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Enter My Mind
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entry Nov 22 2008, 4:52 AM
Okay, first and foremost: I am not a Twerd (Twilight + nerd). I am merely a fantasy/occult buff. So when someone found out I'd never read the Twilight series, they freaked out:

"You call yourself a fantasy buff?? Go and get that book NOW!"

Aaaannnndddd that's how I ended up reading the entire Twilight saga. In a week.

*massages temples* Vampires, werewolves, and humans... oh my.

All in all, the series was perfect for the very small genre of fantasy/occult/teen romance/drama novels and it managed to catapult the nation (and a few others) into a vampire feeding frenzy.

Right. I'll stick to my witches and ghosts, thanks.

But right, onto the movie. I happened to enter a local raffle at my neighborhood library and ended up winning a free ticket (two, actually, as the event happened, but I gave up the second one to a girl who really wanted one) to see the 7:40 show at a REALLY posh theater. Since I'm the world's second-biggest teen cheapskate, I said "What the heck?" and went to see it. Now, I feel compelled to review. Here goes:

TWILIGHT (2008) starring Rob Pattinson and Kristin Stewert, is a film adaptation of the bestselling novel by Stephenie Meyers that involves a human girl who literally moves to the middle of nowhere and ends up meeting and falling for the dangerously handsome (not my wording) vampire, Edward Cullens. Trouble ensues when she discovers the danger of being surrounded by such creatures...

And that's all I'll tell you.

Okay, film aspect review:
-Acting: I give it an A-
I don't understand why everyone was freaking out about Rob Pattinson getting cast as Edward, because I thought he did rather well. Kristin Stewert's Bella was better than the book in my opinion. She was tough, loud, and opinionated. Perfect. =) The supporting cast was also very convincing. I in particular enjoyed Rosalie, Jessica, and Charlie's actors' performances. They really brought the characters to life. And if I remember correctly, Stephenie Meyer expressed a lot of happy reactions to the choices in casting... so give it a rest, people!
-Technical: I give it a B overall
--Special effects: WHOA! If anyone remembers the part about Meyer's vampires sparkling in the sunlight, you'll be happy to hear that that aspect was not skimped over in the movie. I mean, WOW. Glitter central, right there. However, the whole sparkle noise sound effect was kind of annoying, and the super-speed sequences were a bit... er... unsophisticated.
--Filming: Some very good shots and angles. Like the final scene at the prom as the camera descends upon the reflecting pool. Also, the meadow scene. The sets were awesome. They didn't skimp on that, either.
-Plot: I give it a B+
Sure, some changes had to be made to adapt the book into a movie. The staff omitted some scenes that were unnecessary, like Alice's origins and so on, and added some stuff to it, like Rosalie's overtly hostile reaction to protecting Bella, and also the fight scene. (I was really happy that they didn't just have Bella black out at that part - the fight scene was AWESOME! I was waiting the WHOLE MOVIE just to get to that part!! ^-^) But, as with the choice in cast, Stephenie Meyer gave her approval for the writing. She was watching over this project from the start. Don't start ragging on the plot changes, because Stephenie Meyer gave her blessing. End of story.

Film rating overall: B

Not as good as the Harry Potter adaptations (but then again, I was a Potter maniac before Twilight was even a dream in Stephenie Meyer's head) and not nearly as epic as LOTR, but good enough to satisfy a bunch of drooling fangirls ranging from the age of ten to thirty. Like I said, I'm no Twerd, so I wasn't exactly rabid about this movie in the first place.

Meanwhile, in the audience... well, the first time Pattinson as Edward came onscreen, the whole audience (which was 98% girls, I'm not kidding) screamed. They did that whenever something sweet like a kiss, or embrace, or... well, you get the idea... (Me, however, I laughed at their reactions. I don't think they liked that.) There was a lot of stuff that everyone - including me - was able to laugh at. The movie flowed - though it would probably be easier to follow and understand if the viewer had read the entire book series beforehand (if you can - I know people who gave up after three chapters in book one)

All in all, I'm not saying it was a bad or perfect movie. I'm saying, here's what I think. Go and see it for yourself.

In other news, Majischule book 3 chapter 2 will be up tomorrow, along with new scans (a few chapter covers, yay!) and some fanart of Morrigan's Saori. Check back in!!

~Sayonara, minna!

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