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Posted on: Apr 18 2016, 10:39 PM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

As touched upon, I'd also be interested in helping chip in!
  Forum: Ideas · Post Preview: #466372 · Replies: 18 · Views: 68,675

Posted on: May 4 2015, 11:10 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I would be absolutely up for a reunion...I was logged on yesterday for nostalgia reasons and I realized how much I missed this place. In a sappy moment, you guys were some of my best friends when I had very few people to turn to in real life, so I really will always love this place.

Annnnnd, I'll show myself the door for making it weird O^O
  Forum: Other Announcements · Post Preview: #465472 · Replies: 23 · Views: 13,596

Posted on: Jan 11 2014, 4:34 PM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I just saw it today and I loved it and the music and bby Idina and Groffles were so great aw ;_; I just...liked it a lot. The theatre I went to today with my friend was packed, but I think I'm going to go see it alone again at a quieter cinema lol

I somewhat have to agree with P-girl on the Anna thing. Although I personally liked her, I did feel she was just a tad...pandery toward the Jennifer Lawrence aodring internet Tumblr type who adopt social awkwardness as some kind of cute flaw. Like P-girl, I take personal issue with the whole glorification of it that's cropped up particularly in the past few years. As I said though, I did like her.

Overall, however, I loved it, and I loved the aversion of other cliches particularly.
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #462653 · Replies: 11 · Views: 4,919

Posted on: Jan 2 2014, 2:00 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

First thing I drank: Vodka whoops
First thing I typed: whatever I first googled that night/next morning
First thing I said: Happy new year!
First website I visited: Facebook
First Youtube video I watched: A communitychannel video
First thing I ate: barbecue fooods
  Forum: Miscellaneous · Post Preview: #462489 · Replies: 4 · Views: 7,451

Posted on: May 31 2013, 7:46 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

It's only just come out in Australia and seeing as my class JUST did a study of it, we're all going to see it after exams~ I've been waiting for ages (I'd read the book before, making the assessment super easy whoops) but it looks awesome ehehehe
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459787 · Replies: 8 · Views: 4,535

Posted on: May 4 2013, 6:48 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Heh, he goes on for like 50 pages about Napoleon and the battler at Waterloo. He can ramble. He goes on for a similar amount of time about the aesthetics of Paris in Notre Dame De Paris.
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459539 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 28 2013, 2:16 PM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Go see it in London it is perfect ahh...seriously, the theatre makes a difference. It's a nice intimate show in a small London theatre *_*

There are a handful of really good stage Cosettes, but most don't act outside of what they're given in the musical - which isn't much. She's much better in the book. Amanda is up there with the stage Cosettes.

Marius is a real jerk in the book. I like Enjolras all around better, far better.
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459436 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 26 2013, 6:47 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I'm torn whether to love Anthony Warlow or Aaron as Enjolras now more...I've seen Anthony live in the Phantom of the Opera (as the Phantom) and he's Australia but Aaron is so precious what do

And yeah, I liked Eddie as Marius...because Marius is basically a clueless-in-love dork and we love him for it. I thought Eddie did that well.

And yes omg Anne was amazing! Everyone at first was naysaying her (because they either hadn't bothered or were ignoring her past phenomenal live performances floating around youtube but I knew she'd be great and she was and I was pleasantly surprised by Amanda. I liked her Cosette too. I got more of a sense of book!Cosette than stage!Cosette, which is good, because stage!Cosette can sometimes be not much more than a pretty face and ah

Actually, Samantha Barks was the Eponine I saw in London and she's even improved so much since then I love her *_*
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459312 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 25 2013, 12:24 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Don't get started on the number of Japanese recordings tho omg they really love. Really.

Sigh I don't know how you feel in the case of Les Mis bc the last time it was in Australia was before I was born, so I forgive myself bc I can't help that and I saw it in London but I do know how you feel bc I was in London during Jan/Feb 2011 and My Chemical Romance did their huge Wembley Arena show (that according to tumblr and stuff was super fantastic and a milestone for them and super memorable and publicized bc it was so big and w/ever) while I was there but I only became a fan a month later icon_sad.gif((((( so I do know how you feel just not musical wise concert wise sigh~

But yes soon you'll have encyclopedic knowledge of Les Mis just like the rest of us Mizzies and it'll consume your life and your bookshelves...I have DVDs of heaps of the different movie versions, the CDs, the concerts, the book and I have no regrets. Not one.
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459249 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 23 2013, 6:00 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Yes yes the decision about Les Mis English recordings are difficult because you now have five major English recordings not counting the movie sighs.

I have them all Ditty what is my life what is it I ask

Its especially hard since I like different people from each recording it's like I want Colm from Tenth, Frances from London, Rebecca from London, Anthony from Complete Symphonic, Phillip from Tenth and so on and it sucks bc I want my dream recording ;_;
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459182 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 22 2013, 8:53 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I love Aaron on a frightening level idk man I discovered him in Next To Normal then he was cast in the Les Mis movie and I just want to hug him seriously i love him as much as I love band members ie a kinda scary amount not even sorry

I bow down to Les Mis Ditty I am v. v. pleased that you've seen the light

That sounds like me ditty I have the French concept album/original one whatrever (which is super weird they didn't bother with the prologue bc all the French people knew the story so when they brought it to England they had to readd the prologue sigh) and the French recording and all the Japanese recordings of the show and all the English ones and the film soundtrack and i just

Yes yes you are now my spirit animal no arguements just go with it
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459077 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 21 2013, 1:44 PM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Ditty I do not like Russell bc I have been spoiled with the lovely Phillip Quast and Norm Lewis (I've even met Norm he's so nice ahh) you soon will too I prOMISE

I love everything about Aaron Tveit he's a beautiful man sorry not sorry and when he was cast as Enjy I was like A+ helps my boyshipping with Grantaire

The book is a beautiful doorstop seriously I couldn't hold it up when I first read it with my tiny 13-year-old arms sighs at my life
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #459064 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Apr 14 2013, 11:30 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I could talk about Les Mis forever ok I loved it since I was like eleven and I found out about it originally and the movie was perfect.

Except for Russell Crowe
  Forum: Movies · Post Preview: #458938 · Replies: 25 · Views: 12,066

Posted on: Jan 3 2013, 10:56 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

First thing I drank: Pepsi, probably...maybe cordial? :3
First thing I typed: Happy fricken new year to my friends in a mass text
First thing I said: Woo! Happy new year!
First website I visited: Facebook/Tumblr
First Youtube video I watched: Either one linked to Facebook or Tumblr that I don't recall, or this original song my friend at school recorded.
First thing I ate: Garlic bread at new years lunch, I think...I might have had fruit earlier
  Forum: Miscellaneous · Post Preview: #457430 · Replies: 5 · Views: 5,124

Posted on: Dec 19 2012, 11:48 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Alrighty then, how about around Boxing Day to the 28th?
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #457208 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Dec 13 2012, 7:57 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

That week could probably work! Is everyone cool with that week? I'd put it at around the same time, and if you're all still on holiday then, we can possibly put it on a weekday? I can do every day that week except for Boxing Day, I have work that day AND Les Mis is coming out so~
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #457109 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Dec 6 2012, 11:10 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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AMBULANCE - My Chemical Romance
  Forum: Music · Post Preview: #456841 · Replies: 13040 · Views: 785,194

Posted on: Dec 6 2012, 11:09 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

How about we do it in January then? I've now got a party on the 15th, and I'd usually blow it off, especially considering I have work Sunday morning, but it's honestly not one I want to miss because the host is moving soon and he throws fantastic parties and I think it would mean a lot to him for as many people to go as possible considering recent events in his life~~~

So, how does everyone feel about postponing it?
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456840 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Dec 5 2012, 5:23 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Would December 15th 7pm gmt, work for you guys? If not, I'll go back to the drawing board :3 I want to try to get everyone. Then it could go for like an hour and a halfish?

Or else, we could do it in January, I'm feeling that would perhaps be easier, as I now have a lot going on on that weekend tbqh?
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456761 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Nov 27 2012, 2:52 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Ack, so it's totally Tuesday but I was thinking the 15th or the 16th? Everyone is roughly available then and I can try to schedule it so it would fit around work for others, bc I'm on holidays and I like staying up late/all night and yah otherwise everyone seems available, so give me times for those dates and I'll run with it!
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456624 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Nov 23 2012, 10:23 PM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I was pretty well intending it for December actually, since everyone has a holiday then, but I just like to put dates aside xDDD.
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456521 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Nov 23 2012, 10:04 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

I'll set to organising ASAP then! I can't tonight or this weekend, I have work and a friend's birthday this weekend, and tonight I'm fairly emotionally drained (I attended the funeral of a friend's mother today, so it's all pretty sad), buuuuut I have Monday and Tuesday off, so if you guys all let me know your availability I can work something out?
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456491 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Nov 21 2012, 1:48 PM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Well, awesome! I'll try to figure something out re dates, but I am rubbish at time zones, so I'll keep y'all posted!
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456378 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Nov 20 2012, 2:48 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Um so I don't know if y'all remember but a few years ago we discussed doing a Skype group call? But we vetod because i guess we were a little young. Well, I was thinking we could do a chat on tinychat! It's webcam, but it also has a chat so if you don't want to webcam or aren't allowed you can just chat and even the webcam is super customizable so you can choose to only turn on your microphone but have no picture and I figured since we're all a bit older and newer members can have that option id throw it out there of y'all are comfortable with that. Idk, I guess if enough people are on board with the webcam thing and then others can particpate in the chat or whatever.
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456287 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

Posted on: Nov 19 2012, 5:20 AM

Cosmix Fairy

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From: A Land Down Under

Hola amigos/amigas!

As some of you know, my name is Kate and people pretty started calling me as such instead of my Username IDEK when but whatever trevor. I started watching Winx when I was like nine which kind of makes me want to cry because now I'm seventeen and I don't want to grow uuuuupppppo icon_sad.gif((((. I reside in Straya M8 in the third biggest city and it's nice yes. Um I'm not honestly all that into Winx Club anymore, but I still love the older series because not only did it occupy most of my preteen/early teen life all the memories here keep it close to my heart aw. My favourite characters are Tecna, Bloom, Musa and Darcy and sort of Layla but who even knows now~

Nick names are nice.

I otherwise enjoy cats, coffee and bands. Bands like My Chemical Romance who are my number one babies/heros/ omg I love them so much, Marianas Trench (shout out to Tea for introducing me to them in our Kaeria stanning roleplay days. They are my second babies), Blink-182 (WHO I GET TO SEE IN FEBRUARY OMG), Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Cobra Starship, The Academy Is..., Green Day, Midtown, Marilyn Manson, Paramore, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Queen, The Beatles, Bowie, Bob Dylan, Oasis, The Used, The Killers and the list literally goes on forever and ever ok so~

I also like musicals like Phantom and Les Mis and Wicked and Chicago and West Side Story and basically every musical ever and Doctor Who and Sherlock and Harry Potter and Kingdom Hearts and Friends and Glee and Skins and Pepsi Max and Sailor Moon and Labyrinth and roleplaying but I don't have that much time for that and Tumblr x1000.

Um this forum was my life a few years ago and having you guys always helped me through really hard times because it was like wow someone from some random little pocket of the world cares about me yay!!! Ily guys ok bye.

Um, I miss you guys though~

I actually have an idea of a Shoutbox Ball type thing that we discussed a few years ago but turned down but maybe people would be more comfortable now bc older so IDK if you wanna know Holla at me?
  Forum: Introduction · Post Preview: #456214 · Replies: 59 · Views: 7,014

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