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Misha's Bloggie
Rating 5
entry May 9 2010, 4:51 PM
I'll Be Your Music

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

I started longingly at the clock, every minute dragging along with the drone of the teacher's voice about our times tables. I tried to grab on through my daze; 2x1=2, 2x2=4, 2x3=6, 2x4=9... No... wait, who's pulling my hair?

Annoyed, I span around and faced the hair-puller. It was Rejje, with a sheepish grin on his face.

"What do you want, Rejje?" I snarled in a whisper.

“Where is your Mom?" He dared.

Suddenly, the bell for the end of the day went off. The kids shrieked with joy and poured out the classroom with content of having no homework or assignments to complete since it was Saturday tomorrow. Rejje also ran off. I, however, couldn't move or speak, my heart almost stopped beating. My Mathematics teacher looked up from her desk, "Are you okay, Musa?" she asked with a concerned voice.

"Yes, Miss. Just tired," I lied, wiping my burning eyes. I took my time standing up and packing my things, with my teacher's eyes hanging over me. Slowly - and in daze, I wandered out the classroom.

My house appeared down the slope as soon as I climbed over the hill. The hill was full of daisies, tickling my legs and rustling in the wind. The sky had turned into a soft pink and orange, and the sun was about to sink in the sea. It had begun to get late; I had taken the long way, avoiding every cemetery. Plus, dad didn't fetch me and I waited for an hour before I started to walk back home. As I descended down the hill, dread and curiosity started to rush over me. What was dad up to?

I opened the door that leads into the dark hallway of my home, faintly lit by the dying light outside. A wind trickled through, making the wind chimes that hung from the ceiling send calming sounds echoing down the hall and through my head. I enjoyed the sound for a moment, such a harmony... such wonderful, wonderful music. Suddenly, the dorm slammed behind me due to the wind and everything plummeted in darkness. I jumped and heard a groan come from the lounge. Fearfully, I looked down the dark hallway and shakily ran my fingers against the cold wall, in search of a light switch. Found it. The lights flashed a few times before the room sprang into colour and life. The groan sounded again and I crept silently near the lounge. I'll turn the ghost into a toad, I thought, feeling brave inside. I learnt that spell from Leon... but I never tried it before. After a hesitation, I jumped from the hallway and into the lounge, crying, "BOO! I'll turn you into a toa... dad?

My Dad, was sprawled over the couch, with ripped paper with things written on them, all over him and the room. He groaned again and faced the roof, now, beginning to loudly snore. I sighed, half-relived and half-disappointed. At least dad didn't smash any more instruments and my flute was safe! But what on earth is this paper? Funeral bills? I bent over to pick up a small torn piece; there were horizontal lines in the background and a quaver with a rest by its right side. Of, course! It was a sheet of music! But who did it belong too?

I tiptoed around the room, collecting the torn pieces, wanting to try identify the sheet. Finally, I made out a few consecutive notes and I instantly knew who this belonged to. It belonged to my mom.


I found myself asleep on the carpet in the lounge with several torn pieces soggy with my salty tears from the previous night. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, my stomach whined and grumbled for food. Wait where is dad? The couch had been left abandoned and the house was deadly silent. I felt myself panic. Surely... he wouldn't leave me on my own? Would he? I sighed, what could I do? I got up weakly to my two feet and trudged into the kitchen. Hopefully, there would be something to satisfy my stomach. I searched hastily through the cupboards - the ones I could actually reach - but couldn't find anything. My mind pang, I was dizzy for food. Finally, I checked the fridge and a loaf of bread caught my eye. My sprits raised and I lunged at it, taking a fierce bite. It felt discomforting and sore as the frozen bread scratched the sides of my mouth when I chewed it. I winced... I was hungry, so it was worth the sacrifice.

After the painful, but some-what filling meal for my morning, I drank a glass of lukewarm water through a plastic glass, the gentle liquid smoothing my dry and scared mouth and throat. Afterwards, I sat in the lounge and lay on the couch. I still felt tired after last night and a nap would do me good. Besides, I had nothing else to do. For a short moment... I actually wished I had homework. I fluttered my eyes closed.

A sudden bang and crack woke me from my dreams. I darted upwards and clutched a nearby pillow. Smash, Clang, Cling, Rip!

The awful sounds came from the music room. My thoughts determined it was robber...

Or... Dad.

Twang! Doof!

Oh no, not again! No! No! No! I raced to the music room, my flute, I shouldn't have left it there! My flute! I skidded at the door and slid to hide behind a shelf. My heart racing and tumbling with emotions of fear, excitement and raw courage. I must save my flute. There, as I peaked, I saw dad banging a Cello against the floor furiously until the string instrument was in pieces and was scattered everywhere. He even stomped on them so hard that the whole room shook. He moved to the next instrument, Mom's violin that Gran-mu made for her. I just watched as he tore the beautiful thing to pieces. Tears leaked from my eyes. Through my misty eyes, I saw my flute...gleaming and showing off's its glorious gold colour in the sun's rays that trickled through the open window. He reached for it...

I don't know what came over me. I ran, as fast as I could. I wasn't going to let him touch my flute. I lunged at it and held it close to my chest. Then, for a few heartbeats, I glanced at my dad. His face was twisted with emotions, fear, surprise and anger... and a sense of lose. As quick as the heart beats, I escaped through the window and fled over the hill of daises. Tears threatened to spill...

Finally, I reached the cemetery. I raced past the gloomy tombstones and my tears flew in the wind. They danced among the falling red leaves as if this place of depression and rest was their ballroom. I collapsed at a tombstone and dropped my flute at the foot of the stone. I wept bitterly.

“I love you Mom. Why did you go?” I asked her, “I wish nothing but for you to come back. Dad misses you, I miss you. My heart of music craves your love...”

Suddenly, a soft breeze whipped around me and a familiar sweet voice whispered in my memory, from the day before she disappeared.

‘I’ll always love you, darling. Even if I’m not there. My love will be present in your soul, life and music. So when you play your flute, I’ll be the magical tone. When you sing, I’ll be your amazing voice. So never stop playing your music and never stop loving me. And remember again, I love you.’

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