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> Rebellious Ties (palladium-centered, Rated Pg-13)
post Apr 24 2007, 8:51 PM
Post #1

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
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Joined: April 7 2007
From: Behind a PC

Note: I suck at giving ratings, so I don't know if the PG-13 rating is correct, but don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing above it, maybe below.

Chapter 1: Rising concern

Bloom and the other girls sat in their chairs, staring at the blackboard. For the first time, someone didn't show up; their teacher, professor Palladium.
"This is a first, a teacher that doesn't show up." Bloom muttered, leaning towards Stella.
"Ow, as long as he doesn't let us repeat the lost time, it's fine by me." Stella answered. They waited for fifteen minutes, and surprise turned into concern.
"This doesn't feel right, maybe he's sick." Flora said.
"I don't think so, if he was sick we would've known by now." Tecna reasoned. And, as on cue, Palladium entered.
"Sorry I'm late, girls...." He muttered, turning towards his desk. "Let's.... let's start, shall we?" And he wanted to write something down. The girls couldn't help but keep staring at him. He looked like crap, to say it frankly. But not like he was sick, more like he was so utterly shaken and in need of some sleep.
"Uhm, professor?" Bloom raised her hand. Palladium turned around. "Is something the matter?" She asked. Palladium smiled at her, but this smile wasn't genuine, it was obviously fake to try to make her and the others stop worrying.
"Nothing's the matter, so let's continue this lesson, okay? Now, you all had an assignment to make...." And with that, the lesson really started.

Lunchtime at Alfea always was noisy during this time, and still was, but some of the students, and all of the staff, were focussing on Palladium, who didn't touch his food, eyes focussed on some papers, written in the Elven language. On the front page on one of the papers stood the portrait of an elder elf, his face haggard and his gray hair as long as Palladium's.
"Uhm, Palladium?" Avalon tried, placing his hand on that of the stressing elf when he didn't get an imediate answer.
"Yes?" Palladium answered him, not taking his eyes of the papers.
"Is... something the matter?"
"No, not really...."
"Please, you expect us to believe that? I'm not an expert in the elven language, but I do know the words for 'hostile takeover', 'Athryell' and 'rebel leader'" This made Palladium look up, and his tired eyes focussed on his colleagues. He saw concern and sympathy, surely they would understand.
"Alright, I'll tell, but is it okay we do that somewhere... private?" Palladium asked, turning towards Faragonda.
"My office, after the last classes." She said simply. Palladium smiled and turned back to the papers, as the others hesitantly started to eat again.

"Good. We all know something is bothering you, and we also figured out it has something to do with your home dimension." Faragonda said, as she and the staff sat at the table in her office. "Please, tell us what upset you so much." Palladium sighed and started telling.
"Athryell, my home, has been taken over by a new regime. By dictators, who obviously gained power by wrong means. There is a rebellion, but it is small and unstable. At least.... it was. The former General of Athryell's archers division called 'The Hawkeyes', is rumored to be the new leader, and since that rumor started, the rebels have became a formidable threat."
"I see how this concerns you...." Faragonda started.
"No, you don't..... You see, the rebel leader is General Amon, and he's my father." This shook the table. "I'm worried sick. My father might be a great warior and leader, but the new goverment is ruthless, and will execute him on sight." Palladium was almost crying now. "I tried to contact him, but all information I get is from the newspapers, which is heavily censored." His eyes flared. "Painting my father as a traitor.... while they're the ones that have betrayed him...." He wanted to rant, but Avalon took his hand.
"Calm down." He said gently.
"Yes." Faragonda added. "I think you need some rest; we will cover your classes until you get some rest and maybe manage to contact your father." She offered, Palladium smiled carefully.
"Thanks Miss Faragonda." He answered, feeling slightly better then he had in days.

A/N: You like?
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post Apr 25 2007, 9:24 PM
Post #2

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
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From: Behind a PC

A/N: Or not..... Ah well, let's get on with it.

Chapter 2: Arrest
A few days passed, and Palladium looked a lot better, and obviously got some much needed rest. But the concern was still there.
"Palladium?" Avalon asked, stepping into the said elf's office. The elf sat at his desk, fidling with a 3-d Communicator. "How do you feel?"
"Oh, I'm fine, thanks." Palladium answered, smiling. "But my father...." His smile dropped. "I can't contact him.... what if they captured him? What if they killed him?!" Palladium held his head. Avalon carefully placed a hand on Palladium's shoulder.
"He's fine, I'm sure of it." He said, Palladium smiled gently.
"Thanks....." The two of them shared a pleasant silence, which was harshly interrupted by something loudly approaching. The two men watched out of the window, as they saw a black carriage approaching, being pulled by pitch-black horses, being flanked by equally black horses, mounted by Elves, their face-paint, camouflage hats, and same coloured light-leather armor betraying they were dealing with archers.
"The hawkeyes....." Palladium muttered. Avalon wanted to reply, but it was to late, Palladium already ran outside.
On the school square, the elves dismounted their horses and marched towards the carriage, their movements and faces emotionless and disciplined, as one of them opened the carriage.
"What is this?!" Faragonda fumed, as she approached the carriage, looking at the man stepping out. The man was tall and thin, his body covered with an extremely long, belted-shut, black leather coat, his purple hair was cut in half-long bangs, and his white, long face carried a nasty smirk. "What are you doing here?!"
"The name is Ankor." The man said, smirking. "The new general of the Hawkeyes. I'm here for..... ah, speaking of the devil." The man looked past Faragonda, as Palladium ran towards them, followed by Avalon.
"Where is he?!" Palladium demanded the man, raising his fist. This resulted in numerous arrows pointed his way.
"Oh, so you heard the news. But that's not why I'm here." Ankor continued. "I'm here for your arrest." This shocked the three teachers.
"A-arrest? Palladium hasn't done anything wrong!" Faragonda exclaimed.
"Supporting a dangerous outlaw is a serious crime." Ankor calmly replied.
"S-support? Palladium would never support...." But Faragonda didn't finish her sentence, as she turned towards her employee. "Is this true?"
"No!" Palladium shouted, clenching his fist.
"We'll see how truthfull that statement is at Athryell prison, alright?" Ankor said, as he brought forward a few steel cuffs. Palladium growled, but obediently put his hands forwards.
"Good boy...." Ankor said with a smile, but was to busy gloating to see the glimmer in the younger elf's eyes. This glimmer only became apperant when Palladium took a hold of his wrists. "What the....?" And with one swift swipe, Ankor smacked into the ground. The archers tightened their bows, but weren't fast enough as Palladium dissapeared in a flurry of leaves.
"That was stupid, little elf." Ankor growled, as he sat up on one knee and flung his hand forward. Purple smoke shot from it and a few yards away, Palladium appeared was hit by the smoke, falling down. Palladium carefully felt his neck: he could feel there was scar-tissue there, forming a pentagram. "That symbol will cancel out your magic, making you powerless." Ankor gloated, as he and the archers approached. Two archers, pulled Palladium up and forced him on his knees, arms behind his back.
"You *******.... I know what you're up to! Using me as bait!" Palladium hissed. Ankor just chuckled.
"It isn't that hard to come up with, really, but highly effective. Gents, show him inside the carriage, alright?" Ankor ordered the archers, and forced Palladium up, and in the carriage.
"This is unheard of! Release Palladium at once!" Faragonda demanded, Ankor just raised an envelope.
"This arrest is permitted by the Supreme Court of Athryell, and is therefore justified. You know the Elven rules, Miss Faragonda, and you probably know how much trouble it would bring if you disobeyed them." Ankor threatened, Faragonda growled, but couldn't help but hang her head.
"Faragonda?!" Avalon exclaimed. "You're gonna just.... let them do this?!"
"I'm sorry Avalon, but my hands are tied." She said, staring at the General, being led back into the carriage, as the archers mounted their horses and the whole group dissapeared trough the Alfea gates. "Palladium.... please be strong." Faragonda said, watching at the carriage ride of into the woods.
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Palladium fangir...
post Apr 28 2007, 3:00 AM
Post #3

Tynix Fairy

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From: reading a book with Palladium



The last two banners came from this site: http://www.janime.info/Genex/introduct.html

This is my shout out to Fullmoon, P-Girl, and Anime Princess:You're awesome nobody hurt them ok otherwise there will be consequences
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post Apr 28 2007, 5:48 AM
Post #4

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Behind a PC

It's on his way, trust me.
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post Apr 28 2007, 12:44 PM
Post #5

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
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From: Behind a PC

*Paper cut out of God, looking down on earth*: GET ON WITH IT!
Let's not anger someone from a Monty Python movie, shall we?

Chapter 3: Escape

"Faragonda, I still disagree how you just let those beings take Palladium." Avalon said, as he and Faragonda walked trough the school halways.
"I'm sorry, Avalon, but I can't risk the anger of the dimension of Athryell. Their army is one of the most powerfull of all the realms, if they were to attack our school...."
"That would become a carnage...." Avalon whispered. "I see. But... you can't just leave Palladium on his own. They see him as a traitor, only the Lords know what they're going to do to him."
"I know Avalon, I know...." Faragonda opened the door to her office. "But the students come first, and I know Palladium understands that as well." With that, she closed the door, leaving Avalon outside. Avalon went outside, and looked at the sky. It was then that he'd made his decision, as he spread his wings and flew off, into the direction the carriage went. From her office window, Faragonda looked at the paladin dissapearing.
"Please be strong.... both of you...." She whispered, knowing that she wouldn't see both of them return for a long while.

The carriage, flanked by the archers, made it's way trough the woods. Ankor, who sat at one end, smirked at his other passenger. Palladium just looked down at his cuffed wrists, keeping quiet like he did the whole ride.
"You're terrible company, you know that?" Ankor asked, out of the blue. Palladium just growled slightly.
"Last time I checked, I was a prisoner, not good company." He muttered, as he kept looking down. Inside, he breathed a sigh of relief. The person before him hadn't noticed that he quietly started to guide some of his energy towards the brand in his neck, slowly but surely breaking the magical seal that it contained.
"Hush hush, you're in enough trouble as it is." Ankor replied. The rest of the ride proceeded in silence, until they made a stop.
"General Ankor, we're approaching the gate towards Athryell." One of the archers said.
"You hear that?" Ankor said to Palladium, who now closed his eyes. Almost..... "You're almost home."
"In that case, tell my father I'm sorry." Palladium couldn't help but smirk, as he threw his bound hands in the air. Ankor only had time to look surprised as the elf gathered energy, and blew up the carriage, including his cuffs. "But I'm not planning to return so soon." He said, as he landed gracefully, debris still falling. Ankor made a little less gracefull landing, nearly falling over. All the archers were once more pointing their arrows at Palladium.
"That.... was stupid, young elf! Really stupid!" He shouted, but smirked as he saw how Palladium was holding up. Palladium stood hunched over, clutching his side and panting. All in all he looked exhausted. "See? That blast nearly costed you all your energy, you won't stand a chance against the Hawkeyes like that."
"I wasn't planning on fighting." Palladium said, and was gone in a green flash, temporarily blinding the archers. Once they could see again, Palladium made his way into the forest.
"Get him!" Ankor yelled, and the archers dismounted and ran into the forest, after Palladium. Palladium run to the trees as fast as he could, but he could hear the archers gaining on him already firing their arrows, only missing because of the low vision because of the trees and plants of the forest. Trees.... Palladium had an idea, and he could use it, as he started to strain his body to it's limits. Nimbly changing his direction, he hastily climbed in a tree. This seemed to work, as he saw the archers searching trough him.
"Where is he?" Ankor said, approaching, his movement being hindered by his coat, which obviously wasn't meant for forest hikes. "Don't tell me you lost him. You people are supposed to be perfect trackers!" Palladium followed the conversation, looking trough the curtain of leafs. Once the conversation was over, he quietly sighed and leaned against the tree's trunk. He didn't know how long he was blessed with this break, so he'd better take full advantage of it. A few minutes passed, and with the rustle of the archers searching being the only noise, the exhausted elf started to dose off. This snooze was roughly ended when an arrow made it's way trough the leafs, and another, and another. The fourth one made Palladium fall out of the tree, landing on his left shoulder with a sickening crack.
"Look who decided to drop by." Ankor joked, as he looked at Palladium staggering to his feet, holding his broken shoulder. "Now that you clearly can't run nor fight, let's get back, shall we?" He said, apparating another set off cuffs while approaching Palladium.
"No..." Palladium muttered, backing away. But he knew he wasn't a challenge.... he was done for.
"General Ankor!" One off the Archers suddenly yelled, making Ankor look back and gasp. A golden, glowing entity made it's way towards them. The archers started shooting at it, but the arrows simply bounced off. Once the entity approached, his glow intensed, and knocked several archers off their feet. It approached Ankor, it's glow still knocking down archers as it approached.
"L-leave me alone!" Ankor yelled, flinging the same brand he used at Palladium at the being. A hand came from the glow, and crushed the dark pentagram.
"Get lost." The voice calmly, but threatingly said. Ankor wasted no time and ran away. The archers, altough looking fearless, followed suit. Palladium slowly approached the entity.
"Thanks for helping me." He said, as the entity slowly stopped glowing. "You sure know how to make an entrance, Avalon."

[sarcasm]*Gasp* What a surprise![/sarcasm]
What do you guys think? More coming soon!

This post has been edited by P-girl: Apr 28 2007, 12:46 PM
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Palladium fangir...
post Apr 28 2007, 7:01 PM
Post #6

Tynix Fairy

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Joined: April 7 2007
From: reading a book with Palladium



The last two banners came from this site: http://www.janime.info/Genex/introduct.html

This is my shout out to Fullmoon, P-Girl, and Anime Princess:You're awesome nobody hurt them ok otherwise there will be consequences
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post Apr 28 2007, 10:13 PM
Post #7

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Behind a PC

It may sound like bragging, but it gets even better. icon_mrgreen.gif

Chapter 4: No name.

"I couldn't stay behind, not with knowing you were in danger." Avalon said, as he laid a hand on Palladium's shoulder, but retracted it when he noticed the hiss of pain. "Let me see that." He said, as Palladium turned around, giving the Paladin a better look at the fracture. Securing the elf's arm with one hand, Avalon placed the other on the injurie. "This will sting a little." He said, and applied pressure on the injury, while making healing energy float into it. Palladium couldn't hold back a whimper, and proceeded to cradle his arm when Avalon released him. "I suggest you don't move it until a few days later, mending isn't my strongest field." HE said, slightly apologetic.
"Thanks..... for everything." Palladium said softly. "What do we do now?"
"Erhm.... Avalon couldn't answer that. His departure from Alfea was kind of rash, and he hadn't taught about what to do after that.
"Well, we can't go back to Alfea, Ankor will look for us there first." Palladium continued. "We can't stay here either, since Ankor will surely be back once he changed his soiled boxers..... How did a coward like that ever managed to be a General of the Hawkeyes?"
"Maybe we should ask something who knows all about the Hawkeyes." Avalon suggested, and Palladium agreed wholeheartedly.
"Yes, we should do that. If anyone knows more about what the hell is going on, it's my father. And maybe.... just maybe we can even put an end to this." He said. "I'm sick and tired of walking in the shadows of this whole situation. We should go to Athryell and just see it with our own eyes!" Palladium looked fiercely determined, and Avalon couldn't help but smile.
"Good, but first things first; how do we get in Athryell?" He asked.
"Ankor mentioned something about a portal to Athryell. If we find that, we might get there...." Palladium commented. "And don't worry." He said when Avalon opened his mouth. "Ancient Elven portals can only be handled in certain forest areas, which are mostly deserted due to their sacred state, we shouldn't run in to much trouble."
"Good, you're the elf here." Avalon joked. "So.... which way?"
"Back to the road and follow it. Let's go." And the two started walking.

Ankor walked trough the dark hallways of Athryell castle. Before the takeover, this was a place bustling with all kinds of elves, bright and colorfull as the interior, but ever since the take-over, it was now a dark and gloomy building, with nothing but the occasional enslaved soldier walking by. He stopped at the throne room. The vast, near empty room was even darker, a large, square table in the middle with many throne-like chairs. On the chairs sat elder elves, all in some sort of trance, their heads connected by glowing red strings of dark magic. Only one person wasn't connected with this.
"Uhm, my liege?" Ankor asked, slightly bowing. The said person stood up. Altough covered with dark-red robes, this thin and tall person was obviously female.
"Ankor, your operation was supposed to be SECRET!" The person yelled. "Secret as in nobody would find out! You imbecile! Now the elf knows we're after him!"
"But.... My liege, I..... He..... The elf had some help from this ethereal creature. An angel! There is no way we can beat that!" Ankor begged, cowering.
"Of course we can." The woman cut him off. "But.... not the Hawkeyes, their minds have to be enslaved, but it brings forth hassle if being commanded by an incompetent fool." She started walking, a slightly sputtering Ankor behind her. "But then again, you can hardly be secret with a horde of archers. I think we should send.... some profesional." Their walk led them to the dungeons of the castle. They used to be fairly empty. Now they were full with people who obviously weren't criminals..... All but one cell. There was a cell, even deeper then the normal cells, being bolted shut by two thick metal doors.
"Uhm... are you sure this is a good idea?" Ankor asked, as the woman opened the first door. "Those elves probably put who-or whatever is in there for a reason, you know?"
"Ankor, I've studied this prisoner even before I became a threat, I know how I should handle him." And she opened the second door. Inside of the cell, absolute darkness reigned. But once the eyes of Ankor adjusted, he could see chains, many chains, all leading towards the centre. And there it sat.... The figure was human, sitting hunched over, the most prominent feature were the elven ears and the massive amount of wild, silver hair. A rat scuffled by, and in a flash, a filthy clawed hand appeared, grabbing the creature before dragging it to the hunched figure. Ankor winced at the sound of loud squeeling, being ended by sickening cracks and the sound of munching.
"Charming...." Ankor said, the robed woman approached the shadowy figure, who was still busy with devouring the rat.
"Say.... How does the rat taste?" The robed woman asked the shadow. She got some agreeing grunts in reply. "How would you like to have even better meat? Like that of a cow, a pig, or even.... an angel?"
"Angel.... meat?" A voice suddenly sounded, raspy from years of neglect, and with no sign of sanity whatsoever.
"Yes Angel meat. I will free you and give you some directions. You will do as I say, and you will get anything you want, you can slaughter and eat anything you want, and I will free you from this place. What do you say?"
"Yessssss." The voice rasped. "Freedom, blood, death and meat....." The woman chuckled at this, as she released the chains with a wave of her hand.
"Good, consider that a deal, Minar."
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Palladium fangir...
post Apr 29 2007, 2:50 AM
Post #8

Tynix Fairy

Group: Members
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From: reading a book with Palladium

I'm feeling sad for Palladium if I was there I'd GGGGRRRRRR

*punches dent in metal beside

How'd this metal get here


The last two banners came from this site: http://www.janime.info/Genex/introduct.html

This is my shout out to Fullmoon, P-Girl, and Anime Princess:You're awesome nobody hurt them ok otherwise there will be consequences
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post Apr 29 2007, 8:57 AM
Post #9

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Behind a PC

Hehe, I'm glad you're feeling sympathy for the main character.
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post May 1 2007, 7:55 PM
Post #10

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Behind a PC

"Here we are! Welcome to Atrh....y....ell...." Palladium said, stepping out of the gate. His enthusiasm soon turned into horror as he saw how his dimension fared. The forest they were in was nothing but dead fauna and strange black vines, making it look desolate. "By Dryad..... what happened here?" He said, still horrified. "The forests of Athryell are some of the most beatifull in the magical dimensions.... What have they done to it?! What made them think that they had the right to....!" He ranted, as Avalon laid a hand on his shaking shoulder.
"I know it's terrible, but we have to find your father. Maybe he has prepared for a counter-attack." He said, this made Palladium calm down, but his eyes kept that furious glow. He turned around suddenly.
"I can feel him....." Palladium said. "Now that we're in the realm of the elves, I can feel his magical energy. Hold my hand, We're going towards him." Palladium said, holding out his uninjured hand. Avalon took it, and the two closed their eyes as Palladium mustered his magic, and the two of them transformed into a flurry of leafs, before dissapearing completely.

In the trees of the dead forest, a dark entity with wild silver hair screeched in disaproval as he saw the two dissapear.
When the two teachers appeared again, they were once more in a forest, but this one was slightly less dead, and there was even the sound of birds tjirping.
"Good, he should be around here somewhere. Come and help me look." Palladium said, as the two started searching the forest for signs of life.
"You know...." Avalon started, after they've searched for quite a while. "If your father really is part of some sort of rebellion, we would've noticed something by now."
"Like what?" Palladium asked.
"You know, guards, some sort of life." An arrow flew from somewhere in the trees, and if Avalon wouldn't have ducked, he would've been dead. "Or an ambush."
"Outsider!" Someone from the trees yelled. "Get out of here! Get out of Athryell!"
"Calm down!" Avalon yelled at the voice, spreading his wings just in case. "We come in peace."
"Liar!" Another arrow, and this one actually pinned his sleeve down, yet luckily still not hitting his body.
"Mukin!" Came from the side of the two teachers, all of a sudden. "Stop shooting at random passersby! They might be allies!" Someone yelled, and an elder elf with long gray hair, a face which obviously seen many battles, a green overcoat and red pants. But his strictness changed into surprise when he saw who were the strangers. "Palladium?" The elder elf said. "Palladium is that you?"
"Father!" Palladium yelled, hugging the older elf, who happily returned it. "Father! I'm so glad you're okay!"
"I'm glad you're well to." Palladium's father asked, and they broke the hug. "The last news our spies had, was that you were arrested for treason...."
"I was, but I managed to escape, with a little help from my colleague, Avalon." Palladium gestured towards the Paladin. "Avalon, this is my father, Amon, father, this is Avalon." The two people shook hands.
"Well met." Amon said, smiling slightly. There was a rustle in the trees, and a young elf with olive green leather armor and a bow made it's way down. His hair was blonde, braided, and his slightly round features suggested he hasn't undergone his 'evolution' yet. "This little critter here is Mukin." He said. "Unfortunately..... the only royal archer still at my side." Amon said, his head down.
"But.... what happened? Why are the Hawkeyes with these creatures? Who are they? And why did they take over?"
"Those are questions I can answer, at least most of them.... But let's do that somewhere more..... secretive, shall we?" And Amon beaconed towards the forest.

A/N: Hope you guys don't mind if I took a few shortcuts. I had quite an exessive scene of Avalon and Palladium gathering information to search for Amon. But then there was this error message and *poof* Two hours of work completely gone...... ah well, I hope it was still enjoyable.
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Palladium fangir...
post May 5 2007, 2:38 AM
Post #11

Tynix Fairy

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From: reading a book with Palladium

Awwwwwww what a nice reunion


The last two banners came from this site: http://www.janime.info/Genex/introduct.html

This is my shout out to Fullmoon, P-Girl, and Anime Princess:You're awesome nobody hurt them ok otherwise there will be consequences
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post May 8 2007, 8:31 PM
Post #12

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Behind a PC

"So, what has exactly happened?" Avalon asked, as the four of them made their way to the rebel campment. Lots of white tents with elves in it, most of them armed to their teeth, there were archers, magicians, blade wizards and sworddancers. Amon guided them inside one of the tents, and went to a table where several maps and other documents were spread about.
"When I was a general at the Athryell army, not to long ago, a woman suddenly came towards me. She said she was the new queen of the Elves. This is, of course, ridicoulous, as Athryell has been run by a council ever since the beginning. She..... took me from my force, and started to explain that 'things had changed' and that I should 'Help their cause.'" Amon looked down. "I felt something was wrong and I demanded her to take me to the counsil. She did, and....." He clenched his fist. "They're enslaved. The entire council! I tried to ask her what was going on, but it was to late. She had this symbol in her hand, this pentagram." This made Palladium absentmindly trace the scar in his neck. "She said that I had a choice: to either join her at my free will, or she would force me. I.... I just ran.... I managed to escape from the castle, and keep quiet for a while. This was difficult, since my pride and glory; the Hawkeyes, along with the entire elven army, had fallen under her spell. I started to search around, talking to groups that called themselves rebels. Using my military experience, and, truth to be told, my fame, I managed to rally up a force of mercenaries, veterans and eager peasants with a knack for battle, powerfull and organised enough to pose a threat."
"So.... and when are you planning to strike?" Palladium asked.
"Not yet. I still need time to figure out some things. I don't even know with how many there are. We all know there's this 'Ankor', going about being the new general of the Hawkeyes. And there's this 'queen'...." Amon made sure to almost spit out the words 'Ankor' and 'Queen'. "But it's almost impossible for just two people to take over so quick as they did."
"Maybe, but it wouldn't be the first time that a force so small can wreak so much havok." Palladium replied, clearly remembering what three teenage witches called the Trix nearly did three years ago, not to mention Darkar, and Valtor.
"No, there's more..... I can sense it." Amon said. "I fear that the rebels will be in for a rough ride." He sighed, Palladium held his shoulder.
"Don't worry, Avalon and I will help you, as long as you let us." He said. Amon looked down. He never meant to drag his son in all this..... but then again, his son was a gifted blade-wizard, and he could feel Avalon's strong, light magic, altough a little less around the healing part.....
"Your help is needed, and more then welcome. Palladium, Avalon, I welcome you to the rebels."
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Palladium fangir...
post May 18 2007, 7:40 PM
Post #13

Tynix Fairy

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From: reading a book with Palladium

Cool continue please

P.S. Love the new siggy


The last two banners came from this site: http://www.janime.info/Genex/introduct.html

This is my shout out to Fullmoon, P-Girl, and Anime Princess:You're awesome nobody hurt them ok otherwise there will be consequences
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post May 22 2007, 9:09 PM
Post #14

Cosmix Fairy

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From: Behind a PC

Just a quick note:
Sorry for the lack of updates, this is because of 2 reasons;
1. My computer got formatted, this took a lot of time and stress.
2. I'm currently on a Transformers frenzy, and Transformers and Winx doesn't mix. (Altough I did imagine some priceless 'Dude, WTF?!'-faces on Optimus Prime and Starscream, with the Winx girls flying around them.)

But don't worry, as soon as these things are settled, as in the immortal words of the Governator; I'll be back.
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post May 23 2007, 1:38 PM
Post #15

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 3,839
Joined: April 7 2007
From: Germany

WOW!! please countinue!! its cool!


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post May 23 2007, 8:28 PM
Post #16

Cosmix Fairy

Group: Honor Members
Posts: 35,744
Joined: April 7 2007
From: Behind a PC

Computer repaired, Transformer frenzy still there, altough tempered because I can't watch the trailers anymore, on with the story!

The forest was quiet, not a single sound from birds or crickets.
This silence was heavily disturbed by a shadow passing by. Or at least it looked like a shadow, being all dressed in black and running at amazing speed, but it was, in fact, an elf.
Minar, the previous prisoner of the Athryell court, ran trough the forest. His black leather armor in stark contrast with the silver hair and his silver elbow blades, which he used to cut to the vegetation with ease.
After a while he stopped to think. He lost his target, the elf Palladium, almost immediately after he found him. He had been running trough the forest like the madman that he was, but not a trace. But he couldn't stop..... Not only because of the promise of fresh Angel meat, but he wouldn't want to go back to his cell..... his cell where he resided for over a decade, bound in chains.
"No more chains....." He whispered. "No more...." He whispered, before looking up with his silver eyes, and started running again. And despite his lack of rational taught, he knew where he was going.

Okay, that was...... short, I know. I'm still a little blocked.
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Palladium fangir...
post May 24 2007, 7:31 PM
Post #17

Tynix Fairy

Group: Members
Posts: 1,420
Joined: April 7 2007
From: reading a book with Palladium

It's short but I'm starting to understand Minar and I feel sorry for him too


The last two banners came from this site: http://www.janime.info/Genex/introduct.html

This is my shout out to Fullmoon, P-Girl, and Anime Princess:You're awesome nobody hurt them ok otherwise there will be consequences
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