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entry Apr 8 2008, 10:48 PM
Wow, I'm a bit depressed right now.
Today, I was introduced to the Civil Rights movement of the '50's and '60's by means of the story of Emmett Till, a fourteen-year-old boy from Chicago who went down to Mississippi on vacation and never returned home. The widely accepted story is that he whistled at a white woman in a store, and her enraged and Jim-Crow-fueled husband kidnapped, beat, and killed him with the help of his half-brother. Remember, this was the South during the Civil Rights movement, and Jim Crow laws weren't just legislation: they were also a way of life. Till apparently either whistled at a white shopkeeper or spoke to her rather casually, instead of looking at the ground and pretending that he didn't see her. What breaks my heart the most is that his mother actually warned him before he went down to Money, MI. I can't get the images of his funeral out of my head...
God, humans are scary.
This is the reason I'm a cartoon and anime freak: most of the time - at least in the shows I watch - the good guys come out winners and the bad guys get their deserves. The two men who killed Till weren't even convicted: the jury deliberated for a little more than an hour before acquitting him. That means that they got of scot-free.
It makes me sick.
People, I have one creed that my mother made sure to hammer into me when I was young, and after seeing atrocities like the Holocaust and Operation Condor, I have made it my Golden Rule:
Hate crimes are still going on today, and there still isn't total equality even in THIS country. What was that Jefferson wrote? "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"? Hmph. Only for European-white, Christian, straight men.
Take my word for this: No one is safe until EVERYONE is safe. The same thing goes for freedom and equality. And NO ONE is permitted to take the life of another. No exceptions.
That's it. Sorry if this depresses anyone else. I just hope it lights a fire in some people. I still dream of a perfect world...
Well, time to do more boring stuff. Sayonara, everyone, and peace to all.

entry Apr 6 2008, 10:02 PM
Well, the weekend is over and I have to start getting up early again for *shudders* educational purposes. Goodbye freedom... hello midterm papers and exams. -_- It was fun while it lasted. Not only do I have to go to bed much earlier than before (even before I was on vacation!!) I have to get up at around 5 A.M. Not fun. There's only so much I can do with, oh, I dunno, eight hours of sleep... but if I ever get into the career path that I so deeply desire, I'll consider this insane schedule worth it (at least a little).
YAAAAAAWWWWWNNNN sleep.gif I already can't wait until next weekend.
For all of you classical music nerds out there, here's something to make you split your sides:
I've watched it about twenty times and it still cracks me up. This guy has a really good sense of humor, and the song he's ranting about happens to be one of my favorites. I still laugh whenever I hear the songs he mentioned. You'll be surprised and become utterly paranoid (and start hearing the Canon everywhere).
That' all I got, folks. Sayonara~!

entry Apr 6 2008, 2:00 AM
WAAAH my vacation is almost overrrrr... ;_;
Well, there's nothing I can do about it. I have to finish two essays for the same day (this Monday) and I have to practice my Espa~nol (I know that the tilde is supposed to be over the "n". I get it) ...AAANNNYWAYYYY:
DANG I wish I were psychic.
I know, it's random, but it would be so cool to be psychic. Plus, I could use psychic abilities to help solve crimes and unsolved cases. That would be so awesome - the ultimate pay-it-forward. It can seem morbid, but honestly, I feel like there isn't enough justice and divine retribution in the world. If I could have any gift, it would be ESP. I promise that I wouldn't use it to cheat on tests or anything, but I'd totally try to help out others.
The reason that I was prompted to write this is because I've been watching reruns of some cool shows about psychic investigators. The fact that some people get away with such heinous crimes makes me feel sick. I grew up on a steady diet of justice (only recently have I experienced favoritism among siblings and fellow pupils icon_razz.gif) and the very idea that a murderer can get away with his crime and leave the family of the victim with no answers and a whole bunch of grief...
Well, that's the reason I'm a storyteller. I get to write my own happy endings. So there, nyaaaah! X-P
I've been hard at work - I'm so proud of myself! ^.^ I finally finished coloring a picture I've had sitting around for about a month or so now. It looks much better than I thought it would end up. I loved it in black in white, but in color it looks so much more vibrant. I'll try to upload it, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to work my scanner. It's new, and I can't figure out how to get rid of this weird line that shows up on it. It's really frustrating! >.< But I really like it, and it's for my fanfiction... which I probably will never finish. -_- It's a lot of fun to work on, though.
I feel the need to rant. My world is so screwy... see, I have this guy-friend that really, really likes me. I've explained to him that I just want to remain friends with him, but he's extremely persistent. It's kind of tearing me in two. He's really unstable at times, and I have to be cautious around him. I know that anything can happen, but I hope that I can prevent it. I know that scorned men should be treated with a lot of care, so I'll tread carefully.
My brother's insight into one of my friend's latest actions is that he's desperately trying to get me to reconsider. He's making me nervous, and I trust my instincts. He knows I'd kick his keester if he tried anything on me. I'm supposedly a scary person if you get me mad. His friend thinks I'm a "psycho" and I'm afraid I haven't done much to change his mind - due to the fact that I know many pressure points on the human body and took self-defense classes (which I enjoyed because I got to throw and tackle people). But that's not the point. The point is that I feel like he's become too infatuated with me. I've told him a million times that he can take interest in someone else, but he's stubbornly holding onto hope that I'd consider dating him. I have no idea what to do about him.
On a happier note, I seem to have finally experienced a semi-crush. It's still hazy, so I won't put much here. The closest I've ever gotten to a crush is the one I had on Harry Potter in fourth/fifth grade. blush.gif

Well, that's that. Thats' all I got here.

*~*~* SUMMARY OF WHAT I LEARNED TODAY: too many house cleaning substances stink something awful, a dog's tummy can be upset by a messed-up feeding schedule, and psychic investigators can and ought to make this world a better place.

entry Apr 5 2008, 12:43 AM
*headdesk* I cannot for the life of me figure out how to upload a new personal photo!! It keeps going back to the one I had up until now. Does anyone know how to fix it? I've tried deleting it, scaling down the other one I've been using, and so on.
Technology: A blessing and a burden.
Yay it's better. ^.^ But I left the above quote becuz it's true.

entry Apr 4 2008, 4:12 PM
Well, I'm back on Magix Club again. Yay!
Uuuggghhh school is such a bore. I probably wouldn't be able to stand it if it weren't for the fact that I'm currently taking a vacation. Yay. Honestly, though, one would hope for better weather when their vacation is happening. I'm so sick of rain. -_- I just want to get my rollerblades out and run a few people down on the street! But NOOOO, I have to stay inside and do homework, interact with *shudders* my family, and play the Sims! (Well, that's not too bad ^.^)
I'm incredibly sore at the moment due to an overkill on physical activity and at the moment, I'm typing in the position of a very complicated yoga pose. Gods bless laptops!
Oh, that's right, no one really knows me well. Uh...
Name: you can call me Linnea, Lii, or LadyLii
Home: you don't need to know. Seriously. It's incredibly boring here. Not kidding.
Hobbies: anime and fantasy. I have a ton more, but that would take too long to write out.
What's playing right now on my media player: Don't Let Me Get Me by Pink
What I'm reading now: Odd Thomas (good book!)
Current projects: Chronicles of the Lost Goddess
Favorite color: Orange and gold
Faerie sign: Hippogriff
Elemental alignment (not kidding): Ether (?? No idea what this is)
Favorite artist: Ayumi Hamasaki (all hail!)
Favorite movie: Jim Henson's LABYRINTH (not Pan's Labyrinth, folks)
Favorite anime: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Favorite non-anime: WinX Club! (duh!)
Favorite manga: BSSM and Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden
Favorite non-manga: W.I.T.C.H.
Favorite book: The Da Vinci Code (that soundtrack is AWESOME!!!)
Favorite series: AvALon: Web of Magic (all of you should read that, too) and Harry Potter (YAY!!)

Well, that's it. Warning: that was just a mere PEEK into my mind.
And now, I bid you a fond Adieu. *blows kiss* Sayonara!

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