seemed pretty cool.


Ohmigod. Brad Mackenzie, my Brad, just asked me out! I began on my reply. I knew the answer of course, but couldn’t figure out how to put it into words.


I have to admit, I was pretty surprised... no, freaking shocked, to read you e-mail. I’m sorry about Jessica, but I guess it was time to move on? But about hanging out, I’d like that. Just give me a time, and a place, and I’ll see if I can make it.


I sat back and my chair, taking deep breaths. I couldn’t believe I’d actually agreed to date Brad Mackenzie. Well, not really date, as he’d only asked me to “Hang out.” but in my experience, which was pretty much zilch, hanging could very well be considered a date. Just then, I heard my mom’s car dive up. A few seconds later, the door slammed and then.
“Madi! Come get the groceries!”
I groaned. “Coming Mom!” Why Seth couldn’t help, was beyond me. My mom always said “He’s still upset from the divorce. I don’t want to push him.” Still upset from the divorce? The very same one that happened almost 5 years ago? ‘Gimme a break.
Seth was still on the couch, exactly where I’d left him. “Will you drive me to Chris’ now?”
“In a minute.” I replied, slipping on a pair of flip-flops. “I gotta bring in groceries.” After four bags, and Seth’s stupid comments, I was finally finished.
“Can you take me now Madi?” Seth asked, leaning over the back of the couch. His dark hair brushed back, out of his eyes. He looked so young without his bangs in his face...
“I guess so. Hey Mom,” I called. “Can I use the car to drive Seth to his friends’?”
She sighed loudly from the kitchen. “Well, I suppose so. Be careful.”
“Comeon Seth, let’s go then.” I said, grabbing the keys and walking out the door.

Ch. 3

“Thanks for driving me Madi.” Seth said from the back seat.
“Yeah, no problem.” I replied, stopping at a light. “Did you want me to pick you up too?”
“Well...” He said hesitantly.
I rolled my eyes. Why couldn’t he just say yes like a normal person, instead of beating around the bush. “Fine. I’ll pick you up. Just say it next time Seth.”
“Alright. Sorry Madi.”
“I don’t care. I’m not mom.” I replied icily, instantly regretting my tone. I’d always wished Seth and I were closer. Jeremy was more like a brother then Seth would ever be. But we had our different interests, and lives, and apparently, that was enough for Seth.
“This is it.” Seth said eventually. “Chris lives here.”
I pulled into the drive way, and we sat in silence for a minute, until Seth broke it.
“So, I’ll call you when I wanna come home?”
“Okay, well... bye Madi.”
“Mhmmm.” I said, as he got out. “Bye.” As I pulled out of the driveway.
It took me 10 minutes to get back home. As soon as I open the door, I kicked off my flip-flops, and ran up to my room. I opened my internet browser, and tapped my fingers on the desk impatiently. “Come on!” I muttered. Eventually, it loaded, and I opened up my e-mail. There was a new one from Brad.

Okay, cool

So actually, I’m sure you’ve heard about that new teen club? It’s opening this Friday. My uncle’s the co-owner, so I can totally get you on the list if you want.


A new club with a “list”? Wow. That was pretty high-class. I thought for a minute, before replying.

I’d totally be into that. If my mom says it’s okay, that is. She’s pretty controlling. Is it like, formal? Or no. Because I really wouldn’t want to stand out that much. Also, I’ll probably need the address, and more details about it. You could always tell me at school I guess.


As soon as I’d sent it, I almost instantly received a reply.

School? Nah. I can give you the details now. Or IM. Here, I’ll add you.


Several seconds later, a new IM window popped open.

Brad: Madison?
Madi: Yeah.
Brad: Alright, cool. So did you want the details and stuff now?
Madi: Oh, yeah I guess.
Madi: But I’ll have to ask my mom. One sec...

“Mom?” I called. “Hey mom?”
“What Madi?” Came her muffled reply.
“Can I go on a date this Friday night?”
“A date? With whom?” She said, appearing at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at me, arms crossed.
“Brad Mackenzie.”
“Where’d you meet him?”
“School. I’ve know him since the 3rd grade mom. Please?”
She sighed. “I don’t know Madi.”

Okay, this is going to sound really ridiculous, I’m sure, but here it goes. I’m 16 years old, going on 17 in 8 months, and have never been on a date in my life let alone had my first kiss. So, me asking my mom if I can go on a date has happened, well uh, never.

“Please mom?”
“Where are you going?” She ask. I could tell she was considering it, so this had to be convincing.
“Uh...a club,” I replied. “It’s new. His uncle owns it.”
“A club? Not a nice restaurant? Or maybe a movie?” She narrowed her eyes.
“It’s a teen club,” I explained. “Only ages...uh, 15 to 17 allowed in.” I knew that wasn’t what’d be. There’d totally be 18 and 19 year olds too, but I knew my mom wouldn’t let me go even if there was the smallest chance of alcohol being there.
“Oh. Well, in that case, I guess it would be okay. If...”
Oh no, here it comes.
“Only if Jeremy goes with you.”
Sheesh. Just because the dude’s turning 18 in 2 months, and is going to university in the fall, doesn’t make him a saint mother. “Alright.”

I turned and slunk back into my hole...I mean bedroom.

Madi: Back.
Brad: Hey. So?
Madi: I can come.
Brad. Awesome. Did you want the details now?
Madi: It’d be nice. Oh, I kinda told my mom only people 15-17 are allowed in. What’s it really?
Brad: 16-19
Madi: Oh. Okay.
Brad: Yeah. So it’s 214 Main Street. Doors open at 10. I’ll get you on the list.
Madi: Okay. Thanks.
Brad: Oh, and can you do me a favor?
Madi: Sure.
Brad: Can you not mention this at school? The club is invite only, so alot of people are gonna be pissed.
Madi: Ohhhh. I see. If it’s invite only, then can you add Jeremy Hurst?
Brad: Uh...why?
Madi: Oh. Well actually, forget I said anything.
Brad: Sure. Oh, and as to your formal question, it’s not really. I mean, it’s not black tie or anything.
Madi: Oh. Okay.
Brad: Well, I have to go. I’ll see you on Friday.
Madi: Bye.

I logged off IM, and sat for a second. Why he didn’t just say ‘see you at school’ was beyond me. But, just then I didn’t care. I had a date in 2 days with Bradley James Mackenzie. I glanced at the clock. It was 5:15. Jeremy was probably home by now. I debated whether I should call his cell, where he’d probably answer, or his house, where one of his parents would answer. I decided on his home phone.
I dialed, and his mom picked up. “Hello?”
“Hi Jennifer.”
“Oh, hi Madi. How have you been honey?”
“Better,” See, when my parents first divorced, my dad stayed in the house we’d always lived it. It was 4 houses down from Jeremy’s. My mom moved uptown, to the house we live in now. Recently, as in 3 months ago, my dad decided to marry his girlfriend Sue, and move in with her and her 3 kids down in Florida. So, he sold the house, and I lived with mom. full time instead of alternating weeks. So, when Jennifer asks how I am, she’s not actually asking it like a normal question. She’s referring to how I’m doing since my dad left. “So is Jeremy there?”
“He is honey, but I doubt he wants to be bothered.” She replied.
“Oh, What happened?” I asked.
“I’m not sure Madi. He came home, seeming quite irritated.”
“Can I talk to him.”
“Sure, though I doubt you’ll be able to do anything.”
A few minutes later, Jeremy came on. “What?”
“Hey Jer, what’s up?”
“Amanda dumped me.”
Ouch, blunt and right to the point. “Oh...” Was all I could say. God, some friend. This was the guy I’d know since I was 3. The guy who’d been there for me after every fight my parents had, who drove me everywhere for almost 2 years when I hadn’t had my license. Who’d done so much for me, yet I could barely utter a word when he needed me too. “Do you want to talk about it?” My news could wait. Jeremy needed me.
“Not unless you want to.”
“I do. Where should I meet you?” I asked, sitting on my bed.
He sighed. “I’ll...I’ll pick you up I guess.”
“Yeah. Bye.”

Ch 4:

I sat on the cold cement steps of my house, chin resting in my hands. Jeremy should have been here 10 minutes ago. I sighed, and leaned back on my hands. Finally, I saw his convertible come abound the corner. He didn’t come out. Jeremy simply parked in front of my house, and I saw him rest his head against the steering wheel.
I stood and walked quickly to his car. “Hi.” I said, as I opened the door.
Jeremy didn’t even look up.
He looked up. I wish he hadn’t. His face was red, and swollen. Tearstained. Let’s just put it this way: The only other time I can remember Jeremy crying, was in the 5th grade. And his dog had gotten run over. I leaned over and gave him a really wussy hug. You know what that’s like. Hugging someone in a car I mean. If you haven’t done it, let me tell you, it’s pretty freaking hard.
“Madi...” He said, then ran a hand though his hair.
“We can just sit here, if you want.” I suggested.
Jeremy nodded, and pulled the keys from the ignition.
“So, tell me exactly what happened.”
“Well, uh...” He began. “After we dropped you off, Amanda said she wanted to get a burger or something, so we went to McDonald's. Just as we were about to leave, Amanda says that there’s something she’s wanted to talk about, then proceeds to tell me that she doesn’t think we’ve really been working out. I asked her why, and she said that she feels that we’re just too different now or something. I dunno. What I don’t get is why she didn’t tell me in the last 2 months we’ve been dating.” He stopped for a second. We sat in silence. I knew there was something else, but he seemed scared to tell me. “And uh...” Jeremy mumbled. “She also thinks that um...well you and I. She, well thinks that I’m totally into you. Or something. She wants us to be friends, but I told her to screw off.”
I sat there for a minute. “Did you tell her we’re just friends?” I asked finally.
“No, because well uh...” His voice trailed off.
My eyes widened, in recognition. “You are into me. Aren’t you?”
“No. We’re just friends. I’ve known you since I was 4. Your my sister.”
“Jeremy.” I said, raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms.
“I don’t like you.” He said defensively.
“Did you ever? Because, it seems like you kinda did.”
He stared at the his keys on the dash for a long time. “No.”
“Did you.” I prompted, saying it more as a statement than a question.
He sighed again. “Madison, do we have to talk about this now?”
“Yes.” I said firmly. I wanted to know when, or if, he’d liked me. I’d thought about this situation hundreds of times. In movies, they always seemed to enjoy paring up the lifelong friends in romantic situations. Would that ever happen to Jeremy and I? I’d liked him too at one point, but would never tell him. My god, the very thought...
“I never liked you as anything more than a friend.” He replied.
“Yeah.” He asked.
“Why would you like me?” I asked, trying to hide my heartbreak with sarcasm. “I had a crappy haircut, and braces and...”
“Because I actually know what your like.” He cut me off. “I can look past appearances. Unlike you apparently. You still like Brad. He’s a total jerk.”
“Actually, he’s not. He asked me out today.” I said. It had to come out sometime.
“He what?”
“Asked me out. We’re going to this one new club Friday.”
Jeremy shook his head, and sighed again. “I don’t think so.”
“Jer, your my best friend, not my father. I’m going.”
“Do you actually even have a father anymore Madi?” He asked, starting the car.
That one hurt. I knew he’d wanted it to. I got out of the car, and slammed the door as hard as I could, and walked back towards the house, wiping my eyes.

Ch. 5:

Once reaching my house, I ran up to my room, and threw myself of my bed. I just wanted to forget that entire conversation. I understood that Jeremy was depressed, but that was no reason for him to bring up my dad. All I felt like doing was calling my dad now. I sat up, and wiped my eyes again. Well why not? It was only 8:30pm in Florida. Dad would be up for sure. I silently opened the door of my room, and snuck towards my mom’s. Good, she wasn’t there. The phone was carelessly tossed on her bedside table. I picked it up and dialed. It rang 4 times. Just when I thought I was going to get the machine, my stepbrother Colin picked up.
“Hi, um...is my dad there?” I asked, weakly.
“Is this Madison?” He asked.
“He’s not here.” Colin said harshly.
“Where is he?” I asked. I’d met Colin only twice. When dad had first introduced me to Sue, and at the wedding. From what I remember, he was 19 and well over 6 feet. In other words, quite intimidating.
“You think I stalk him or something? I don’t know.”
“He’s my dad. I-I miss him. I just want to talk to him.” I couldn’t believe I just said that.
Colin didn’t say anything for a long time. I assumed he was thinking of a way to make fun of me, but I was wrong. “I miss my dad too.” He replied finally.
“Really? What happened to him?”
“He walked out on us when I was 7. A year ago, I got a letter saying he’d committed suicide, and because Ellen was 12 and Joshua was 16, I was the only one eligible in the will. Therefore entitled to all his possessions.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“Then, when your dad married my mom,” He sighed. “I dunno. I wasn’t ready for a new dad, even though mine’s been gone for 12 years.”
“How’ s it been?” I asked.
“Richard’s...Richard’s great. I understand why you miss him Madison.”
“Call me Madi.”
“Madi. I’ll remember that. Did you want me to tell your dad anything?”
I thought for a minute. “Tell him I love him, and that he’s really lucky to have found such a great family.” I could almost see Colin smiling.
“I’m sure he misses you like crazy Madi. You seem really down to earth, and smart for your age. I’ll be sure to tell him.”
“Bye Colin.”
“Bye Madi.”

I hung up and sighed. Well Colin just reminded me of Jeremy, and why I was calling in the first place. I chucked the phone back onto the table, and stood. Realizing I should probably go pick up Seth, I headed downstairs. The first thing I noticed, was that Seth was on the couch, playing Xbox again. The second thing, was who was playing with him. Jeremy.
“Jer? What are you doing? Seth, how’d you get home?” I asked, leaning on the arm of the couch.
“Mom picked me up. She went to work by the way.” Seth replied without batting an eye. “Hurst! You can’t do that!”
“Show me the rule Lithridge,” Jeremy said, elbowing Seth in the ribs.
I rolled my eyes. Why guys called each other by their last names was beyond me. I preferred Madi any day. I sat down beside Jeremy, and crossed my legs.
“Do you wanna play Madi?” Seth asked, eyes hopeful. I hadn’t played a video game with him since I was probably...gosh, 11?
“Um...well. I’m not very good.” I replied.
“That’s okay! I’ll teach you. Here,” He handed me the controller. “hold it like this.”
“Uh, alright. I replied, hesitantly taking it. I could feel Jeremy watching me. When I glanced over, he looked away. Dang...did he like me?
“Okay, now, this is how you run. Good.” Seth instructed, smiling.
“Okay, this makes no sense.” I exploded, tossing the controller down.
“You can do it Madi,” Jeremy said, not even glancing at me. “You can do anything.”
“Why are you here?” I asked, sharply.
“What, I’m not allowed here?” He asked. “I pretty much live here.”
“No, I just thought you’d...” I sighed. “Never mind.” I didn’t really want to get into it when Seth was sitting a mere 5 centimetres away.
“Are you going to play Madi?” Seth asked.
“Seth, uh, maybe later okay? Jeremy and I are going for a walk, okay?” I asked, glancing over at Jeremy.
“Okay...” Jeremy stood slowly, and glanced out the window. “But it’s raining.”
“It’s just rain,” I said unintentionally brusque. “Comeon.”

Jeremy and I walked side by side, in silence. All the way to the park. We sat down on a couple of swings, and just sat for awhile. Jeremy pushed his long, wet bangs from his forehead. His usually light brown hair was so wet, it was as almost as dark as mine. I pulled my thin jacket closer. I glanced at Jeremy. He was staring at his feet. Well this was awkward. What was wrong with us? We’ve always had so much to talk about.
“Madi,” He said suddenly, looking me right in the eyes. God, his brown eyes... Madi, you don’t like him. You don’t like him. Did I? No... After telling the voice in my head to take a hike, I turned to Jeremy.
“Yeah?” I asked much calmer than I felt.
“If you could have one thing, anything at all, what would you want?”
Where was he going with this...?” “Well, I...” I thought for a minute before replying. “I’d wish for my parents to get back together, and for us to be a normal, happy family again. What would you wish for?”
“I’d wish for courage.”
“Um...why?” I asked, dumbfounded.
“So I can tell this one absolutely amazing girl how I feel about her.” He replied softly.
“A girl? Who?” I asked.
Jeremy slowly turned his head, and raised an eyebrow. “If your that stupid, then you don’t deserve to know.”
“Jer, comeon. Who is she?” I asked, wiping the rain from my forehead.
“Nevermind.” Jeremy said, starting to swing. “Forget I said anything.”
“Uh...” Alright.” I replied. It was still pouring rain, but I didn’t care anymore. I never really did. I actually liked the rain.
“Madi,” He said my name again. “Don’t go out with Brad.” That was all he said, before standing, and began heading back towards my house.

This post has been edited by winxclubrox23: Jul 30 2009, 8:08 PM


Thanks to Ditty for the userbar! Llamas by CookiemagiK on DA
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post Jul 30 2009, 2:31 AM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
Posts: 28,010
Joined: March 23 2008
From: somewhere over the raiinbow


Credits to Bre for the forum set, and Ditty/Esca for the userbar :D

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post Jul 30 2009, 5:28 PM
Post #3

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
Posts: 12,748
Joined: February 9 2008
From: wilmington, delaware

yea same here i dont realy read romance stories, but this one is interesting.
it reminds me of alot of pret-teens shows. Cant wait to see the next chapters.


Thanks Cami!!!
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post Jul 30 2009, 8:06 PM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Journalists
Posts: 9,394
Joined: February 22 2009
From: Way up high

Here's a chapter before I leave guys. Cheers!

Ch. 6:

That night, I lay awake in bed. What had Jeremy meant by that? Obviously, he didn’t think Brad would be a good boyfriend. I knew that. But then there was the whole thing about some girl. It wasn’t me. Was it? No. Yes? Ugh. I didn’t know. I secretly wanted it to be me, but on the other hand, dating Jeremy would royally screw up our friendship. We’d been best friends for 13 years. I used to wait by the bus stop every day for Jeremy when he started kindergarten, while I was still stuck at home. Then, when I was old enough, had proudly sat beside him, in his group of 1st grade friends. Or the time in 4th grade I’d gotten the chicken pocks and even when I wasn’t contagious anymore, nobody came to my birthday party. Except Jeremy. I couldn’t imagine what I was to do without him next year. He’d be 2000 miles away at University. I just didn’t want to think about that. Why did he have to be a year older than me? Why couldn’t my parents “oops” have happened a year sooner? I often secretly wished I hadn’t been born. If I hadn’t, they wouldn’t have gotten married, then Seth, who actually hadn’t been a mistake, wouldn’t have had to go through hell on earth. That was one of the few things Jeremy didn’t know. Was I depressed? Nah. That was something that only happened to somebody else. Then again, I was someone else to everyone else.
I sighed, and rolled over. It was freaking 3 in the morning. I had to wake up at 6:30am, yet I still couldn’t get to sleep. What was wrong with me? I crawled out of bed, and grabbed a photo album off my shelf. Ages 5 till 6. Those seemed like good ages. Back when my parents got along. The first picture was of me and Jeremy on my first day of kindergarten. We looked so happy. What the hell happened? Oh yes, that’s right. High school. I flipped the page, and was faced with pictures of Jeremy and I at the park in the summer. On the very same swings we’d just been sitting on a few hours ago. I put the photo album down, and sighed loudly. I didn’t want cookie-cutter happy pictures. I wanted real life, and this album wasn’t cutting it. I put it back and pulled ages 11 till 13. Perfect. The first picture was of Jeremy and I. It looked like it was my first day of 6th grade. Middle school. Woo. I had to smile though. Jeremy’s haircut was absolutely heinous. But honestly, I really couldn’t talk. My hair was streaked blonde. Blonde? My god, what was I thinking?. Note to self, never ever die, streak or perm your hair. Ever. I flipped the page. Okay, school dance. I was the one taking the pictures apparently, as there weren’t any of me. Mostly of Jeremy, and a few girls that I used to hang out with in middle school. Oh, there was one of me, glaring at the camera, while dancing with Darwin Smith. I actually danced with him? People certainly change.
It took me 2 hours to go through every photo album. Zero to 14, which is where my mom stopped doing my photos, and started catching up on Seth’s. By the time I was done, I could barely keep my eyes open, I was so tired. In those 2 hours, I’d laughed, cried and felt almost every emotion you can think of. But, I still couldn’t sleep. I sighed and climbed into bed, just as my alarm went off.


Thanks to Ditty for the userbar! Llamas by CookiemagiK on DA
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post Aug 13 2009, 2:34 AM
Post #5

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Journalists
Posts: 9,394
Joined: February 22 2009
From: Way up high

Ch. 7

After 10 more minutes, I finally hauled my ass to the bathroom, and had the longest shower of my life.
“Madi! Hurry up! It’s 8:15!” My mother screamed.
“I’m coming mom!” I called back, taking one last look in the mirror. Jeez, had I just taken a 2 hour shower? Thank god we had another bathroom.
“Madi, what have you been doing?” My mom asked, looking fabulous as usual. Seriously, half the time, I think I was switched at birth.
“Taking a shower,” I mumbled, grabbing my binder. “Bye.” I slammed the door.

Like always, Jeremy was waiting at the curb in his car, though for the first time in 2 months, without Amanda.
“Hey Madi,” He greeted. “What’s up?”
“Not too much.” I replied, running my fingers through my long, still wet hair.
“What did you do?” He asked simply, pulling away from the curb.
“I had a 2 hour shower.” I answered, rubbing my eye, and smudging my heaver-than-normal eyeliner, and proceeded to swear loudly.
“What now?”
“Smudged my eyeliner.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes. “God Madi, when did you get so...I dunno. Self-conscious.”
“Where have you been for the last 3 years of high school?” I asked. “Your losing it Jer.”
“Whatever. Look, I wanted to talk to you about Brad.”
“Uh, why? You shouldn’t care.” I said. Okay. Was this it? Was he going to tell me he liked me or something? What the hell would I say back? Would I actually remember to breathe?
“But I do care. And I want to know what you actually see in him.” Jeremy said, as he parked.
“Um, I’ve liked him for 3 years. He asked me out. What else did you think I was going to say?”
“Never mind. Your blind Madi.” He said, slamming the car door, and heading towards the main door.
Okay, what was that supposed to mean? I rolled my eyes. Did he have to be so indirect? If he liked me, why didn’t he just say so? But that was ridiculous. There was no way Jeremy Hurst liked me. Well, maybe he did. But it was going to take a long time for me to accept it.
My first class was English. Okay Brad was in my class. I glanced over at him as I came in the door. He didn’t even look up. Jessica did though, just to give me one of her famous glares. I glared right back. I assume I was intimidating, with my eyeliner still smudged, and my hair messy, because her eyes widened for a millisecond, and she looked down after that.
I smiled to myself, and took a seat. Brad still didn’t even look up, and honestly, I couldn’t blame him. I looked like I’d been run over by a truck.
“Alright everyone,” Mr. Bastin said, rushing in. Late as always. “Sorry I’m late.” Yeah, thanks. Tell us something we don’t know. “As you know, today’s the due date of your essays.” Wait what? Well that was something I definitely didn’t know. Crap. I raised my hand.
“Yes, Madison?” He asked.
“Um, I thought the essay’s were due next Thursday.”
He glanced at his day planner. “Nope, their due today. Is that going to be a problem?”
“Uh...well...no.” I said, sinking lower in my seat.
Ayna Thomas, the resident goody-two-shoes of my high school, leaned across the aisles and whispered “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” I replied. “I’m fine. In fact, I’m just peachy keen. Ask me how I’m feeling after my mom finds out I failed English.”


Thanks to Ditty for the userbar! Llamas by CookiemagiK on DA
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Anna Maria
post Aug 18 2009, 11:43 AM
Post #6

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 2,202
Joined: April 22 2009

It's cool, keep going. icon_biggrin.gif


Liva siggie by Terri...
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post Aug 18 2009, 7:34 PM
Post #7

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Former Staff
Posts: 28,010
Joined: March 23 2008
From: somewhere over the raiinbow

Ditto, cant wait for the next chapter.


Credits to Bre for the forum set, and Ditty/Esca for the userbar :D

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